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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. Maddie looks so much better with lighter hair color. Not sure if it’s completely natural but it’s definitely more flattering than the dark color she had.
  2. If I had to live with Jill, putting staples through her head would be a highlight of the year.
  3. When Robyn said she was torn between begging Meri to stay or telling her to go be free and happy, I took that to mean she’s dying to tell Meri to go away but can’t because of the show 😏. I do think she enjoys lording her relationship with Kody over Meri, but not enough to want her around. Robyn is not Meri’s friend. Also, this season is so boring. Nothing is happening, just lots of staged conversations in that Mexican restaurant. Much as I enjoy snarking on these fools, it’s time to pull the plug on the show and enter the next phase of their disintegration - life without the show money. Now that will be interesting to watch!
  4. Yes, so he can say that it wasn’t his fault they split 🙄
  5. Jill, I don’t think you’re going to impress them by misspelling the name of their product 🤦‍♀️
  6. Totally agree. If she’d stopped having kids post scandal, she’d have four school age kids and she could work during the day. Of course, they’d never send their kids to public school 🙄 and a job is out of the question, but four older kids would still be much easier to handle alone than seven kids.
  7. Yes Jill, I’m sure the churches would be SEVERELY devastated if they missed your caterwauling, Dave delivering the same boring sermon every year, and you begging for love offerings. Devastated, just devastated 🙄
  8. I wonder if they were late because Kody doesn’t really approve of the relationship. He made an appearance so people couldn’t say he didn’t go, but he obviously wasn’t into it.
  9. “Five star hotel”? Yeah, this from the woman who thinks Olive Garden is a fancy restaurant. I checked out pictures, looks like any other mid-range hotel. I’m sure it’s perfectly nice, but five star? No way.
  10. There’s some..ummmm…interesting sock and shoe combos going on there 🤔
  11. I generally like Amanda, but didn’t like it when she compared Tammy and her BF to whales. All the speculation about how they’d consummate the marriage was so crass. I know that’s who these people are, but it was cringey. And Amanda, you don’t have a whole lot of room to be making fat jokes. I sincerely hope this is all a made for TV wedding and isn’t real. Two addicts barely in recovery is not a good idea (besides the fact that they barely know each other). The BF bugs me, it all feels like bad acting.
  12. I can’t forget the name of Nurie’s youngest, all I can think of is Jerry Seinfeld saying “Hello, Newman” 😂
  13. For someone who supposedly stays out of the other wive’s relationships with Kody, Robyn sure had a lot to say about them this episode. Whether there’s any truth in her claims that some wives rejected Kody’s “affection” or not, it’s absolutely none of her business. Shut up, Robyn.
  14. He looks like a smarmy bobble head in dad jeans.
  15. Can I just get a stick in the eye, pretty sure it would be less painful then listening to him sing. 🙉
  16. Kbo


    I noticed that, and she doesn’t have the matronly hair, either. I wonder if TLC does their hair and makeup for the talking heads? If so, that person hates Robyn 😂. Well played!
  17. Totally agree. Plus, RSV and COVID are running rampant. If I had a newborn right now, I’d be staying home as long as I could.
  18. The sleeper they have the baby in immediately caught my eye because those were all recalled back in 2019: https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2019/Fisher-Price-Recalls-Rock-n-Play-Sleepers-Due-to-Reports-of-Deaths Of course, these are the same people who got a ticket for not properly restraining poor Nemo, so can’t say I’m surprised 🤦‍♀️. They love to talk about their precious gifts from God, but then don’t take the most basic steps to protect them. It’s mind-boggling.
  19. Kbo


    I really thought we’d have baby news by now. Hope they’re all okay.
  20. Nothing screams holiday like a family dressed in beige and brown 🙄. I want to reach through the screen with scissors and lop a foot off Jessa’s hair.
  21. As soon as Kody stormed out Robyn drops the faux concern, swings her water bottle and practically says “Peace out, bitches!”. But we’re supposed to believe she reverted to sobbing in the driveway. Mkay. Very telling they never showed her face. As for Meri, she was loving every minute of Kody berating Christine. I would feel pity for her situation if she wasn’t such a wench.
  22. Kody dancing at the wedding https://fb.watch/gmZkjbyf0f/
  23. Kody isn’t even sitting with Janelle at their son’s wedding? I seriously wonder if Janelle has left him too but they’re keeping it under wraps to wring out another season. Otherwise, how could Janelle be okay with her supposed husband sitting with Robyn? It boggles the mind. And clearly I’m thinking about it far too much 😬
  24. If she sings anything like Christine they were undoubtedly trying to drown her out 😏
  25. Ever seen those videos where someone puts a camera on their pets collar to see where they go? Someone needs to do that to Kody.
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