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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Yes, toxic. Bethenny♎ laid the foundation for building the impolite, self absorption, Heather Hating acts UNTIL her narrative was suddenly altered to the wise guru of " Bitch Street, N.Y..
  2. Bethenny is hardly one to point out the biases of others. The ENTIRE show has promoted her bias behaviors towards both Kristen and Heather. As far as Dorinda, I stated very early on this forum that her nasty self perceived elevation to/over John at the restaurant demonstrated an ugly character.
  3. "BitcheNINNY" won't receive my sympathy. Heather needs to put the lunatic in her place. Bethenny has made all reliant upon being in her good graces. She created the toxic atmosphere this season. SHE needs to wrest her Fame'ho'ing soul from BRAVO and remove herself from the show.
  4. I just know that I would rather have a sword(Heather) by my side rather than a knife(LuAnn, Dorinda) in my back.
  5. notnowimbusy,I'm truly sorry for your loss. My condolences to you, your husband, and family
  6. Ah, stewedsqash, I was nodding in agreement while reading your comments until (lol)your mention of liking Dorinda(ha!ha!). I find Dorinda to be insufferable and duplicitous.
  7. Frankly, the ridiculously negative edit received by Heather is hardly illustrious of a problematic Heather. However, Andy's desperately positive editing gymnastics on Bethenny's behalf does indicate his foul willingness to destroy the one person, Heather, who appears to enjoy intellectual stimulation and growth as well as the pursuit of rational thought and action. Andy et al needed to diminish the ONLY entrenched competitor to his rather wiley and dark creation--Bethenny.
  8. I do think that J.R. enjoys the bosses' wife being agitated because those acts in turn bother Mauricio. I always got a niggling feeling and fleeting thoughts that J.R. is jealous of Mauricio and enjoyed Brandi's obsession with Kyle and her fanatical "torturing" of Kyle. Really, it appears that J. R.'s relationship with "Tweety Twat" is a liability to the THE AGENCY--insulting and unsavory tweets with THE AGENCY's name attached, publicly maligning THE AGENCY and Mauricio.
  9. Heather is never thanked. Sonja who could have profited handsomely in her toaster oven business venture was woefully thankless to Heather. Heather was more than a good friend as she basically designed ahd executed a marketing campaign for Sonja whilst enduring great "wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth". ●●Also, I believe Heather to be battling Ramona's role as saboteur. LuAnn benefited from Heather's bit o' bossy though helpful nature and ways while fulfilling her role as A FRIEND OF THE SHOW. Rather than slighting or further side-lining LuAnn, Heather deliberately included LuAnn in her varied sundry activities. Despite Ramona's ugly, arrogant,and dismissive antics at Heather's Berkshire home, Heather remained determinedly pleasant to Ramona. With both Bethenny and (ugh)Dorinda, despite depicting Heather's actions as dominating, Heather was attempting helpfulness in her strong way. Heather has experienced unwarranted eerie displays of antipathy from these women. Ramona, Dorinda, Sonja, and LuAnn have somersaulted the truth(s) about Heather, verbally slapped and stabbed Heather with stiletto sharp barbs, impugned her childrearing abilities, and insinuated a lack of couth and education. Yet, Heather has done more for these women than they have done for her and each other. And, to this day, they continue the hostile bombardment unlike Heather's comportment. So, while I would miss Heather, it is best if she bowed out with her dignity and solid reputation intact.
  10. Heather is the one who expresses disassociative behavior? Heather? Wow. Well, Ramona, Sonja, Bethenny, and Dorinda are on a sound mental platform, I guess. Just wow. And LuAnne has certainly never broached divulging others' private information or participated in dirty deeds nor engorged Twitter with insulting diatribes. And, on WWH, she most assuredly did not WRITE AND PERFORM A SONG castigating Heather et al. prior to Heather's appearance. Damn that Heather! She is going to cause the "End Times".
  11. I find it fascinating that Sonja and "others" have berated Heather for ill treatment of Sonja. HEATHER is the only one in that NEST of vituperative women who actually took time, money, and use of industry connections to help her. No one else has done this for Sonja. What did she get in return. Well, let us ponder that for a moment. Um, yes, right, she was heavily criticized by both Sonja and her good caring friend Ramona. Yes, Ramona who has done what for Sonja. Speak up, I can not quite hear. Oh, that's right, Ramona has done absolutely nothing. And, early in the season when Heather was attempting to befriend "Her Highness, Bethenny of the Walls are Up", Bethenny sentenced Heather to execution upon her attempt to explain how she tried to aid Sonja. However, Bethenny later took great pride in her aid to Sonja--having Sonja attend a meeting with her "people". Yeah, boy, that Heather, so utterly, utterly uncaring and selfish. Heather go no further into the light--It's not yet your time.
  12. I have been truly amazed today. The wrath brought down upon Heather over this issue on the program and these boards.Heather has been belittled throughout this season while behaving in a mostly normal fashion. But, as soon as Heather exhibits fragile emotions over a frightening situation, she is bashed. Bashed by the those who are a constant potpourri of craziness, insensitivity, and gauche behavior. Where is the sympathy for Heather that she routinely gives to her showmates? Mayhap, Heather has experienced some form of attack. But, of course Heather did not get a sympathetic ear nor even a simple acknowledgement of her fright. I was attacked at university as a freshman. I was very athletic and ran, not jogged, everyday. ONE day, running through the campus tunnel to enter the track, I was snatched. Literally, snatched off of my feet and placed into a bear hug. Could. Not. Move. I asked the guy point blank if he was going to rape me. As he pressed his disgusting face in my neck, he then began to tell that he had been watching me for weeks and that he loved me and wanted me. There are NO words to describe that deep bitterly frozen fear that my 18year old self endured. Do you know how I escaped,? Well, I allowed him to continue to nuzzle me and breathe his loathsome miasma on me as he discussed how much wanted me. After a bit, his grip relaxed and I lunged and sprinted and sprinted. The strange thing was the ROTC was performing their duties just a few yards away. Yet, in THAT situation, it was of no avail to me. So, yeah, those funny little dismissively pesky sexual attacks can occur anywhere and exceedingly quickly. Heather gets a pass and a touchdown from me. The fear of even thinking about the possibility is sickening. Heather is not insensitive nor dastardly enough for this show. She needs to get out while the gettin' is good.
