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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. With all due respect, I disagree with your comment. If PF was a white lady from the United Kingdom or a white lady from a Southern state known for heavy accents and she acted like a b@tch and claimed she had no accent and Gina made fun of her accent, how is that racism? If there was another housewife with darker skin on this show would it then be ok because she wasn't outnumbered as was inferred earlier? (Referring to the comment she's the only "brown" housewife - not my words) In my opinion, I am not a disrespectful, myopic or insensitive person. I would hope posters here would refrain from attacking people because of them holding a different opinion. PIMO comments like these are used to silence people. I don't know Gina so I don't know what her true motives are when it comes to PF. To ASSUME she's racist is quite the accusation. My comments were to state that we don't know that's Gina. Making fun of PFs accent BECAUSE PF was acting like a bitch who insisted she doesn't have an accent when most Australians hear her accent is the only point I was making here. IMO Gina also has a heavy accent. Is it insensitive or racist of me to say that? Would your answer be no because Gina is white?
  2. Thomas was never going to knock out Lindsey Graham. The show certainly hurt him, and Kathryn didn't do him any favors but no one seriously believed that he would have an impact of that magnitude. The votes he got were family and some fans. Another poster made a good point that if he wanted to truly have an impact he would have run for the House or a state level position. I agree he could be forgiven if he didn't continue to make horrible decisions like saying on national TV that he wanted to get 21 year old Kathryn pregnant. Everyone thinks he's out of his mind and didn't learn from his mistakes. It's very unfair of Thomas if he faults Kathryn for his poor performance in that election. Graham is a seasoned, moderate and non controversial candidate and had done nothing that would have lead to an upset.
  3. To anyone here who has watched this show from the beginning...and have watched Tamra since day 1...anyone here that truly like Tamra? I'm an obvious, out in the open, critic so I am trying to understand either the Andy/producer love or the viewer support. If a supporter, in all seriousness, why? I just am trying to understand why she's still on this show?
  4. I can say, as one of the posters who mentioned it, that I don't think other posters and I know I don't think that's a good thing nor was I romanticizing it. I just thought it touches on the type of love/hate over the top crazy love that Liz & Dick showed the world. Whether a child was involved is irrelevant, I just thought Whitney saying it and Andy also mentioning it tells me that it's a fair comparison. Not a perfect or dead on description of Thomas & Kathryn but it gives one who knew about their relationship a hint at what this couple seems to resemble. Obviously Kathryn is no Liz Taylor... Dick & Liz had a passionate, volatile, crazy relationship and married twice. It had to be the one comment Whitney has made that I thought was a spot on observation. I can't imagine that kind of crazy in my life!!
  5. There are 2 reasons the women eventually always go along with Tamra despite the fact that they all know she's THE pot stirrer & Queen of mean. 1) they want to be on Tamras good side & not be the target 2) the dislike of those involved in the HWs lives add fuel to the fire. If people didn't hate Slade, Simon, Jim, Brooks...the situations would be different. If Brooks was respected and called out Tamra the situation would be different but because most don't like Brooks (rightly so) he gives Tamra the victory even when he was right and she was wrong. The same in all the situations of conflict. Tamra uses the dislike for others to write off and distract from any legitimate grievances they have with Tamra. Boy, she would win Survivor every season as no one has a chance against her.
  6. Our television sets are going to blow up when Tamra gets dunked. I know we are all supposed to assume positive intent however Tamra doesn't do anything without a darker agenda.
  7. Ha ha, she has no idea! Whitney has made that comment during the Season first. I can't remember which episode though. I thought it was interesting that Andy repeated it...as that means he agreed with the analogy like we do, or he was supporting that analogy of the intended storyline.
  8. I wouldn't want her to be a regular on the show...with that said, I would have loved for her & Danni to contribute their opinions on T-Rav & Kathryn. They both were very supportive to Kathryn & their opinions would give us some background on the truth of the actions and/or motives of Kathryn. Then again...I just answered my question as to why they weren't invited...mystery to get us to Season 3.
  9. I agreed with Whitney once this season...his analogy of Kathryn & Thomas as Richard Burton & Liz Taylor. That type of bat sh@t crazy love/hate relationship. They can't live with each other but can't seem to function without each other. I think they were meant for each other, if Kathryn was just a few years older maybe? They both deserve each other. Thomas' actions and comments as of late make him look tragic. Craig was the only one (Landon wasn't there for season 1 so she doesn't count) to understand that the circumstances of how they met, how Kathryn got pregnant, none of that matters anymore because now the focus is and should be on the fact that Kenzie is here. The fact that Kathryn may have intended to get pregnant is irrelevant at this point, because he & Cameran reminded us that Thomas knew what could happen and did it anyway. He was complicit and not a victim even though Whitney claims Kathryn was the problem. Kathryn was 21! They both made bad and reckless decisions but Thomas is not innocent. Anyone his age that behaved this way should have known what he was getting into and would have made sure he was being "careful" if he really didn't want Kathryn to get pregnant. I really like Cameran. Boy is she beautiful, obviously gets her looks from her mother, but I was disappointed in her at times. Yes, she's the Greek chorus, but I didn't like how she sided up to Whitney. Perhaps it's her role, behind the scenes or she feels she needs to get a bit dirty to keep her spot. Shep and Cameran both seemed off to me not necessarily that we now see their true selves. I think their actions were planned and scripted. Interesting that Craig & Landon are rooming together...just in time for filming season 3...
