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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Fashion: IMO Kristen always misses the mark...by just this much! Formal, beautiful, flattering dress, beautiful hair, make up and face AND ugly faded skinny jeans underneath. Yuck. That's fashion backward. If it's all about the denim, wear denim with a gorgeous blouse and jewels. She always tries too hard and ruins her outfits with something, like the padlock necklace, what was up with that?! She's so beautiful but I think looks best when she keeps it simple. Nothing wrong with a fashion statement but I think jeans under a dress is just ridiculous looking.
  2. No one really likes Ramona, the Ramona we see on TV, but I will agree with her on Casey. Mario is a cad and his hot side piece knew he was married, so, I would say in this one case, yes, Ramona is the better person. That may be the only time I say that, however! She is a piece of work.
  3. Well, you already know this, but ITA with your post. Jac seemed so sweet and kind...until her true self was revealed. She was obsessed and think it's because it seemed (and now Trees in jail) the Guidicis were getting away with everything...and Jac was driven to highlighting the Guidicis thinking no one was looking in their closets. Karma. And a Bitch. RHONJ had some of the worst people in it...those hangers on...and last season the twins, the fake fireman boyfriend and Jim was jumping the shark. Awful. Just terrible. New cast please!
  4. Tom Murro is buddies with Kim Granny-do-tell and was on Melissa's side in the Guidici-Gorga season 3/4 feud and sided with Jacqueline. Speculation is that Jac was the one who fed/revealed Theresa & Joes financial details to a "journalist" and if I recall correctly Tom would embellish stories just using the Jac scoop. IMO he's another fame whore, just like the entire cast. These people are all certifiable and have skeletons in their closets. I would occasionally side with Tre only because they were all dirty and I felt Jac was trying to set her up...for example, the back deck conversation at Caroline's. Theres a reason why Dina didn't side with Jac and Caroline besides any petty family squabbling.I agree with those who said the first season was the best. It was fun, lighter and for the most part (exception of Danielle) they all were going along to get along. I think that if they continue RHONJ they need to start from scratch, using no one related or friends with any of the former/current cast members. Last season was just a version of Jersey Shore, the "who are they now edition."
  5. According to the FB page, Lauren graduated from Arizona State University this May and the sisters are 4-5 years apart. You learn a lot from looking at what you can find out there! I did notice that Allison Raski Edmonds made her FB private recently! You can see her "friends" though, and there's no obvious connections to Edmonds relatives, including Lauren & Haley and no FB connections or pictures with Meghan!! Another poster already said it, of course Meghan was buddies with wife # 1, but LeeAnn and Allison do not appear to have been close. I also wonder if Allison took as much credit as Meghan does for being the coolest stepmom? You can find Lauren Marie Edmonds on FB. LeeAnn still has an active FB page. It's so sad, she definitely seemed like a sweet lady and much too young. LeAnn Huntley Edmonds-Horton.
  6. Good question, but she did graduate from college this past spring. According to Meghan, Hailey was the only one that chose to film. I imagine Allison Edmonds doesn't want her young kids filmed, plus they moved back to St Louis full time. Likely the sister lives on her own. I saw the graduation pictures on LeeAnn's Facebook page.
  7. I'm sorry...sorry to you and all the other posters here who were brave to share their personal stories here on this subject. I can only imagine the rage, feeling of betrayal and difficulty trusting...I'm truly shocked at the callousness towards you while delivering your child into that crazy circumstance at a time when one would think you would be celebrating adding to your family. That's beyond cruel treatment and a level of hurt that's just mind boggling. I'm so happy you found someone who loves and truly values you Jenny. Yes, Sasha206, please accept my healing wishes for your husband too.
  8. I've said this earlier, pure is one of those words making a comeback, as many sayings/words are cyclical. She is using it in a way that means real, of pure intent, pure of heart kind of people, down home, etc. You will notice everyone on TV latches on to certain words to up their cool factor.
