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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Okay, okay. (hands up) lol. Fair enough. :-) I can most definitely understand the sentiments. Just tryin' to help a gal out. :-) Perhaps, I need Heather's help. Guess I need to put on my flak jacket and prepare for a pummeling (haha!).
  2. Sonja could have made MAJOR bank with that design for a toaster oven and limited kitchen utensils. She could have incorporated a "Sexy J" cookbook with sly innuendos as chapter headings. It could have branched into tv commercials wherein she is in the kitchen with a Sexy Apron(another potential product) and the chosen hunk enters, looks longingly at toaster oven cooking something, and asks, " What's cookin'?" Sonja winks, then screen fades to black. A moment elapses, the text, "Later...", appears on screen. The screen then illuminates showing apron tossed near toaster oven. Sonja and ripped guy looking ABSOLUTELY sated on floor of kitchen,... Then lickalicious guy slightly groans, "That was great." Sonja then coyly looks at the camera with a confident yet playful grin and says, "I know, it's all in how you handle your (PAUSE) oven. Scene fades, narrator's voice(NOT Sonja) promotes oven quickly WITH wit and professionalism while oven is displayed with savvy. If successful, make more with smartly done alterations. Women AND men of varying ages would rampage. I gua. ran. tee.
  3. Well, I wish someone would offer to me the FREE level of marketing advice and help given to Sonja. People have to pay a very pretty penny for such as that. Sonja asked Heather's business associates why did they not produce the newly designed box. She wanted to know why just the model existed. She actually had the gall to query why did Heather et al not begin to mass produce 'her' boxes! Heather had to explain to the twit that it was up to Sonja to somehow finance her production and business. They were not her financiers. She wanted to pretend to be a business woman, yet NOT DO A DAMN THING. It was ludicrous! Even T(h)eresa Giudice realized that she had to do something other than show up and preen. She was an idiot. And, is fast approaching lunacy.
  4. How has Sonja attempted to help empower Kristen? What actions has she done other than malign and erroneously blame Kristen for talking to media about her Fantastical Tales of a Toaster Oven. Oh, the irony! Seeing Sonja's hypocrisy in discussing Kristen with the media. Sonja is delusional AND a mean grifting dunderheaded hypocrite. ***I second that motion!
  5. talula, overall, I agree with your sentiments about Ramona. However, she careened out of her lane and with aforethought slyness deliberately helped cause a crash in the Tale of the Vanished Toaster Oven. And, Sexy J's cheapness/greed, "you shall await my readiness" hauteur, unrelenting entitled demands, and flagrant unappreciation incinerated the FREE support and possible ride to millions. Ramona and Sonja were ridiculously rude toward Heather, Heather's staff, and Heather's high rolling business connections--all FR$$LY proffered. One of my biiig questions about Ramona + Sexy J= toaster oven is: Why did Ramona wait to assist Sonja? Why wait and then INSERT your supposedly strong business savvy when another willingly and freely did help? Remember, Ramona oh, so wanted to ensure that Sonja wasn't being taken advantage of during the business meetings and business decisions. Then WHY act the role of seeming SABOTEUR with undermining and unprofessional acts during the FREE and sought after business hookups?
  6. (The following comments pertain to the ^^above^^ QUOTE.) Of course, Sonja probably will not do that. Percolating the toaster oven business venture may require giving kudos to Heather who proffered assistance and ACTIVELY helped greatly and generously. And, neither Sonja nor Bethenny will allow that UNLESS Heather is ruthlessly unacknowledged.
  7. Frankly, Bethenny does not exhibit off-color humor as I feel that her humor level is idling at low to nonexistent. She just rambles incessantly. Bethenny is only tolerable in small doses as only A part of an ensemble group. Her weak-ass humor and high strung jittery manic persona is nerve wracking, tiresome, and irritating. Bethenny believes that she is The Shit, and, that shit must to be spread about and feted. Bethenny IS dismissive of the great only once in a lifetime business BOON that she received as a Housewife. With all of the loud proclamations of woe is me , the deliberate dissatisfaction with all things, the offhanded dismissivenes to some, the deliberate harsh emotional and psychological treatment to others, and the self grandiose antics and drama, MACBETHenny most definitely canNOT attach the snidely rendered nomenclature, Scarlett O'Hará to any other than HERSELF. I think that Heather may have been informed about the positive public comments that LuAnn received about her looks in the YUMMIE undergarments and robe that she wore in the T&C's kitchen scene. Heather then, perhaps, attempted a facsimile of LuAnn's look for public wear and, well,...
  8. I am still not 'seein' it. But then, I have never understood the reasons Klum is considered SO attractive. She is not UNattractive just bland --typical dyed blonde who is thin but nothing special. Must be media hypnosis. ***ETA: ***Once again, sorry about my QUOTE skills or, rather, the lack of...**
  9. Ok, right, Madison is mom's name. I definitely don't think that she is fifty nor do I think that Madison is an unlikely name for her simply because hordes of families didn't popularize it until the 90s or whenever.
