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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Do you think SatanAndy will ask Tamra why Eddie "coughed" Bullsh@t when Vicki called her in episode 1 of this season? It seems to me that they both had doubts early on yet now Tamra is saying she's beginning to question the diagnosis because of the other ladies or the inconsistencies she's discovered? I find it hard to believe Eddie was suspicious and Tamra wasn't back a few months.
  2. Probably because they think their job is to destroy co-worker housewives. I always felt Heather was actually very cold hearted towards Shannon last year knowing she knew the rumors. I would have thought they would have talked to her about it off camera? I don't know. I'm not sure if I would say anything if this happened to a friend in real life, because you never know how that person will react. So, the least they could have done was not try to make her look crazy and talk about sending her to a mental hospital, and kick her out of their house.
  3. I knew it. Heather admits she knew David was having an affair last season. Both Heather & Tamra tell Shannon they all ready knew, they are at lunch and Shannon tells them about it in a preview. Heather says she does follow girl code.
  4. This Doctor is covering his rear end, just in case he's being played. Why would Vicki & Brooks invite cameras along to a Doctor visit with a Doc he has never seen before? It was clear it was Lemka who referred them to this new Doc, the ClubDetox tree shower, juicing lady. Then we see alternative therapy and an evaluation based on one scan when he supposedly has an extensive history with NHL? I don't think Brooks faked his history, but I do think are revisiting it to have a storyline for Vicki this season. I don't take any of Meghan's sleuthing seriously because she's a twit. I do question Vickis reaching out and making Tamra her personal Ambassador. Her shooting messenger Shannon (as Brooks pointed out) but not Tammy Sue? Watching Heather on WWHL, the take away to me is that she confirms that this story is hinky, so there you have it. Brooks has a medical issue, likely NHL as he says, but exaggerating his current status for attention, without expecting questions.
  5. ITA, this really doesn't make any sense to me either. Vicki had no problem forgiving Tamra for bringing it up to the psychic, stirring it up with the other ladies instead of firmly stating they should believe Vicki, fights loudly at a party with Brooks, again, yet Vicki goes to Tamra??? to be her advocate?!! Yup, Tamra holds too many secrets of Vickis and thinks this merger will keep them on top. Talking about dealing with the Devil!I also want to add, in real time, Vicki has seen Eddie cough B.S. in the background when she was talking to Tammy Sue on the phone, yet she trusts them over anyone else? Puh-leeze
  6. Tamra finding religion?! Hard to believe her behaving as a genuine person, given her history, nasty behavior and love for all things pink penis sex parties and getting Gretchen naked wasted, but...anything is possible..I guess. Maybe she really did want to start to become human once she became a grandmother. I'm Catholic, but take great interest in Protestant & Jewish faith. In my experiences, I haven't met too many fakers, but I don't live in Orange County or Beverly Hills. I don't work or have to put up with any fakers and make nice with any fakers! Watching some of the Bravo shows is my "questionable" viewing, ha ha. I look at the housewives as one big human behavior experiment. With that said, I agree, Tamra (and Ryan) doesn't need church to be a better person, Tamra needs to chose to BE a better person. I also think she does owe Alexis a huge, sincere apology. You don't need God to be a better person. I do think religious counseling is a good idea for her though, because, Jesus, but that's my opinion. Saddleback was founded by Pastor Rick Warren, as in The Purpose Driven Life, a best seller book that I highly recommend. He has a Ph.D. In Theology. Tamra said she had recently attended some services at Saddleback, but there are now several locations. She said she decided to go to a smaller church (it's not clear where unless you recognize this Pastor we have seen on 2 episodes this season) because she prefers the smaller feel - experience. Does anyone know which church/Pastor this is?? He actually looks like he's either had plastic surgery or lost a lot of weight, something is off with his appearance/bone structure. Anyway, I think she just found someone that felt ok/comfortable filming on a Reality show. Maybe it's one of those "chintzy churches" Meghan was referring to! That was such an obnoxious comment though Meghan. Just stop. Vicki insinuating the other ladies are victims of Satans work? How dramatic of you Icky Vicki. Most people think it is you and your scams, running around on Donn and your attraction to Brooks that is more Satans work. Good grief, give us all a break! Come to think of it, she does share some qualities with Tammy Faye Baker. Ahem.
