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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I agree. The phrase is used as slang, an insult towards people like Pette who act like royalty because of "new" $$$ going to their head about their special status. The phrase is not a slam towards everyone who has earned their wealth on their own. It's a slam towards certain people with their new found arrogant attitude. I know lots of people with new $$$ who do not brag and do not rest their egos on their income. It's a minority of obnoxious jerks who speak and act like Pette. I think Chyka took the comment to heart, but I'm sure Gamble never thinks of Chyka when she gave Pette her Barbie nickname. It's a misunderstanding of the term. I try to like Janet, but her heavy duty gossiping is not a good look. All the ladies on this show indulge in gossip, but Janet, IMO is the worst offender. It's unfortunate, as I think she's not a horrible person. Pette does have an accent that reveals her ethnicity, not sure why she's offended that people knows where she comes from...so that's on her as it seems she's trying to hide her true background, thus the snark from Gina.
  2. Looking back over the past seasons...some things now make sense. I can imagine what Taylor was really thinking about Kim when Kim wanted to have a talk with Taylor about drinking. I can see why Ken Todd was so dismissive towards her last season when a team formed against LisaVP. Kim was unusually vocal and front & center in the LisaVP hate...she was good at getting the ladies to turn on LisaVP in Paris...because Kim realized Lisa had her number and used that understanding to cement the wedge between Lisa & Kyle. Kim's hate for LisaVP lessened when she saw Lisa refraining from commenting about her and realized LisaR & Eilleen weren't afraid to ask q uestions. Teaming up with Brandi brought the game to a whole new, crazy train level. Chad was correct, Brandi is a toxic friend. He wasn't blaming Brandi for Kims behavior, he was answering Dr Phil's question about whether Brandi was a good friend/influence.
  3. Never be afraid to state your own opinion. I have posted comments before about everyone having a right to their opinion. I think the reaction is not to you, but to Kim's choices/actions, such as making an agreement to go on Dr. Phil. I'm not sure whose camp initiated the interview with him, but either way, of her free will, she agreed to the sit down. From that perspective, the issue of whether Dr. Phil was the right choice is on Kim, not Phil. Also, she said at the beginning that she watched his show and gave the show her approval. I can say I watched his show way back in the first season, because I liked him when he first appeared on Oprah. After a few episodes, I stopped watching because it was the same old thing, and I don't like listening to family fights, or any other drama from unknown people. I find it exhausting, obnoxious and annoying. Over the years, I have read reports that Dr. Phil doesn't have the proper credentials, and it sounded like he was going for the sensational, like they all do eventually. I do believe, however, his original no nonsense approach I saw years ago, works well with deflectors like Kim. He did set a trap, using her own words and children to get her to make some admissions and to lay the groundwork for admission to some type of facility. So, in my book, he was the right man for the job in this case. Showing what was said by Kim and her family after she walked off told the world who the real Kim Rivhards is, not Andy/Bravos version. I do hate the fact that I was actually tuning in to Dr. Phil because of my curiosity from watching the real housewives! I told my husband, as I went in to a different room to watch Dr. Phil that the real housewives has driven me to do something I wouldn't normally do...watch Dr. Phil! Damn you Kim! One more reason to be annoyed by you!
  4. Maybe it was different sources...I had the impression it was a phone booth then at other times I thought it was a cellular phone...we referred to cell phones as mobile/car/bag phones. I knew people with car/bag phones in the 1980s. They would be charged in the car to the device. I am sure that the phone call during his murder, right after splitting from Gregg Davis and his family craziness created the Kim we see today. Not long after that, she was living back with big Kathy who was a piece of work her whole life...
  5. I would be thrilled. Never thought she belonged on this show in the first place. Sticking needles in my eyes would be more enjoyable than Brandi on the screen. She can do an over 40 version of Bad Girls Club and be the stahhhhh. I don't watch these shows for conflict. She's just too angry for me. The lost footage was one of the best episodes.
  6. Wow, excellent memory! I forgot about that Persnickety... Good point. I was thinking Heather was being nice, trying to make sure everyone is included...I forgot how Heather, Carole & Aviva came on the show out of the gate telling us they were going to discipline the first generation because they were an embarrassment as the representatives of moms of NYC. It took a long time for the teams to blend.
  7. Thank you.I don't know if you noticed that a poster mentioned ignorance and how many Republicans were living in UES according to a mayors race. I was trying to ask what the poster meant by her statement. There seemed to be something meant by those words.
  8. I'm not afraid to compare Beth's mouth to Brandis here! Irony is that Kristens mouth leans towards the rated G and she's good friends with Brandi and Beth the foul mouthed is good friends with rated G Kyle. Imagine that!
