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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I'm still trying too figure out Kim's anger, or Brandi's, towards Eileen. I know Kim hasn't seen Vince for years, but is it possible that she is friendly with Vince's ex-wife? Are Kim and/or Brandi friends with the ex's friends or family? Remember how Taylor was all worked up at Yolanda? The angst was all in her head. Linda Thompson, David Foster's ex-wife, told Taylor on screen, she was fine with Yo after we, the viewers, watched Taylor create all this drama "defending" her friend Linda that season as her excuse for ripping on Yo. It appears to me that the hatred for Eileen could be from something similar to this behind the scenes. Vince's ex is an actress & a player in Hollywood. Even if you believe Eileen or Lisa R were meddling, the wrath, IMO, can't be explained...Lisa & Kim were calm at the dinner. Lisa was only apologetic at this point before Kim snapped. It would make more sense if Lisa R kept at it, but Lisa was only talking about her own story and simply apologized. Even if Lisa was using Kim being drunk as a storyline, at this dinner, she didn't say a thing to justify Kim's reaction or attack. IMO Brandi stayed silent because the second she spoke would have given Lisa or Kyle an opening to get Brandi involved in explaining their concerns to Kim. Brandi knew the only way to not be exposed to Kim was to stay away from the conversation. Brandi always has lots to say, unless she knows she's culpable and they can drag her into the discussion.
  2. Savannah, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. It was a joy to read your Aunt's posts in here. May she rest in peace. My condolences to you and your family.
  3. I am sure she was scared, escalators are not toys...you can be seriously hurt...I just think the "mother f'er" is getting old with Brandi. I do give her credit for confirming Kim was to blame not Kyle, when she clarified to Yolanda. Brandi was too aggravated to follow her narrative when it gets too real.
  4. I agree Ryebread, that dress is not what I expect from Camille, I'm disappointed! She usually looks fantastic. The best dress, IMHO, belongs to Shannon Beador. That girl has taste. Typically, Camille dresses like Shannon & Heather from OC. I love Camilles shoes. Lisa VP looks awful, don't like that look in any way, shape or form. Yikes. Kyle looks too severe. All that $$$ and they can't find a stylist to be honest with them...
  5. Sorry, brain cramp, it was a dumb question! Not thinking fast enough today! I agree AnnaL, Brandi is the instigator and enjoys the destruction that she sets in motion.
  6. Once again, Brandi exaggerating...bruises all over! I do think Brandi got stuck and was afraid, don't blame her., but talking about an over the top reaction...Brandi was ready to beat someone down in that scene. She has the nerve to say Lisa R was out of control? Again proof to me that Brandi & Kim can see the worst in everyone but have absolutely no self awareness.
  7. I love the show no matter what, but would prefer no Brandi and Kim as well. I could watch just Yo and Lisa VP hanging in their closets all day, but unfortunately the majority out there would be bored stiff. How about an episode where Eilleen takes the ladies to work on the set of Y&R? It would be fun to watch some behind the scenes action from the Lady Gaga video featuring Lisa, Kyle, Kim, Carlton, Yo. That's some RHOBH in the media right there!
  8. Is there really glass on Kim & Brandi? My guess is they are making that up... Yo didn't side with Kim, from what we hear in this clip, she praised Kim for staying strong but didn't say anything against Lisa so far as to what we see here. Unless Yo wants to be seen as a huge hypocrite (Brandi loves to apply that label to the ladies) she will have to tell Kim she was over the top. At this point, Yo is imagining the other ladies are gossiping about Bella and doesn't know Brandis BS yet, JMHO.
  9. I think E! needs a better proofreader-I believe Brandi says "chokes" not jokes. A very Freudian slip if there is a claim this is staged. Thank you! As an "inside source" I appreciate you feeding our addiction, speaking of addictions, to this show! Can't wait to see this, tomorrow can't get here fast enough.
  10. Is there anyone here who knows if the dinner we saw in the first look airs before or after Brandi yelling at Kyle in the streets of Amsterdam?? I'm terrible at finding "sources" that some of you seem to find outside of the standard websites. Inquiring minds "need" to know before Tuesday at 9:00pm EST what's going to happen on this episode! Do we know if they actually went in to the red light district?
