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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. This season's RHNY really is Little (SkinnyGirl)Red Riding Hood and the Seven ( other) Fame'ho's.
  2. Kristen wears such cute outfits and looks fantastic in them. I am just comparing her "look" to Brandi...
  3. ^^^Exactly! These travels and activities are not vacations, they are WORK /JOB events . Yes, the 'ho's are not in their usual habitat, nonetheless, they are working. It's a business trip AND the FILMING is a part of it. Everything DOES NOT *stay in Vegas* when you are a part of a "REAL"ity program. °°°(stewedsquash, I did it again. I told you that the earlier correct QUOTE format was a fluke. (lol)!!)°°
  4. Hahaha! No hard feelings, stewedsquash! (lol) I am woefully inept with E-technology --at least, that's what my son tells me with a slow and sad shake of his "cutey - pie" head. But, as this was a fluke, you may certainly count on me returning to my usual sloppy manner of posting. (lol)!
  5. How can ANYONE in that "family" talk to after the unbelievable DISrespect that she has gleefully FLUNG at Kyle, Mauricio, and Mauricio's business. And, all of these acts have been performed with rabid persistence and deranged consistency.
  6. YES. Great idea. Exactly. THE FAMILY(and by this, I mean mainly Mauricio and "Bad Sister" Kyle ) has been helping for many many many many... years.
  7. I doubt that she actually SPEAKs to Kathy. It's probably just text messaging. However, If Kathy does truly Speak and not just Write, she may be hesitant to not do so because who knows what family information Kim may have stupidly bubbled and babbled to whoever. •Experiencing technical difficulties with my tablet. Quoting function may be in error.•
  8. This was super duper weird. At first, I was disinterested in searching for David's TIDBIT«--- ch. Yet, my fingers lightly and quickly tapped tapped tapped searching for the bane of Shannon's existence. I glanced, perused, all the while steadily searching for the dreadfully damaging disease-- TB. "Hmm, where IS she?" I frustratingly murmured. Then, I realized that I was looking right at her the ENTIRE time! WHAT. THE. FRACK!! She looks virtually identical to Shannon in the photo. I thought it was Shannon. (lol!) Even AFTER reading earlier posts, I underestimated the photographic resemblance about which some spoke.
  9. Mondrianyone 3:08 pm LuAnn is talking shit about Adam and me. ("Me" is part of a compound object.) Yes, the object of a preposition.
  10. Of what we were SHOWN, Vicki was EXTREMELY disrespectful and, sometimes, belittling to Donn. We were not shown Donn perpetuating the same type of careless disregard(well, wait. It WAS pointed disregard, at times, also) toward Vicki. Really, what occurred was that young, "pretty", and a bit "glamorous", at least for this group, Gretchen swayed onto the scene with sugar daddy in tow. Both Tamra and Vicki became jealous--Tamra was actually quite obsessively and heatedly jealous. Vicki was jealous and begrudging over Gretchen's youth and Gretchen not having to "work", yet having access to oodles of money. Insanely jealous, Tamra's feelings were based on Gretchen's access to wealth and the fear that her self proclaimed status as The Hottest Housewife was threatened. The above^^is the back story and the impetus for Vicki's and Tamra's later manipulative and dirty actions. Tamra wanted a RICH HOT man who could appreciate her self perceived hotness while enjoying the lifestyle of a partial "high flyer". Thus, she directed events by performing the role of woebegone wittle wife whose harassment by Simon verged on abuse. This role was played FOR Vicki in order to gain Vicki's sympathy, chide Simon, and set the stage for Tamra to divorce him. Of course, dunderheaded Vicki was not aware that Tamra had also lured Satan to her as he thought her decrepit soul to be comely.This easily identifiable deception continued as Vicki berated Simon while urging Tamra to leave his vile clutches. Meanwhile, Vicki is bemoaning her empty unleaded-only love tank. She sighs and moans her days away though always ensuring that Donn realizes HIS shotcomings of which span the universe. Eventually, after Tamra, unbeknownst to him, firmly insults and embarrasses Simon on national tv, Tamra causes the initiation of divorce proceedings, thereby completing her role while awaiting a standing ovation from her fellow demon imps. With Vicki hypnotized by Satan's fast-tracking assistant, Tamra, she struts across the stage delivering a stellar rendition of the play, "The Middle-aged and the Restless". At the awards ceremony, she won a divorce. Meanwhile, Vicki's new lead man is not the dashing man about town that she envisioned. Instead, he is a bit of a ne'er do well with A dash of grifter and a sprinkle of conman. Tamra's promotions have been devilishly astronomical. She, now, as an executive of the Putrid Pit, has an apprentice herself. ☆☆Excuse the grammar,...