  9. I agree with the comments that think Dorinda was acting boorish. I recall at the beginning of this season commenting here that I thought Dorinda was rough around the edges. Lots of posters were questioning my comment. Geeshhh, I feel vindicated now!! Everyone has a right to their own opinion and I try not to question others opinions! There was just something off to me about her. I guess for me it was her eye makeup and obvious dark roots? I do think she was presumptious with the guy and the suit & tie, I don't like to assume one incident will define Dorinda as a racist. Maybe she thought he was a host/owner walking around checking to see if the patrons needed anything or to welcome them to the restaurant. I feel I would have to be there to get a feel for the atmosphere to see what made her assume he could help her. With that said, coat checks are usually at the entrance. Speaking of boorish, what is with Bethenny and her crude chit chat? Put the cock in cocktail and the braiding? That's gross B. Yes, we know you don't like Kelly, but you were being rude B. I don't dislike B, but she is making it hard to like her so far this season. I thought the ladies were looking desperate in the bar. At least Ramona appeared to be looking out for men closer to her age not for just a hook up.
  10. IMO Kyle's reaction to Brandi is the reaction, I believe, most people have with half of what Brandi says, on national television. It's that Brandi thinks bragging about her behavior, no discretion, is cool. Do we ever see Mohamed openly bragging about how many young women he's "had?" Brandi is just gross, and if I had to deal with her, I too would have that look on my face just like Kyle. I also think because the moving guy was in still in college and Amsterdam guy was Max Todd's childhood friend, it exaggerated a theme of crossing the line the way Brandi likes to do, or have us believe she does...If I were Kyle, I wouldn't speak to her, ever again. I don't think anyone thinks that Brandi is THE problem, just that many think, like Kyle, LVP, Eileen & Rinna that Brandi's actions are exacerbating the problems with Kyle. Example, poker night, hearing Brandi say Kyle wants Kim to fail, and again at the gay mixer. Brandi isn't the main problem at all, but she's contributing to their current angst and trying to get in between them to have someone on her team.
  11. You are a very strong person with a great outlook! Good for you! Life is hard enough, the fact that you have to deal with that when you have cancer is crazy. People in our lives are supposed to be reliable support in our times of struggle, not an added stress.
  12. Hmmm...how many here would bet that Kimmie hated Melissa Sue Anderson for knocking Kim off the "It girl" pedestal? That was a great show. I recall some controversy, I think over James' first time? I can't remember... Speaking of Partridges, David Cassidy still looks great...although he had a recent set back too...wonder if Kimmie liked David or Shaun?!!
  13. I can't believe anyone could be so callous to say something like to you. I'm so sorry you had to hear that... Are you okay?
  14. Thank you Zoeys Mom! Soap was the best show ever!! Burt was my favorite next to Billy Crystal. Good times. I was thinking of all the connections in Hollywood. This made me think of Richard Mulligan in Empty Nest, who's TV daughter was Kristi McNichol. Whose brother was Jimmy McNichol who Kim had a crush on...Vince Van Pattens cousin played Mona on Mad Men along with Harry Hamlin. Harry Hamlin acted with Susan Dey who acted with child stars David Cassidy & Danny B...I wonder if Kim ever dated any of those guys! Forget the House of Hilton, I would love to learn more about the interactions of former child stars from the 1970s! We have heard other dark 1980s stories, re: Corey Hamm, Corey Feldman, River Phoenix...
  15. This defies all logic. Who, if they were of right mind, would hop in a car just a few hours after being released from the police department for drunken disorderly? This makes me believe there was a whole lot of intoxicated driving going on the last few years. Bravo covers it up, so they edited heavily, or there was an agreement that she would be driven while performing duties for the show for at least the last couple of seasons. Now I am wondering, perhaps the story was twisted and Chad was sent back to a psych facility in the last couple of days? Or, is it possible something else happened with him since his March 30 release? That may partially explain her hitting the bottle? I was so angry to think she would go on a bender when he was just released, I feel bad for accusing Kim of such horrible parenting if this was all a hoax. Who knows the real truth. Chad has some demons chasing him and I will only be able to focus my sympathies towards Kims children. I believe the second wedding is a destination wedding. Why not still go, especially if it's true the in-laws are footing the bill. I think Brooke deserves it after all the emotional stress she has likely been carrying for years from her mother. Why should Kim screwing up, time & time again, continue to interrupt and interfere with everyone else? I think Kim has for too long been the center of attention in that family and it's time for that to change before it ruins their lives even more. The world doesn't revolve around Kim Richards, so why should Brooke, her husband and their other family & friends have to continually pay the price for Kims BS?
