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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. annzeepark914


    Yup...by the weekend, I'm mentally worn out by not only the "breaking news" but also the roundtable discussions. The one-on-one conversations are what I need (missing the days of Tim Russert's quiet chats with politicians, authors, journalists, etc).
  2. Sorry - how could I have missed the dreaded cauliflower on the list?
  3. Well, I guess I'm not a picky eater. I like snails but they don't like me. The only real culprit on the list is the raisin. It it's baked in coffeebread or cookies and I accidentally get one in my mouth--blech & curses! Raisins poison cake & cookies, IMO. But when they're in Waldorf Salad? They don't bother me at all & that's so strange. Cauliflower should've been on the list--nasty stuff.
  4. I just got the Endless SummerCookbook, used, via amazon. The first thing I made was Breakfast Bread which is naan, with ricotta spread over it (I seasoned it first), then an egg surrounded by prosciutto, and baked. It was wonderful. Can't wait to try more of her recipes. I just hit the mute when she starts "frying" away 😎
  5. Uh-oh. I never noticed. Now I'll surely hear it & it will bug me big time. Where did these folks find that "t"?
  6. I tried a Katie Lee recipe tonight, from her Endless Summer Cookbook: Breakfast Bread. Of course, I felt it needed a bit of seasoning (in the ricotta) plus, I got carried away with the shredded Gruyere, but wow! It was very tasty. A nice, simple supper w/ salad ☺
  7. It was a tough time. A lot of guys I knew enlisted in the reserves, the original weekend warriors. So, one had the reserves, the Peace Corps or, head to Canada. Chris Matthews took Peace Corps. Have no idea where he served. I think a lot of those places were no picnic.
  8. Last night: grilled pork tenderloin (from TJ's - so tender!) with mango salsa, grilled asparagus topped with Parmigiano-Reggianno, and pilaf. Tonight: fritto misto (vegetarian) and salad.
  9. Is the Impossible Burger now available at all Burger Kings? I've got to try that. I'll have to hunt for a BK around here.
  10. Grilled burgers & brats, potato salad from Wegmans (it was just ok--I need to start making my own), and fruit salsa. The brats are from Costco. I'm no expert on bratwurst, but having had great brats from MI, I'd say Costco's are tasteless. Mr. Michigan himself wasn't as critical. Maybe he was just happy to be feasting on brats😁
  11. annzeepark914


    Yup...Nicolle's show, IMO, is the best on MSNBC thanks to her (mostly) excellent guests. And she doesn't interrupt them, usually. After watching her show, I too am about done (for the day) with the unsettling news. (Erin Burnett on CNN is another good host.)
  12. (drumroll, please)...Swan Lake, Don Quixote, choreographed by Tom Dickson. I'll be wearing a unitard in each program cause my skating skills aren't so hot, but I want to look real good!😉
  13. Y'know...normally I'd be really annoyed with CM for not learning how to pronounce Mayor Pete's last name. But now? I don't think he's capable. He mixes people's names up or forgets their names completely already so learning how to pronounce this wonderful candidate's name may be beyond him now. As some of us have already said, he needs to retire before the 2020 campaign really cranks up.
  14. Double Crunch Honey Garlic Chicken, angel hair pasta in peanut sauce, & a salad.
  15. Does anyone remember the party Ina held in which everyone would bring a DVD that was cued up to their favorite part of the movie? I just turned on the TV & was scrolling through the channels & found The Goodbye Girl & glory be--it was my favorite part, just after Richard Dreyfuss shows up to take over the apt. & he's letting Marsha Mason know what he likes & doesn't like. Once he said, "al buffo!" I turned it off & thought of Ina's party. I'd love to have been at her party & I'd have taken this movie with me.
  16. The episodes I loved were the ones with her relatives. Did they ever show her father? I just remember that when her mother spoke to Morty, he was always in another room.
  17. I recently brought the Almond Danish Coffeecake to a morning gathering and people liked it. I loved that it had almond paste in it.
  18. Haven't eaten it yet cause it's not sup sup sup sup suppertime but it's sitting on the counter: New Shrimp Louie (had it a few nights ago & it was so good to me that I made it again) + home made potato chips.
  19. annzeepark914


    Yeah...what's with not providing an email address? Maybe they're afraid of being inundated with emails from irate Trump fans. I wanted to send an email re: Chris Matthews but could not find any online address 😠
  20. annzeepark914


    Awww...so cute! Little Teddy Bear. And his mommy looks so happy! I sure do miss seeing Katy on TV, but this little fellow needs his mom right now.
  21. Chris Hayes is an ok host. But the too-long editorializing has to go (and that's for any others who tend to babble on and on--we can think for ourselves!) I have a question about Chris though...it bugs me that he always seems to be looking up at the camera. Is that just me or is he really doing that? Others look straight into the camera but Chris has always, since day one, been looking up.
  22. Here's my pet peeve for the day/week/year: babies and little kids out in the hot sun w/ no hats on. I was sitting in my car in the medical office parking lot and saw a young mom carrying what looked to be a 2-3 month old, fair skinned, blonde baby to one of the bldgs. The sun is very hot today (while filling up the gas tank earlier, I could really feel it burning the back of my arms and neck). All I could think of was this little one, with her brand new skin, thin hair on head, exposed to that strong sun. If I'd passed her on the sidewalk I would've told her to get a hat for the baby (I've done that before). Over the years I've seen moms and/or dads either pushing or jogging behind a stroller. They had their sunglasses and hats on but the babies/toddlers never did. Grrrrr. Don't mind curmudgeonly me but I've had surgery on my face for melanoma (thank God it was stage zero but the surgery was scary & left a scar) so I'm a worrier about kids & sun exposure. It feels good to vent 😎
  23. This sentence brought back memories of sitting at the kitchen table for several hours, refusing to drink my glass of milk. I think I've already posted this but I've never liked milk. And it would get warmer and warmer. And I could hear the kids outside playing after supper. Finally, I'd pinch my nose and drink the disgusting stuff and finally get to leave the kitchen. I still have the stepstool high chair that I sat on all those miserable evenings.
  24. And make it the early Every Day Italian in which Giada isn't a grinning fool, but a serious chef showing us how to cook delicious Italian food.
  25. annzeepark914


    Wellll...I may sneak a peak (if I remember that he has a show) but no loss if I forget. I remember his first show and how skin-crawly he was (can't think of a better term so I threw that one in). He must be BFF with the president of MSNBC to get a show when there are so many other real political experts and/or journalists who deserve to have their own show. Oh well, on weekends I give myself a break from the chaotic craziness of America today 😞
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