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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Tamra has been and will continue to be too adamantly cruel for me to EVER like her. Vicki is unbelievably self absorbed and petty BUT TAMRA... the pure evilness, treachery, vileness, tawdriness,...is beyond my scope of enjoyment.
  2. Well then, hopefully "Production" changes the narratives of Heather, Carol, Ramona,...
  3. Then she needs to forgo reality shows that give the APPEARANCE of sharing your life. Just S-T-O-P whinging about the unfairness of it all.
  4. Really, I do not feel like listening to anyone past their teens whining about being uncomfortable meeting new people. As normal adults, it occurs all of the time. It even involves ASSOCIATING with these new people. Be it--involvement in the capacity as a parent in school functions, being a part of an organization in which one enjoys or an organization for which one has a zeal and passion. And, yes, dealing with new people may involve a JOB especially one that you greedily accepted.
  5. Well, Ned was attempting to spirit away both Sansa and her sister. Upon, learning of the plan FROM Sansa, Cersei hastened her diabolical deeds. The " jailing " of Sansa was a strong impetus for her mother's actions(releasing Jaime, ...). So,yes, Ned's stupidly chivalrous actions led to his doom but Sansa was paddling right along with her own foolhardiness causing havoc.
  6. Well, I do not particularly agree. I mean, really we don't KNOW anything other than what we are "shown ". Despite the rather slimy aspect of her "boy"friend, Dorinda is quite Douchey to him. She has CHOSEN to be with him--why act so callous? And, on camera. She needs to be wary about calling out characters who berate others because she does a fine job herself . Don't want the sandwich DON'T BE WITH the sandwich.
  7. Agree. So very soul wrenching, despairing, and powerful.
  8. Also, this "medieval" setting HELPS aid in the showing of the poor and, oftentimes, offhanded sadistic treatment of females.
  9. If only spoiled, silly Sansa had not trotted off to blab EVERYTHING to Cersei, mayhap, this deluge of familial misery could have been averted. And once attaining power, Cersei has thoroughly destroyed every single advantage gained through her family's harsh, manipulative, and cunning machinations.
  10. All that I can say is(taking a huge breath and exhaling, slowly) Jon and Aarya "BETTER" survive until the end of time.
  11. It is terribly sad about Sansa. However, if she had kept her mouth shut and not blabbed to Cersei, MOST of the familial horrors probably would not have occurred.
  12. I agree, fully. That scene with Dani was worthy of a theatrical release . The timing, movement, coolness--it was a FU moment of greatness even though I do not care for Dani. I find her quite boring BUT THAT SCENE...However, the pitiable scene with Stannis' daughter diminished the WOW factor. Let the flaying of Stannis commence!
  13. Golly! I do the same thing when I view those TMZ photos. The idea that some "in addition to" alteration occurred.
  14. MAYbe this is true or, perhaps, Dorinda is succumbing to the rampant illness of "Housewife Douchery".
  15. Yolanda does appear to have psychological "problems". What exactly they may be...(shrug). For one thing, STOP POSTING PICTURES and if you are that ill, find a reputable physician to oversee your medical protocol. Wow, the number of people lacking both money and/ or insurance who would love to access Yolanda's medical "funds" for themselves, their needy children, pitiable parental situations... I do not think that most in these straits would have "picture parades" whilst focusing on major health problems. Oh, and, by the by, Yolanda IS mean, cunning, peculiar, and, downright weird.
  16. This is true. However, Bethenney's child is not dead. She is experiencing quite a few heavy emotions and stress(esp. in connection to her daughter surrounding her absences) but Bethenny needs to place her sights on a more positive view. Her child is not burdened by life threatening illnesses and the myriad of the harsh medical manipulations therein. Often, Bethenny is able to design her work schedule with her daughter at the forefront. So, yes, people experience LIFE EVENTS differently but Bethenny needs to realize that : Her child is not Ill, thereby escaping an unfathomable fear and exhaustion. And, she does not need this show to provide for her child. I am fairly certain quite a few divorced " single" mothers could not even conceive the FREEDOM in belaying financial and childcare worries. Plenty of parents rarely "see" their children due to working 1, 2, and ,sometimes, 3 jobs. Bethenny has a HEALTHY child --she needs to gain perspective. (My statements are in relation to "bagger's" comments with no negativity and no malice aforethought.) :-)
  17. You are HILARIOUS!! The waxing, the card reader--haha!
  18. Oh, golly! Haha! This is TOO funny! The mental visuals WITH THE ZIPPERS! Whoo!
  19. I think that I will retire from this program's forum. Apparently, for QUITE a number, once one reaches 40 and beyond, well, life becomes tedious and empty(lol)! However, I have enjoyed perusing the comments and giggling (Ha! Ha!).
  20. Brandi was just commencing with her usual tired, tawdry, and vulgar "flirting". She wanted my trekkie superstar to drool and then stroke her ego, er...I mean hand, all the while wondering, murmuring, and querying, "How could ANY man leave you?" (Ugh! Can. Not. Tolerate Her.)
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