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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Ssh! Tamra is keeping this news on the down low, and I mean hell-ishly DOWN LOW(wink,wink...). She has a Housewives business venture percolating--books. What a NOVEL concept!(triple wink) Yep! Tamra is utilizing her smokin' talents and red hot connections to pen and sell: Ho'down in Helltown, Sinning and Winning: One Bitch's Path to the Fiery Pit, Hell Made Easy in a Few Simple Steps, Satan and Tamra: A Love Story, Those (Soul) Scorching Days and Brimstone Nights, A Hellspawn's Guide to the Galaxy, Mammon, Mammon Where Art Thou?, The Life and Times of a Fame'ho'ing Addict, and a TRUE classic--The Debauched Devil's Advocate. Proven to foment chaos and iniquity. Any purchase comes with a free bottle of "Parfum de Brimstone". ABSOLUTELY NO money back guarantee. ;)
  2. Wow! What one is capable of doing when lacking a conscience. Well, apparently, ol' Megs, as an apprentice to the overlord of evil, Tamra, has shed her humankind guise and donned her new "faux real" couture line--"Pure Evil" with clothing label: "Designs by Satan". #Thedevilmaycry Wow, again! We find out that David may not be a hen pecked nebbish. In fact, his "Tawdry Tidbit" was apparently full of David. Oops, excuse me, I mean, the Tidbitch was full of mirth and good cheer while (and, please, pardon moi francais) fucking both Shannon and David simultaneously--one metaphorically and the other quite well and quite literally. #FuckEDup
  3. O.M.G.!! This post is so good that I'm "speechless", hence the initials/lettering. (Laughing out DAMN loud!)
  4. So, Allison is only 4 years older than Meghan. With all of "Meg's" talk about youth, coolness factors, and.... I am surprised at the closeness in age. IS Meghan ACTUALLY female? The question is NOT (in) or (a) JEST . The question is not an insult. I mean no disrespect in the question. But, I am truly posing an enquiry.
  5. Yes, I, also, understand when Carol is joking or making an attempt at joking. I feel tinges of surprise when comments are...She said...and I'm thinking--"Okay, but she's joking". I do believe that she thinks she is funny(ier) when that may not be the case. And, at times, some of Carol's jokes are a bit passive-aggressive.
  6. My tablet malfunctioned. Only ONE "S_ _t" was to be shown, however, if it is apt☆ ...(Kanye shrug)
  7. It's sadISH. Perhaps, the Richards/Hiltons will keep this in mind the next time that they troll for "bums" and realize that plenty exist within the family.
  8. Would that ALL mentally ill drug addicted persons of sorrow receive such empathy and sympathy, but, alas, they are much much more likely than not viewed by the populace with disgust, hostility, and contempt. They certainly are not treated to expensive and expansive treatment OPTIONS. Nor, are they coddled by the law enforcement establishment. Quite often, these individuals are treated as if invisible with no need for basic human connections or they are societally pinpointed for brutality--emotionally, physically, and spiritually. So, Kim needs to "(wo)man up" and "pull herself up by the bootstraps" like all the rest are DEMANDED to do. Kyle can't take a break from bitter thankless Kim? I'm sure that Kyle has provided a comforting shoulder, arm, leg,...and HEART to Kim's "children" for many a year. (It would have been nice for Kim's adult progeny to have given some pubic acknowledgement and support--at ANY point in time-- TO Kyle as she weathered and continues to battle public scorn.)
  9. Paris: Face shape=Kyle Long hair(young Kim and Paris with extensions), dyed blonde hair(young Kim and Paris), long neck, wonky eye, "jail" stints, drugged out affect, entitled behavior and expectations=Kim Nose=Lil' Kathy *Do not ask why I did this. I lay claim to EXHAUSTION "insanity" or, perhaps, in the words of Dr. Sophy, "... traumatized and distraught..."
  10. It's as if Heather conducting herself in a BRIGHT(delusional for Ramona), brisk, intellectually sharp, and business savvy manner with a SUPPOSED businesswoman(sorry, "Sexy j") is wrong. ☆I must add this thought. I don't believe that Sonja nor Ramona truly comprehend/understand the level of Heather's success and strength in the business realm. Sonja doesn't quite grasp that the actual creation of and "running" a business is difficult, time consuming, and constant HARD work. Though no mogul (yet), Heather is not a (business) dilettante. I wonder whether Sonja would view a SUCCESS(ful) in BUSINESS MALE "friend" as unsupportive if he asked those same questions?
  11. Wow, ladies and gentlemen!! I guess THAT ends class for today! **I guess that I need to resupply my bag of gold stars. :)
  12. For a moneyed/monied small extended family, they have accrued quite the arrest(s) record(s). Can you imagine the outcome of the following scenario: (Please, read carefully. A quiz will follow.) An "average" 50+ year old woman disturbed a hotel lounge with drunken sloppy behavior, turned around and with profanity laced belligerent behavior violently attacked a police officer by kicking. An arrest followed. Then JUST WEEKS LATER, THAT SAME 50+ year old woman stole $600!! in goods from a store and WAS ARRESTED AGAIN and had to sleep off a mind altered fugue state fueled by drugs and/or alcohol before permission was granted for release. Under these circumstances, would the AVERAGE 50+ year old woman be: A. Harshly subdued, arrested, issued a stinging tongue lashing then, later, imprisoned. B. Harshly subjugated( if one is lucky) and then face a strong possibility of death(accidently, of course). C. Given restroom privileges THEN arrested. Issued a strong verbal admonishment, 30-90 days at a plush resort and a pleasant,"Good day, suh(or, in this case, ma'am), I say, good day". **Those who answer correctly will receive extra credit. :-)
  13. Really Yolanda, the stylized selfie, really. Ok, I see that she is readying a career sans clothing like GiGi. Too ill, hmm, yeah. SILICONE, SILICONE IMPLANTS!!!! And, she has never ever considered this. Reams of information via all sorts of media have been disseminated including the symptoms of silicone leakage. I'm sorry, just WHAT!
  14. This is exactly the reason why I and many, many others have written that Yolanda needed to seek expert help within the good ole U.S. of A. rather than without. Large numbers of women have experienced ill health due to implants. I do not want any ONE to have weak health. I really do not. But, Yolanda IS similar to Kim. She is ALWAYS right. She brooks no contradiction. And, a large portion of her celebrity status and persona hinge upon a Lyme disease diagnosis. If she indeed does suffer from the disease, I hope that she receives proper medical treatment and recovers or, at least, receives some type of panacea for relief. However, if she does not have it, I cannot envision Yolanda accepting this, thereby relinquishing the concern, pity, and the "strong/brave in the face of adversity" attention that she has garnered. I have never liked Yolanda. I find her to be intractable, superior, smug, and lacking in true intellect, yet I do not want her to suffer faltering health.
  15. Oh. My. Gosh! I am drinking coffee and dying simultaneously! (Lol AND choking! )
  16. Yes. Remember when she was tearfully spouting about God+marriage+vows following her break-up with Donn and the whispers of him already dating. She does appear to shellac over her affairS. She has more in common with David than she does with Shannon.
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