  11. I love dogs! My heart still breaks for my first dog, that died back in 1972!! I didn't learn until I was 30+ (no one clued me in) that he was put down because he bit a second person and that person wanted to sue my parents. So, while I sincerely empathize with Kim, as someone who has a hard time moving on myself, Kim needs to grow up and deal with this like a mature adult should when they are 50 years old. I can't believe after the way she saw Kingley react to her TV trainer, he bit an old women friend and chomped up her nieces hand that she can't "bring herself" to give him away permanently. How self centered can she be? As I said in another post, I wholeheartedly agree that at the dinner in Amsterdam Kim believed the talk of drinking was going to turn into an intervention on her or she felt it was the ladies way of getting her to open up about herself or perhaps the incident with Chad. While I wouldn't put it past Yolanda to use a story to set up Kim, I do not believe she would stoop that low to use her daughter's mistake to out someone else. I believe Yo wanted to make sure there was no one gossiping about Bella, since Brandi said everyone was calling Bella an alcoholic, and knowing the topic of conversation would make it feel safe for the other ladies, namely Lisa R and Kim to be able to talk to the other women as support. If Kim did not want to discuss her situation she could have remained quiet after simply cutting Lisa R off with an acceptance of her apology. I still can't believe how horrible she was to bring up Harry, especially when we were just reminded here about how terrible it was for the other ladies to discuss Mauricio's behavior...than to rip on Kyle. I'm still shaking my head.
  12. I'm a long time lurker but I know you don't "know me" but I would like to send warm thoughts and prayers to you. Look forward to posting with you very soon Ub40fan.
  13. I can't recall all the exact details, but Lisa explained her family in the episode where she goes to visit her parents. Maybe it is still posted on Bravo? She did say the older sister we met is her half sister, by the same father. I would guess her sister that passed was her half sister as well given the age difference. I don't think we are told if her dad's first wife died or if they divorced before he married Lisas birth mother. I can't recall the name of the town, but it sounded like they lived in a trendy area before being relocated to Medford.
  14. Kim loses her sanity on Lisa Rinna in the hour long limo ride. Lisa is unsure of how to react towards her but handles the situation well. Next, we see Kim, and somewhat Brandi, go after Kyle & Lisa over their lack of poker skills. They were over the top rude to their hosts, the Van Pattons and were acting like 2 years olds calling Kyle & Lisa stupid multiple times. At the reading at the Van Pattons we see Kim start to come unglued and uninterested in acting like an adult when the topic of how she is doing comes up in Eilleen's kitchen. She had an opportunity to nip all the talk in the bud. All she had to do was make a statement with some finality to it and tell them all to back off. That would have been the end of the "storyline" if she handled it better. We watch Kim rudely getting up and changing her seat at the charity dinner in Calgary, to avoid Lisa & Kyle. We see Kim acting like a 2 year old, yet again, when they meet to get on the plane. She goes all Jr. High and pretends to not see Lisa R. She rips into Lisa on the plane. Lisa apologizes. Here, again, Kim has an opportunity to end it, but instead, has a temper tantrum and cannot seem to accept Lisa's apology. All she needed to do was make a statement about how it is not Lisa's business, thanks for your input, let's move on. Did she do that? No, she had a hissy fit. Can you blame Lisa R for being freaked out after dealing with her acting this way? I can understand her saying something to Lisa VP and Eilleen because they were not there and Lisa was just expressing to them what she had to deal with at the airport & on the plane. She knew Eileen was already mistreated more than once by Kim and that Lisa VP would be one to confide in because it was well known Kim had a go at Lisa VP in the past. If it was me, I probably would have dropped it, but she was venting. I'm 50/50 on her talking about to Eileen & Lisa VP at this point. At the dinner: Who started the conversation? Yolanda. It was not Lisa R. Yolanda said something along the lines of wanting to share feelings and how we all hide things, our lives are not perfect, let's not pretend...I think Kim assumed Yolanda was setting the stage for an intervention for her and as soon as she saw the other ladies start commenting, you could tell her little brain was whirling away wondering when the hammer was going to come down. As soon as Lisa R started speaking about her personal situation, Kim was rolling her eyes. She showed no compassion for her story. Her lack of looking beyond her own self and empathizing with any of the other ladies is far beyond her ability. Lisa apologized to Kim. That is not the same are bringing up her lack of sobriety. Lisa was simply saying, in so many words, that alcoholism has destroyed many of the people she loved and she was just concerned as a friend. It was Kim who interpreted Lisa's compassion as stirring the pot and evil. Even if it was Lisa's true intension to humiliate Kim, all Kim had to do, once again was to shut it down. Shut it down by appeasing Lisa with a sternly worded sentence or two about she appreciates her concern, all is well, there is nothing to see here, let's move on....Instead, Kim went for blood, she turned into Steven King's Carrie on prom night. For the life of me, I just don't get why people can't be happy for other people. Why people want to tear other people down. Why misery loves company. That is no way to live, and I have zero sympathy for anyone who acts this way...I don't care what has happened to you in life. No one has a right to say and do such hurtful things because they have a screwed up life or past. I agree that Lisa should not have thrown the glass. I would hope if that was me, I would have controlled myself...at least I would like to think so! I didn't really see her go for Kim's throat, it looked to me like she wanted to smack her but Kim pulled away in time. I am not sure why people are criticizing Kyle for running out of the room. I don't blame her. That was her way of creating a "time out" when she didn't know what to do. Kim was so nasty with that comment about not being a real sister. How hateful can she be? The fact that some viewers don't love Kyle doesn't give Kim the right to humiliate Kyle in that way. I have 2 sisters and I thank God everyday for the love of my 5 siblings, and I just can't even imagine what it is like to have a sibling that has not only been such a burden, but such a spoiled, ungrateful wretch that is Kim Richards.
