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Everything posted by crgirl412

  1. I just watched it!! I soooo wanted to watch it when I got home from work but I was too tired since I was the only RN with 6 patients on my floor. A co-worker only had 3!! WTH???? I'm still trying process it and I need to watch it again. It was good on many levels but odd too. The most bothersome to me was not Paige ratting out her parents to Pastor Tim thus literally risking their lives but Sandra wanting to "go clear" with Philip.
  2. I am getting ready for work and my hospital doesn't get FX so I'll have to watch it after I get some sleep tomorrow. :(
  3. All of you MUST go over to the Ghosts of Housewives past and read Bossa Nova's post on Kelly and ASD. It is excellent!!!!
  4. EXCELLENT Bossa Nova!!! You have fleshed it out beautifully!! I'm going to tell those on the Memory Lane thread to come over here to read this!
  5. Or Kelly was doing heavy drugs in NYC and had to very quickly stop to go on the trip as she couldn't do drugs on the trip.
  6. Three sentences and the word really four times!!! I'm so sorry!!
  7. That sounds vaguely familiar. I know I watched that reunion but forgot about that part. Jill really is a BITCH then!!!
  8. I agree!! I though of that too. Darryl Hannah has autism so it's not that out of the question. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/daryl-hannah-reveals-autism-hollywood-20394655
  9. Clearly WE missed the scene when Bethenny screamed at Kelly the she went out of her way to orchestrate a smear campaign against her. I'm thinking that's not true since Kelly didn't file a lawsuit. Notice that at lunch with Luann, Jill and Jennifer, Kelly was sitting there spewing her craziness and all three of those women were confused, laughing at what she was saying and commenting on her streams of confabulations. Who's the common denominator???? AMEN!!! This made me choke on my Sprite!!!!! LOL!!!!
  10. Sonja, "I always dated exotic guys: Chinese, Irish........." I don't know about you all but those are always the first nationalities I think of when I think of exotic guys. LOL!!! Full disclosure: I'm part Irish!!
  11. I did feel bad for Jill. I can't recall why Alex reacted so strongly. I know that Jill's personality steam-rolled Alex's over the course of seasons but Jill really overplayed her hand on this surprise. She didn't really realize what had already happened with Kelly and she really did want to make up with Bethenny so that really lead her to be very wrong about it!
  12. Are we ever going to get the entire story??? Clearly there are scenes that we didn't see and no one even eluded to them. I want to know about production taking her back to NYC!
  13. Me too!!! Kelly even looks very unwell sitting there- bags under her eyes, shiny face and dark long stringy hair in her face.
  14. I can't believe there aren't more people on here talking about Scary Island that is on RIGHT NOW!!! Watching it again after so much has happened and years have gone by, it really, really confirmed what I knew then- Kelly is a crazy bitch. She is very, very, very controlling. In my opinion, it is due to her issues with low self-esteem, her deep, irrational fears of how people will perceive her and in general poorly formed social skills.
  15. This makes me sad as a sibling of someone in recovery for almost 3 years who hasn't relapsed- yet...... I really hope Kim can get it together and stay sober!!! Yes, Kim has all kinds of issues going back years but I'm sad for her kids, Monty, Kyle, Kathy and her nieces and nephews who love her and I'm sure are worried sick about her.
  16. I thought for sure Maurice was a goner tonight and she was going to shoot him. He will die but maybe not until next season. I can't wait to watch the Comedians! Those hysterical commercials are very jarring given the intensity of this show but they've grown on me. Why don't the illegals have fake extended families? So much else is fake! Umbelina- In all of your research have you read about this??
  17. So glad to see Claudia!!! They are sending Elizabeth and Paige to Russia!! I really like that! Why was Clark un-Clarking himself???? Poor Martha!!!
  18. He should get the Silver Fox!!! He watches all (or most) of the HW shows and they are BFF so they could practice when they hang out!!! He's interviewed some heavy hitters and could handle the HW. I think..........
  19. But he is 100000% better than Tamron Hall who does the Sister Wives reunions/tell-alls.
  20. I think that the original cover of AA and being Steppers together is still the premise and Maurice still believes it. Elizabeth's plan to get an insider in Northrup is working out splendidly and even she couldn't have dreamed of Maurice's greed and willingness to pimp out his wife. She could go to jail but he doesn't care!!
  21. Agent Gaad: Barefoot in the Park 1981 (FULL Original HBO version) Richard Thomas and Bess Armstrong https://youtu.be/PekFjgnd6H4
  22. IDK, I remember dialing the kind of phone Paige had in her room with one hand. I was born in 1970 so I used one for many years.
  23. I took it as him not wanting to take away his son's autonomy, not that he wanted him to be in a war necessarily. It fits with his parenting style since he's an atheist yet is letting Paige get baptized and be really involved in her church.
  24. I finally watched it on Friday night after working night shift Wed. and Thurs. and it takes me a day to get back on track. Great episode!! For the first time ever Elizabeth looked really scared, vulnerable and fragile when confronted by Paige. That's Keri's Emmy scene! Paige does have an Aunt in Pennsylvania who she never knew existed until the last few years. Why couldn't the USSR have really used "the Aunt" and even Claudia and Gabrielle as relatives so as not to make the kids suspicious? When Stan was asked if he was compromised and it led to the breakdown of his marriage, I think that he answered honestly. His marriage was over long before he was compromised by Nina. Love the "Willow" storyline!! Oleg was honey trapped by Nina and may now pay a very high price! Stan has still got it! He dines with spies once a week but he can spot a fake defector a Milky Way away!
  25. I'll take a double portion!! THANK GOD for another season!!
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