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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. I still like the show, yet still believe the actors need to project more energy. *Please note that I did NOT post that actors/characters should become frenetic or display frenzy. More VIGOR was exhibited during the 1st season even among the varying levels of ancillary characters. ...
  2. But, the cast is not doubting her. Not really. Yolanda, herself, prompts this idea of doubt, discusses it with her real friends, and, then proceeds to wail and lament that her faux friends are utilizing a cudgel dipped in doubt to batter her. This is a deliberate focused lie. Yolanda will prolong The Lie throughout the episodes and, upon the REunion, lie some more about her poor self being ridiculed and crucified(by the cast) for Trying To Teach Da People About Da Lyme. *(However, her castmates are not doing anything to her. She will barely film much less have discourse with them. She is performing that trick wherein if one says a lie (my 'friends' are unsupportive) often and strongly enough, many will believe the lie to be truth.)* ...
  3. This show, THUS FAR...hmm, I dunno. Maybe, in a comedy category(?). One cop is so obsessed in retaining her husband/marriage that she persists in performing outlandishly criminal actions? 'Chile', just give it up‼ The cop(yes, Lumen/Loman, you) who shot an innocent person is unraveling mighty quickly and extra mighty stupidly. Geez❗ Are Loman, Wozniak and Stahl ever NOT freakin' out? Why are Tweedledee and Tweedle(dumbass)-- the boring male cop duo-- in THIS fictitious tale? Were they made redundant in Alice in Wonderland? And, Harlee...attempting to lay the groundwork for a protector with power or, simply a f_ _k YOU to Stahl...? Otherwise, really, what was the purpose of that scene? Whaat!? Oh, yeah, perhaps, to stroke Jlo's ego among her other parts. *Yes, Giselle in the ABOVE⬆, Jennifer Lopez IS the only woman allowed to be tailored, buffed, highly glossed, and 'tastefully' stylized in her concocted flesh-baring scenes. ...and the winner(?) in best(?) comedy... ...
  4. Octavia❗ Shut the hell up‼ Jasper, you can shut the hell up, too! Is this a music video? No, it's not. So, please cease the loud, 'emo' driven songs/tunes. So, Clark, now, possesses the ability to hunt with master level stealth, strength, and cagey strategy. Okaa-ey... Wow, a solid number of The Group certainly has managed to learn a new language doggone quickly. Remind me, please. Just how long have they been on the planet? Rosetta Stone most certainly has done an absolutely fabulous job. The Season 3 premiere was alright. Some pandering is evident. Also, a bit 'try too hard to be cool, slick, and hip'. Despite the ABOVE⬆, I am definitely willing to watch the show and WANT to enjoy it.
  5. ..and, I agree with the ☝ABOVE⬆-- that scene with the bank bag bursting (and coins flying) while being bashed against the back of Dottie's head WAS beautiful. ...
  6. I did think it hilarious that Jack took ALL of that time delivering the carrot and the stick story with such menacing undertones in speech and with physically threatening overtones by placing the stick upon the table as Dottie gazed at him in obvious amusement and disdain, and, then, rapidly and effortlessly throttling him.
  7. Perhaps, what may be needed is a bit more intelligent EDITING--a bit more polish, intelligently written or not.
  8. I may use the Wizard of Oz upon referencing Ken+doggie, hereinafter. At least, periodically. Thanks, heatherchandler and nexxie! That was great!
  9. Once Upon A Time, when Jon was attempting to dismantle the series and wrest control of the kids from Kate, what were HIS plans to support the children ? I mean, he was busily running about with girlfriends, not working, and making accusatory television appearances, so... And, how did he pay those lawyers' fees,... What types of schools do the children attend? Are they involved in any extra-curricular activities and or hobbies?