  15. wow, just wow to this first look clip...here's my 2 cents... I am another regular watcher from day one and I can understand why Kyle reacted the way she did in that limo scene in season 1. At the time, I thought Kyle went too far and wasn't sympathetic enough to her sister on national television. Kim seemed like a broken bird, and it was really upsetting to see someone that I thought was so cool to have ended up as yet another child star gone wrong life. Looking back, I believe Kyle, at that point, had already been traumatized to the bat sh@t Amsterdam level long before the limo scene. Now, I cut Kyle a mountain of slack, what a huge burden it must be to be Kim Richards sister since big Kathy Richards has passed away... I've said before, I was a HUGE Kim Richards fan. All of her child/teen centered shows, guest spots and Disney films came at a time when there wasn't much for us in the under 15 crowd to watch besides Saturday morning cartoons! Nanny and the Professor, James at 15, Hello Larry. These were the days of Kristi McNichol, those Van Patton boys, Partridge Family type shows...As a result, I was so excited to see Kyle & Kim Richards were starring on the latest real housewives franchise and to see, mainly Kim's "real life." I had no idea she had a history of alcohol and drug abuse and certainly not knowing she was still an alcoholic when the show begin airing back in 2009 or 2010... What stood out to me in the first couple of seasons was how sad and irritable she seemed to be AND that was when bothered showing up for filming. It appeared as if she was a part time HW or an absentee HW because she was often missing or late for many of the scenes. The limo scene was frightening...than came the infamous game night at Dana's house which showcased her dark side. There was no excuse for her and Kyle's behavior towards Brandi. Than, we learned that she was going to rehab and she had her interviews with Andy Cohen. At that point, as a viewer, I was happy to see she was progressing well, or so it appeared and she may just make a comeback to defy the odds. Sadly, she wasn't done with tangling with Brandi. She had already wreaked havoc with Kyle, Taylor, Camille, but I thought it was the alcohol talking and she would at some point assimilate back into the group in her own right. I was wrong. Remember that scene at Kyle's white party when Kim was with the bull mastiff Ken? She had a run in with Brandi and she was mimicking Brandi? "Are you kidding me?" with a childlike sarcastic voice? She was quite mean to both Brandi & Jennifer in that scene. Oh, than we have Paris. This was where we began to see that Kim's next target was going to be Lisa VP. We see Kim with Lisa VP & Ken Todd shopping in Paris. All seemed fine. Later, we see Lisa VP questioning Kim because she appeared to forget what time of the day it was and Lisa VP correcting her. In the shuttle to the make your own dinner/kill the duck activity, Kim had a melt down about Lisa VP questioning her. Again, they Kim had a go at Lisa VP on the balcony, when it was clear to EVERYONE that Kim was out of it. Next season, it was clear that Kim was trying to create a story line that Lisa VP was not a true friend and she made a mountain out of a mole hill about Ken & Lisa not attending Kimberly's grad party. (let's not forget she was AWOL from Pandoras wedding, no RSVP saying she wasn't coming, she was a rude no show) Ken & Lisa had already told her they were going to miss the party. She complained that Lisa VP was making fun of her while "praying" next to the trashcan while playing with squirrels, conveniently forgetting that Brandi was also questioning Kim as well. Than, what really stood out to me about Kim going after Lisa & Ken. Remember when they were arguing, yet again, about the tabloids? Kim was in that storyline up to her eyeballs with Brandi. She filled Mauricios' head with stories that she herself did not witness, she was relaying a story that was Brandis to tell. Remember Kim had yelled at Ken being a crotchety, stubborn old man? Kim is the one who was not