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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Ha! I think someone already renamed Tamra: Hottest Granny of Orange County!
  2. I believe she is a recent college grad (this past May I think) but I don't know where she is now. Maybe a new job is keeping her busy?
  3. Oh, the mysteries solved with the film on the cutting room floor! That Andy and all that info hidden and stored in his brain, lucky dude. I would not be happy to not have known a naked stranger, especially male, had access to my unlocked, attached room. That's so not cool. Swearing. I do it on occasion. It happens, but I don't like the "look" of it...wouldn't do it in certain places or in front of certain people, that's a personal preference based on what I was taught was "cool" or "uncool" by my family. I do think the Fbomb is a harsher word, and I use it on occasion and again, don't fret over it either. I don't like my kids saying it, so there's that...I have friends that wouldn't dream of swearing of any word, and I have friends that swear a bunch. Whatever. We all have a right and are entitled to express our thoughts on it, at least here in the good ole USA...:) I think Heather may have been outraged with hypocrisy, true, but from my viewpoint, I thought she also took what the other ladies said as a personal attack on her mother because Heather went on to say something like: because my mother swore that doesn't make her a bad mother, in so many words. I think, she took offense over defending her mother's parenting style. Whatever. I get what Dorinda & Luanne were saying AND also saw where Heather was coming from, no big deal.
  4. I'm not sure what it is about the RHONY thread, but I find myself limiting and often refraining from posting here, because I feel like I'm going to, or other posters, are too easily attacked here for simply expressing their opinions. I feel that some posters take comments too personally. Everyone has a right to respectfully post their comments and opinions without being targeted and reprimanded because it doesn't sit well with the reader because it's taken to heart. After participating on various boards like this, I found it nice here and don't comment on real housewives FB pages, or in the comments section of housewife articles because I noticed certain regular commenters rip each other apart. Often, I agree with the thoughts of people that have a different viewpoint, because I like to hear all angles, thoughts and personal feelings to try to understand how we all see and think about what we are watching on these shows. I hate to see posters chased away...even ones I never agree with...it would be boring if we all felt the same way about everything. One minute I think Ramona is hilarious, in the next, I want to strangle her...so, can we keep our snark aimed at the ladies on this show, not each other??!
  5. THIS. It's not so much that "she's 30!" It's the way she acts like she knows it all, like Tamra said in her talking head. They say, "okay, little miss 30 year old" but I think that's there way of saying what ShouldBeWorking just posted. You hit the nail on the head. Meghan went in for the kill way too quickly. Gretchen didn't put up with being pushed around but she didn't pounce like Meghan out of the gate. Shannon doesn't have to prove anything to Little Miss 30 year old! It really is off putting to have a young woman join in with a group of long married women, with kids almost her age (Vicki, Tamra, Jeana) and act like she's this all knowing step mom, SAHM, who has had to move so often when in reality, she's a brand new wife #3, step mom for 10 minutes, had professional movers and an assistant, and tries to act like she's on equal footing. That takes balls. If, however, she came in softer, wasn't bragging every 5 minutes, and trying to shame you over a rude phone call, perhaps she would have been welcomed? Maybe not by Vicki but by Shannon. I'm not sure why people always go with the assumption it's jealousy. They live in Orange County! Everyone is perfect and young looking, and if not, they get replacement parts from Dr. Dubrow. Katie came in sweet. She's young and very pretty. The difference is, Meghan's an entitled bitch on wheels and Katie's sweet.
  6. A very interesting find!! I remember watching that show. I imagine it would still be on if Style Channel was still in existence. #SalesgirlResaleshop. #NotAthletesWifeYet #Wifex3 So, when exactly was she a medical softwares sales rep? She quit the resale shop when the cameras disappeared? The show was on in 2013 and she was tweeting about her job there as Kate as June 2013. She married in Oct 2014 claiming she "retired" from her lucrative $300,000 in sales job. She was doing that at best for one year, including any training? So, wife #2 of Jimmy was supposed to be on RHOC instead of Alexis, Meghan was on Resale Royalty at that time, recently divorced? Anyone know when she divorced from her first marriage? I know she was first married in 2007. On the first episode of Resale Royalty, she was described as Meghan King, former model, now salesgirl. She irritated the owner by informing her last minute that she couldn't work an event that weekend to go to a cousins wedding. You could see the drama training as she spoke... Rachel Zoe (Bravolebrity) company is producing this show...and next time she's on TV is at Heathers ground breaking party with Jimmy just a couple of months after his divorce. When did she move to the OC? Was she just hanging in the OC for a visit? Her timeline is very strange. Too many coincidences. I also found pics on the Internet of Heather Dubrow with a group of girls in 2010, in the OC, with #2, Allison Edmonds. Marriage of convenience??!
