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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Bahahaha "Jake from State Farm at 2 in the morning??!" As ZoeysMom mentioned, the Betty analogy to Shannon was as it relates to their marriage not as a parent. Betty was a tough nut to crack as a parent that's for sure...Shannon's a much more touchy freely mom I would say.
  2. Looks like Heather is shilling champagne...according to tonight's episode. Named Collette because it sounds French. (Daughter CoCos real name). There will be another DuBrow cake!
  3. I'm surprised by how many want David & Shannon to divorce. I've always said I would never stay if my husband cheated, and I haven't faced that after 26+ years, so I can't speak from the experience, but that's me. I don't think I could forgive such a violation and continue to commit to someone after a betrayal of trust at that level. I don't forgive easily! I know people that have gone through this, some stayed married, some divorced, If David does want to stay married (we don't know what's in his heart) to Shannon, tells her he wants to just be happy and move forward perhaps he truly means it. We don't know that. I can't tell if Shannon can move on without there always being anger brewing. I don't see why they shouldn't try if both parties are willing to move forward. Shannon is a shrew, that's obvious...but as she has said, watching herself back on TV made it clear to her. She probably had no idea how stressful and demanding she acting towards him. David probably didn't understand how his flirting was so disrespectful. They were both put on notice. If they can change their behaviors and work it out, why wouldn't they? Thry made a commitment when they married and brought children into world and created the family. If they can enjoy their lives as a unit from here on they should stay together. He broke the commitment, but she's willing to try. If he does it again, then she will likely leave. No wonder she was so unglued, if she didn't know specifics, she knew something of this level was going on. They both have their own money so I just don't believe that's a factor at all in this situation. Yes, people grow up fine with divorced parents, that's true. My parents were married 60 years until my fathers death, but my husbands parents were divorced. We both feel like happy people in spite of our different circumstances. My husband never said it was fun and rosy though to not have everyone together. He wishes they had stayed together. My life was not all fun and rosy my whole childhood because of my parents long marriage but they certainly were happy together and loved each other. They were loyal to each other and I'm a very loyal person. David & Shannon can certainly provide a household where the girls can learn to honor their commitments and change behavior to honor the other people. They may learn you can trust someone after such circumstances. It's certainly worth a good try. There's plenty of time in the future where if David is miserable again because things don't change, that they may divorce at some point. I'm more concerned how the daughter that read David's cell phone must have felt. Good Gawwwd. To know your father did this and how that must make her feel? David's going to need to work as hard to earn the kids trusts as Shannon's.
  4. Wow! That is an excellent comparison, I'm a (was) a Mad Men junkie! Yes, Shannon = Betty! Let's just hope for Shannon's sake that David only had 1 affair and isn't like Don Draper, good grief, that would be something. Both women turned into Ice Queens while roaming around feeling isolated while their husbands were at work. (Or with their side pieces). Desparate for attention, the loneliness was making them crazy...they started nagging, and the viscous cycle continues...
  5. It sure is sad when real life gets too real on these kind of shows. It does seem to me that someone did force their hand. The rumors had to be swirling around and if you watch Tamras face during last years reunion you can see she is biting her tongue...Tamra...she knew something. Terry is a douche, but he definitely was riled up enough by David that I think that the rumors were amongst their crowd. Who was the other woman? Does anyone in this crowd know? Shannon was right though, watching the footage made it clear to her what a nag she was...which doesn't excuse David stepping out, but at least she knows she didn't give him any reason to want to be home. I agree, that scene where he criticized her breasts was so rude. He was such a jerk in that episode. Let's hope if they both truly value their relationship they can repair the damage and try to move on and make it work.
  6. This is why I posted what I did earlier...I truly felt there was more to the animosity between Terry, Heather, Tamra & Shannon then a few inappropriate comments by David at Heathers groundbreaking party. Terry was so over the top scary angry at David that it didn't seem to fit the circumstances...plus, the way Heather & Tamra were gossiping about the Email and Heathers friends discussing it. Remember, Terry didn't seemed fazed by Eddies comments. All The reunion talk about David flirting...Terry wouldn't have felt as threatened if he hadn't heard genuine rumors along with Vickis comments about him supposedly touching her underwear. It all makes sense hearing this...
  7. She is in my hate to hate radar, along with creepy Richie from RHONJ. I want her off this show! It's been my "mission" in my mind as a loyal viewer since her first day.
