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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I remember the first time I saw Mad About You. It was a Thanksgiving episode and the two couples were taking the train to CT, going home for the holiday. The entire episode was the ride on the train going home, and returning to the city. It was so realistic. They had all the little noises, squeaks, whatevers, that trains make (it brought back memories of riding the New York Central into Manhattan, and back home, waaaay back in the day). And of course the conversations about being at home with relatives, and all that that entails. I was hooked.
  2. I found this at SkateFans. I think the last listing is for Ice Dance (it says singles which is weird): Listings for the week of Sat.3/16/19 through Fri.3/22/19. All times Eastern; please doublecheck your local listings. These listings are from the TVGuide website. Asterisks indicate a new program (7 this week). Note that some times (the ladies SP and the men's FS) are slightly different than originally announced by NBCSN. ****Wed Mar 20 World FS Championships NBCSN noon-2 p.m. EDT [Saitima, JPN, 3/18-3/24/19][ladies SP] ****Thu Mar 21 World FS Championships NBCSN 1-3 p.m. EDT [Saitima, JPN, 3/18-3/24/19][pairs FS] ****Thu Mar 21 World FS Championships NBCSN 3-5 p.m. EDT [Saitima, JPN, 3/18-3/24/19][men's SP] ****Fri Mar 22 World FS Championships NBCSN 7-9 p.m. EDT [Saitima, JPN, 3/18-3/24/19][RD] ****Fri Mar 22 World FS Championships NBCSN 9-11 p.m. EDT [Saitima, JPN, 3/18-3/24/19][ladies FS] ****Sat Mar 23 World FS Championships NBCSN 1-3 p.m. EDT [Saitima, JPN, 3/18-3/24/19][men's FS] ****Sat Mar 23 World FS Championships NBC 8-10 p.m. EDT [Saitima, JPN, 3/18-3/24/19][singles FS]
  3. annzeepark914


    I wish someone would tell Nicolle Wallace to quit the maniacal laughter. It's really irritating. Today she was laughing way too much. It's a shame because she has such good guests (no, not David Deutsch!) and often times, she starts laughing while they're still talking. I've noticed they don't join in (they either keep talking over her laughs or just quit talking).
  4. @BckpckFullaNinjas: Thanks so much for the link. What a great company! If I had a summer place, I'd order those chairs (at least one chair custom ordered to fit me, of course). So the two women are employees but they build all the chairs, Wonder what they're now building while elsewhere employed. They all better be eating their Wheaties cause they're going to be mega busy this summer, thanks to MCM🙂
  5. That's amzing info' about the Adirondack chairs. They've always been inviting to me but then when I'd sit in them--yeow (even as a little kid). I thought they did mention his name but then, maybe I wasn't paying attention to the audio (too distracted by the visuals!!) Loved the three chairs together for the three friends to sit, have a Mai Tai and watch the sun set. I'm temporarily off facebook (technical issues driving me nutz) so I can't check their facebook page to see if they mentioned this creative man. I bet they're going to get a lot of calls, emails, etc, asking for his name. Anyone who can make these chairs comfy is a genius.
  6. That's IT...a rictus grin! I swannee, that gal drives me crazy with that grin constantly on her face. I don't watch this show much, mostly because of that. I find myself stupidly staring at her, trying to catch her without that dimply little grin. She's like Giada, always showin' off that grill.
  7. I know and I love the wintry setting. But I was hoping, maybe this spring? Guess not 😖. Thanks, shapeshifter, for the update.
  8. I have a hard time watching this show due to the little smile that *never* leaves her face. You'd think her facial muscles would be aching badly after a few minutes.
  9. We just watched a rerun of the program on the Latvian woman whose boyfriend drowned while they were kayaking across the Hudson River. I am still dumbfounded that anyone would be out on this river on a windy day, in early spring. And esp in a kayak! I've always heard that the Hudson has a very strong current. What were they thinking? Wish they'd shown more interviews with his family & friends. Vargas's questions were so leading (as if she were hinting at what the proper response should be).
  10. I keep waiting for news of when S4 begins. We love Fargo. It's the only show we watch together (other than Nicholle Wallace). Good thing cause after each episode, we have to figure out some of the fast-paced confusing conversations. Hurry up, Fargo!
  11. annzeepark914


    Wow! Nicholle was on The View? I haven't watched that show since Meredith Viera left. IMO, that was the end of an intelligent, women's talk show (still love Joy, though--wish she could get out of there & be given her own show, which I've mentioned already, sorry!!)
  12. He & Chris Matthews seem to enjoy the verbal fisticuffs with their guests (which I can't stand listening to).
  13. I turned on CNN at 9:00 tonight and saw Anderson Cooper's 360 show. Isn't Chris Cuomo on at 9 PM? I don't watch Cuomo's show but knew it was on at 9. I didn't want to watch Joy subbing for Rachel so I put on CNN.
  14. Okayyyy...I tuned in to Hardball tonight, around 7:30, and lasted maybe 5 minutes. He had an awkward way of signaling to Bob Shrub (sp?) that this was his last question to him. Bob looked puzzled, & then laughed a little. I can't remember what CM said or how he phrased it, something like "this is the end of the night, Bob" or something like that, before asking one final question. Very weird.
  15. I can still see the terror on Ricky Gervais's face while he was riding in a tiny sports car on one of the old expressways in NYC. Jerry was taking him to a coffee shop on City Island.
  16. Loved that scene. And what was the music that started playing when Lou sat on the bed?
  17. He didn't look so hot in that vacation photo either (compared with his wife who looks healthy).
  18. Maybe he came up with the name and using the same name for his book title was a way to "own" the name of the show. Oh well...if he resigns, retires, whatever, they'd need to create a new format for the show anyway, along w/ a new title. The one thing about Hardball that I've enjoyed is the Tell Me Something I Don't Know segment (altho' since it's at the end of the show, they're rushed and I don't like that--I want the guests to have the time to do a bit of explaining re: what they' just revealed).
  19. I'm reading Bury The Lead by Archer Mayor. It's one of the latest in the Joe Gunther series. I normally don't read police/detective books but this series is not typical. The stories take place in Vermont & the author has richly developed the main characters. He also shows his love for this small, beautiful state & its old towns, one of which, Brattleboro, is where these people live & mostly work. The books are more like novels with a bit of suspense.
  20. annzeepark914


    IMO, Brian should just read the news. He's lucky he even has a job there after what he's done. I can't see him handling the talking heads on Hardball, especially these days when things are popping left and right in DC and NYC (especially with the SDNY!!) From here on out, it's going to get wilder and wilder.
  21. Spaghetti with pancetta, parmigiana- reggianno, butter, onions, etc. I don't know what its name is but it's good.
  22. The Spitter returns on Monday (per Steve K who, of course, did not refer to Chris as the spitter) 😏
  23. annzeepark914


    Chris will be back on Monday (just announced rather dramatically by Steve). 😑
  24. annzeepark914


    Mr P914 can't stand him. A neighbor's grandkids attend the same school as Chuck's kids. She says he's so nice & down to earth. But...he doesn't come across that way on TV, which is odd. IMO, someone should work w/ Steve Kornacki, tone him down a bit. He's such a personable & smart guy, and could be a really good talk show host. Wish they'd get rid of that corpse, Al Sharpton. I just seethe every time I see him (will never forgive him & Tawana for the damage & misery they dumped on certain towns & innocent people). Ok...done venting for the day. Feel much better 😎
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