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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. And, it IS a good thing when varying opinions are both accepted and appreciated. :-)
  2. Sh_t! I have read QUITE a few of her novels before tiring of them. I am more than a bit taken aback. I realize some feel that she has paid her due...B U T for me...MURDER(!!) And, a vicious blitz attack at that! Yeah, I am relieved that I earlier tired of her writings because, now, learning of this...
  3. I just wish that Aubrey would cease twitching, jerking, and bobbing as he talks. Why are D. B.'s mannerisms(facial/hunching/slouching) so stiff and seemingly elderly? And, he's so curmudgeonly. Cam deserves a partner like everyone else...However, the awkwardness of her romance scenes are cringeworthy. Why do the 'powers that be' salivate over the character of Aristoo and force him upon us simple folk? Why? I hope that the Bones series replacement(because THIS SHOW has had it) is well written, well acted, well directed, and well stylized. Ah, it's wonderful to dream. ...
  4. Uh huh. I definitely believe that silicone meandering about and throughout her system is the main physical culprit NOT Lyme Disease. Yolanda's sense of Me, Me, Me has been evident since her debut. I never understood the perception of Yolanda as this fair, wise, and no nonsense soul. Never could I understand that. ...
  5. Damn! zoeysmom, you DO possess superduper mind reading powers. I was thinking the same as the above⬆and wholeheartedly agree with ALL that you have written.
  6. Yaaas! And, it was so obvious and bizarre. Actually, I was a bit surprised that it was mentioned so rarely as to have been nonexistent. For all of Yolanda's malicious and spite riddled comments to Joyce about how can Joyce's husband tolerate listening to her..., she sure 'listened' to Mauricio's body that day. From the Decorum Dame, good guest she was--(NOT). I definitely could not envision Kyle rubbing herself all over another man in that fashion.
  7. ·Such good points and an apt perspective. · ( IMO, of course) ...
  8. Oh, sorry. I neglected to add CONNIVING PREVARICATOR to my above⬆listing of: " Yolanda Yodelings, Yips, and Yammerings". ...
  9. Thank you, ma'am! I have ALWAYS looked askance at Yolanda. ALWAYS. She is back-handedly mean. She is inordinately envious( i.e.: Kyle and Lisa V.). She is schemingly nasty. She is mired in delusions of intellectual, social, and moral superiority. She IS a straight-up b_ _ ch. ...ETA: ...because SPELLING. Yikes!
  10. I will 'miss' viewing Tyra's increasingly disturbing and breathtakingly escalating: ⭐"Damn, Tyra" delusions, arrogance and ego maniacal machinations, grinding semi-sadistic 'advice' and make-overs, extreme hypocrisy, horrifying sartorial choices, disdain of 'pageanteers', and her ABSOLUTE loathing of female African-American Ivy/Ivyish School Collegiates.⭐
  11. Thank you! I agree *with the exception of the statement about her family*.
  12. Whew! Now, that I got THE ABOVE off of my chest, I REALLY liked the program, overall. The somber mood of the series was reflective of the pain, horror, and damage inflicted by the psychopath, Kilgrave. In general, The characters' struggles to understand and cope with their effects of Kilgrave's horrific violations of mind, body, and soul were effectively shown.
  13. Wow! My perspective towards Trish considerably differs from most on this thread. I found Trish to be extremely childishly whiny and petulant, oftimes amazingly aggravating, and intellectually sluggish. I reached a point where I debated whether to continue viewing the program because of that doltish character bungling about while espousing her egoistic 'support' for Jessica. I realize that Trish was supposed to be a sister-friend to Jessica whose irrevocable bond was tortuously forged from their traumatic childhood(s). However, Trish's behavior did not come across as supportive of Jessica to me. It did seem as if Trish threw mini tantrums when Jessica did not wish to heed or include her. She was simply...tiresome to me ___
  14. On this past Monday, I watched Tempus Fugit for the first time and enjoyed it immensely. The first season of Sleepy Hollow was a very nice T.V. surprise. During the early advertisements, I thought the program would be another tired hack of a show. Imagine my surprise and delight to be proven wrong. Aah, but then began The Season of the Whining Witch--banishing my interest. Both the actual actress, Nicole Beharie, and her character, Abby, were used as a talented workhorse in the launching and the laying of groundwork for success and then arrogantly dismissed as unimportant. Utterly dismissed. The showrunner really did not view Abby/Beharie as a True Talent, a multi-faceted ATTRACTIVE woman, nor a STRONG fan favorite. Oh no, in similar vein as many others, he wanted...he desired... the whispery whinging wonder of a Character/Actress Like Katrina/Katia Winter. With much hubris and high-handedness, Katia adopted this perspective, also. I stopped watching. I stopped watching because it was obvious what was goin' on with that. So, I waited and waited until the present tentatively positive reviews accrued. And, in order to initiate my Season 3 viewing( albeit rather cynically), I watched Tempus Fugit. Fairly needless to say, good decision. Yet, I cannot truly enjoy the show as I did season 1. I am on tenterhooks awaiting the next Nullification of Abby. __
  15. Yeah. Nyle depicts 'luxuriousness' well. However, in the Nyle vs. Mikey bout, Mikey ( although I state this with a tad of squeamishness) is a better overall model. Actually, the remaining four models are so 'different' that they are not comparable. Each of them has a true strength and a hindering weakness.
  16. Addendum: Didn't Justin and whoever get railed against for usurping the appointed focus/time of another pair of contestants? So, it's ok if Lacey enacts a variation of that rude act?
  17. I am going to dismiss the personalities portrayed. It IS difficult BUT... masses of financial/occupational successes are dipshits. It's not unusual. *JUSTIN is gorgeous.* Frankly, Mame thoroughly overshadows Lacey. And, she is a very good high fashion model. She really is. Furthermore, I think that she and Justin make a hot, hoT, hOT, HOT couple. Since, I am relegating personality to the back burner, Mikey did look fantastic with his hair flat ironed. I liked the look--a lot. The sleaze look was vanquished. Maybe it is a woman's world, now--that Zappo(')s representative certainly was hungrily licking her chops and salivating over Mikey. If a man had behaved in that manner on the show... I am not a Nyle 'he's my boyfriend' fan, but he did look delicious stretched across that bed while draped in that suit. A thought or two flitted through my mind :-) I am sick and tired of ALL of them whining and whinging about their background. They all need to shut the hell up and model. Eh, Mame for the win.
  18. I agree. Although I like the NYPD characters, I would not miss them. I think Holmes 'n' Watson Damn Good Detecting Consultants would be a blast. More variety in the cases, and make the NYPD come TO them. Thank Bob that this show is on again.
  19. ™Lura. ⤴I think that this thread should be renamed: MANSIONS and FASHIONS. Or, FASHIONS and MANSIONS __
  20. IF the central character in this tidbit of a tale is a Ho'wife, I doubt the item is a Kyle reference. She doesn't F(l)ame(t)h®o(w) her children--nonwithstanding the lame Portia attempt. Nor, for the sake of pity partying, does Kyle endlessly whine and dine on an 'illness' while experiencing periodic miracles for media milking and montages. That scheme is one of Yolanda's Greatest Hits. Perhaps, Anwar is not willing to join the Hadid/Foster Career Compliments of Connections Club. ___
  21. Ah, but she has a certain un je ne sais quoi. Oui? Not acting ability, but... Oh, riight. THAT particular something IS identifiable. And, it is a most definite 'Hollywood' Connection to...
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