  8. If I were in Shannon's shoes, (would love the bank account, and the freedom of her limitless shopping budget but that's where my envy ends) I would try to repair the marriage. I wouldn't do this on a Reality show, but would any of us here want to? I just think it's a rare person, at least in my world, that would ever agree to participating in this craziness. We don't know the truth, but according to what Shannon said, she was blindsided by David's stepping out. While she knew everything wasn't perfect (discussing the bickering, then THE email, than the fighting played back to her on TV) this affair was all new to her as of last year. They taped the current season when? It can't be more than a few months after discovering his infidelity in April of 2014. Heck, Meghan wasn't even married yet, that's how recent this has been revealed to Shannon. I think she should try, she has made it clear she wants to change the way she has treated him. It's early to throw in the towel when we look at the ages of her kids, she says she still loves him very much and David is still telling her he loves her. If he said, I'm not happy, I want out, that's different. Maybe, yes maybe, he's unwilling to be the one to pull that trigger, but again, why wouldn't Shannon try at this point? If they work on their marriage and can repair some of the damage and enjoy their lives together, of course it's worth it to try it. Maybe that's what David was looking for? If It's not, Shannon will figure this out soon enough. Breaking up now, to her, is giving up too soon. Who knows, but I think separating now is way too soon. (Now being while filming the current season). According to her social media, they are currently together and seemingly happy together. If I was her, I would move forward, but if he did it again, BYE BYE David. I've been married 26 years, 3 grown kids, youngest is 19. We have a wonderful marriage. With that said, while there were no affairs, or sleeping separately, or endless bickering, all marriages have their "moments" over the years. Its a journey. Every journey is full of obstacles at some point down the road. Think of military marriages of forced separation, or issues with family members, financial strain, whatever....Bottom line, if you both want to be together, than stay together, if not, you know the rest...It's hard to say whether David Beador truly WANTS to stay with Shannon, but maybe he's sincere in wanting to stay with Shannon. I hope so for her sake...if not, she will see it soon enough. What we are seeing is so new and raw that as a viewer, I want to see her take this time to figure it out and not end it and regret that she didn't try first. Beden: Good for you! I'm glad things are working out for the better for you being on your own. Your son is a lucky boy! Vicki is an idiot. Who in their right mind would prefer to be with Brooks Ayers than to be alone?!! She NEEDS to be alone of all people and give herself some time and space to truly examine the kind of man that would truly make her happy if she believes being alone is so stupid. There are lots of people who live alone and love it.
  9. I have never paid much attention to ratings, is this good? Competing with the Stanley Cup is brutal. I was watching women's World Cup, USA, so I watch RHOC after. I've contributed more than my fair share to Real Housewives first airing over the years!
  10. Right, she said she confronted David on April 1st and he came clean. I think the gossiping from those on or associated with this show was hinting along the lines of an affair but Shannon wasn't aware until the filming was playing out. Maybe her kids found out from rumors and they had to reveal the truth. I'm just speculating that's why Heather & Terry were acting so over the top around Shannon & David. Maybe thru Meghan or other acquaintances of theirs...? Who were Heathers friends that were discussing THE e-mail?
  11. Yes, it is believed by many, including some conventional doctors, that cancer feeds on sugar. White foods like white bread are full of sugar, ranch dressing has lots of sugar, etc. it's best to elimate sugary and over processed foods and stick to real, whole foods for optimal health.
  12. I agree Goulina, I think the affair may have been sensed or known last season. Perhaps David was put on notice and someone told Shannon they believed he was having an affair and whomever it was knew Terry, Heather or Meghan the new girl. Remember David was flirting with Meghan on tape last year and Terry was over the top angry about his comments towards Heather? Why was he so unglued? It was told to him later on yet he wasn't mad at Eddie, something wasn't right. Did they think it was going to come out so they revealed the details themselves to fix it?
  13. So nice to see you KFB! :) Grampon works well too! Love all the creative nicknames for Tamrat!
  14. I agree NJbchlover, I thought hooch was alcohol, likely moonshine kind of thing. I guess Miss Know It All doesn't know it all. Maybe the nickname expanded to pot over the years?
