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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Anorexia. That's so sad for Rachel, but good for her for stepping back from competitive skating to get her health issues taken care of. The Parsons were so good and on the rise. Tackling anorexia is tough. Good luck to Rachel.
  2. Last night's show was sweet because it was about Dixie who is such a nice guy. He comes from a seemingly close & loving family. I think the cabin masters did a superb job renovating what looked like a shack into a very attractive summer home...er, camp. That job had to have cost more than $25,000! Does anyone else have a hard time understanding what Ashley is saying?
  3. Grilled pork chops, spinach, and scalloped potatoes (confession: I bought a box of Betty Crocker scalloped potatoes cause I wasn't in the mood to peel potatoes). We were surprised that the potatoes weren't OTT salty & they were tasty! They must have altered the recipe & lowered the salt. Who knew 😽
  4. Jake comes from a good lookin' family!
  5. For the past few years I've been getting rashes on the front of my legs. The dermatologist gave me a Rx ointment which clears it up but I needed some type of moisturizing cream to help ward off the rashes (it's eczema). Tried several but then found Aveeno Eczema Therapy moisturizer. I put it on my legs every day after I shower and it prevents the rashes. Recently I wasn't able to find it in any of the stores around where I live. So I used another cream (recommended by derms) and the rash returned. Finally thought to look it up on amazon, found it and ordered it (*then* I started finding it in area supermarkets!) Now that I'm back on the Aveeno, the rashes are gone and staying gone (I'm stocking up on this stuff cause I don't want to go w/out it again).
  6. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet by Jamie Ford is an interesting story of a Chinese boy and his Japanese friend and classmate, that took place around 1941, in Seattle. The kids are about 12 (the friend is a girl). It covers what life was like during WWII for these immigrant families, a bit of the discrimination they face (but not so much that it's depressing) and, of course, what happened to Japanese Americans. I loved this novel. It's well written and interesting.
  7. annzeepark914


    We're going to miss Katy Tur as we're always happy to see her when she replaces Chuck. In our opinion, she should be given MTP Daily. When Chuck is there, we alternate between him and Wolf. When Katy's hosting we stick with MTP.
  8. I believe throw triples & quads demand athletes pushing themselves. The variations in overhead lifts are certainly thrilling for fans & continue to get more complex, thus forcing athletes to push themselves. So I don't see eliminating the two sets of side by side jumps as regressing, not when pairs' other elements continue to get more difficult. It's not going to happen, but it's something for some of us to think about.
  9. I've noticed (in the past few years) that milk smells like corn. So one day I mentioned that to Mr. P914 and he said it's because farmers are feeding corn to cows. I said, "Really?" and he laughed and said no, that he had no idea why milk smelled like corn. I'm not a milk drinker (loathed it as a kid) so I don't know if the taste of milk has changed as I just use it in recipes.
  10. @Moose135: What a gorgeous, snuggly, lovable dog!!! I'm so happy for you and for Jake (who has finally found a safe, loving, forever home) 😊
  11. I love oysters, raw or fried. I should be living on the coast😊
  12. Beef stew & mashed potatoes. Good ol' nutritious comfort food 😊
  13. Of course singles do a lot more than triple jumps. But they don't do overhead lifts, pairs spins, death spirals, throw triple ( or quad) twists, etc., moves that are extremely difficult (& some dangerous) to do well enough to make the podium. That's the pairs' world, a totally different discipline than singles. Pairs have enough to do to master these elements safely so why do they also have to dip into the singles discipline and do the individual jumps (plus make them synchronized) in order to gain more points? Ice dancers don't have to so why should pairs? Anyway, this has bugged me for several years. There's nothing I can do about it (but if I could...!!)
  14. I'm sure this will be unpopular but I got one chapter into Harry Potter and that was all I could take. It was the silly, childish sounding names (e.g., Dumbledore) that made me roll my eyes & slam the book shut. Violence against women and/or children is another book slam for me. There is a book I closed after a couple chapters but intend to finish. Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance had me so confused by the descriptions of the author's many redneck relatives (& their antics), that I was exhausted early on. However, a friend raved about this book. She said once you get past his early years, his life becomes very interesting.
  15. The only discipline I enjoy watching is ice dance. The other disciplines, IMO, are boring (except for Jason who isn't spending his time setting up one quad after another). It is a sport and skaters must be challenged. But for me, quad-a-thons (in men's) just aren't interesting. Change edge spirals are not easy to do but no one does them today, along with those spectacular Ina Bauers. And why do pairs skaters have to do two sets of triple jumps? They're not singles skaters. I can't be the only skate fan grousing these days.
  16. He's probably too old. This administation only nominates younger men & women to the courts.
  17. I kept waiting for Blackwing to mention the fact that Claire is incredibly wealthy, but you'd never know it. I no longer read books about wealthy, gorgeous (but down to Earth) young women.
  18. Really? Did you read The Mystery of the Yellow Room? I loved that book. Then, years later, I learned that she had a home in Bar Harbor (that I think was lost in the great fire of 1947). After we vacationed in Bar Harbor, I reread the book & enjoyed it even more.
  19. I wasn't too keen on the colors but if it were mine, I wouldn't spend any $$ on repainting. For some reason, the houses this season (excluding the yurt) have been a bit confusing to me (figuring out the layout). Maybe they have a new camera person? I can see the main room & kitchen, but it's hard to figure out where the bedrms are in relation to the main area.
  20. Well, I took an easy way out tonight and heated a Bertolli Chicken Coconut Curry dinner. First time using this and it has some heat in it, so much that I had to give most of it to Mr. P914, darn it all (tasted good initially). Guess I'll have to revert to making my own chicken curry (and making sure there's some coconut flavor in it--I liked that!)
  21. Don't forget tonight, tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday on the Olympic Channel will be the repeats of Worlds.
  22. Me too. I'm glad she was brave enough to leave Eteri & Russia, and gave Brian a chance to work with her. Whether she wins gold in Beijing or not, her life is being changed in a good way. She even looks so much better today.
  23. Bring back the fun to ice dance (and the rest of figure skating programs as well). Loved the disco FD. Every time I see G/P, I think of that wonderful disco medley they skated to, and Paul's huge mustache and big hair. And, of course, Phillipe dueling his way down the rink. These people make/made skating competitions interesting, esp to folks who don't follow it throughout the season. I'd sure like to see H/D and P/C move away from the soft pastel programs and do something, anything different!
  24. I read somewhere (here?) that repeats of Worlds will be on the Olympic channel: 3/25/19: Pairs SP & LP 3/26/19: Ladies SP & LP 3/27/19: Men's SP & LP 3/28/19: Ice Dance RD & FD
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