  11. Kim had a nice cushy j.o.b. but was made redundant due to her own twisted handiwork. HER drinking, drugging, and baffling semi-moronic acts led to this. The later stealing from "the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker" probably only strengthened the stances of those that she had so readily and contemptuously dismissed
  12. I am sorry, but I think Kathy had been juust fine NOT helping UNTIL Mauricio said, "bye Felicia" and strode off with his mentally,spiritually, emotionally battered wife and his physically injured daughter by way of Kim. Also, Kathy's daughter, Nicholai, marrying a Rothschild is an ADDED reason for Kathy wanting the EMBARRASSMENT,...to end. As stated previously, Kyle AND Mauricio were the ones to handle onery Kim NOT Kathy and, now, Kathy's is finding out the limitless depth of that unyielding exhaustion.
  13. In general, I never have the desire to go to the Bravo site unless someone specifically points out something that MAY interest me. So, this something pricked my attention. My only interest in the voting is that Liar LuAnn( thank you, Sampson--from this forum) DOES NOT win.
  14. Carole is looking much better than usual in that clip. The others--not so much.
  15. That last sentence encapsulates LuAnn's "for real" mindset and subsequent... It is succinct and satisfying. Love it!
  16. WireWrap, you are accurate in your account in my NOT humble opinion. :-) I DO know that if Amanda uttered any threat to me, saying "muthaf_ _ _ a" would be the least of what I would say.
  17. Since the REunion was taped prior to: 1.) Magnanimously[HEAVY sarcasm] ALLOWING Heather to be shown in a positive light 2.) Showing Bitchenny "getting along" with Heather, but not before altering Bethenny from a hysterical and tiresome 'ho' to a less hysterical and tiresome 'ho' AND 3.) C(o)untess Lay-many-a-man blithely spearing Carole with an unconscionably nasty ass remark bathed in a smug derogatory tone AND 4.) Dumbrinda's crumb achieving the status of PRIMA BALLERINA as she spat and raised the "barre" on motherf_ _ _ _n' hypocrisy will the questioning of the 'Ho'(wives?)pertain to any of the aforementioned?
  18. AnnA Today. 5:16 am Damn! That woman just can't keep food in her mouth. ...Sonja. I wonder if her vet prescribed some new meds for her. ☆☆ hahaha! You guys are killing me! I'm going to be found with a smile frozen on my face, my somewhat trusty E-pad clamped tightly in my grasp with my finger resting on the keyboard. (lol)!☆☆
  19. LIGirl Today. 3:29 am I've never been a fan of LuAnn (or the Countess) and never will be. She IS a vile, hypocritical piece of shit who doesn't think her own shit stinks WHOLEheartedly agree! Thank goodness that I dropped-kicked her off the Ho'wives' Isle in THE voting.
  20. This is just an aside and idle recollection really. I remember being so baffled and SHOCKED when Kyle was viciously lambasted for that reveal in the limousine. To me, it was obvious that not only was Kim high on something that night, but also, had been on something the entire season. Small bits here and there hinted and, at times, more than hinted upon that Kyle and Mauricio were firmly entrenched in helping Kim and, when needed, the kids. I recall reading to find any support for Kyle and, well, how unsuccessful was that. . But, I digress. The main point of this roundabout unfocused narrative is that Kim has never appeared to want help because she really doesn't want to stop. I think she knows that she has A problem yet doesn't considered it to be problemATIC. So, I guess that leaves Mauricio without a 2nd wife to support, "bad" sister despite the care given to Kim and her children, and Kim, herself, laden with a nice supply of knickknacks courtesy of Target. Fini.
  21. **...Meghan is even more useless to me than she is to Jimmy...[[written by: slitz]]*** BAM! (lol!!) Y'all are on "Fi-yuh"! Haha! °°Sorry, slitz. I corrected my error in misspelling your name.
  22. ... I hope she never has a baby. the poor thing will have to drive herself to the pediatrician's office in her Barbie Jeep Wrangler. *{Comments attributed to: AnitaKnight}* Oh, gee! Totally gut-busting!! (Haha...!) #Comedicbrilliance
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