  7. Heather also says they are filming the reunion this Thursday!
  8. Heathers comments don't bode well for Brooks. I think she doesn't buy what Brooks & Vicki are selling.
  9. So, Brooks welcomes & kisses Tamra after they just had a blow out? Now Tamra is their ambassador for the other ladies? Huh. What are we missing?
  10. I thought Tamra said Ryan had secured a job before they packed up to move?
  11. Perhaps Shannon thinks like Jamie Lee Curtis, when asked about the secret to a long marriage: "Don't get divorced," she grinned on TODAY Tuesday when asked exactly that. "It's a fascinating thing. I could write a book on marriage called 'Don't Leave.'"
  12. That's the issue! She doesn't act like an adult, but they say 30 when they should just say, she doesn't act 30, she acts like she's 13...Meghan is very immature for her age but they are mistaking that immaturity with her age. Meghan still thinks she's in high school and it shows. Lizzie's not much older but is way beyond Meghan's maturity level.
  13. Hey, I've got breaking news! It seems, according to the latest trends, including the new Tory Burch collection, that bow blouses are making a strong come back ! :) This must mean that once again (cough, cough...ahem) one of the Richards sisters, the out of it one, is actually ahead of the bow blouse curve! ( I kid you all not ) Anyone have a Gif of Twitch with her talking head bow blouse?
  14. Oh yes, her "classy" gold Bachelorette outfit... Eeeeeeek!
  15. She is soooooooo nasty. Was Panama one of the HWs trips? I can't remember all the specific destinations. Not to mention the Love of holding sex toys on TV and her sex party. I truly hope, in all seriousness, that she TRULY is being honest about changing her ways. I highly doubt it, but you never know...
  16. ITA!! Holy cow, how ungrateful there Hans Klopek!! Who made the comment a few pages back that it was like watching a spoiled House Hunters couple with champagne taste on a beer budget? What, no stainless, crown moulding and granite counter tops?? I think the hardwood floor bothered Ryan because it wasn't the "in" dark stain of the moment. Good grief.
  17. The original concept and the main point of this show, according to Andy Cohen, is to show the public a peek into the lives of the well heeled behind the gates...and with RHOC we even see the gate used, for a reason, in the opening credits for 10 seasons. As other posters have already noted, it has evolved because ratings have gone up once we began to see some back stabbing, arguments, then wine throwing, and table flips, etc. Moms of Manhattan was the same concept and that eventually was renamed RHONY...Beverly Hills took the viewers to the glitz of Hollywood. With the drama, we begin to see the influence of the recession on their lives and middle class housewives introduced that need to work and witness them navigate in the world of their wealthier friends. IMO, Shannon and ALL the housewives that sign on to these shows are responsible for whatever issues this exposure brings to their family, the good and too often, the bad. I don't see how it's more disturbing or worse coming from Shannon because she doesn't need the show, she doesn't need the income and somehow desperation and being a hustler, to hawk products justifies doing the show for others but being a well to do housewife has no justification to expose her kids, just for fame. Aren't they all seeking opportunity and fame? The only reason why don't see all of Tamras kids is because Simon won't allow it, not because Tamra is some responsible mother. IMO, the one guilty of the most disturbing behavior on this show is Tamra Judge. Tamras actions are the worst. The Naked Wasted episode exposed her nastiness for all the world to see. The way she set up Gretchen and even allowed her own son to prey on Gretchen that night illustrates the definition of disturbing behavior to me. As Gretchen said, she learned, "We are not in Kansas anymore!" Lynn Curtins daughters and their drunken antics, being served an eviction notice on television, Lauri Peterson exposing her hot to trot girls and exposing Josh's drug addiction, Tammy Knickerbockers daughters acting like stars of Girls Gone Wild, and the way Tamra and Heather went after Alexis was just over the top ugly. Let's not forget Tamra and Vickis unrelenting attacks on Slade. Then Vicki can't see her hypocrisy?! There's a list of other very ugly incidents foisted on each other over the years, and many of their children were negatively effected by this show off screen. I just can't see how Shannon is guilty of being the worst...
