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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. You 'musta' read my mind ! Following the comments about populating The City of Light with survivors, I gasped, " Oh, my gosh, The B!#ch wants to Matrix them!" And, following that comment, It appeared to me that Jaha looked askance at 'her'. Did anyone else notice that?
  2. ...what is it with Clarke and her ability to drive men (and some women) to madness⁉
  3. ...As I watched The Prince remove his shirt and cauterize his wound ALL that I could think of was...Yaaas(❗). Wow, the people on this show certainly are 'fit, right 'n' tight'. Sorry, sorry. I digress. (clearing throat) Carry on...back to da show... ...
  4. ALL of THIS is based on editing. I'm sure that Kyle is involved in all sorts of rich 'Beverly Hills' 'sorta-working a job' , social,...activities that have absolutely nothing to do with Kim. But, it will not be shown. The same with the others. Eileen and LisaR actually WORK(well, you what I mean). However, we do not see that aspect of their lives. LisaV possesses more than irritating banter with an eye for lucrative(?) businesses. Yet, we will probably NEVER view her troubles, embarrassments,...because The Big Dawgs will not show them--probably never ever. A lot of this reliance on Kim as a storyline, reliance on whomever and whatever as a storyline is dependent upon the manner in which it's edited. It excludes a great deal minimizing their lives. The editing makes expansive other portions of their lives. Both of these produce inaccurate skewing. And, LisaV is a part of that inaccurate portrayal. ...
  5. LisaV definitely capitalizes on the storylines of others-- by CONSTANTLY bringing up the storylines of others. She initiates and/or delves into 'business' and then AFFECTS concern, laughing disinterest, or injured party feelings(when attempts are made to hold her, rightfully, accountable). Bringing up/delving into Mauricio's personal 'biness' . Bringing up Kim, persistently. Delving into Eileen's marriage(s). Delving into EriKa's s#!t. And on, and on, and... But, for some peculiar reason, viewers don't accuse LisaV of the same intrusive fame'ho'ing behaviors as some of her fellow castmates. However, she IS an intrusive fame'ho'ing castmate.
  6. Re: SEASON TWO: In Season 2 Episode 10, I just looked at the preacher...and looked and looked and... Jack needs juust a teaspoonful of liveliness. (clearing my throat) I was 'looking' at him, too :-). Ignoring Elizabeth's creepyish jokerish grins is most annoying. She was so insipid and dense this season. And, Elizabeth is unable to see her elitist family's machinations? Really⁉ She's intelligent and old enough to realize her parents' ways. Oh. My. Gosh❗. Please--Season 3 should wrap up the 'will she, won't she' aspect of the Jack/Elizabeth romance. Within the first 3 episodes, either they are determinedly together or not. No more of this Charles bulls#!t. No more dumb adolescent angst and other juvenile behaviors. I canNot stand Abigail's hovering. Puh-leaze stop throwing men at Abigail only to cause her sorrow. Put her in a decent relationship with a hot 'un, a good 'un OR, allow her to happily(!) date. But, allow her some frackin' joy! Those not in their twenties want to have fun and romance, also. Ben Avery--don't know what's goin' on, but it's time that we found out. Nora(sigh)--such an irritant. Get rid of her and her incessant whining and stalkerish behavior ( Lady, you left Ben...for TWO YEARS❗). During Season 1, I absolutely wanted Rosemary to vacate the premises. However, I enjoyed her in Season 2. She's was energetic and humorous. If not for her, Season 2 would have been more of a dud than it already was. Since I mentioned Rosemary, I might as well discuss Rosemary AND Lee. I like Lee. He and Rosemary 'work'. I saw no problem in Lee conspiring WITH Molly to nudge Rosemary. I didn't think the role-playing cruel and it was never injurious. Rosemary was indicating serious interest in Lee. Then when he wanted to expand and deepen their relationship, Rosemary, strangely, flaked out. Lee became confused, taken aback, and, rightfully, hurt. He's not a youngster. Lee has feelings and plans, too. Decisions, decisions. You're either in or out. Gowen, Gowen, Gowen. Is there no end to his villainy? Can The Show...not make him more dimensional? It's fine to have someone as an evilish asshole, but varying degrees of that characterization and varying shades of that character must exist. ...
  7. Hopefully, Season 3 will be better than Season 2. Better--in generating deeper and less silly character development, in formulating more creative story ideas, in erecting proper complex plot arcs, in establishing less boringness, and, ha(!), in utilizing less hair extensions and hair weaves. ...