  10. Was not MOM bitten by formerly lickalicious Cal??
  11. I agree. During the program, I raided the refrigerator, daydreamed, possibly napped--it was ridiculously boring. It was not boring due to major zombieless activity, but it was boring to lack of writing--->plot nuances,... The mother character was agonizingly stultifying. She just INCESSANTLY clomped about in those annoying boots. And, does not a dress code exist for the school faculty? I will not even delve into the multitude of school regulation and behavioral inaccuracies depicted. Has the actress who plays the mother( I'm sorry, she was so incredibly boring that I do not recall her character's name) received 'lotsa' Botox,... Her facial expressions are non existent--it's pitiful. She just clomps, clomps, clomps. That's all she does, well, that and repeatedly ignoring and behaving extremely dismissive of her boyfriend. And, really can a black man Puh-lease NOT be superfluous throwaway fodder for death in the TWD world?! And, not be THE typical tired fallback stereotype of a drug dealer. Perhaps, a Rainbow of a writing team is needed. **Sorry about the QUOTE malfunction**
  12. I have a distinct intolerance for Dorinda with her petulant, spoiled, rude, sometimes dubious mental health, sloppy, downright MEAN, blatant and continuous LYING...ways. So, obviously, I don't understand the appeal. I fervently hope that she is not present next season. (I am teetering on the brink of bringing down the curtain on all of these performances as is--they have become too UNreal. I preferred the ORIGINAL format of the Housewives.) Sumptuous pantsuits, divine denim jeans and EITHER paired with gorgeous tops and accoutrements would be appreciated by me. I'm bloody tired of the present Reunion sartorial style.
  13. There is No.Way. In. ANY. Kind. of. Hell that I would be able to tolerate that nasally constant whining, "Bobby! Bobby!" mind shredding worse than even Bethenny's voice of meanEST girl DOCTORATE LEVEL UTTER snob Jill Zaren. She is a vindictive POS whose absence lured me back to the show. I MAY have been debating my interest in the show, lately, but I most CERTAINLY DO know that I am damn skippy out if she returns. (I skipped the original airings of her last season due to that '...NOT GOOD ENOUGH to MIX WITH THE GODS' filth) Jill was no anchor, the SHOW itself was altered leading to the present mess. Andy with his "majicks" molded the program into some type of Housewives chimera. What is wrong with the use of popular Hip-hop slang versus other slang terms, well known or not?
  14. In witless wonder, Brandi meanders along... Following this my first time viewing of Joanna, I don't get the raves concerning her looks. Not trying to be insulting, but based on comments from various sources, the reports have been HIGHLY exaggerated.
  15. Yes, zoeysmom, I agree with your analysis and conclusions. In addition, let's all be real: Kim is connected monetarily and socially through family and high profile expensive lawyering. What might be sentences for the average citizen is NOT going to occur for the denizens of the wealthy in "Hollywood" or LA. And, yes, as of NOW, Kim is a part of that echelon obviously due in the most major part to her family.
  16. Zoeysmom, I am sorry for the reduplication. Something is malfunctioning--my phone or the site. I agree with your ENTIRE post pertaining to very sly David. However, Shannon needs to get a grip and firmly decide whether to keep the nauseous dog and, thereby, cease the maudlin behaviors(sincere or not*) or UNleash the hound--it's time.
  17. "It's a medically recognized disability: Married too Long to Shannon Syndrome. Symtoms: life is gradually sucked out of one ~ followed by large dead eyes and constant feelings of guilt ~ hair first turns to grease and then to stone ~ sexual organs work only in the safest places. See Zombie."***»»---------»»»»WRITTEN BY and CREDITED TO: Former Nun** °°°°°°°Former Nun, this is so comically hysterical that I actually guffawed for at least 5 minutes while my eyes and, yes, my sinuses streamed. I will periodically read this post whenever I want a great laugh!! Thank you! Haha :-) !!
  18. The recap was Hilarious!! (singing the word in robust tunes while laughing uproariously!)
  19. This has been a miserable season. I am really only viewing RHOC (it use to be my favorite) in order to savor any comeuppance experienced by that "done lost her damn mind" soulless demon and all around nasty bi_ch, Tamra whatever her last name is currently. Her evil and almost sociopathic jealously of Gretchen, who had done nothing to Tamra, led Tamra into a LITERAL jealous rage that she would. Not. Let. Go. until she ensconced herself in sewers of deceit and filthy machinations never before imagined and seen until Brandi. ***Yes, I know that Gretchen is a Fame'ho'ing wretch, but Tamra is truly a sadistic wielding Vampyre who delights in torment so that she may gluttonously feed and savor the abject pain and misery of others.
  20. It is very peculiar to OPENLY discuss, display, and aggressively intimate behaviors on a TELEVISION show of which you are a blatant and integral part, yet become hysterical/enraged/"put out" ;) when your comadres mention, discuss,...those behaviors. I find it bizarre, also. BRANDI on RHOBH displays this befuddling perspective too.
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