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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. Yeah, weak ZING directed at Corey. He cares nothing for his pet, Nicole.
  2. Exactly⬆ Umbelina. Ole Paulie began with a woeful semi-conjoling manner of "...what if I don't go to Jury..." Now, however, tantrums and direct threats are being issued-- "...upon my eviction{HOWL[❗], RANT[❗], SOB[❗]...}, if you(BB) do not find a WAY➡for my return, I absolutely will NOT go to Jury."
  3. Error ABOVE: could not extinguish. Sooo, Paulie cannot differentiate a misandrist from a feminist(?)...such a dumbass mo____{shut my mouth!}.
  4. Ye -es. No ONE, yeess, no one was viler than that...Aaryn--and her torture of Candice. Aaryn ➡true piece of §μ!+.
  5. Okay, Okaa-ey, i can no longer watch The Show with Zakiyah debasing herself. Thusly, I will forsake viewing but will read the posts of all you good folk.
  6. Personally, I canNot abide the continuous utter humiliation of Zakiyah. It's past cringe-worthy. If Paulie remains, she needs to go for my piece of mind.
  7. Man❗ 'People' hark upon the supposed jealousies and other emotionalism of the women, but these guys and their delicate egos... Admittedly, I am not an avid BB viewer, however, posing a query--will Zakiyah be able retain her job following this...(?) Is she not a kindergarten teacher ?
  8. What did Victor want from Zakiyah? Cuz...WHAT?!
  9. Bunch o 'insufferable, weak, and submissive Asses genuflecting to Master Ass, Paulie.
  10. Paulie is controlling the entire game...The rest -- DUMBASSITIZED❗ Zakiyah, really???
  11. Something is wrong... Bethenney™, persistently, savages LuAnn emotionally...and likes it. She IS disturbed; in what manner, I cannot specify. But, she is 'rich' in messed-up-ness.?
  12. What is Sonja 'putting up with' ? She holds no relevance in LuAnn's/Tom's relationship. Perhaps, Sonja needs to cease her constant renditions of "Sonja ♥ Tom Bedtime Stories and other Tall Tales".
  13. Why, when Sonja incessantly discusses, brags, and shouts out her sexual liaisons..., does Bethenney™ refer to LUANN as 'Fuckdoll, whore'...? Why does Ramona emotionally clasp free lovin' Sonja to her bosom in comfort, yet label LuAnn as 'Pussy Promiscuous' ? THIS is the type of low, and yes, hypocritical behavior that is leveled against LuAnn. It's strange . I'm no 'fan' of ANY of these women, however, this siege against LuAnn is most peculiar and exceedingly distasteful.
  14. ? "Yeah, we're really rockin'...right now. Owww"❗?? Geez! The rank Bitchitude❗ The near-sinister connivances! Oh, Bethenney™, YOU flew like a withered bat straight outta hell to relay the 'on dit' with your patently false concern while wetdreaming of madness, mayhem, and, possibly, murder. Puh-leeze. Also, in furtherance of her abysmal behavior, Bethenney™ elects to "riddle me this" interrogate LuAnn in the hope of eliciting maximum humiliation to clasp and savor, later. OMG! Silence, Bitch❗ LuAnn--recently not so languidly nor so langorously posing and posturing--Deceptions and Backstabbing are afoot. So, LuAnn, maintain composure, cease proclaiming- "Soulmates!" -ad nauseam, and keep yer wits 'boutcha. Dorinda's actions continuously reassure me that she's no better than the BRAVO Bevy. Ha❗ Jules is So focused on reaming Michael that she ain't got NO time for this. (I, vehemently, thank you for your consideration.) Carol, your above-the-fray { Riiight. Girl, bye } grinnin', writhing down-in-the-mud gossiping while faux commiserating with po' Sonja is=meanest-girl level ✖ BetheME! azZ-likker + wretched arrogance. 'RATCHET'! You, Carol, may most certainly shut the hell up. Oh, and, please, close your mouth when chewing your cud..er, food. Romona and po' Sonja➡ The embodiment of Jealousy and Delusion run amok. Both aflutter 'n atwitter @ LuAnn's swanning. THAT has been their normal behavioral pattern each and every Season: Crafty and crass Ramona ▶◀ TallyHO Sonja. Both self-centered in their madcap ways and trying days. FOOLS❗ Ramona is amazingly atrocious--quisling that she is. Uugh. In lieu of affecting batty nattering, Sonja, now, assumes the role of 'Delicate Dame and her Dastardly Dude' (before, during, and after Lu). And, based on her comments about the guests onboard the yacht, pissy petulant petty po' Sonja remains contemptuous of those that she believes should bow in reverence to her Most Splendid Presence. Uugh.
  15. Thank you, krimimimi❗ That was groovy !
  16. Could someone summarize THIS episode. For some reason, the sound was muffled for me (also, I may have been a wee distracted.) I dunno, but I'm slightly baffled.
  17. Thank ye ❗Thank ye❗ We were spared the resultant stippling of BetheMe!Me!Me!'s rapid-fire sad maniacal jive-talking/incorrigible razings, and her tiresome attempts at presentation as a woman of conscience; a prisoner of others' provocations and happenstance. Poor pitiful Sonja. She's...Mmm Mmm...Bethenney™-ass-lickin'-good. (Sonja ✖ 2) + Ramona ="You (Jealous) Bitches". * 'Potty Training Consultant' ??? {blink blink blink} Correct way to wipe??? {blink blink blink} *
  18. ⬆I'm definitely partial to your perspective.
  19. It was hilarious as Romona obliviously began talking about Her Trip, Bethenney leaned toward Carol while turning toward Ramona and announced that She would not be attending and NO ONE PAID ATTENTION. Even Bethenney's mean-full of herself-Hemorrhoid, Carol, uttered ne're a word.
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