  8. I agree that Julia was essentially dazed and appropriately confused upon her arrival at the school and subsequent testing. I mean, really, who knew? Magic? Well, seemingly all but Julia either knew ALL about magic, the school,..or, at least, received a heads-up 'packet' of 'new employee' information. Julia did not. The afore-knowledge is monumental. For instance, in the real world, if someone with no knowledge of law, medicine, business was suddenly told one afternoon that in just a few minutes that they would be sitting for the LSAT, GMAT,... I think stunned and confused would be be apt descriptions. Now, imagine if someone was rather abruptly informed that they were commencing to take a test 'on magic' without experiencing any type of introduction, warning,...that magic even exists. Confusion and disorientation would be the primary responses to say the least. Yeah, BELIEF would be certainly suspended. However, she is still irritating--to this point. Hey, she may not have been accepted at this Ivy League school, but she IS learning some magic. Right? Oh, and, many people do NOT whine and gripe about their lives but are grateful despite the luxuries of technology,... Quentin always 'felt' different. Fine. So do a lot of people. Quentin read the 'fictional tales' and sorta wished upon a star for them to be true. Fine. They are true. Now, buck up and get on with it. Suffering from Depression(mild, clinical,...) is horrible just as are many mental, emotional, physical afflictions. However, we are watching a T.V. SHOW about... We are not reading The Books. Time is not allotted to travel down certain avenues. It just isn't. So, now, let's get on with The Show. * I have not read The Books, do not wish to do so, nor should I need to do so. The creative team for this T.V. SHOW simply needs to do their jobs for the T.V.SHOW.*
  9. Oh, my gosh! You're right! She screeched something like, "...this is just a filming..." while the bodyguard, miserably, hovered. And, yes.You are SO on point-- The illustrations of 'playing' a mother vs. the state of 'being' a mother.
  10. I do understand your points. Haha! I think that your 'hearing' is excellent.:-) ...
  11. ⬆Yes, it was. Although, It WAS hilarious when during Kate's strangely acrimonious rant and Zip Guy's increasing frustration at Kate's persistent verbal attacks, she uttered, "... If I was a PAYING customer..." and The Zip Guy responded, "But, you're not..." He actually caused her to shut the _ _ _ _ up for a moment. ...
  12. Okay. However, you were not on television. You were not on a REALity show. If one decides to be on such a show, one obviously wishes the public to view it in order for the program to not be cancelled. Since Kate and Jon were not coerced or forced in any manner to sign a contract and appear on The Show, it was their CHOICE to do so. And, with that decision of REALity show participation comes PUBLIC opinion--positive or negative. That is the nature of REALity tv. It just is. Kate can remove herself from that medium alleviating both praise and criticism. But, she won't.
  13. If Kate 'n' Kids continues, my preference would be presenting less scenes of Talking Head Kate, but more scenes of the children's activities and discussions. For instance, other than incessantly griping about their mom, what do Cara and Maddy do? Can we see more of their involvement in their interests... What are Colin's interests? Alexis's interests? Nothing inappropriately invasive. However, if not for the children, the basis for the whole entire series would not exist. Kate has curbed her (okay I must say it...) bitchitude. She embraced fame and the fame gave her 'the big head'. Well, this has happened to others, too. The 4year(s) absenteeism taught Kate that eventho' she luvs 'Livin' the Life', she's no sta'. After all, Jon's machinations didn't prevent TLC from giving a job to Kate WITHOUT The Eight--buut, she wasn't given one. She WAS made to realize--what TLC giveth, TLC can taketh. So, yes, she exhibits a calmER demeanor ON THE SHOW because she needs a job, but avidly craves this well-paid, perk-filled, fame'ho'ing J.O.B. She was MADE to acknowledge her unnecessity to the public, thereby to TLC. Hence, The New Kate. *Kate does need to just cease the rationalizations. Oh, and I hope that the Zipline Guy hasn't been holding his breath awaiting that apology. ...
  14. I understand. Wednesday evening, I was informed that the SEVEN YEAR OLD daughter of my sister's coworker has just begun receiving hospice care. I cannot even...I just cannot... So, Kate can f_ _k off.