  10. It felt like we missed too much in a rushed 1 part reunion. I wanted to hear more about each individual's current status, it seemed like we were missing updates on everyone with the exception of Craig. I agree, some lost footage or some input from Danni, Jennifer, J.D., etc? It felt to me like they purposely did not reveal too much as they are thinking of Season 3...
  11. The question that always runs through my mind in these scenes is just that, "this can't be real can it?" I'm watching Tamra once again rip into Alexis...what a 3 on one set up. Nasty. Alexis acted like a twit, but these ladies went so over the top mean back and they don't see their words make them worse then Alexis acting like a snob. Tamra and company were relentless with their animosity. This is their way of HELPING someone? Their true intention was to humiliate her and they know it.
  12. I agree, I don't like that dress, on her or anyone. I would love, as others have said before, a make under for Gina. She does make me think of Dynasty style dress & heavily sprayed hair & clown level make up. I hope we get to see her with less make up sometime...I think she's beautiful underneath the plaster.
  13. Thank you! Just calling it racism, because that's your opinion, doesn't make it so. Gina was rude, but the reason she makes fun of PFs accent is because PF made it clear that she doesn't have an accent. Anyone with ears that lives in Australia can pick up PFs accent. Just because PF doesn't think she has an accent doesn't make it so...It has nothing to do with skin color. PF acts like she is above the other ladies and this was Ginas way of calling her out. Only because it was clear that PF was in denial about her accent and pompous attitude. I really don't think Gina would have picked on her accent for no reason if PF didn't make it a subject by denying it. I also think Gina felt PF was a bitch. You can be a bitch in any color. With that said, I thought Gina was funny but needed to reign it in a bit. I swear, if I said I like the white meat not the dark meat on chicken people would call me racist.
  14. Yes, Tamra is very smart. Can you imagine if she could use her brain to do good instead of hatching evil plots to take down housewives? Imagine if she actually cared about anyone but herself? Imagine if she used her brain to do something productive? I wanted to add: can you imagine if she stopped saying things like "holy balls?" She's a Nasty woman...
  15. Exactly! Alexis was pretentious, obnoxious, etc., just as Tamra & Heather claimed. She was fun to snark on...which is part of the fun watching these shows. However, once it goes too far, with the likes of Tamra screaming at you, setting you up (at gym party) and calling her things like Jesus Jugs...that's crossing the line big time. I don't want to see housewife brawls. Alexis didn't deserve that kind of over the top hatred for being a twit. It goes back to my dislike for Andy or Bravo producers who feel like this behavior, perfected by women like Tamra is what the audience wants instead of what we saw in the early seasons. They changed the format from a Rachael Ray style look into a Jerry Springer script. I didn't care that much for Gretchen, but Tamras Naked Wasted plot was disgusting. I see Evil when I see Tamra. With the other ladies on the OC, I see flawed, but typical human beings.
  16. You are dead on. This is when Peggy realizes that she needs to hitch her wagon to Vicki & Tamra and to ditch Alexis. Yes, Jim should have been the one to tell Alexis he used to date Peggy. However, anyone that becomes your good friend and doesn't eventually reveal that they used to date your husband, seems shady to me. She said Alexis was competitive with her, but it looked to me like they were both cut from the same cloth, but Alexis was just more open with her one upmanship. No matter how annoying Alexis could be, and creepy Jim was to me, Alexis was never outright mean & nasty the way Tamra, Vicki and eventually Gretchen & Heather were to her. I don't get the hate towards Alexis. She's annoying, but so harmless.
  17. I remembered why I can't stand Andy Cohen. He prefers Evil like Tamra, over normal people, you know, your average, flawed, typical woman. Every housewife has issues, some are more likable than others, but on rewind, it's clear that miserable Tamra is not happy when she's not stirring the pot... She got rid of her nemesis Jeana, divorced Simon, got back on good terms with Vicki and met "good guy" Eddie. Yet, we see her not just relishing her repaired friendship, new found love and realizing she is lucky to have 4 lovely children. In the episode where Peggy hosts a dinner at her house, Alexis has a ridiculous break down and retreats to the bathroom...it was Tamra that escalated the issue. Gretchen went to check on Alexis. Instead of leaving it there, granted it was impolite, Tamra & Vicki make it worse leaving the table to spy on them. Then, Peggy aims her anger at Alexis. Yes, Alexis should have just left, but the dinner wasn't ruined by Alexis, but by the other idiots at the table. Then Tamra tries to redirect like she's being helpful after contributing to the chaos? Oh yah, Eddie and the grin, fake smile during his first season...yuck Tamra joking about having someone wipe her a@@, where did grow up? I really agree with the poster who mentioned Tamra had a creepy background...maybe some sexual abuse somewhere? She is just crazy.