  7. Pharma sales are great paying jobs. Most people I know that do it long term and are men though! Usually attractive to people that are good at sales that are willing to take more risk. I also hear people (women) say they want to do it to meet husbands! It's becoming the MRS. Degree but with the short term job coming first. I know that lots of people do it and make good money and it's an honorable job. I'm just saying that's the gossip I've heard from some given for why they want to do it. That's why I chuckled when Meghan said she gave up her lucrative medical software job to commit to Jimmy...snark. So predictable.
  8. Exactly, I see this on my cell from time to time. On the history of my phone over the last month, I have calls labeled: "unknown" "private" and one that says California with an Orange County area code and another from Pontiac, Michigan. I live in more than one house (I have a main residence, summer home & vacation home, all East coast, 3 states) that I go back & forth My cell is based on my New England home state. I often have people tell me that the first time I call them they see my state and # showing up on their phone. However, this doesn't happen to everyone, so it's either the type of phone they are using or the ways the settings work per contact information. So, I may know people from San Diego, OC, and Los Angeles, but no one that I really know since my brother left La Jolla. I know some people from Michigan. So, when I decide, sometimes, to answer my phone when I'm not aware of who would be calling me, it's a quick decision based on who it could possibly be that might have a reason to call.With that said, sometimes I may answer the call, but often I do not. Usually I ignore calls, but it's my prerogative to sometimes answer even if I usually don't...not sure what the big deal is here...Shannon was not being rude, just reacting to a call from someone claiming to know you, when you don't realize you know if the person, especially since Meghan wasn't correct about Shannon's involvement. It is also clear that with Jimmy & her assistant sitting there witnessing the phone call that the call was planned for filming. Shannon was confused and Meghan was annoyed that Shannon wasn't jumping right in with giddy for someone she doesn't even know. I guess I'm rude too!
  9. Yes, another poster mentioned the classy comment...then Meghan responds with "classy as F**k" now that's classy. With Jo, it's a good comparison, but I do think there's one big difference...Jo was nice for the most part. If I would describe her as a person, at that time, I would say young, naive and sweet. There's as much sweet in Meghan as there is in Tamra!
  10. Lucelu, looks like our minds were going in the same direction at the same time here! :)
  11. I'm a long time SAHM. I agree at times, Vicki is bitchy to SAHM. It's clear she belittles SAHM. Although I am a SAHM, I worked when we were first married until we had our first child...(I have worked later on when kids were old and part time) Vicki was being bitchy because Meghan is NOT a SAHM, she's actually a just married, wife #3, who is really a side piece with a fresh piece of paper, pretending to the audience that she has been the step mother extraordinaire of the year! So far, we've seen her with her assistant in every scene, moving or shopping in almost every scene, with movers doing the actual work, and no minimal decorating as she told us the decore was wife #2's work. So, no, Meghan can claim she's a SAHM, but she's no LeeAnn Edmonds #1 or Allison Edmonds #2, YET. She's been a step mom, for what, 5 minutes?! So, Vicki, IMO wasn't ridiculing Meghan in this situation with her usual wrath for SAHM, she was being a bitch towards Meghan for claiming and presenting herself as a claimer, another words, taking credit for her value so far and Jims money. The issue here is that Meghan acts like it's been her & Jim, the power couple, power family but she really just came in on the scene. Let's not forget Allison Edmonds, #2, was a prospective RHOC first. That was the real diss.
