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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Words fail me, after reading this.
  2. LIBBY96: Loved your msg for Tara! I believe you've helped me figure out what drove me up the wall re: Tara's skating during her competitive years. She skated like a roller skater (which she was for many years). Her knees were always bent & when she'd land her jumps, her ice skates would ka-lunk back onto the ice as if they were heavy roller skates. A Lady Grace she was not. So, her remarks re: other skaters' style (or lack of it) annoy me.
  3. Well, as Gomer would say: Surprahz, surprahz, surprahz. IMO, Johnny considers himself Royalty and to be interrupted by Tara (and I'm sure he got her message), had to have enraged him. I think they're wearing out their novelty act as very unique, mod commentators.
  4. Big thanks to HartofDixie (for the videos) & ChicksDigScars for those spot on comments. I'm still celebrating C/B winning Four Continents. But looking toward Worlds, it sure would be nice to see them do it again. The French are excellent but like H/D, it's always the same programs (IMO). I really like this FD of Chock & Bates. They look like a different dance team this season.
  5. This post is from October. Chris is worse now. Every show, he uses a wrong word. One night, about two weeks ago, he had Jonathan Swan & Eugene Robinson as guests. At the end of the show, he started saying thanks & goodnight to them by calling Swan, "Eugene". Poor Jonathan was shocked & tried to make a joke of it (just to cover for CM). Another show, a few days later, he started talking about Pelosi by calling her Nancy Reagan. It's getting hard to watch Hardball.
  6. Wow! C/B beat H/D? I wish I could've seen this. Did H/D let the world know how wrong this was? Hope we see a repeat of this at World's.
  7. Yay! Maybe she'll make enough money to pay a US coach and be able to live here while training. At least she'd be treated like a human being.
  8. Grilled pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and TJ's haricot vert (which were not good--I tossed the leftovers).
  9. It will be good for her in many ways, not just figure skating. Wish Zagitova could be a part of this as well--poor kid.
  10. This makes me sad. Had no idea. Yes, sounds like Mom is the major problem here, maybe living her dreams through her child.
  11. Great observation! What is it with some of Brian's skaters, emulating his early skating style, music & costumes? I've always liked Brian but it really bothered me to see Javi disappear one year after going to Orser. He'd show up at competitions wearing slacks & a sweater, and actually skating just like Brian. It was *very* weird. Then, Javi skated a program as, I think, Charlie Chaplin and it was so eerie, like he'd become the new Orser. Maybe this is the male version of the Stepford Wives. Brian keeps recreating himself so he can watch "himself" compete again 😎
  12. Alysa has had hip injuries already? Not good. Also not good that her father is ok with all of this. I recall hearing that Tara injured her hips by practicing triple-triples over and over prior to the '98 Olympics. She eventually needed surgery. Can she still skate? Re: Starr--this may not be a popular opinion but IMO she doesn't have "it"...whatever "it" is that produces a successful figure skater (one who can blend the physical efforts with the artistic). She skates through the music, not with it, and she doesn't get into the ice but seems to fly over the ice from jump to jump, up and down the rink. Maybe a good choreographer could help some. Not sure.
  13. I saw that man but didn't recognize him as Sergei. I saw them twice, in the '90's, in Champions on Ice shows. They were stunning--real dramatic programs that brought old classical music to life. Heh heh...douchtasticness. I don't know who on this forum came up w/ the name rat face, but whoever you are, it was pure genius.
  14. It's something else, right? Such a little putz. I wonder if they're aware that a lot of skate fans detest them. Too bad I can't be sitting in the stands at Worlds, holding a big sign with some type of "creative" message, especially for ol' rat face. Did anyone see Sergei Ponomorenko at Nationals?
  15. Boy oh boy, those two (H&D) were in a great mood last night, esp after C/B came in second (things would've been dicey if it had gone the other way...darn it!) I only caught half of what Donahue said to Charley but I knew it was half joke/half for real (he's a legend in his own mind, ol' rat face). H&D are nowhere near Davis & White, nowhere. D/W did an incredible variety of dances (remember that Indian SD? I still watch it occasionally on youtube). They didn't rely on so called smouldering numbers. They took lessons from an Indian dancer and read up on the history of that type of dancing. Can't imagine H/D doing that. OK...gonna watch the Men's LP at 3:30 to calm down ;>)
  16. Honestly, I really do think the crying after the LP or FD had become THE thing to do. At the O's last February, it had become so annoying because almost every female skater was bawling like a baby, taking forever to get up off the ice & take her bows so that the next skater could get on the ice. Even Dick Button asked, "What's with all the crying?". I noticed at Nationals, the crying has cut way back, so some Powers That Be must've laid down the law, thank goodness.
  17. Is there still time for me to race over? Oh that sounds so delicious. I grilled swordfish steaks on an indoor grill for dinner--so now I've got scented candles burning in the kitchen & great room. Fish need to be grilled outdoors (but I require slightly balmier weather for that). Maybe I'll make crabcakes & French fries tomorrow!!
  18. "when properly executed" being the key phrase here! That rarely happens. Just thinking back on all the years the Kneirems have competed at Senior level, I can see Scimeca's sad face, a sign of nerves and/or a sign of having just screwed up. At the Olympics, after the pairs event, they talked about starting a family and I was overjoyed, thinking it was retirement from competitive skating time.
  19. This is Hubbell & Donahue. They don't like it when other teams get better scores. Nasty looks, & very obvious outrage is apparent on their faces. A not so charming team if they're not winning.
  20. Cain & Leduc. I really liked their LP. Great side by side jumps, smoothly going through their program, very calm. I felt calm watching them (& that says a lot for someone who finds pairs very scary). Glad they're our pairs champs going to Worlds!
  21. This was pretty bad, even for the Kneirems. I've always found their programs to be worrisome (never knew which one would screw up a side by side jump).
  22. Hey hey hey...did you see the new Jason Brown? No ponytail. His SP is so stylish. No quad. Wish he could get one cause the rest of his skating is stellar. Back to the SP...
  23. I didn't really notice it that much until my sister said she stopped buying Thomas's and switched to Bayer or Baer? She said they were less doughy. They're ok but they're already cut and I like to pull the muffin apart after poking it all around with a fork (gets those nooks & crannies realllll good!) So I do that and pull out some of the breading in Thomas's - helps a little.
  24. Just keep your remote w/in grabbing distance and hit mute. That's what I'm going to do. I must preserve my sanity!! ;>)
  25. @ChicksDigScars: Yup, yup, yup, and yup! And also, may I join the folks who feel like a sh*thead for not being in love with the kiddie parade? I'm so glad for this forum so I know I'm not crazy or the only one who is bothered by what's going on in figure skating. And ice dance? I've loved it since the days of the Ponomorenkos ('84 bronze O; '88 silver O and '92 Olympic champions--my favorite ice dancers of all time). But this OTT "smoldering" style of H/D seems to put the focus more on them as opposed to their skating (maybe I'm not explaining this well...that sounded odd). Hope next season the CD will be German folk music--lots of oompah band ;>) That was so hilarious (and sure helped lots of us Mariah fans after such a disappointment). Raf can be a real grumblestiltskin but Mariah seems to know how to get him to lose his bad mood.
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