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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Trends are a scourge...scouse is a great example of that! When will women learn that you can embrace trends, but not everything works on every lady! Eileen Davidson was the spokesman of that look, back in the day, but that was also so beautiful on Eileen. On Hannah? No. Just no. I think why What Not To Wear worked, is for the most part, Stacy & Clinton taught the ladies how to enhance their natural beauty & body shapes. Trendy pieces, but only when they make you look good... Sometimes Ramona, but mainly Sonja look "rough" but that's usually because of their actions, drinking not so much their make-up or hair.
  2. Funny how we all have different perspectives! I am home grown New England. Also spend the winter down South. Grew up in the greater Boston area and more suburban areas, and I would never think she was native to MA. Two of my kids are in Boston, one after college, one is almost out. They both work n town. That next generation is also more glamorous, so that might be what's different to me. I hang around with people you might mistake for Southern Charm-ish preppy types, when it comes to clothes & decor, but not personalities!! (not the ones on TV) Maybe it's the more no nonsense, Ralph Lauren, Martha Stewart, Coastal look vs all black... Dorinda definitely seems more NJ than Upper Eastside to me. I can see her liking those RHONJ mansions over Luann's lovely digs. I don't think of many of the ladies on this show as all that refined. Having money and looking like you do are two different things that's for sure. She just seems rough around the edges, and I think between that and looking like Edie Falco, and her boyfriend, something is off. I liked Heathers place in the Berkshires, Ramona was awful about her place...have to think it was her emotional state at the time. Heather, Carole and Kristen usually look great, they pick nice clothes.
  3. Yes, Dorinda is like that Seinfeld character...too funny. It might be her style of dress or the way she talks, but maybe that is what is aging her to me? She does seem to have a kind heart...so far. If she is for real, we could use more people like that on this show. I do think her daughter is milking her, her step dad died 3 years ago, time to get back to college or get a job and give your mom a break! Plus, sounds like her biological dad is still in the picture.
  4. Oh, and no way in Hell Brandi wrote her own blog. Brandi, stop pretending you know what an analogy is...we get it, you want to prove that you do, but you don't, your ghostwriter does!
  5. If Brandi wasn't trying to come between Kim & Kyle during this past season, (She most certainly did) she certainly can't claim that's true now. She is even more of a snake than I imagined. This is as low as it gets Brandi.IF she's coming back next season, I truly hope not one HW says AnYTHING to her, including hello or goodbye at any HW event. Brandi is pure evil.
  6. New girl Dorinda: I agree with posters who think she is out of place. On RHONJ she would be the new Queen...in Uptown Manhattan? no, not so much. I did like her convo with Ramona, she was very kind to her. Her daughter was scary, let's hope she saw the tape and headed straight to Stacy or Clintons office for a voluntary make-over. I can see her hanging around with Teresa & Nicole from RHONJ, or their mother. She definitely looks older than her age. Most of my friends and myself are in this age group, and Dorinda looks older than her age to me. Kristen & Josh. Ugh. Was hoping she wasn't asked back, she's too much. Happy to see her daughter is up and running around, that's wonderful. Kristen is just annoying, nothing else. Ramona. Let's see if there's truly any genuine growth. Avery seems lovely, which leads me to believe she was raised well, plus Ramona does work hard in her business. Ramona does look better than ever. What beauty secret is she hiding?! Not sure how I feel yet about the other ladies. They seem the same to me, but that remains to be seen.
  7. Lisa R and Eileen: It is clear to me, that as the new ladies, who have watched these shows like the rest of us viewers, and witnessing the slant that some HWs are given, via editing or Andy...that they have decided to be the viewer's voice and ask the tough questions and utilize strong statements that the rest of us viewers want Andy to say! Thank you! While it does seem that LisaR and at times, Eileen, are inserting themselves, I love what they are bringing to the reunion. Smoking gun?! If it refers to LisaR's threatening texts, it's only considered dramatic because it is coming from LisaR not Brandi or Kim. Why is it ok for Brandi and Kim to go there, but when another HW does, it's going too far? Is that because Brandi and Kim cross the line of decency so often, that Andy employs different standards for the HWs with no boundaries, while looking down on HWs that "should know better?" It feels like Eileen and LisaR are simply doing Andy's job. Some have pointed out that Andy may be giving Brandi the opportunity to hang herself...and I think that is a valid point. But, but, but, it's not that he is making Brandi feel safe to hang herself, but the wording of the questions are not putting her on the spot, they are phrased to show her in a favorable light by highlighting Brandi's point of view. (As if we need to understand what she's going through) So, instead, it puts the others ladies on the defensive about their reactions towards Brandi. Yolanda was helping this rehabilitation of Brandi along...until LisaVP kept pushing a different point of view as to why Brandi does what she does...Yo was trying to say that everyone deserves a second chance, and that in turn puts Brandis victims on the defense. Again, another attempt to rehabilitate Brandi to the audience. Yo does admit that she knew Brandi was deflecting, but she seemed to still try to shame LisaVP especially, into making a statement of forgiveness. Yo forgets she's no innocent...the way she went after Joyce at the reunion last year as well as her constantly calling LisaVP and Ken out all year. She gave no leeway to them, but she wants us to all forgive & forget towards Brandi, AGAIN, because like Andy, they think all should forgive because they have a lower standard for Brandi.
