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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. I fervently hope that Kyle does not get pilloried over this pitiful and ridiculous morass. Kim is an ADULT of supposedly "sound" mind. And, IF Kim can no longer function within the constraints of normal society, then HER GROWN OFFSPRING need to attend to Kim's mental and psychological needs. I think Kyle and Mauricio have served their (im)prison(ed) sentences all COURTesy of a wretch--Kim (really "HIGH" maintenance) Richards.
  2. Okay, okay, "what up"?? It appears that Tamra is shirking duties by not whole-heartedly utilizing the wiley and sinister powers that were gifted to her in lieu of her soul.
  3. Well, since we are on the subject: Dorinda should adopt non-infringement patterns of...in regards to Heather then also. After all, Heather has done nothing to encourage Dorinda's involvement in her affairs. Dorinda just foisted upon Heather her yappings, instructions, and "opinions". No invitation. No summons. Dorinda entrenched the "nice just doesn't work with you (bitches)" by rancorously DIMWITwittering about Heather con-stant-ly. Talk about a coarse individual--thy name is DORINDA MEDdle(some, ling..).
  4. Sonja needs to include herself when bitterly snapping about ill behavior. Her forceful, mean, and unsolicited tutelage of the rhny pecking order (to Cindy B.) was anything but nice. And, Sonja was most certainly not "nice with (any) people " as she whined, complained, and lamented to the pro bono layout designer/photographer during Heather's charity event. Also, at the race track and afterwards, Sonja's "nice-less" and petulant behavior galloped to first place. So, her "...you people" has a self illustrative + 1.
  5. SIN (the city) or SINcity ^^for: Sonja in the City^^ These could have been a rough logos of sorts Per my way earlier statements, "working with" Heather on this project might have greatly enriched her coffers.
  6. . True, and then there are the ones who are just looking to pad their grades. *CREDITED: jaync I recall an instance in a course on Middle Eastern policies, politics, the professor returned graded "papers"( analysis...)--got an "A" :-). Upon offering help to those whose grade was not quite up to par, well, the hair twirling, smiles, and body swaying began. I remember being fascinated by the scene because it was so obvious. Don't know if it worked for them(lol)!
  7. WireWrap and motorcitymom65, I feel the same way--It's unbelievable verging upon surrealism.
  8. Yeah. Teresa is completely unable to grasp the fact that they have no money. She refuses to acknowledge this fact-- NEVER Did They Have Wealth. ☆ It is actually both horrorifyingly fascinating and repulsive to observe her...attempts to "hold on" to something that never existed.☆
  9. I think Teresa is positing that ALTHOUGH she et al. committed said crimes, the prison sentence is due to the attorney's both imprecise and lack of paperwork...required by Salas. Therefore, if not for these omissions..., she would not be imprisoned. It is NOT the crime=prison. It IS the lawyers lack of preparation...=prison. Needless to say Teresa's "postulations" are not only unfounded, but also, ridiculous.
  10. It appears that Meghan may be quite the eager hell spawn neophyte taking a full course load from Professor Satan A. Cohen and his extremely diligent Teaching Assistant Tamra "Loose i Fur" BLarney.
  11. "I just can't. I am so sick of the narcissistic sociopathy in today's news - in society. I want to vomit." ●《quote from: Bossa Nova》● Agree, Bossa Nova
  12. This is one of the funniest things that I have read in a while! I "image" when reading and the film like visions that I entertained were amazing!
  13. Why doesn't Brandi use portions of that money to go "school" and train for something compatible in today's economic society JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE. Why does she whinge about finances, yet not try to bolster herself and get a job.
  14. You all are hilarious! Kristen first? Not enough tv time to truly decipher. Heather, next. LuAnn, third. Although, her rapacious appetite for male tidbits(on tv, despite boyfriend and constantly refuting behavior by deflection) has me wondering. Grudgingly, Bethenny and Dorinda, fourth. Sonja with a slight lead on Ramona. So, fifth and sixth respectively.
  15. Really, Brandi, really. So, now, I guess it's time for her crying and "po' lil ole me" routine. You know the one where she is just a hapless slattern--I mean "young" pubescent naive but ballsy "lady"--who has been viciously tormented when all she was "doin' is tellin' the truth, ya honor".
  16. I have doubts about Yolanda's veracity also. I just do not believe that Yolanda has Lyme Disease. Lisa R. needs to mind her "bi-ness". Lest we forget, Yolanda has been exceedingly nasty and hypocritical toward Taylor in the past.
  17. I don't know(about Dorinda). I don't know that Dorinda is not a selfish petty stab you in the back egotist or Ramona-like egoist. However, I do believe that Dorinda is sorrowful over her husband's demise. Buuut...that doesn't negate Dorinda's continuous and scathing upbraiding of Heather, her peculiar propensity to ASSume some one to be a (of a) stereotype then act without true and mature cognition/comprehension of that particular being as A Person, an individual. I don't know(about Dorinda). Dorinda's unacknowledged extraordinary hypocrisy remains a part of her and its manifestation portrays either astounding unawareness or acute uncaring. I DO know that even an impercipient may experience the gamut of emotions--and concomitant/attendant intensities--when events pertain to THEM.
  18. ♡♡ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ♡♡ savannah1985 stewedsquash
  19. This show is not designed for the participation of a castmate with a sense of NORMALCY and INTEGRITY so, Heather please leave as soon as possible. I can then enjoy the "menagerie of fools" in all their glorious churlishness, idiocy, narcissism, and imperceptiveness.
  20. It is truly difficult to comprehend the utter lack of "knowledge" as well as the lack of desire for intellectual pursuits. Seemingly, no thirst for learning.
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