  13. ☆☆In response to Vicky8765309☆☆ Heather was cool about that because she does NOT care with whom the women had sexual congress including Carol. Heather ONLY cared about the UNEXPECTED "introduction" to a STRANGE(er) NAKED man near her room. She was startled and frightened because SHE DID NOT KNOW HE WAS PRESENT. The morals/ethics comments were directed at the idea of a male stranger nude in the house without their knowledge and with no indication of the "claimant". Heather was not stating her mores,...were better--just different She was startled and frightened. HHeather did not have the need to not be cool about Carol and some psychedelic gummi bear. She was not interested in these women's personal sex lives and devices therein. She was SCARED at seeing a STRANGER NAKED in HER ABODE upon awakening with no warning, information... Just because you hear loud music does not indicate male voices are an accompaniment. And, if she did hear the male or male-like voices, so what. It does not pertain to leaving a nude male stranger like refuse near the women who did not swing from the chandelier with him. Wow, leave a note at the least.
  14. Heather's departure is not similar to Dina nor Adrienne. Dina had a convoluted situation of ex husband/child authorization troubles, family dysfunction--Dina's spoiled familial coercion attempts, and upcoming divorce. Adrienne and Paul attempted to utilize their deep coffers and entailed powers to quash sensitive information that was vindictively spewed by a nasty nitwit. Whereas, I believe Heather truly just felt f_ _ _k it. Monetarily, SHE EARNS quite a tidy sum through her business with hubby's loving partnership. I think that her leave is voluntary and professional. And, unlike Dina and Adrienne, I do not believe that she will be hungrily circling/hovering Andy's menagerie of fools.
  15. What? Really. Heather divorced and lonely? Hmm, let us see: LuAnne=divorced+lonelyish(69)+hypocrisy Ramona=divorced+lunacy+liar+Mario"please return" lonely Sonja=divorced+(69x2)lonely+"mad as a( damn) hatter Bethenny= divorced+bitter+angry+"walls up" lonely Dorinda= Eh, Michelin star "Brown Noser" *in response to a comment that disappeared
  16. Brandi♋ is approximately 6 years to the age of 50. She is the opposite of starlet. JR (?) really irks me.
  17. Heather has remained undaunted in the face of unrelenting hostilities. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show. Also, Heather has dealt with a cacophony of ill educated, ignorant, and poorly disguised venomous women. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show. Furthermore, Heather has been targeted ALL season in a grotesque maelstrom of petty, tiresome, and manufactured attacks on the program as well as in the media. I am glad that she is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show. Finally, after struggling with a coup de theatre led by Bethenny, Ramona's endogenous lunacy, Dorinda's curmudgeonly "whispers" and athletic crumbs, and LuAnne's adept performance of the award-winning "What a Filthy Hypocritical Mind", Heather is leaving this "MUTHAFUCKIN" show. And, I am glad, heartened, and wish her well. :-) #Heather IS cool. Others and their sloppiness, definitely uncool. Holla!
  18. Gee whiz, golly, and jeepers! Why don't we just kill Heather! I feel as if Heather is doling out eternal torments based on many comments. How is Heather's or CAROL'S reaction to a Nude Male Stranger in an adjacent bedroom in any form considered, apparently, reprehensible. Whether one dislikes Heather because she is pushy, because she says "muthafucka", because she grins too much, because, because, because; she in no way deserves this foaming negativity. All of the wretched characters--LuAnn, Ramona, Dorinda, Sonja--have behaved as if Heather tortured them in a pit of dark bitter despair. Heather is certainly not the one who is tedious and wearying. GEESH! ☆☆☆from my post on another thread☆☆☆
  19. Perhaps Vicki did not want Brooks to attend her Mama's funeral and simply blamed the desired omission on the general family.
  20. Gee whiz, golly, and jeepers! Why don't we just kill Heather! I feel as if Heather is doling out eternal torments based on many comments. How is Heather's or CAROL'S reaction to a Nude Male Stranger in an adjacent bedroom in any form considered, apparently, reprehensible. Whether one dislikes Heather because she is pushy, because she says "muthafucka", because she grins too much, because, because, because; she in no way deserves this foaming negativity. All of the wretched characters--LuAnn, Ramona, Dorinda, Sonja--have behaved as if Heather tortured them in a pit of dark bitter despair. Heather is certainly not the one who is tedious and wearying. GEESH!
  21. Exactly. The discussion did NOT arise over the use of curse words but rather the assertion that the word FUCK was more vulgar. That was not implied. It was stated. And, apparently the word originated with P Diddy. Some comments refuted that the word FUCK was any more offensive than the words shit, damn,... that the original author used. It's pointless for the original author to now harp on outrage at hearing the words when the person admitted to using the words themself. Back to the original diatribe per Heather. She does NOT use profanity anymore than many of her workmates nor is any curse word more refined than another. Sorry, WireWrap. I was attempting to quote you.
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