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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Okay, ZaldamoWilder, you, also, receive the "Triple Gold Star".
  2. jaync, totally on point! I shall award to you the "Triple Gold Star".
  3. but I think Kyle backed off because her husband finally said "enough". The kid was injured and that would make me crazy. And this bitch didn't even care. That was horrible and showed a lot about who she is to me. 《CREDITED to Roxy》** ☆ EXACTLY !! Usually, probably. But Kim is CONnected Los Angeles style, and the rough and ready regulations for the rabble may not be applied to her.
  4. Like I have written before...eerie antipathy...toward Heather.
  5. ALL of them, all, proffer UNsolicited opinions. Some do it while in a drunken crumb jete`(ing) haze. Some do it while in the thrall of self perceived greatness and omnipotence while literally screaming, "Shut the fuck up". Some do it because they are sycophants of "The Great Seducer", Satan, sorry, I mean--Andy. And, others, well, perhaps, due to a "helluva" lot of meanness and a frisson of insanity. But, up in each others' fame'ho'ing grills they are--Not just Heather.
  6. I have been known to cut down plenty of people in varied, creative, and myriad blunt ways( up, down, and ALL around), however, that behavior is expressed when appropriately needed. It is NOT used to be petty, MEAN, uncaring, and entitled.
  7. I am sorry, but SONJA is the one who is no friend TO Heather. Sonja has attempted slights and digs at Heather even though Heather is the ONLY person(on the show) that has explicitly and tangibly attempted to help Sonja in her Disney-like version of "The Wonderful World of Business". If Sonja has suffered so, she should have taken the talented help when offered and NOT--with her "good friend, Ramona"--giggle, criticize, castigate, and rebuke Heather. Why is it that Heather always has to be the manifestation of friendship while the others run about like caricatures of human beings?!
  8. STANDING OVATION!! (and with courteous bow as an added bonus!).
  9. Yes! Now, Heather can enjoy a nice well deserved respite from this soul sucking burden of a show and the attendant "Witches of MacBETHenny". "LIVE LONG and PROSPER", Heather!!!
  10. Ok, ok, This is the last of my comments for just a LITTLE while...I swear. [laugh really out loud! :-)] Buuut, Carleton/Carlton truly does seem to harbor an unhealthy fascination bordering on (SHUDDER!) obsession with "pay as you go" Brandi.
  11. Once again, I must write something that is totally off subject. I AM SICK and TIRED of all THESE SELFIES that people "publish".
  12. You know, Brandi really is a skeevy low dolt with nuances of a simpleton.
  13. Is Brandi " the Boob" actually getting this job? Did Brandi get a boob job? The boobs( not Brandi and Kristen) appear larger and perkier, not her usual saggy breasts that she enjoys displaying.
  14. Great on Sonja in her business attempts. But, Sonja needs to show much more maturity, not flounce and pout when all do not view her with awe. One must be mindful that Sonja has been requesting help and/or opinions from both Heather and Bethenny. They are not foisting themselves upon her. The frustration from the two centers around Sonja imploring them for "help", but then being overly critical of that same help, and, yes, I will say it--she is thankless, and arrogant in her thanklessness. Why does Sonja not ask her friend, Ramona for help. Listen, do not ask two of the most successful business women of the ENTIRE Housewives franchises for advice, help in designing a product, and marketing then perform a volte-face with a bitter ungrateful attitude. Heather is not hungrily awaiting to pounce on Sonja. Sonja requested the help. Heather was hurt by Sonja's dismissive and rude behavior/comments (*egged on by Ramona) after she sincerely tried to help. Heather is no villian. In regards to Bethenny, SONJA KNOWS BETHENNY and her personality, and, as such, Sonja should not ask Bethenny for help or involve Bethenny in any of her actual Business Ventures if she doesn't want to entertain Bethenny's opinions, advice, and comments.
  15. Love this picture, talula! Where did you get it? Or, did you do the graphics yourself?
  16. Kristen. It's like watching paint dry when she's in the scene(♡by: quaintirene) ☆☆ quaintirene, although I actually "like" Kristen, that statement ranks as one of THE most hilarious I have ever read on ANYTHING about a Ho'wife! ☆☆Some may find watching paint dry preferable. As in--I actually DO watch paint dry when Kristen appears on scene. :) ◆◆◆This question has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand, but how does Andy attract so many celebrities(entertainers,...) to his show. Why does "everyone" wish to be on his show? I mean, he is such a smug, mean, immature, egotistical, and inept host. Truly, I am beyond baffled.
  17. Kathy was mighty quiet and immensely subdued as her youngest sister was heckled and reviled. She is, now, mustering a show of...as SHE is pulled into the fray and embarrassed. Thankfully, Kyle has slipped the noose of "mile(s) everlasting high" hangman Kim. "Good Sister" Kathy--pity? Nope, none at all. None was publicly illustrated--and no support either--as Kyle drowned in vast oceans of contempt.
  18. No sorrow for Kathy. She persistently belabored Kyle and NEVER spoke out in Kyle's defense against the vitriol spewed at her from any and all sides. She only recently has flooded the media as Kyle and hubby in exhaustion relinquished aid. Now, as more of the onus has befallen her, does she press her trashy finger in false outrage, defense,and ire. She has allowed her own children to express denigrating and snobbish acts and words towards others including law enforcement as she touted superiority. No punishment allowed there. Kathy is not righteous. She has been a constant enabler for kith and kin--Kim and HER children.
  19. Too sober to go to rehab, too happy with life to go to therapy, yet too troubled and victimized to go to jail. Poor poodle, indeed.《 posted \credited by\to: SwordQueen》 ☆☆And, therein lies both paradox(es) and excuse(s)☆☆
  20. I was informed(medically) that fresh fruit may have funji and the chemically weakened immune system may be unable to healthily and efficiently cope.
  21. I am not sure that Meghan on the outset wanted a membership "in the pudding club". However, tendrils of suspicion and fear may be swirling as to ole Jimmy's upcoming or,perhaps, even FORTHcoming plans. And, Meghan may desire The Particular Membership posthaste in an effort to obfuscate "Baseball Jim's" possible perception of Meghan as a 4th err.
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