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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. LOL! Brianna was giving me Kennedy compound, Tara or South Fork teas when she called Vicki's house the family home. Frankly, I just think she expects to inherit it after Vicki dies. *(QUOTE by: islandgal140) -------- Oh my gosh, islandgal140, I have the same thoughts!
  2. Thanks for writing THIS. I view the situation in the same manner, and have done so for a looong time. Also, so many continuously state that Vicki and Brooks have made The Cancer such a integral storyline. BUT, really it has been their fellow castmates that poked, prodded, and inflamed the story. And, quite frankly, I am tired of it.
  3. *Robust clapping, Should Be Working! (The double QUOTEs are errors, once again. Whoops! I mean, mental exercises, once again.) ---
  4. In response to above QUOTE by Maharincess. I believe that some of us want to view The rather wealthy to The golly, gee whiz incomprehensible wealthier behaving as normal as possible in their as normal as possible habitat. That differs from the incessant LOOK, LOOK AT ME, you poor, but haha, not us peasants. ----
  5. Does Malania have a growth related health condition? Her stature... appears stunted and... And, NOT making a horde of money.
  6. I don't understand the sentiments expressed by Caroline's comments. Why is SHE on T.V. in a 'Reality' show if she does not want the attention? One of the main reasons for the popularity of The Housewives et al, is the gossipy snarky media and forums that the franchises engender. And, IF these mediums did not exist nor would THESE franchises. These Ho'wives are inordinately hypocritical. They are not some great acting talent. They are just attention grabbing asses. P.S. * I never could tolerate that whining asshole, Caroline 'fambly' Manzo.
  7. "...I've been really tired of LisaV just about from the beginning. And Ken. And Jiggy..." *QUOTE by NewDigs So have I, NewDigs. I have ALWAYS been bemused at The Lotsa Lisa Love. ----
  8. I didn't F-up on the QUOTing process, yet again.! Really! I just want you guys to exercise your minds. Yeah, yeah, that's it! A mental exercise!
  9. I agree. Didn't want to comment earlier because I couldn't decide if my 'intense dislike from her onset appearance ' was colouring my perspective. *( This portion of my post is a response to AnnaA's post QUOTEd above)* I REALLY agree with your post.-------
  10. It's just so insulting for producers to assume that unless there's arguing and drama, this sort of footage isn't worth showing in the original episodes---most of us would likely call bullshit on that! [ QUOTE by: Sun-Bun Yest. 11:33 am ] ------ THIS! Exactly!
  11. Exactly, EVS. The incessant posturing, posing, and posting of 'Sick Selfies' exacerbated my existing fairly low opinion of Yolanda. And, I'm more than fairly certain, that despite her INcredible declarations to the contrary, Yolanda will reappear on the new episodes of RHBH freshly retrofitted, refitted, buffed, and glossed. -------
  12. I, a tad wistfully, relent to the undeniably obvious--The Original Format of the Housewives has dissipated, died, and arisen ignobly into its current crass configuration. This situation is based, in part, on the 'I wanna be a Super Star' frenzy and the realized 'awareness' of the Housewives cast AND crew. However, the true draftsman of its demise is Giggling Andy the Architect of Asinine Adepts. So, I guess that I will doubt, pout, and then tune out. Or, I will inhale deeply, low, and just go with the flow. -- -- --
  13. So, the program has finally morphed into a drama laden soap opera with a loosely written script. I do not want to see fighting about not just former disagreements, but OLD former disagreements. This has become juvenile. If the 'plot' proves to be too much UNrelenting UNreality then I won't be able to tolerate the triteness of the storylines. --------
  14. Agree, WireWrap. I really do think that Yolanda is fearfully and purposely denying and ignoring menopausal symptoms.
  15. I was told by a Subcutaneous Dermatologist that in general it's best to wash hair ONLY 1-3 times weekly. Aaand, that's it.
  16. If she doesn't leave him, he would eventually. Probably when she is middle-aged has found another younger model with self esteem issues like Kristen. *(THIS is a QUOTE attributable to: Deputy Deputy CoS) Deputy Deputy CoS, yes, totally! _____
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