  15. Tamra is so full of herself. She complains she's had it rough with the other ladies?!! Perhaps she can now understand what it must, sort of feel like, after years of being a calculating, nasty, mean girl to the other women for years! I say sort of because the heat she was feeling was minute compared to what she has dished out. She thinks the problem is that she was just being honest?? Please. Why is she still on this show? She's the devil incarnate. How many boob jobs can you get? It's one thing to change your mind once, but 4 procedures?? That's nuts. She's young enough that she will probably have one more in her lifetime just for maintenance. Isn't this the same type of thing she would crucify Alexis over? She's a bizarre creature.
  16. I was thinking the same thing about Heathers eyebrows! Cartoonish. Something's different...
  17. PERFECT! Wow, thats such a good nickname for Tamra! Satan's concubine. Bahahahahaha! Love Gramballs too!
  18. I agree both Heather & Tamra were responsible for treating Shannon poorly. I also know Tamra won't mess too far with Heather. She did try at the beginning of last season but Heather knew what was cooking and she shut down any anti Heather plotting. She knows Alexis was squeezed out, because she helped Tamra orchestrate it, and Heather knows the housewife game. With that said, I think Tamra has been awful and behaved like a rotten apple since day 1 of season 3. Tamra , IMO, is a broken soul and is one of those people that hates happy people. I agree that Heather needs a worthy opponent! Lydia was awesome! It was great to see her stand up to Heather and anyone else when it was necessary near the end of the season. I thought her kooky mom was a fun addition to the show too.
  19. Don't worry, most people age more gracefully from 43-53 if they take care of themselves! I'm 48 but most of my friends are 50-55 and look great! One friend is turning 60 this year and she looks more like 50. Vicki's surgery and weight gain is what aged her...and maybe too much stress?
  20. Denise Richards would be fun without having to manufacture drama...her ex husband being Charlie Sheen, her friendship with Lisa R, her dad is single and shopping for girlfriends (he was on Millionaire Matchmaker) and he's nothing like Avivas dad George...Eileen coming back! As long as LVP is also back, I would love this...and Kyle without Kim, woohoo!!
  21. Ok, don't the previews show Shannon, Heather & Tamra getting along? I'm watching Shannon share with Tamra about her marriage falling apart and I keep yelling to myself, "no, Shannon, no...do not trust Tamra, not now, not ever!" Tamra & Heather made up really fast after getting Shannon to trust Tamra.
  22. Why am I surprised Tamra is still buddies with Lynn?! Will Tamra explain why she got new breast implants again? I thought she wanted the oversized phony breasts out of her life as the new & improved Tamra? I make no judgments on people getting new boobs, whatever works but which is it Tamra? Newly baptized & new breasts? That's a combo I haven't heard of before. She's confusing.
  23. I'm an out and open crazy prepster. Lucky to be near a Lilly P store and around smaller stores that carry Lilly clothes. They are my favorite with J.Crew runner up. It's also more typically a Southern thing because the colors are made for warmer weather. When I'm up North I don't wear Lilly in the winter or I would look like an idiot to the people around me! Lilly doesn't really work when it's 25 degrees! The preppy style is cyclical but not for me! I also like outdoorsy style...Ralph Lauren, Sundance, Tory Burch and eeeeek (cover your ears Patricia) Ann Taylor. I'm sorry but unless your dressing to impress mid priced clothing is common in Charleston...Pat is not the norm. Most mothers are like Camerans mom...reasonable.
  24. It would be Whitney, if by any stretch, this was true. They haven't shown him with lots of women, but he claimed to sleep with Kathryn on camera and claims he's had lots of girlfriends. Remember we also had a scene where Patricia finds "gasp!" Ann Taylor clothes on Whitneys floor. (I wondered if that was a clue to tell us they were Kathryn's clothes...) That's the negative of these FB comments. There may be a real gem but you have to sift through hundreds of comments to find one. I've seen your posts for a long time and always wanted to tell you how awesome "gimipizzauoldtroll" is!! Very clever. Visions of Milania dancing in my head!
  25. Thanks for the responses. We certainly do talk about her! I just come from the school that doesn't believe all publicity (bad) is good. Tamra has made me laugh at times, that I will admit. I know her past was not easy but she is not the only one who may have had it rough. I just can't get over how nasty she has been towards other people and she is rewarded by Bravo with longevity & $$$ on this show. Eventually drug dealers go to jail for their crimes but Tamra! We get stuck with her.
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