  15. I'm not a 'Kate Hater'. BUT, I am 'Kate Disliker'. *( my feelings about Jon are on par with my sentiments about Kate so, fair play and all that... However, The Show pertains to Kate 'n' Kids, so...)* Y'all, I realize that having a big ole mess o' kids ALL THE SAME AGE was rough( yikes! especially during the very young 'un' months through young elementary age ). Sure, others have had a mighty number of children and not had them 'wirk' as television personalities. Sure, others have literally toiled and labored for their LARGE family[ies]. But, I cannot truly say that many of those parents would not have accepted such a deal if offered. The respite from the almost insurmountable stress of the support needed in a similar family scenario/dynamic. I don't know. What I do know is that the couple was aware that the result of fertilization treatments COULD result in a LARGE number of children born SIMULTANEOUSLY. SO, what WERE the plans for their care. I mean, really....they already had twins. What I do know is that Kate's behaviors were not all due to stress and fatigue. Her personality behind-the-stress has been illustrated over and over. Kate and Jon CHOSE the family to be televised and paid. If you are being paid rather handsomely for the public's viewing dis(?)pleasure and have enlisted childcare helpmates, why the constant screaming and harping(?). Why all the misery, displeasure,... Where is the enjoyment of family? Where is the THANKFULNESS and JOY that your children are healthy... very well sheltered...much more than full-bellied... alive? What I do know is that these mean, yes, indeed, Kate's mean and thankless presentations morphed into displays of entitlement: Australia(?) and the zipline(?)employee. I was flabbergasted at her heinous arrogance that she paired with ongoing rude deliberation. Also, during The Camping Trip from Absolute Hell, no reason existed for Kate to lose her damn mind and engage in those histrionics and tantrums. No reason, none. Golly❗ She had masses of help--free. She was given an 'I wish Upon a Star' trip--free. Wow‼ Free travel to educationally enhancing and interesting locales while gettin' paid a quite tidy sum. So, then acerbic, caustic, rancorous, dumbass behaviors are what you think best to grasp, harbor, and ultimately exhibit. Huh⁉ Huh! Okaa-ey. And, what I do know is that I will not EVEN get into the conscious and intentional hurtful acts toward the children that we, as the audience, constantly view. So sad. So unnecessary. Lately, maybe she's decided to take a "look in the mirror and make that change. Sha, Na, na, na,..." Nah, more than likely it's pure SHAM-fulness. Therein lies, in part, the reason that I am a 'Kate Disliker'. ...
  16. ....But, but, Julia IS just as whiny as Quentin, and she's just as selfish--more so, actually. At least, Quentin gives some thought to Julia(clumsy phone call! Ha!) albeit in a whiny, snuffling, 'come pity me' manner. Whereas, Julia couldn't give two and one-half shits about Quentin thus far. Quentin is a weepy, tired dumbass, depressed whiner who had a breakdown. And, Julia is an angry, tunnel-visioned dumbass, angrIER whiner in the midst of a possible breakdown. Those two are distinctly enervating. The supposed underground--and, so far, underwhelming--practitioners of Majicks may prove to be more interesting than those attending University as The School's lauded denizens appear not only a tad ineffectual, but also replete with boringness. *Hmm, The Show...early days yet...we shall see... ... Oh, and, come on, J. K. can hardly sue for appropriation because, well...
  17. IT damn sure ain't Hogwarts. More's the pity.
  18. P. S. Y'all are so clever and talented❗ The lyrics, titles jingles, voiceovers,... were not only ingenious, but also, entertaining as... *[well, you know. ;~)]
  19. ElDosEquis, what you have expressed in your post is superlative. Since last season, when I began expressing my disgust and discontent with Yolanda, this seemingly unacknowledged good fortune of endless healthCARE disturbs and, yes, at times, angers me. The multitude of suffering with little or no access/ability to Care--that includes those with Lyme disease-- is both sorrowful and infuriating. And, to see Yolanda glorying in her supposed ill health is... (sigh) Until Next Time Folks...
  20. Okay. I'm not referencing physical movement such as jerkiness and the like. I clearly addressed that idea in my above⬆ post. Also, I indicated that loud, overwrought, 'hyper' behavior was not needed nor desired. The energy that emanates from the expressiveness of eye, brow,...including aura is 'thespian' appropriate and needed especially in a (somewhat)cerebrally driven program, and doesn't diminish nor destroy the ambience of: calm, soft-spoken, low-key,... Yet, this energy does preclude projections such as: woodenness, flat effect, botoxed effect (albeit male or female), lacklustre visage,... The Energy is not flamboyant, stressful, overwhelming, erratic, nor heavy--overwrought. But, a complexity does exist in one's ability to approach and demonstrate IT in restrained and subtle manners. ... *(that^ said, I enjoy the program.)
  21. Wait❗ What❗ Jonathan doesn't like kids⁉ Jonathan is the brother who coos over the adorableness of the li'l cuties. He so desperately wants kids. Now, certainly, I'm not implying that Drew doesn't care for the Cuddle Cuties, but Jonathan definitely adores them. I have never had a problem differentiating the two. I mean, their appearance is look-ALIKE, yet certainly not identical in aspect to me.
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