  9. Thank you, THIS. The self praise for doing a fraction of what most moms have been doing for centuries, for a fraction of the time, that is what is so damn annoying. It was also Meghan who noted that Heather does it all, without mentioning Heathers staff. Not to mention that we know that Meghan has, at least, one assistant, plus full time movers for all the address changes. She is not doing the step parenting, planning and moving on her own like the majority of moms/stepmoms.
  10. But Meghan said she got Hayley on BC. Meghan said SHE wasn't ready to be a grandma. Was it Meghan's idea? That's the odd part. She said she had LeeAnn's support? WTF. LeeAnns the mom. Meghan has not been the stepmom since Hayley was young, the inks not even dry on the marriage certificate. I think she meant LeeAnn and/or Jim thought Hayley should get BC OR Hayley thought she should, but why us it Meghan's decision as she made it sound? BC is medicine. It's not baby aspirin. Some people have blood clot issues, among other things on BC. As a viewer I'm side-eyeing what Meghan says she decides for Hayley as her stepmom of 2 minutes.
  11. Yes, her weight of 135 was good for someone her height, but she's on TV. I'm sure when your clothes get tight and you are on camera that's motivation to keep your weight on the low side of the scale. I'm proud to see women not elect to go the plastic surgery route every time they need a fix. I don't have any judgment on it, and a stomach after twins must be a drag! It's harder to face the fact you need to work at it if you don't get the liposuction or tummy tuck. I have a friend who looks almost too skinny, but her lower stomach is still squishy 20 years after having her twins. (4 kids total) She is about Shannon's height, weighs about 120-125 but has a stomach that is out sync with her thin arms and legs. She will only wear a one piece bathing suit, she eats very healthy and looks much younger than her 53 years. She says she's proud of her battle wounds! (Stretch marks). She has the disposable income to get it fixed, but she doesn't want to. I think whatever works for each person. What Shannon has done with the trainer and a better diet seemed to work!
  12. Agreed! While I'm not sure how I feel about Dorinda, she sure looked fabulous on WWHL. Seems like she stepped up her look from filming. Maybe seeing herself she zeroed in on what she wanted to improve. She went from rough around the edges (my first impression of her, episode 1) to on point. Bravo! Both Dorinda and Shannon looked wonderful.
  13. Speaking of the WWHL episode, both Shannon and Dorinda looked fantastic. Dorinda looked all cleaned up...:). Shannon looked trim again, her make up was flawless. I like fun Shannon. Hopefully, this is a sign that the domestic situation has improved dramatically. Shannon did not want to answer questions on Meghan or Tamras marriage...she was asked, she didn't bring those relationships up.
  14. F___ Meghan, I have no sympathy for that twit. She wants to brag that she's stepmom of the year, and she's been one for all of 2 minutes. It's not easy, no sh@t Sherlock. She wants the praise and Jimmies wallet, well, that's what happens when you marry someone with kids. Those kids come first. I'm not excusing Jimmys responsibilities as a parent, but it's real life. Shannon was merely pointing out that birth control isn't a cure all. That's something that should be under LeeAnn's responsibility. Ok, Meghan, it's because you don't want to be a grandma at 30, or is it what's best for Hayley? It seems as if Meghan is taking on way more than what should she need to as the step mom, but again, she went into that marriage with her eyes open. This is her second marriage and she's not that naive. I'm going to love Vicki bitching out Meghan for spending too much $$$. Was this marriage a deal where Jimmy told her she would be THE nanny?
  15. HEAR, HEAR !!! clap, clap, clap. F___ you cheaters. Ask for a divorce then have at it...I have no sympathy for anyone that wants to have their cake and eat it too. I also have no sympathy for the security breach I just heard about on some website for cheaters. Google the website Ashley Madison. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Well, there's that too!!! But I very much agree with the thought that Terry & Heather knew...from those friends she lunched with who discussed the email.