  10. I wonder why Kate consistently mentions,"so and so is here to help out with the kids..." ( because she cannot function, apparently, sans helpmate.) *I am not dismissing Jon's lackluster support, nor am I attempting to unduly criticize Kate*. However, are not the kids old enough to do some of the 'things' for which Kate ALWAYS needs help? Aren't the children the ages of 11 and 14? Is the help only for the trips,...or, on a regular basis? What was the family's tv show income for the most recent TWO seasons?
  11. THIS⬆ is IT, exactly! A right and proper depiction of an aspect of 'HoYo'.
  12. I'm sorry(not), but Stark being slapped about in large part because he couldn't recollect the weekend spent with Dottie was HILARIOUS❗. No, I don't condone abuse. However, ON THE SHOW, the actor playing the role of Stark was impeccable in those moments, in those short scenes. So good. With the type and level of power exhibited by the 'villainous' psychiatrist, he really should have been blasted to the four corners of Marvel hell. Or, at the very least, had a laryngectomy performed. Aand, perhaps, solitary confinement would have been a better choice for each of those two future employees of the month. *(i did giggle at the guard's well used comment--making fun of Dr. Fenhoff--to speak up...)*
  13. I am struggling, mightily, with the chauvinism. I know, I know, the time period buuut... I wanted Peggy to get The Credit, also(said with a whine, pout, and stamp of foot). I mean, most of the office understood what went down. It's just so frustrating! Peggy's romance/love interludes/life need to be well thought out and handled with care and caution lest she becomes another glorious female character brought low and 'dullardized' by another tiringly foolish and short-sighted creative staff.
  14. I must relieve myself by sharing the following. I simply must... *Thompson irks me so much that, frankly, at times, it's difficult for me to enjoy the show(although, I do). My ire rises with such magnificence and my disgust expands in almost boundless fashion at his chauvinism, his stab-a-woman-in-the-backism, his lying liar who ever liedism,... Please, can he get the Ole One, Two 'Comeuppunch'. Umm, Jarvis, Jarvis, Jarvis.
  15. I wonder if TLC 'supported' the family during Gosselin Hiatus? Psst‼ Does anyone know of the various ways and amounts in which the family is supported(salary, other monetary means, favors, connections,...) by TLC ? If so, do tell❗
  16. As I watch the current season and listen to Maddy and Cara snipe and complain(albeit with good reason, at times), I, too, wonder if they realize that the fortunate trips, home renovations, landscaping, certain shopping excursions,... are the DIRECT result of the family's seemingly perpetual presence on television-- intrusive though it may be. Kate nor John have any other form of income(certainly not actual jobs) that would allow for ANY of these 'luxuries' and, frankly, a majority of their fundamentals. ...
  17. I don't know what I feel about Anwar and his IMMEDIATE success at modeling. He and his siblings catapulted to superstardom without any struggle and without any stress. Connections through privilege--wealth and power. What about 'the peasantry, the proletariat, the merchants'? All of those talented, 'modelly' attractive young people who are without the Hadid Help. I just don't know... ...
  18. Well, well, well. And, here I thought that I had only to add Ardent Malingerer to the roster of Yo's woes. Yolanda may, yet, turn out to be a shrewd, cunning 'Prenup Pinup'. Ha❗ Oh, Yolanda, you most certainly are planning to #stayrichbitch. Lack of brain function, indeed. ...
  19. Yes, unfortunately for me, the episode was a tad too obvious. I enjoy more twists/turns expressed in a SIGNIFICANT manner. Also, I want more energy in the show. Not running about pointlessly and violently, but in plot, character--a more dynamic aura and ambience. For instance, Joan needs deeper facial expressions. More varied looks. Oftentimes, she seems to simply walk in and deliver some line then just abruptly walk out. And Bell, well, he appears exhausted(mental/physical(?)) much of the time. I enjoy the program. One of my favorites...especially considering the moronic multitude of programming. Buuut, I would enjoy it much more with a heavier oomph. ...
  20. Whew, 'chile'! Your post! Your post! Agree and luvin it! ... *( Still, no real problem with EriKa. Continues to be whatever.)
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