  8. Thanks for the link! I do love how TTTV is usually equal opportunity snark. The polar opposite of Ilana Angel from the Jewish Journal blog who has to be the most biased of them all....LOVE Ronni K, hilarious. TTTV is entertaining and they snark on everyone. It's easy to see bias at some of these various website blogs and online tabloids, such as Radar Online. One point of disagreement though. Lyme disease is a dangerous disease if not diagnosed and treated quickly. Giving the audience the impression it's a minor problem is not cool. While we can debate if Yo is employing proper protocol to cure her disease is a different story. It's a serious problem.
  9. Re: the hair, it's just a nervous habit. I twirl the ends of my hair when I'm nervous or anxious. It drives me crazy once I realize I'm doing it and I try to stop myself. When I see other people do it, it looks odd, so I get it. Well, I don't drink or do drugs, so if someone hates the habit, oh well. It's not a big deal. I would rather see Kim touch her hair than smoke cigarettes or something else to calm her nerves. I imagine for both Kyle & Kim it's the anxiety from the reunion. Brandi pops Xanax, not as healthy of a habit as well as more expensive!!
  10. This video just reminds me of how much better Lisa VP looks with a modern haircut and the more natural makeup. Big difference! Kyle's just being a snob, but that is not big news watching a show titled the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills! She reminds me of Vicki in this scene, sizing up whether the new girl will be wanted on "her team."
  11. I was thinking the same thing. As I approach 50, I'm 48, every day I wake up and seem to discover something from aging! Very depressing. Although, most people think I'm 35-40, as I inherited good skin and a 90 year old mother, that looks 75, that taught us not to worship the sun. Remember kids, don't forget sunblock on the neck too, it keeps my neck from giving away my age! I was always fascinated with Jacqueline's on NJ since she's pretty young to have neck lines...Kim is the one who aged dramatically, more so than any housewives on any of the real housewives. Sun overexposure, and living on alcohol and juice will result in the shell that is left of Kim. She's lucky she still has good hair. She's does make a good effort, except the heavy duty black eyeliner is harsh. She just looked old at the reunion. What a contrast to how beautiful she looked at Brookes wedding. Kim usually is very age appropriate, another reason why her and Brandi don't go together. Although Kim is guilty of embracing the split-sleeve tops, she must own at least a dozen. Yes, she has good arms, but they make me think of South Beach or Boca, just like Kyles moo moos. I liked her simple pink dress. Not sure if it's her color, but it looked lovely on Kim. Lisa R looked fabulous, IMO. Lisa R & Yo both picked lovely, understated dresses that match their age. I would like to see Rinna relive her Melrose Place hair though, and lay off the eye shadow. Yo looked great, best case scenario given her health. Her shorter hair is SO much better than her long, stringy hair of the past. Eileen may have picked the wrong dress, but the color was perfect for her and her hair & make up looked great. It's hard to believe she is the oldest lady in the bunch. Kudos to her California girl look at 56. Aging gracefully like Cheryl Tiegs & Christie Brinkley. Don't always love Eileen's outfits, but I think she's just quirky. (House decore) Lisa VP needs to lose the bump and the extra layer of makeup, it ages her dramatically. I did not like her reunion dress at all, her make up or hair style. She's so beautiful, but she needs to find a new make up artist. Granted, it's been 5 years, but her make up was much more subtle in season 1 & 2. She looks fresher with less eyeshadow. LVP looks so much better when we see her hanging around the house with the dogs & Ken or in work mode with fashion tees & jeans. She looked gorgeous in the pink blouse, pencil skirt and her pink shoes at the pancake house in Amsterdam. Kyle did not look her best at the reunion, but it was really just a miss with her hairdo. She has improved so much this season, her reunion look was just a let down. I didn't think she looked bad. Kyle looked beautiful all season. Brandi, Brandi, Brandi. The youngest, although not by as much as she thinks, looked terrible. Greasy looking hair, but better hairstyle, awful dress...no color and highlighted her tummy. How is that possible on someone so thin? The wrong dress for her body. Her face was so puffy you would think she was the one with the illness. It's just sad. Her obsession with youth and procedures is ruining the once pretty face. I agree, she now looks related to Adrienne. HD TV is tough on everyone, but I don't feel these women, except Brandi, are trying to dress younger than they are...I think they look great! They just need a make up artist that believes in less is more. I will leave the title of youth chaser to Tamra Barney. Eeek.
