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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I couldn't believe how much Mika was yakking while the author of the book was sitting right beside her. Watched for maybe 2 minutes and got sick of the blonde bombshellac running her mouth nonstop, & changed channels. I didn't know anything about the author and I kept wondering why it was ok with her to be sitting there quietly while her life/book was being discussed by others as she just nodded her head over & over. Very weird. MSNBC is getting weirder by the day 😒
  2. Fish & chips (ok, Gorton's fried flounder & Alexi French fries, both baked), Ina's tartar sauce, & cole slaw with a diced Granny Smith apple in it (very good!)
  3. There must be somebody who could take over this show ASAP. I wonder if his ratings have dropped. I was planning to contact MSNBC about this but never got around to it. Will do so now (I know...like they care what I think but I bet a lot of people must be contacting them about Chris Matthews inability to remember names, even of his guests!) Things are heating up and I don't think CM will be able to adequately handle the intense discussions (especially if he won't let his guests talk) that will be taking place up through the elections of 2020.
  4. I'm making Dan Dan Mien for dinner.
  5. Well, it's been a while since I watched Hardball and tonight was typical CM of late. He had Michael Beschloss & Dana Milbank on to discuss Trump's plans to take over the Capitol Fourth celebration on the mall. The two guests could hardly get a word in, with Chris loudly talking over them when they managed to speak. And then, CM was talking about "how hot it is in DC in July & March...oh wait...in... August". Next, he referred to the Secretary of Commerce as "Wilbur.........." and Dana jumped in and said, "Ross". MSNBC needs a new host--one who will let his interesting guests talk, and who can remember the names of people he's either talking to or about.
  6. Have a wonderful time. And, if you do run into Miss Ina, tell her we love her too!
  7. Once I tried Diamond Crystal kosher salt, I never looked back. IMO, it's milder.
  8. Ina said that using ex-large eggs has made her a better baker. That caught my attention since I'm just a so-so baker. She made that lemon poppyseed cake. I'm tempted to make it but without the poppyseeds. They followed this show with a rerun of the highly criticised (by us) episode in which she served an outdoor meal to the family with a 7 week old baby & featured the huge lit balloons & everyone was bundled up in coats. Her spicy turkey meatballs looked good😊
  9. I just watched her new show & thought she looked a bit different...but grown up at last (teenage hairstyle gone) and she's lost weight. She looked good. So did her mom's lasagna. It inspired me to make it (after many years!) And that kale salad looked good too. I'd heard about the massaging of kale, but thought it was a joke. I think I'll make that salad too.
  10. Easy Italian Chicken 4-6 chicken breasts, cut in ½ or 1/3’s 1 very large tomato (or several Roma tomatoes) 1 large bottle Italian dressing Grated Parmesan cheese Place chicken in baking dish. Pour Italian dressing over top. Cut up tomato to bite size pieces & put on top. Add cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for at least an hour (less for boneless) or until juices run clear. Serve with white rice and pour “juice” over rice. Source: www.cookbooks.com I add fresh sliced basil, and shake some garlic powder, dried red pepper flakes, and dried rosemary over the chicken dish before baking. I like to serve over angel hair pasta.
  11. Eggsalad on toasted sourdough for brunch, & lotsa leftovers for supper tonight. Our refrigerator runneth over & I need some room.
  12. annzeepark914


    Amen! I was astounded that Double D wasn't embarrassed to be revealing such awful info'...he sounded like a teenage girl describing their close relationship. I don't know why Nicholle has him on her show. Her other guests (ahem, with another exception--the Rev) are always top notch. I'll definitely watch Heileman's new show.
  13. Last night I made fettucine al fredo, something we haven't had in a long time. Plus a salad, and French bread with anchovies along the top (they mellow out while baking & are a nice contrast with the pasta).
  14. Maybe she has leg cramps? If so, she needs to sleep with a bar of unwrapped Ivory Snow between the sheets. It works!
  15. I tried a 12 week trial subscription of the NY Times (& it wasn't even free--just at a reduced rate). Toward the end of 12 weeks, I contacted the phone # provided to say I did not want to subscribe. The woman I dealt with went through some gobbledegook reason of why I was now fully subscribed, that I hadn't contacted them in time to stop the paper. It made no sense. Something just made me feel I was dealing not with the NYT but a contracting company. So I called the NYT directly, spoke with someone in customer service, and was told not to worry, that this would be taken care of. And it was. I'll never try any of these "deals" again.
  16. I made that recipe that's making the rounds on Facebook--Chicken & Rice Burrito Bowl. Totally forgot about Cinco de Mayo, but I guess this dish was sort of appropriate
  17. I can't handle that voice. It's a vocal fry to the extreme! The sad thing is, she's a decent cook (chef?) but it's unbearable to listen to her. A while back she was on a Bobby Flay show and made deviled eggs with fried oysters sitting on them. I was so interested that I had to stay with the show, endure that vocal fry, so that I could learn how to make the whole shebang. Someone at FN needs to tell Sunny to use her indoor voice 😣
  18. I've noticed over the years that a lot of chefs & cooks on TV do not use pot holders. They use towels. Why is that? How can towels protect your hands from the intense heat of a roasting pan? Pot holders are much more protective. I wondered at times if they felt pot holders looked uncool. Maybe their kitchen towels are way thicker than the type we buy? They don't look any different to me. ATK chefs use towels (but Ina uses pot holders--sometimes *huge* pot holders!) Just curious + I always worry that the towel users will burn their hands.
  19. Great photo(s). It's easier for me to recognize skaters in the color photo. Petr Barna is next to Artur. Yikes! Zhulin? I don't recall his hair being soooo blonde. Those were the days of very interesting competitive as well as pro programs.
  20. annzeepark914


    All I remember is DD had a show that featured a variety of guests, and he always wore a lavender shirt. Keith's show, in its early days, was a lot of fun...especially when he went after O'Realllly. Then Keith's anger got the better of him.
  21. I do brunch...that leaves me a lotta leeway as to when I "rise & shine for the maritime" (my dad used to bellow that Navy call every school day morning at 6:45 AM)☺
  22. Most excellent observation re: the two suck-up interviewers of '15-'16. Who started pronouncing nuclear as nu-ku-lar? Can we blame Jimmy Carter?
  23. I love the comments from all of you. I don't watch Morning Joe as I'm not a morning person (I tried to watch back in early 2016 and was appalled at the way they tossed softball questions to Trump and had him on so many times). So now, I "watch" the show via your posts. Thanks for the chuckles and the updates.
  24. I dislike cauliflower. It has a nasty taste, like maybe a bad onion? Hard to describe. Brussels sprouts also has that strong nasty taste (it's not so bad when roasted). And anise, in Italian sausage, brings back a memory of a miserable night of food poisoning. But I do love raw & fried oysters & clams, steamed mussels & shrimp, & lobster. I should live at the beach. Oh Lawdy, I forgot one item that is so awful to me that I run away if I smell it: Romano cheese!
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