  16. Hi LIMON, I'm not positive, but from all the reports and new stories I have read, I thought it was a combination of some type of drug/alcohol abuse and depression. It's so sad. We often talk about eradicating cancer, if only...but nothing to me is as sad as the thought of watching ones child suffer from depression like this...imagine a world without this darkness inhabiting so many souls? I know there is a lot of darkness felt by Kim and her children, so I had always felt pangs of sympathy for her. Over the last few years I have lost my empathy for her and save it for her children. I know his fathers family situation is a train wreck. I'm stunned that, on the surface, Kims children are doing as well as we think they are from what we see and what their friends say about them. I think with Brooke & Kimberly their dads have kept them emotionally healthy. Whitney & Chads father and family are almost as screwed up as Little Kathy, Kim & Kyle. As a mom, we all try our best...but to go on a bender right after your son is released from a facility like this? She needs to demonstrate that supposed 3 years of sobriety and to be all there for Chad. This just gives me another reason to dislike her behavior even more. I have often said, aside from cancer and natural disasters, if everyone in this world could just look beyond their own selfishness & Narcisism and followed the golden rule & didn't bring harm to others, just think of how beautiful the world could be for us all? Big Kathy mentally abused her kids, the cycle continued with Kim and Kims tortured life makes her lash out & brings harm to her family and friends. I have 100% sympathy for Kyle, regardless of the fact that Kyle can at times be a bitch. Kim is fighting demons, Kyle, Rinna, LVP, Eileen, Ken Todd, have nothing to do with what happened last night or any other time Kim sought to deflect & place blame for her problems at their feet. People like Brandi give her the reinforcement to lash out & blame everyone but Kim.
  17. Thank you Matilda Moody for posting this for us...I think we all need a break from these negative emotions. Damn, just watching this show stresses me out. Get rid of Kim & Brandi PLEASE and just give us diamond shopping, ladies at brunch, spa days at Adriennes house, vacations to watch & Giggy.
  18. So, her little man in her life, Chad, was released that night and she didn't have the wherewithal to not drink knowing he is a RECOVERING addict of some sort?? What kind of mother reacts to positive news like this?! This is just too sad. I have no other words. He may not be a little boy anymore, but I just can't believe she did this at such a time. One would think the joy of his progress and having him back would make everyone happy.
  19. Just the fact that she selected him as a boyfriend says something. The first time bravo showed his face, I shuddered. Didn't see that coming...he was also a big pompous jerk. Yuck. I agree, he was rude to Mo in Hawaii. Kim poo poo'd Martin but turns around and says yes to Ken? The only explanation must be that they shared a love for drugs/drink.
  20. Exactly. Kim is going to blame Kyle & the other ladies for driving her to drinking and her trouble with the law will prevent her from babysitting Monty, separate her from Kingsley & God forbid she has a court date or jail time for the 2nd wedding.
  21. Bottom line for Kim. Even if she is as dry as unbuttered toast, she is not taking responsibility for Kingsley and the fact that he brought harm to multiple people including her 2nd mom & her niece. Her lack of compassion for those victims is just shocking. I understand when people say we need to sympathize with the alcoholic, but does that negate her need to show sympathy for Alexia & Kay??! Think about how horrible you would feel if your daughter was chomped on by someone else's dog and they in turn blamed your daughter?! Kay R is an elderly lady. It's shameful to hear she wanted Kay to keep quiet and even colder that she did not follow thru to pay for the medical bills. I mentioned earlier in this thread that it was odd to me not to see any husbands participating in the reunion. Why the change in format? I truly believe this has to be because Mauricio wouldn't be able to contain himself listening to Kim. Don't forget, Brandi also told Kyle that Mo didn't "want Kyle." I also think the gloves would have been off when it comes to Ken dealing with Brandi. I think Harry deserved a chance to confront Kim about insuating things about him.
  22. It doesn't matter what Radaronline or any tabloids report. The police statement is factual & her arrest this morning is being reported on legit news stations. The outburst is on record.
  23. This blog was the biggest load of BS I have ever read on a bravo blog. Brandi's fairytale is a repeat of her last statement on part 3 of the reunion. Another words, now that I've pissed everyone off, ridiculed, accused, victimized, humiliated, shoved, "outed hypocrisy" on all of you bitches, I just want to say, it's all good, why can't we just say sorry and move on like nothing happened in the first place?!!! OMG. This is exactly why LVP will not let you off the hook anymore. Brandi is that person that does what's she wants, doesn't ask permission, & insincerely apologies afterward. Don't worry, I've already read comments on these online articles that blame the show and the other ladies for Kims outburst last night!! There are some already in place pleading her case and commenting that Kims behavior was a reaction to victimization from the other housewives. I posted a comment on this in the Kim Richards thread. So, yes, she has people out there who have already blamed Kyle, LisaR, Eilleen, etc
  24. This made me very angry. Not only was Alexia bitten, traumatized, hospitalized and at jeopardy for losing her hand, but this was her first semester at college!! That's a big deal to miss that much school, and school work to make up...and I bet she didn't return until the next semester. I know she joined a sorority that my older daughter was in, but I don't know if that was in August or when she returned to school. Way to go Aunt Kim, accuse Alexia of causing the dog to bite, blame Alexia, don't support her after the fact and on top of that interfere with her secondary, expensive education! Holy cow, I am actually amazed Kyle would even acknowledge Kim at the reunion.
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