  18. Spot on WW. Bravo is editing in a way to feed us clues, but not enough, and sometimes out of sequence so it's obviously, Not obviously clear!! But, what else is new? Yes, that woman accompanying Brooks & Vicki, who made the recommendation for them to see this doctor, as we hear on this episode, is Lenka from ClubDetox. Feet on Earth, sun/forest gazing, coffee enema ClubDetox woman. While I personally support utilizing both conventional/alternative/nutrition adjustments, this televised visits does nothing to confirm or negate Brooks status, as Wire pointed out. I agree with those who think it appears he has medical issues, but is exaggerating his diagnosis. Using the past issues for a current storyline. An inflammation is not the same as a cancer mass. This is really sad if that's the case, as I hate to believe it for Vickis sake. This visit did nothing but make me as a viewer skeptical, which is the opposite of what I thought was going to happen at the beginning of this segment. I believe he has NHL but it's in remission at the time of filming.
  19. Yes, that's him. I remember him back on Season 4, but I don't recall if we see him before that time. He was at Tamras sex party, I just noticed. He's been her sidekick for many years.
  20. Who thinks Shannon was set up? Many people have noted these points before. Tamra is the one who brings up, not present Vicki to the Psychic, Vicki doesn't get mad at her. Tamra is the one who informed Vicki of the details of that convo, because Vicki had previously shut off Shannon and Shannon never got to discussing it. Tamra was the one who told Vicki things and Shannon was unaware Vicki & Tamra chatted between the Cut Fitness convo & the bday dinner. Vicki was all ready for a fight at Brooks bday dinner as soon as Shannon mentioned Brooks in the restroom. She escalated a blow up while Brooks was calm. Tamra specifically asked Shannon questions at Cut Fitness asking if she questioned Brooks cancer. Meghan told Shannon the Psychic said Shannon said Brooks was faking, but only Tamra, Heather & Meghan had the entire conversation with the Psychic in context. Shannon misinterpreted Meghan's words because she wasn't there to hear the exact discussion. Vicki was very calm when Tamra was having her public meltdown about Brooks at the Aries party and appears to ignore Shannon's concern and only listens to Tamra & Heather.
  21. I agree, Ricky is no prize and snakes like to play with each other in the dirt. Friend selection is very important, but I do think that many times people innocently trust the wrong snake in the friendly grass. I was just floored because Ricky has been by Tamras side for several years and was her Best man. That's a tight friend.
  22. There is certainly one thing you can count on when it comes to Tamra. She's a snakey Tamrat that will strike when she has you at your most vulnerable place. Tamra, upon re-watch, is clearly the one stirring the ladies up...like Heather said, "doubt from the power of suggestion" Shannon tries to warn Vicki, as someone said, without filling Vickis narcissistic love/friend tank, and Vicki lashes out at the one HW that was originally in her corner with the Brooks story.
  23. Yup. Coconut oil works, save that $$$ and buy another blouse! You can go organic and use inexpensive tried and true methods. I also love my Neutrogena, since way back when their only product was that transparent face soap. They make great moisturizers/combo sunscreen. Spend you $$$ on a quality foundation/sunscreen and mascara.
  24. Geez Bravo. Here's a thought. Pick the right women and go back to the original formula. I know some people think the earlier seasons were boring, but not me. I loved the original and first few seasons on all the shows. I truly believe drama can come from real situations (talking about crazy real, Kyle vs. Kim in the limo with Martin & Adrienne as the refs) Bring in 1-2 new wives each season, try to pick people who are neighbors, already friends, acquaintances, or 1st wife/2nd wife...there you go, natural drama. Spend more time meeting other friends/family of each lady and sprinkle in the new cars, new houses, jewelry shopping, vacations, etc. The only show that I think may need nudging is Vanderpump Rules, because it's a different type of show. When it comes to the housewives, you don't need fake scenes if you cast correctly. I loved OC so much better in the early seasons. Now that Kara has matured, let's see Jeana get more time and glimpse Kara and her NFL husband. Yes, she was bratty in her earlier years, but remember Lynn, Tammy and Lauris kids?!! Why are we stuck with Ryan Veith and sad Brianna? If they keep Meghan (puke) bring in another 30 something. We should meet Heather & Shannon's friends. Sometimes we get a glimpse, but not enough. I'm convinced you can do that but Bravo went down the sensational road to expand the audience. Is that necessary to keep the ratings up?
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