  12. My sentiments exactly! It's so sad to see her this way. The glory has faded long ago. I was thinking about this too lately. It was disturbing to see Jimmy McNichol last season, YIKES. Well, at least Vince Van Patten held up well.
  13. I hear what you are saying and you make great points. I can say that, if I was stuck dealing with her, I would use phrases to take Brandi down a notch or 2 anytime she made some obnoxious comment to me if I had to work with her. You can ignore her, but when it doesn't stop, she deserves the backhand they are dishing out to her. Just because she's stunted and supposedly doesn't know any better, doesn't give her the right to make up stories about you constantly, and get in your face, than turn around and say she's was either joking or that it's all your fault. I thank God I don't have to deal with someone like her. In the past, I've been around people that behave like she does, never that bad, but close, and you can only ignore it for so long. Just like someone else's child that misbehaves and gets in your space, while the parent does nothing, you can only take so much "joking" from an idiot like Brandi. It's so sad. She is a broken bird, like LVP and Yo tell us, but Brandi limits her wrath towards Yo and dishes it out to the other ladies for one reason. She's a bitch. She hates people who are happy, when they don't want to hang around with her. I liked the analogy to the dog biting it's owner, however, many times it's done with intention. She is her own worst enemy.
  14. Absolutely, bringing back Camille would be lovely!! Yes, Camille has the best fashion sense...although, we got a glimpse of Camille going back to her dancer days with that horrid get up she wore to Adriennes party. She looked awful and that is exactly what the Prince loved about her that night! I wonder if Camille is still buddies with her friend, the one who had the cute husband Camille kissed on the lips. Season 1 Camille was fun to dislike...I think but she used her brain...unlike Brandi. Camille and another friend of Kyles, or a buddy of Eileen or Lisa Rinna. Anyone but Brandi and Faye Resnick...YUCK.
  15. I don't remember for sure, but I don't recall any scenes with Kims children with the exception of Brooke's wedding planning & the wedding itself. We saw Kimberly in bed sick & Kim mentioned Chad was sick too. Last season and earlier in this series we saw more interaction with her kids. It made me wonder if her kids are choosing to not engage this season for a particular reason. I think it's strange how kids are highlighted one season, and barely seen in the next...this goes for all the ladies on all the housewives shows. Brandi is not supposed to film with her boys at this point. Kim's children are adults on paper, so I'm surprised we don't see them very often. Does anyone know if they step away from Kim purposely when they think she's using? Does she think the other ladies discussing her on camera is why they disappear from her on a day to day basis? I'm just wondering if this is why her reactions to the other ladies makes her come unglued?
  16. ITA I think Andy is agenda driven. He's selective in favor of the wives that share politics, same dirty mind, craziness...He does smack down some housewives and husbands and ignores that exact same rude behavior, and worse, with others. Think about how he loves his Rosie on NJ in spite of her insane outbursts at her first reunion. He selected questions favoring Brandi, no doubt in my mind. The only time I like Andy is when his parents are on WWHL, his mother gives him the side eye. It's awesome to see her make him squirm, at least, just a wee bit! On occasion Andy makes me laugh and I do like people that are not afraid to push boundaries...but like Brandi, he goes too far at times. That's likely why he enjoys Brandis horrible behavior.
