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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. But, you have to be cognizant of the differences in the NUMBER of actors versus who is killed. If most of the overall cast is non-black then you shouldn't just "death" the prominent few so quickly. It's ridiculous. It does hint a bit of close-minded bigotry. For instance, why the stereotypical black drug dealer? Just as many whites,... deal drugs. Making allowances for this attitude disregards the fact that a slew of white actors will ALWAYS be present. Gee Whiz, this is LA! A wide grouping of varying races live there! It's as if THEY are saying, "We graciously gave you THREE whole black people. See! See! Yeah, they're deader than dirt, now, but they WERE there so what's the problem?" It's like they thought and discussed, "Okay, let's show some black people so no one can say that we didn't. Whew, Okaa-ey, now, that we fulfilled that obligation, let's just kill 'em all. No loss."
  2. Gosh! I was thinking the same thing!(lol!!) I continuously asked family members, " Where are they meeting?" Is there a specific super secret knock three times hideaway? Is The Desert the size of a sandbox? It was SO VERY dumb.
  3. David is a punk. He is a cheating punk. He is a cheating asshole punk. David's ACTing is for the benefit of: the couple's children, L'Affaire de Coeur, and the possibly commiserating real life and tv audience. He is baiting the lure with his 'poor put upon' facade in order to reel in support for current and future distasteful acts. I think that David's beaten down demeanor and accompanying long suffering portrayal has been crafted partly in a deliberate attempt to slyly bias the children's attitudes against Shannon. It's a passive aggressive tactical manoeuvre to undermine and alienate Shannon's maternal tether to the kids.
  4. I am vigorously nodding in agreement to many of the above posts--the ignorant and distasteful behaviors/comments expressed by Jill and Kelly, the abuse of the 'spirit' of non profit organizations.
  5. Hey PTVerS! Or, is that simply--PTVer. (lol!!) Since word on the street is that some possess and utilize a multitude of personas and pseudonyms, how about WE ALL use our collective alleged GHOSTwriter girl and boy skills and PEN that darned toaster oven cookBOOK. Wow! WE ALL could be rollin' in the dough(wink, wink). Apparently, a few of us already work for the Ho'wives anyway. And, in a credited acknowledgement of happily hijacking the SPIRIT of Sonja's idea, the TITular title could be TITillating Tales of a Tantalizing Toaster Oven.
  6. Adore it!!! ZaldamoWilder, can I be you? Pretty, pretty please! And, to all of those that you QUOTED, I shall dub you, one and all--Master Writers of Za Wuurld! Adore it!!! ZaldamoWilder, can I be you? Pretty, pretty please! And, to all of those that you QUOTED, I shall dub you, one and all--Master Snark Writers of Za Wuurld!
  7. She was using a sometimes deliberately used so called 'urban' colloquial speech pattern for emphasis. Remember,she can say whatever she muthafuckin' wants! Holla! Love. It. (lol!!)
  8. I was surprised that Tim Gunn looked somewhat disheveled last week.(QUOTE) (You better back that shit up and back it up quick, LOL.) ^Haha! Too funny, jaync
  9. We may see more of Yolanda now that one of the causes of her illnesses(Brandi) has been expunged.;)
  10. "...Not knowing what is wrong with her foot-other than she usually has it in her mouth..." (by: zoeysmom) *Excellent wording, zoeysmom! (Lol)
  11. Whoa, whoa! Hold up! Y'all are talkin' waaayy above my pay grade. Lol! :-)
  12. Huh, well, I am flummoxed. I never pondered nor realized the complexities of Differential Equations and the Art of Masked Postings. But, then, I am usually unable to properly use the QUOTE 'button'.
  13. She certainly has a "special set of skills". And, it's maddening.
  14. "That fight between Jim and Vicki? That was the epitome of an unarmed battle of wits." ^QUOTE attributed to The Solution *The Solution, I love this comment SO much that I wish that I had thought of it.*
  15. Yes, exactly. And, also this Driving the Narrative. If you do not write comments and are simply reading that is most assuredly okay. However, no one HERE works magic :-), and if an idea(s) is not expressed that one wishes to discuss then what are the posters to do--mind read?
  16. Do these women not understand our societal connotation of "single mother"? It's more than JUST being single and a mother--it refers to income,... I believe it to be rather sickening and disturbing especially when their extravagant lifestyle is almost dream status.
  17. I am SO very sorry for your niece, you, and other family members. Great big PTV hug to y'all.
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