  18. Ugh. Why does Bravo keep Tamrat front & center? Going back and watching her relationship develop with Eddie? Bleck... She says, "who wouldn't want to hump Eddie?" Eeeeeewww. It's clear on review why this franchise went downhill. I like Shannon and tolerate Heather, only because they bring the median family income back up on a show that's supposed to be about privileged housewives. Sorry, Heather & Tamra as buddies would never happen if Tamra wasn't on this show.
  19. Wow, I guess Gretchen was right about Lynne's parenting. Lynne should have at least opened her mind...all she was concerned with was her feelings of inadequacy as a mom. Lynne, grow the F up, get your head out of your a@@... If it's too hard to raise your kids in Orange County, MOVE! You obviously couldn't afford to be in your neighborhood in the first place. No one owes you a certain lifestyle. My teenagers got used cars..they may have wanted nicer ones, but they got what we gave them, contributed to the purchase, paid insurance on cars, while in high school & college full time. We don't owe them BMWs jus because their friends got them....wow, Lynne just doesn't get it. When Gretchen (no children) spoiled Alexis & Tamra are trying to get through to you as a mom, you better wake up and parent your kids properly. I LOVED that Lisa Vanderpump let her sons utilities get cut off, they don't owe max a free living...Max knew it too. What ticks me off is dealing with parents like that when trying to raise your kids to understand what matters...and that's not looking good above bring fiscally responsible.
  20. When I see her going after Vicki, (and I don't like Vicki at all) I hope Vicki decides to just call her Mrs. #3 and see if that sits well with the new Mrs. Edmonds, of the moment.
  21. I liked it when they did the talking heads immediately following an event. No chance to rewrite your thoughts on what just took place, instead it was a natural reaction of what each person felt at the moment instead of a reflection that puts a polish on their memory or history rewritten to match a narrative. I'm reminded again of my hate for all that is Tamra, her plot to replace Jeana and her obvious jealousy when she realizes she's no longer the hot housewife with each new lady. I'm wondering now if Tamra went back to Real Estate because she was already planning to leave Simon? I want to give her credit for contributing to her household income in a bad economy but something changed since last season and you can feel it now upon review. It seemed that both Tamra & Vicki became joined at the hip once their marriages were dissolving. Lynne and her daughter getting plastic surgery when their financial situation was nothing but a house of cards. Frank saying the economy was rough but he wanted his wife to be happy?! How can you be happy with a new face and teenager with a new nose knowing you can't afford your house rent? They were sticking their heads in the sand...as mature grown adults and no concerns for the future. It's crazy!
  22. I'm excited Jeana is back. She has worked hard to get back in shape and it became easier when she lost the weight of her husband dragging her down. Her kids have changed from what I have seen....It was interesting to me that while I agree Jeana's boys were horrible, Vicki liked to point out that her children were better behaved...Well, you should never say things like that on TV! My favorite storyline for Jeana was the way she handled Tamra. I wish Jeana was still around for the last year when Alexis was on, so someone would stand between Tamra & Alexis. Something tells me Bravo Andy didn't like Jeana because she didn't fit into a Bravo script or narrative.
  23. Tamra Barney, the most nasty housewife ever, IMO. She was awful from day one. Sounds like she will be baptized next season? A stunt to reinvent herself? She was awful to Jeana...I am so glad Jeana runs circles around Tamra in Real Estate. What bothers me most about Tamra is the way she puts down women in her circle while in the beginning making them feel like she was their friend. While Simon was no prize, I didn't blame him for being disgusted with her...something went seriously wrong with her in her childhood or she is just evil from birth.
  24. Now THAT would be the only reason I could feel good about Brandi returning next season. Oh, the payback...
  25. Jackie's personality screams fraud to me. Her abilities, therefore, make me give her the side eye. It's not that people don't believe in psychic abilities, it's that they don't believe in Jackies claims of psychic ability. I think she's as fake as a $3 bill. It's clear from her lack of knowledge about other things, they she's a fake. Coo-woo-churrr for example... I believe Gina makes an issue of Pette's accent for the same reason. Gina would not insult anyone else with the same accent...she's insulting Pette because she thinks Pette is trying to represent herself as something else. She's calling her out. It's the person she is insulting, not her race.
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