satisfied with the answer about the magazines and felt Lisa was dodging direct questioning. Kim said, "Just answer the question" and in her talking heads, she was quite dramatic about it. She said, "just answer the **&#!! question" Kim wanted to back Lisa & Ken into a corner. Funny how she doesn't like to be cornered and behaves like that rabid cat...She proceeds to go for the jugular by saying to Kyle (to hurt Kyle's feelings) and tells her that Lisa only cares about Lisa, Ken, Giggy & Pandora? Last season we saw Kim Richards go after Lisa VP with a vengeance...all because Lisa VP could see thru Kim's charade and didn't play dumb. She hated Lisa because Lisa was trying to make her look bad. Not realizing that Kim was doing that all by herself. Let's not forget at the season 3 reunion she was trying to create a wedge between Lisa & Yolanda. Lisa VP realized that the best way to handle Kim is the way she is handling Brandi. Make polite conversation, tip toe around the elephant in the room and don't get too close. I'm forgetting the time line, but let's not forget Kim's nose job. Season 3 I think? People, were questioning if this was a wise decision since she would certainly need to use pain medication. Also, isn't that the time Kim thought she should stick her nose into Taylor's business with an intervention? Oh, yes, let's not forget this...Kim has had every opportunity to take advantage of the resources being offered to her and to learn from her mistakes. An opportunity to start over. Instead, I imagine because she is a mean spirited, hateful woman, she prefers to drag everyone down with her instead of being grateful for all that is good that she has in her life. I went from being one of her top fans back in the day, to being absolutely disgusted with her need to tear the other women down...women who would do anything to help her and be loyal & loving friends if she allowed it. Love or hate Kyle, she doesn't deserve this and has more than paid her dues with the upkeep and care of the unhinged Kim Richards. .
  16. Sorry! I meant no place to me has homes like Newport, Rhode Island...there are beautiful gigantic homes in CA & the Hamptons, Long Island, NY, but to me, nothing beats the old school and glamour of the old mansions in Newport. I just meant to say out of all the housewives, I think the Beador home beats them all. It is styled like a typical old Newport, RI home. Mohamed Hadid has quite the place, but the decor, like in the hidden room, doesn't do it for me. But...I would love to have his bank accounts!
  17. Good for you, fitness instructor! My 30 year old niece is one too, she has a spunky personality and is full of life & energy 24/7! I love the Lululemon pieces too, and I prefer to have fewer, nicer things than lots of cheap pieces that you need to continuously replace. That daughter is 23 and just got her first real jr. Buyer job for a corporate retailer after college. Oh, when you don't have many other bills! The problem is we have 3 kids just out & still in college so there's not much $$ left over for mom & dad to play with! I could live in a Lululemon store.Yolanda looks so much younger and with the hairstyle change. I'm 48 and used to have long hair until age 40. Switched to a shoulder length "bob" or is it "lob" for the last few years. I like how Eilleen Davidson went shorter too. I'm a fan of her from her early Y&R Ashley Abbott stints. She's beautiful in any form but shoulder length is nice on her. I'm so glad Kyle lightened up a bit too this season. She softened her color. Kim has a good hairstyle. I think Lisa VP looks younger when she is dressed more casually. She looks most beautiful in jeans & a t-shirt playing with her dogs & her flower gardens. The Ivory girl look never fails!!
  18. LVmom: I agree about Yo's fashion. I love Lululemon & JCrew too. My eldest daughter requested Lululemon for her bday and we granted her request, but reminded her at that price, you will get less "volume" filling the bday box!! Yo's fashion and home decor sense are perfect to me! Glad she cut her hair too.
