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Everything posted by crgirl412

  1. Bethenny is the one who talked about being damaged first. I'm sure she's talked about it for years to those close to her. I'll bet we can even find scenes of her telling Gloria (Jill's mom) that she was damaged when they were having some heart to hearts during her last season on HW.
  2. I liked it. I think the first two episodes were together, right? I like the "No bread!" as well as the unicorn stuff at the fundraiser. One of the Housewives shows (NYC, I think) did a cycle fundraiser bit. The funniest part was when OMO asked where the Vons were in the 30's and 40's and the BIL said he didn't know but several showed up in Argentina in the 50's!!! She just smirked to herself thinking what dumbasses these people are to not think about about a Nazi connection.
  3. I only watch ATL in bits and pieces but I've been watching the ski trip since I love Kandi. I'm unclear as to why Mama Joyce thinks Carmon and Todd slept together. What "proof" does she have or thinks she has??
  4. All of your points were spot on! -Sonja's brand is literally just as real as George's Vandelay Industries! - If John "looked" better they would all hush. Look where Mario's "good looks" got Ramona. - Ramona's "in all sincerity" should be a drinking game on WWHL! All the women should take cover when she starts a sentence with it since she's gunning for someone!!
  5. All going well until caviar-gate. What the hell is wrong with all these women? Clearly Ramona was drunk and talking out her ass and Heather and Luann should have let it go rather than try to engage her. And Dorinda, who should've been steaming mad since it is her b-day dinner, is trying to be the peace-maker but felt that she had to say something since Ramona wouldn't shut her mouth. That poor date of Ramona's........ Also, I wish we had seen the entire episode at the furniture store with Carole and B but we only saw pieces of it.
  6. The Daily Mail is showing photos of her holding hands with a cute guy on Monday May 18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3087047/Bethenny-Frankel-seen-holding-hands-new-mystery-man-weeks-Michael-Cerussi-split.html
  7. I can 100% see Vicki being A-OK with this being filmed too. More than many of the other HW anywhere. I don't like Vicki at all. Never have and never will. She is insufferable on so many levels. I am sorry that her Mom died though- especially so suddenly. I was with my Mom when she died from cancer and it made it "easier." I think.........
  8. (((MissMel)))I am so sorry for your loss. My sister is almost 3 years sober (alcohol) and I'm still scared that she will relapse and wind up dead. If she had more stability in general by having a job and other things, I would feel better and not be so scared but I can't live her life for her and have done all that I can.
  9. Kandi has the patience of a saint. A saint who has no short or long term memory and longs to live their life in Groundhog Day. It's always the same. It never changes. Her mom and her sisters and now her cousin are ungrateful shrews. Mamma Joyce did have a shocking moment of sanity and manners when she said that the Aunts should just be grateful that they were invited.
  10. But, Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental illness. I'm not saying that all reality tv people have it but it would be interesting to put all of the participants in these shows through real psychiatric examinations. I'll bet many would fall into the "state" as well as quite a few who fall into the "trait." http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1519417-overview
  11. Don't do it Lisa!.... um......er......I mean, ryebread!!! I agree that her tone was very bitchy! The Countess wasn't too broken up emotionally over the demise of her marriage as I think they did have an "understanding." She was more upset about the loss of housing, money and status which makes her comment event worse since she knows that Ramona is really hurting since she loved Mario.
  12. She said Neuropharmacologist. I just learned what that was two days ago! She is likely seeing one in private practice. Neuropharmacologists who earn a master's degree can expect job duties resembling those of research assistants or research associates. These include setting up and monitoring experiments, interviewing test subjects, recording test results and assisting with grant applications. If you have earned a doctorate, your job duties will be a mix of research, patient care and teaching depending on whether you work for a government agency, hospital, university or private company. Positions with a government agency or private company emphasize research, with limited patient interaction and little or no teaching. Positions at a hospital revolve around patient interaction and research, with the potential for teaching informally through mentor relationships or interaction with medical students. University positions are oriented towards teaching and research. Neuropharmacologists may also need to attend conferences, write research findings for publication and apply for grants. http://learn.org/articles/Neuropharmacologist_Frequently_Asked_Career_and_Salary_Questions.html
  13. Good for Bethenny in trying to truly help Sonja. I think that there was more that happened the night before that we won't see/hear about based on the Countess saying that they were really worried and Ramona saying she can't be around Sonja when she's like that. I only saw a fairly buzzed, annoying woman but nothing scary or sad. I'm back to add that it took ALOT for Bethenny to open up like that and Sonja truly didn't get it based on her TH. It's a damn shame but that was true wisdom from Bethenny.
  14. OMG, THIS 1000000% times!!!!!! And helping build Teams, dropping bits of gossip/lies to certain wives/media outlets to stir the pot.
  15. I saw this online yesterday too. Yikes! That crazy Vladamir is going to get everyone killed.
  16. This made me laugh as my national sorority was founded at Hunter College on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
  17. I'm glad we're getting to see more of Dorinda. She's different than the others it seems so it's difficult to put her in a category. I like her.
  18. So true!! Ramona has so far kept her shit together and not offended anyone (sans the brunch email lie) but Bethenny is on overdrive. The bolded sentence is hysterical!! SO true!! Tweet that and it will trend!! Is she working with same people as Sister Wives and their Closet???
  19. Right????? It was something that Ramona would have said since she is so prone to those types of social faux pas.
  20. I think Heather should have told Bethenny privately that Kristen was hurt as per EVERY show in the franchise, it never goes well when these things are brought up in mixed company. But then again, maybe that's the point. Also, on NYC they do a lot more not inviting everyone on the show than on BH for example.
  21. "Bravolebrities" know each other from Bravo events. Frederick is one of the realtors on Million Dollar Listing New York. I think all of them on both of these shows probably see each other out and about socially in NYC/The Hamptons (with and without Bravo involvement). His personality and work ethic is very similar to Bethenny's. Last season or the season before it showed he and his father having a "come to Jesus" talk and we saw that they had/have a lot issues with Frederik feeling abandoned/emotionally neglected by his dad his whole life. It was quite sad.
  22. I watch The Americans and saw commercials for Tyrant. Looks great! I need to binge watch Season One!! Where can I do this for free?
  23. I think Ramona's willingness to stand up to Bethenny or anyone else for that matter is more about her being unaware and clueless. She'll take on anyone, anywhere without thinking- it's almost like an automatic instinct with her. She's like those tiny dogs that always crazily bark right up in the face of much bigger dogs who could eat them in one bite. They are acting on instinct and really don't get that they could be a nice snack. They aren't brave and not not taking crap.
  24. I was really surprised that they didn't have them go to the gate and disappointed too!!
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