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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. New 7year multi-million contract. ⬆All good--{congrats(!?)}-- BUT don't get the Big-Head, Wendy. ...
  2. I agree--Right on the $$ with each of your observations and comments.
  3. Yes. I was hoping THAT⬆ policeWoman would become an oft seen or 'right-hand' detecting official in Midsomer, also.
  4. THIS series is SO relaxing, yet SO much fun! HOWEVER, I enjoyed the intricacies and complexities of the earlier seasons. Not that I don't like the more recent seasons, but they don't have the numerous 'extras'(actors) along with their quirkiness, hilarity, and excellent acting skills. Also, the recent set of 'series' do not incorporate the earlier types of layered plot concept and enactment.
  5. ...And, I have wondered about David Leon and his character, Joe. What happened with Joe's family? They use to be an integral part of the show, but, now, we don't EVEN see the children nor the wife.
  6. The constant changeovers are not just irritating but affect the quality of the program. For instance, it holds a choppiness more so, now, than previously. Periodically, I get the impression that I am missing something--plot points, conversations,... Furthermore, this emptiness, this vacuum UNfavorably accentuates the series inherent bleakness. I truly like this series and do not wish it to be cancelled.
  7. I, too, just 'realized' the existence of this thread. Damn! Why, oh, why, did The Show have to kill off Bethany? I was sorely irked. Where is Holly? Actually, where are all of the ancillary and background officers in the recent season(s) ? The already barren, brooding atmosphere is made even more depressive by the strangely empty 'police pen'. I really enjoy VERA, however, the program's energy is waning and dissipating. New focus, additional interesting CAST, and a tad more oomph is needed (also, i would like to know more about Vera's past.). And, although I realize that VERA is rooted in a somber mien, a tadbit of festooning in both demeanor and aura wouldn't be amiss.
  8. ...and, oh, at least, on this episode, Katie wasn't endlessly peddling that gosh darn bicycle. Indeed!
  9. Phyllis' demise was clearly telegraphed from the moment Katie pointed her out to The Resistance. Her death was assured upon the program's concentration on the ride to her home. It was ridiculously evident. So, I am flabbergasted as to why during Producer Commentary(at the end of the show) Carlton Cuse stated that " it was an incredible twist..." Unless, perhaps, he meant a twist to the overall plot thus far because THIS⤴ twist was loud and clear following Katie's dumbass ploy for reconnaissance and subsequent information dumping. As for Maddie, well, when it comes to your young 'uns'... Will is STILL racing about in high agitation. I do wish that he would emphatically tell his son what's what. I mean, really. Your father holds a position wherein he organizes missions to seek and capture people for 'subversion' and you hide evidence of subversive acts IN A SHOE BOX WITHIN YOUR CLOSET. Okaa-ey. Definitely Katie's son. The babysitter, Family❗ The (creepy) babysitter❗ Okay. Admittedly, I was taken aback by Broussard's employment as a Red Hat. Who knew⁉ *Hopefully, this episode marks a change from...bewilderingly boring to a bit interesting. ... ETA: { is Will going to be Phyllis' replacement?? } ...
  10. Is THIS ⤵⤴the episode pertaining to the wife from England who is a meditation therapist? The episode in which the husband stated that he and "The Little (orange-ish) Woman" married later in life, therefore, were not going to 'have' children, yet held an intense interest in fostering children? If so, I agree with your comments... Hopefully, her incessant grinning and 50 Shades of Orange won't spook their charges.
  11. Oh, Golly‼ The Show is ACES❗ These officers are fortunately right mad, not at all bad, and excellent to know! PCS Bright is protecting the innocent from the jaws of death. DS Strange is no shirker when trouble abounds and steadfastness is needed. Meanwhile, Constable Trewlove is realizing the weight of her oath, learning to breathe deeply and 'woman up', as well as donning her mantle to vigilantly attend her duties. DC (but soon to be DS) Morse is so wonderfully brilliant and achingly brave (sigh) but, perhaps, too sensitive for this harsh and hurtful ole world. Luv him. And, Thursday, Thursday, Detective Inspector ThursDAY(!) hacked and coughed up A FRACKIN' DAMN BULLET that was lodged in his lung, gazed at it, wrapped it in cloth then proceeded to march into mayhem! Wow! Good is an understatement for THIS (here) SHOW❗ The writing, acting,... *Abigail Thaw continues to 'pop up'.* ...
  12. Well, jeepers! Kate must certainly know a lucky leprechaun, a badass genie in a bottle, or possess some magical mojo because she's receiving da buck$ for doing ab-so-lute-ly nothing. Nothing. And, after all, THAT is her wish fulfilled. Amazing.
  13. ^ Hahaha... OMG! ^ "...and we can call it a dump-ation..." (utterly HILARIOUS!)
  14. I wrote in another thread that I adore the theme music to both Inspector Morse and Endeavour. The scores are marvelous, exquisite. The cleverness of embedding the sound of musical morse code and the utter loveliness of the string instruments... FABULOUS -- I. 'Luv'. It! Superb, Pheloung, superb! ...
  15. Why does Bright dislike Morse so intensely. Jealousy? Does he ever acknowledge Morse's detecting virtuosity?
  16. Yes, I wondered about the babe, also. But, then I figured that the police took care of the situation following their arrival...at the house. * (It really bothered me how the actors were screaming over that baby while doing the scene when Ayesha(sp?) was holding him. The poor baby ducked his head and huddled against the actress' chest. Isn't that abusive workplace environment for a Cutie?? THAT was extremely disturbing to me.)
  17. I didn't quite understand the reasoning behind keeping the tiger in such shoddy conditions(?). And, did Morse say that the tiger was not being fed? Was that sister supposed to be actually insane or struck with love/revenge 'madness' ? Thankfully, finally, Morse is taking that Detective Sergeant's exam! Gosh! Is THIS a prelude to sorrow?! ...
  18. I am enamored with THIS show❗ The rapport between Thursday and Morse is so layered. However, I must confess to nervousness over Thursday's condition--all of that hacking and heaving...
  19. The Magician's Tale WAS reminiscent of The Prestige. Thank goodness that the program has resumed! Yay!!
  20. I absolutely 'luv' the theme music for Inspector Morse and Endeavour. I truly find it brilliant.
  21. Dear Wendy, How much were you paid to adverti$e Celebrity Apprentice(?). And, by the by, Tyra Banks received a Harvard CERTIFICATE of Completion for a 12 week(s) business WORKSHOP . She did not receive a Harvard University Business DEGREE. *(Wendy you have 'helpers' to probe for gossip and background accuracies. In addition, you constantly praise your self-perceived capabilities(kudos!). Yet, quite often you ALL are negligent in this arena-- the Research Realm. If you put it out there for PUBLIC consumption, ensure that your FACT-finding is just that, please.)* ... But, your ire at Kanye was on point!
  22. Apparently, the confusion between Ziplining, Bungee Jumping, or Free-Falling lies with my statement. It was the activity wherein she verbally savaged the poor worker and, later, ever so lightly touched the ground then crumpled into a po' Kate hysterical mess.
  23. Whooowee❗ Now, THAT was good! Articulated very well.
  24. Oh, my!! Such good critiques, opinions, and speculations.
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