  16. Scoobie, I mentioned some of these other things about Meghan in an earlier post...I think in Meghan's thread. There seems to be a set up, like Brandi and how she got on Bev Hills...Meghan's story was manufactured.
  17. Ha! I think I think about these shows too much! My perception of this situation started last season when I was trying to figure out why Terry was acting so irrational towards David...It didn't make sense, Yes, Terry is an easy to please, just give him the onion rings Heather, kind of guy. When the affair was revealed, it suddenly all made sense why Terry gave David the side eye and not Eddie. They all knew.
  18. I hear ya...but people tend to not be aware of their own biases...you know, they don't always practice what they preach.
  19. Hmmm...more connections...Meghan met Andy Cohen at her model brothers place in NYC and her brother co-owns a dog with RHONY Carole. Oh, yah, there was no plan to bring her on...it was "organic" right... Funny, after this interview, one would think Meghan was this glamorous, world traveler medical saleswoman that hit the pavement hard after graduating from Ole Miss...and conveniently leaves out that as recently as 2 years ago she was a salesgirl at a consignment shop. It's so obvious that Bravo made this all happen, nothing happenstance about it.
  20. I have thought before and still believe that they all knew. Yes, Tamra knew and that's why she was going on and on about David being hot and a flirt and trying to stick it to Shannon at the reunion. How sweet of her to just hint, hint, hint and not out the affair...sarcasm... I truly believe and mentioned this several times before, this was the reason for the frosty treatment between Terry & David. This is why THE email gossip was a big deal. I truly believe Terry disliked David because he knew about the problems in their marriage and they all probably knew about the domestic violence charges. I don't see Terry ever thinking cheating is acceptable. I think Terry is a douche, and he reminds me of Quagmire too, but he probably went into female protective mode. I think this is why he was rude to David at Lizzys beach house, RE: construction guys. Something tells me, in spite of the denials, that David was flirting with Meghan and/or other ladies at Heathers groundbreaking party...and Heather and her friends knew the other woman or at the very least, David's activities.
  21. I noticed the word pure has been making a comeback in the last few years. It means like, real love = pure love, pure romance, natural. Nothing sinister about it. I sensed something off with Dorinda at the beginning of the season, we are just seeing it finally play out. I just think she's struggling to keep it together after losing her husband and not being sure of her current choices. I think bethenny, in this case, was just asking Carole about bias because time & time again, friends seem to show bias towards their friends version of events. Since Bethenny was not there to see for herself, she wanted to see how authentic Carole's description really was... I'm not trying to take sides here, or towards any of the wives in these last few episodes. Every single one of them has been a little shady, nutty, exaggerating, jumpy and not, dare I say it, pure. I'm not sure if they are just getting sick of each other in a sibling/cabin fever way...or deciding it's time to bring it to keep their apples. I don't know, I typically see all their actions in a black and white vision of their inner character, but lately, each lady acts cool one minute and all, like, uncool the next!
  22. YUP. YES. THIS. And that Ramona? She's no dummy. She chose her words carefully. That's why I love to hate the RamonaCoaster!
  23. I agree, I saw it the same way, in a way. Never assume someone's implying something, IMO, unless you know them like the back of your hand. I truly think Heather & Carole's angst was over the safety issue, not how many men the Countess has bed under their common vacation roof. I see both sides here. They are all grown women. The difference between what LuAnn, Ramona or Sonja (the usual topic of this conversation! :) ) do with other men, it's truly irrelevant, what's relevant is when you are sharing space and one party compromised the safety of the other party. If LuAnn, Sonja or Ramona invited guests to a separate unit, thus would not be germaine to this conversation. That's not shaming, that's confronting another that their choices have consequences for all parties, not just the people who invited the male guests to their place.