  19. There's something very tragic about Kim's life to me...she had it all at one time. Did she fall apart because of the pressure on her that Kathy & Kyle did not have because they weren't childhood breadwinners? Did Kim fall apart because of her marriages? It seems to me the biggest difference between Kathy/Kyle and Kim is that Kathy & Kyle ended up with happy marriages and Kim wound up alone. Some people just can't cope as well as others. I was a huge Kim Richards fan in the 70s...as well as Van Patton fan! I feel sorry for her, but at the same time, her bitterness has made her so nasty that I don't know how anyone can stand to be in the same room with her. It appears her kids are happy and doing ok ( minus the rumors about Chad ) so why doesn't she grow up and focus on the happiness to come as her children grow and how she can share their future children with Kim as a happy grandmother someday soon. What stood out to me was the night of Lisa VP & Kens 30th anniversary renewal ceremony. Brandi & Faye were fighting. The ladies were discussing the drama. Kim got over the top angry that Kyle was discussing how horrible Brandi was behaving...re: Adrienne...Kim was incensed that Kyle wasn't focusing on how horrible Brandi was to Kim. It was bizarre. Kim was relentlessly arguing with Kyle and picking a fight with her for no reason. That was the first time I felt bad for Kyle when it came to her and Kim. That was the glimpse into the exhaustion it must be to have Kim for a sister. Now that we see Kim, drying out, her bubbly turtle facade is fading away and a bitter, mean, harpy is front & center. Lisa Rinna was treated to the nasty Kim in that limo ride to Eileen's and again at the poker table. That was the Kim that we saw that was the Kim who had hid Brandis crutch...Kim was openly rude to Lisa on their travels to Amsterdam. She went out of her way to rudely avoid Lisa R before they got on the plane. Lisa just did what most people who care would do and asked Kim why she was acting mad at her. This is so sad. This whole season, plus the past scenes at Danas poker party fighting with Brandi & Kims dysfunction with her boy toy Ken and going thru garbage in that limo ride shows a disturbed woman. Her willingness to throw Kyle under the bus and hanging out with Brandi now? If I were Kyle, I would just do right by Kims children and stop losing sleep over Kim.
  20. I think all the homes are attractive, in their own unique way, and with the thought of "to each his own" running through my thoughts on this topic. First, I think the best housewife house belongs to Shannon Beador on RHOC! Newport RI puts most of Southern CA's homes to shame anyway. Eileen's home, if you visualize it without the antiques and paintings has an Orange County vibe, but with clutter. Overall, I like all of their homes. (on RHOBH specifically) I have a couple of favorites because they have a style I prefer but I still think they are all lovely. I love all of their homes but not necessarily the decor they chose for each home! Yolanda's is my favorite style wise and decor. White kitchen, thick marble countertops, upscale but not pretentious in any way. I like how Yo styled Gigi and Bella's NYC apartments. The fridge is awesome. It's a giant crisper that's just beautiful. The outdoor living area is over the top gorgeous. Lisa VP has my second favorite home. It's more unique or designer than Yos, so Lisa VP wins on originality for BH. Her closets, living room, entry way, backyard/view are to die for IMO. I know lots of people that name their homes, it's just the trendy thing to do over the last few years. I did love Lisa's other house as well. I prefer the kitchen on the first house, I think her new kitchen seems underwhelming in comparison to the rest of her house. The style is pretty but it seems too small. I think Eileen's house is huge and beautiful but her choices in decor, IMO, don't match the Mediterranean style of the house. I still like her style, but think it belongs in a different home. Their house is Vincent's Malibu, laid back style with Eileen's fashion taste. I think she is a homey person which is refreshing for LA. I found it ridiculous that Brandi made fun of Eileen's home for being scary, since she seemed thrilled with Carltons garish vampire digs. I feel the same way about Adriennes house as Eileen's as I think the furnishing, drapes, etc are a bit too much for the home. A mismatch. The Maloof home would have looked nicer if it was styled more like Lisa VPs other house across the street. Overdone it was...like someone mentioned the Guidici style, although I'm sure Maloofs homes bones were above and beyond construction wise compared to Teresa's! Teresa was just doing a knock off version of Adriennes style, same with the Gorgas...not my thing. I like Lisa R and Kyles homes too. Kyles kitchen is pretty. I think she should not have let Faye's tacked up some if the rooms, but again, I'm always focusing on the bones of the house more than their individual styles. I also like Kim & Brandis California ranch homes. Camille has a gorgeous home, I think she has great taste. All of these women are a bit Fredericks of Hollywood tacky to some degree! Taylor's house was pretty, again, very OC looking. These ladies are all lucky to live in these homes that's for sure.
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