  12. Oh and Meghan also mimicked Shannon, laughing, "lash issues". Like, what a joke, when Shannon & David just got on the bus en route to the vineyard. She's a big bitch. If there was a Meghan in my world, and I did at one time have to deal with a fellow parent/community member who not only looks like Meghan, she's acted and sounded like her too, I would have insulted her without her knowing that I did and put her in her place...like gum under my shoe. I'm glad you did this play by play RedheadZombie, because it highlights Meghan's aggressiveness and annoying diction...over pronunciation of some consonants."Chair-a-TTea" and "Got-TTin" The other ladies comments and body language clearly showed Meghan was being the douche. I mean, Heather wants to get out of the chatter? Katie mentions a cork popping. Tamra eye rolling & Lizzies face in her hands? Those reactions were towards Meghan not Shannon. Who says things like congratufuckinglations, it doesn't feel genuine, you would have been nicer?, you're not some big tadoo, IF you truly are trying to resolve a situation? Shannon didn't escalate the matter, she just wasn't going to let Meghan talk to her like Meghan was her boss. Shannon was explaining why she reacted to Meghan the way she did, instead of letting Meghan run over her. IMO Meghan was escalating the exchange and was outraged that Shannon wouldn't accept her reprimand, "my face is over here..." Swat that bug like a fly Shannon.
  13. Ughhh, I'm glad I'm not the only one that this happens to...I'm all thumbs on my IPad Mini. I can't see anymore these days... I hit the wrong buttons all the time. I promise everyone here I'm not a profile lurker either!!
  14. Bahahahaha love the honesty sprinkled with sarcasm! Brandi also tweeted something about Kristen Doute (VPRules) being Real about LVP on some YouTube video, referring to LVP's evil ways no doubt...I haven't seen the video. She tweets about the difficulty about renting another home and mentions her excuse for not having her own home: "it's too expensive to buy right now" or similar words...ok...this is breaking news to Brandi on the cost of real estate in that area??! What did she do with all her money? Vaginal renewals, tens of thousands on booze, Botox, plastic surgery, booze, hooker underwear ensembles, booze, sex toys, dogs/vet bills, booze, etc. You know Brandi, after one season of wondering why they asked you on the show because I thought you were a dimwit (season 2) you slowly won me over. I felt sorry for you. Not anymore, always trust your first impression of someone...I probably would have been more blunt with her than Kyle if her kid dropped his pants in front of my kids and relieved himself in front of dozens of people. I feel sorry for the future wives of her sons.
  15. After watching all the previews, and from the reactions from Lizzie, Tamra, Heather and later Vicki & Tamra, it is clear that they felt Meghan went too far. Meghan wasn't listening to Shannon and wasn't satisfied with Shannon's apology or choice of words. Then she says things like Congratufuckinglations?!! She was clearly not accepting Shannon's responses and kept the escalation going...Also, the nitwit doesn't understand that the Foundation would automatically invite past guests/donors/hosts to all of their events? Meghan as a host would have her own guest list to expand donors, but most charities would also include all past donors. She behaves like a spoiled Orange County housewives spawn yet she's from Missouri. Now we know why she lives in the OC and accepted a spot on the show.
  16. Shannon was too beat up from her co-stars beating last season to have the emotional equipment to outsmart Meghan. I would not have made that mistake. I would have cut a bitch like bad bangs! One thing I would have done was going on the show prepared to not trust, which Shannon mentioned, however, emotionally prepared to be the one left standing. Meghan's clearly a Tamra wannabe, but she's no Tamra. Tamra is a much tougher and shrewder opponent with lots of experience. :)
  17. ITA, suspicions were there, even if David didn't come clean until that day in April. I think Shannon was tightly wound and felt all of Newport was aware of their problems and why she was so angry with Heather, Tamra and now weary of Meghan. Meghan has now stated: a pink elephant in the room, I think Shannon thinks I was flirting with David, rumblings around Orange County, friends that overlap, etc. Shannon thinks Meghan is also trying to gaslight her after her experience with Tamra, Heather and the email chatter last season. Meghan certainly is full of herself to think Shannon's should be acting according to her demands. I do hope and I'm going to guess that the mess with David will appear more amenable as the season progresses. I agree with those who think editing will eventually improve on the Beadors.
  18. The character Penny can be sarcastic, but she's very sweet. From what I see so far, there's nothing sweet about Meghan!
  19. Amy Phillips is soooooooo good. I loved the pic of the baby in utero as Sonjas boyfriend!! I think Amy does Bethenny and Heather DuBrow (RHOC) the best.