  17. This. This is what upsets me the most about Brandi, her insertion into a mother's right to parent as they wish. For me, I never smoked pot or did drugs, but I did drink when I was not of age. As a parent, it is my right to not discuss my past, whether I was Mother Theresa or like Brandi in real life, it is my choice to model for my children that doesn't glorify drugs or getting drunk in their presence. Brandi seems to think that being on this show gives her a right to out anyone and once she does it, claim it is no big deal because she chooses to act like Jezabel. 2 of my 3 kids are over 21 and I am just starting to be comfortable discussing my teenage years because they are old enough to understand and will not do something and use the excuse, "well, you did it!" All of the women were shy in the pot shop for that reason. Brandi just doesn't get it. So what if Kyle smoked pot in front of you, if she did...shut it down and keep it to yourself. Funny, how the ONLY times we see Brandi embarrassed by the other women is when she is in her element...in a place where people are embracing pot! Again, this is not a judgment, none of the ladies were participating on camera because they don't want that activity recorded for youngsters to see. As LVP mentioned, she has seen it & done it, but it's easier for her to talk about it openly now because her kids are of age. I agree with those who have said custody should be taken away, or limited for Brandi with her boys. What a horrible role model she is to those boys. Wait unti they think it's cute to start dating Brandis friends!
  18. I was thinking the same thing. I noticed the scene of Lydia talking about how beautiful Janet looks...for her age! 56 is not considered old, except to teenagers & Brandi on Bev Hills...Eileen Davidson looks 15 years younger than Janet and they are the same age. Eileen looks natural and Janet has obviously embraced plastic surgery, Dr. Moss?! Janet scares me for her insides and out. She's a gossip machine.
  19. Awesome post Zoeysmom! So, this! This is why Brandi & Kim are now BFFs. Not only are they both outsiders looking for acceptance, but they teamed up as they use the same dirty technique to take down the other ladies. They studied at the Tamra Barney school, Housewives from Hell.
  20. Hmmm...was Andrea's husband the man who created this new nose? Anyone know? Janet has to be lying about her age. She's the oldest looking 56 year old ever seen on television. I'm always shocked the other ladies comment on how beautiful they think Janet appears to them. I'm glad Gina toned down the make-up, but I wish someone would tell her to ditch what she has left of eyeshadow, too much still! I picture her prettier when she's hanging around the house, not preoccupied with caking on the make-up. She's beautiful but her make-up is still a distraction.
  21. Because Harry's acting career screeched to a halt back in the day over the movie he did about a gay character long before it was considered acceptable to portray a gay man. At the time, it was considered a huge mistake instead of ground breaking. Very different than today. Now, he's almost "working it" because that has now helped him earn these roles. It's the irony. Now, instead of it wrecking his career, it is giving him roles, but he's not taking them all, because he doesn't want to get typecast again. Mad Men was a huge score and put him back on the map. Not every TV actor has managed two huge roles in TV, especially after a big gap. There are few, irony again as Kelsey Grammar has made it big at least twice. LALaw Harry was very hot. Mad Men is an incredible score for Harry. He's back.
  22. Yup. She was a model only because of her height and long, lean legs. I felt sorry for Brandi when she was having a hard time accepting Lisa's help with the magazine shoot, when Brandi was super sensitive & focused on her thumbs?!! She stated that she was told by industry insiders that she wasn't good looking enough. That's a tough industry! Sadly, Brandis self esteem is all wrapped up in her looks and model past.
  23. I have never been so proud of my hometown! Go Beantown, Boston Strong!Hmmm...I have young adult children in Boston...that may have been involved...:) :) TMI to Brandi and Miley, no one cares about her exploits and she is really expert as her own worst enemy.
  24. Same, Latin is offered and encouraged at our local public high school. Many students take Spanish or French for 3-4 years and 1-2 years of Latin. It is also the norm around these parts that parents review homework assignments, some parents are more involved than others in the details. It also depends on the age of the child and their track record of getting their work done. Eileen's son is at that age where school work is just getting serious and it's the perfect time to teach them how to focus and manage their time so they learn how handle the work load when the pressure is on soph/junior/senior year...time management skills for college. You don't actually do their homework, you are just there to help them if they have any questions and for encouragement...of course there's always some parents that do go too far. Eileen is a great mother.
  25. Wooooooow!! I never thought I would think this, but if you didn't see Brandi's very long, thin, skinny legs & thighs, you might think she was a chubby lady, stomach up. I guess dress choices and Botox can really change ones appearance, holy cow! Brandi looks chub, chub and we all know she's rail thin. Doesn't she have a stylist with eyes?!! Kim & Yos dresses are flattering shape wise, pretty, but need different colors for each lady. This is Eileen's only miss, but I love the blue. Lisa VP once again looks frumpy. She needs to change things up. I think Kyle & Lisa R both look fabulous. They look stylish and classic, yet modern. Love it.
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