  24. I do agree Heather usually looks nice...except for the Victorian blanket dress at the Red Lion Inn, or was that Dorindas dinner? I do believe Bethenny is the best dressed. She always looks so put together, with out any fuss. The NY wives typically look relatable unlike the NJ, Miami, OC ladies. I do like Camille & Yolanda's clothes too. Kyles improving but still too many moo moos at this point in time. Lu does put it all out there, huh? She looked great in the uncool scene. I never look like that when woken up suddenly...(editing of the time sequence happening, or is she that lucky? All of these ladies look good. As Ramona says, I can't. Not with this discussion. But I will say that I was pretty upset when my youngest daughter, a freshman in college last year, blurted out the real, true reason she disliked her roommate. She's been griping about her from early on, with a look of disdain, but I thought said roommate was just a slob or lush, the normal, typical roommate issues...(Had I known the truth then, I would have gone OTT helicopter mom crazy on the R.A. or her roommate)...after the fact, my daughter reveals to us that her roommate had frequent overnight male "guests" in their room...I did all I could to remain calm. Now that, that is UNCOOL. My daughter said her "disgusting" roommate had invited lots of guys to her bed over the school year. The problem? Talking about a safety issue for my daughter, good grief. They are in the same room, my daughter had no privacy, nor was there any concern for her safety while stuck there with her nitwit roommate and unknown guests. The Roommate never asked, just opened up THEIR room to guys unknown. My daughter was afraid to be, all uncool, to make an issue at school, even though her R.A. knew it was happening but didn't do anything. Roommate would sometimes leave door ajar, not cool. No concern, whatsoever for the safety of my kid. Yes, dorm life may be very different than older, grown women on vacation, but I totally get Heathers fears. At the same time, I know LuAnn is an adult and can make choices...I wouldn't make, but her right to make her own choices. When it was revealed there was a married man possibly involved, I winced, but again, not my business. (But not cool) I would have freaked. But, I thought the way Heather reacted was OTT, because she was jumping on people that were not involved, like Dorinda. I've said it before and I will say it again. We all have a right to our feelings. We need to agree to disagree without snarking or taking issue with others thoughts or opinions on the behavior of the housewives. Can we save the snark for the Housewives?! Yes, I said it, quoting my daughter, she said her roommates actions were disgusting. I don't need a lecture about slut shaming. That's not what I was doing. I was expressing the words of my daughter, coming from her from feeling unsafe and not feeling in control of her circumstances. She likely didn't speak up to me because she thought I would get involved. I have to side with Heather's right to her feelings of fear, but I also didn't think she handled it well. She's 40 something years old, not 19. She could have gone downstairs, to see if anyone was up, and started asking around without the bullhorn and all the dramatics. But we wouldn't be talking about this episode would we?
  25. Thanks for the article. I read the comments on that article, and with the exception of 1, they were all anti Meghan. I'm betting the 1 that said they liked her was one of Meghan's sisters or one sorority sisters...since I've seen Meghan commenting on other article, that's not a stretch. They said Napa was heavily edited which downplayed Shannon's outburst. Yet, we have heard from Shannon & Tamra that what was edited out was not a positive light on Meghan. For example, they claim she also said Shannon was not that famous, and that Jim IS truly famous. Meghan is one of those people that have no clue that everything they do is not a good look! That's why her age keeps coming up, IMO. She is too inexperienced and Jim has his head in the clouds as a big man on campus baseball player and reality TV rookie, to realize they don't come off so swell either. I'm sorry, but can it truly be a coincidence that: Meghan and David were flirting at the hoe down, Jim was divorcing and dating Meghan at this time, that Nov she was asked on the show after wife #2 of Jimmy didn't work out, and Meghan & Jim represent St. Louis, Satan Andys beloved hometown, a town discussed as a potential Real Housewives franchise...Not to mention Meghan was playing a salesgirl at a St Louis consignment shop just 2 years ago...under Rachel Zoe productions...who has a model brother... This reminds me of the shady circumstances that some ladies are brought on to these shows...like Brandi, like Adriana on Miami, etc...Brandi was Cedric's friend, than referred to as Adriennes, than she befriends LVP after Cedric falls out with LVP...Adriana and Lea can't get their stories straight on their background either.
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