  20. Thought this was too funny. You know Kristen and all her boxes as she is being boxed out by the ladies? I just heard, " I'm living in a box, I'm living in a cardboard box..." An 80s tune by a band named Living in a Box! One of those tunes from another one hit wonder band. Totally rad that Kristen.
  21. I don't live in CA but she can't find a Catholic Church there? Funny, when my brother lived in La Jolla for 10+ years the Catholic Church near his home was pretty much like all the other ones I attend, no longer than an hour. If she meant what she said why is she backtracking in her blog? She's going with damage control in her blog on this subject, all positive, the opposite of what she said in her talking head. Maybe her Catholic mom & dad gave her a ring... Anyone that calls Tamra her mentor this early on has a plan.
  22. I know not all services are created equal. I'm a lifelong Catholic, and most Catholic Churches are certainly not "chintzy" but the more modern pie shaped Catholic ones were more minimalist & modest, so we have both types. I have many Protestant friends, which are the churches Tamrat & Katie were discussing and many of them are also traditional, the white church with steeple nicely built type churches. Especially Anglican and Jewish Synagogues. Yes, some services may go beyond the standard hour and some are mega churches, but her comments were, IMO, of the insulting nature. I mentioned I could care less if someone is not fascinated with religion, to each his own. My issue, was with her snotty tone...chintzy? That's not what you normally hear as an insult to churches and she made it sound like she just can't be bothered. So, why go there and mention that? The talking head was a response to the conversation with Tamra & Katie and their positive comments. (Although we all are giving Tamra major side eye because of her track record) Just think Meghan is quickly cutting down on the number of viewers who want to see her face on their TV, as a know it all chatter box who stirs the pot day one and has the vocal fry of a hash tagging 16 year old.
  23. Bahahahahaha! Too funny. Did she say anything of value?
  24. YES. Meghan has her talking points & is fulfilling her role obediently. She also did herself no favors with her church comments. She automatically alienated herself from a huge demographic of the audience with her flippant remarks on church. It's one thing for it to not be a part of your life, no one cares what you do/don't believe, but boring and CHINTZY? Who says that? "I'm not there to spend my whole Sunday..." The whole Sunday? What, an hour? No, they won't cater to your tastes. The church doesn't revolve around Meghan King first husbands name, Edmonds. So, as Tamra says, suck it.
  25. Shannon: She needs some serious, intense one on one, counseling to get through her issues. I imagine her freaking out on David over drinking on the way to Napa may be related to something we are unaware of, perhaps when he drinks too much he gets angry or he was drunk during the alleged domestic dispute and he promised he wouldn't drink to excess?? I truly believe this is happening while she is still too raw to process it rationally. If this was 2 years later, I would say she's not ever coming back to reality. I think she harps because she is imagining too much and takes every situation and magnifies it times 1000. I think Shannon may never get over it, but time will tell. As for the phone call, I'm just as protective of my cell phone # as other posters have mentioned up thread. Yes, sometimes unknown callers are identified by the area code they are calling from. I just got a phone call from CA that came up on my phone with CA visible. I'm thinking, who do I know from CA? My cell phone was originated from one of the states I live in...I have more than one residency...in my non home state, I have had people say to me when I have called them the first time, that they didn't know anyone from that state now I had to explain this to them. Shannon didn't need to apologize, she didn't do anything wrong IMO. Everyone reserves the right to answer or not answer the phone. Meghan is going after her. She started with explaining to Tamra & Shannon that her & Shannon have friends that overlap. Really? Who? She was talking to Heather and didn't include Heather in that overlap. She said "I've kind of had like my own little run ins with Shannon, our friends overlap..." She immediately assumed Shannon was rude. "I do, want to, you know, talk about the pink elephant in the room with her." It sounds to me that Meghan has an inflated sense of her importance. "I can't predict her." Huh? You mean, she's unpredictable? She is obviously listening to a lot of gossip amongst those supposed friends that overlap. Maybe Meghan has a buddy who was with Heather last season during the lunch where the David email was discussed? Oh, and Dr Dubrow needs to stop losing 3 months of sleep over David's inappropriate words, because he's even worse than David. That vineyard? Yes, red light district. Double dipping the wine? Gross. It looked like Catlton Gebbia's Dream vineyard. (RHOBH)
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