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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. ~~snicker~~The Entitlement Twins. Love it! Re: the Shib Sibs, IMO, they showed how siblings could be platonic partners w/o any ick factor. I miss them. I wonder if a message *is* being sent to Gadbois and/or H/D. Oh, the intrigue of ice dance.
  2. annzeepark914


    Teddy Bear Tur...awww. I know that's not his official name, but I like it anyway 😊 Thanks for this happy news, car54.
  3. You sound like me. I can't remember when the boredom arrived, probably because it was a gradual thing. But I found myself only enjoying ice dance where it's not so obvious that skaters are skating for points (Jason excepted). When I'd miss a broadcast of the other 3 disciplines, I was shocked to realize I didn't care. The athletic side is taking over the artistic side of figure skating. Although I feel the sport can never be complacent and skaters need to be challenged, it's just the jump-a-thon aspect that, IMO, has almost stripped this sport of appeal. There's no balance between the two sides of figure skating any more. I don't watch skating shows nor exhibitions since I prefer the competition.
  4. I am soooo glad that dying on the ice was forbidden. T&D started all the drama-on-blades. I love today's ice dancing with the twizzles and the lifts.
  5. annzeepark914


    We've noticed (& been annoyed by) the amount of time these talk show hosts use up with their *lengthy* questions. And then, once their guest begins to answer, they start interrupting. We started yelling at the host to shut up (it's become a bit exhausting watching some of these shows, which is why we don't watch Hardball any more). Fortunately, Nicholle Wallace doesn't do this so I can watch her show in peace. Steve K is another good interviewer, as well as Katy.
  6. @Mindthinkr: very clever of you to let them see *who* was on the other side of the door 😎
  7. annzeepark914


    Chuck Toad...love it! But, speaking of the handoff banter, I wish they wouldn't do it. So, I hit the mute and read something while the nonsense drones on. I'm
  8. Oh, I'm sorry...I meant subbing for Wolf at 5:00 & 6 PM for the past few days, not today. I don't watch TV in the early afternoon so I didn't know she had a show (or that Wolf used to host an early show).
  9. annzeepark914


    Did Katy have her baby yesterday? And speaking of KT, I vote for her to eventually replace Chuck on MTP Daily (heh...does anyone here love Chuck?)
  10. Who is the woman subbing for Wolf? I don't know if it's just me, but I find her abrupt and her voice is harsh (but then, I'm annoyed by Wolf's monitone). She doesn't seem to know how to conduct interviews. I'll take Wolf any day over his fill-in!
  11. That's interesting, that they're content with staying inside after formerly being allowed outside. You have nice, mellow (& smart!) kitties😸
  12. Maine Cabin Masters announced a couple of weeks ago that they're moving to HGTV (and were very excited about being on the bigger network). MCM is now filming Season 4 (thank goodness - it's one of the few shows I watch on TV these days).
  13. Hah! It took me long enough but I found the music: Moments in Love-Quiet Storm Version by Art of Noise. It's instrumental in the beginning but around 2:40-ish, voices (but no lyrics) begin. A lot of commenters (on YouTube) say it's very "mood setting" but when H/H were skating, you just didn't think of romance (or at least I didn't as I was enjoying their skating). Maybe Madison is now, with Zach as her ice dancing partner, making up for lost time😐
  14. annzeepark914


    Hmmm... something's in the air over at MSNBC 😊
  15. annzeepark914


    No idea who the long term sub will be. Maybe Steve K since he subbed 2 wks for CM. Does Steve have his own show? I like him and heck, if he doesn't have a show, he'd be a great fill-in for KT (+ on Mondays for Chuck). I'm gonna miss Katy during these increasingly crazy times.
  16. annzeepark914


    Good luck to Katy. May she have a safe delivery of a healthy, happy, easy going (ha!) baby ☺
  17. One never knows what achievements a struggling skater might eventually enjoy. e.g., the successful Chinese pairs coach who, while competing in pairs at an event in Europe decades ago, was laughed at.
  18. I finally saw that drink-a-rama with Seth. He's so mischievous, getting Ina tipsy. The two of them are so funny and I think Ina would've been funny & relaxed with Seth even without any booze. It reminded me of the show that Ina did featuring guest chef Michael Symon. She was so relaxed & enjoying Symon's hilarious personality. Around the right (personality-wise) guests, we get to see what might be the real deal Ina☺
  19. Was last Monday's 9:00 episode the end of S3? Tonight's 9:00 episode is a repeat. Rats😕
  20. I've had it with those pharmaceutical infomercials disguised as ads. They go on & on fordamnever. Maybe cause they have to list the gazillion bad side effects?
  21. I'm amazed her 30 MM show is back on. It's always been hard for me to watch her 30 MM shows cause I get anxious re: the time. Goofy of me but she always seems to be rushing & that isn't relaxing (the way Ina's show relaxes me). But she's a good ol' girl from upstate NY and I just sense that she's a nice person so I try to watch (of course, when she piles up the cans in her arms, I get antsy all over again☺).
  22. What the heck is going on with Bell & Loo, and who is arguing with Ashley? I thought B & L made peace at Worlds. And Ashley's no longer competing. Good grief.
  23. annzeepark914


    Whooo boy! Katy's tough. But then, she was the kid hanging out of her dad's helicopter to get some video (almost giving her dad a heart attack). So I expect her to keep working until that baby decides to emerge. I just hope they have some type of medical professional in the studio these days, just in case.
  24. Geez. Last night Chris was introducing his first guest & practically sneezed in the guest's face... not once but twice. It's always something with CM.
  25. Good to know it's not just me! But she's such a sport to survive being the only female on that team (good thing they're really nice guys). The "Mammys" of the world are not my cup of tea, but this one does have a lovely family. Yup...praying that they don't turn Ryan into Chip Gaines.
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