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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Thank you, thank you very much. :) It's the unusual mouth expressions? Not sure, but it's something. As Heather would say, she's an amalgam...cross between Ally Sheedy, IMO also Kristen Stewart & another poster nailed it with Tracey Gold...
  2. Disclaimer: sarcasm ahead. Youze guys better hope Andy doesn't read this forum or Andy will ask what gay looks like...not that there's anything wrong with that. Remember when he was questioning Vicki at the reunion last year?!! Even Tamra was charitable enough and had the good sense to tell to Vicki to not answer the question. Vicki ended her babble with the guy at the party didn't ping her gaydar. Interesting news to hear.
  3. You know, I have disliked Tamra from day one because of her evil behavior. Jesus Jugs is one of the rudest things she has ever said to anyone. I truly hope Tamra is serious about wanting to change, because if this is just a storyline that's way below the bottom of anything Brooks has ever done, including faking cancer if that's true.
  4. You can also clearly see who is calling or texting, and you can see the beginning of a message even when you use a Passcode. As long as you can see the phone, you can get some information without opening up the phone. That's why Vicki was accusing Heather of making up that she got a phone call from one of her kids, which Vicki said was an excuse to leave Shannon's dinner party last year. Vicki claims Heathers smartphone wasn't lit up when she was answering the phone call, so felt Heather was really talking to no one on the other end.
  5. Ha Ha, I hear you. Shannon & David have a messy situation no matter how we look at it. I do agree she's riding the crazy train. "No more chips & salsa!!!" I'm hearing Joan Crawford scream, "No more wire hangers!!!"
  6. My youngest daughter used to grab my phone...usually to delete pictures I took that she thought were not flattering of her...you know, young teens who see a giant pimple when it was visible to no one, not even with bionic vision! Anyway, my husband and I didn't give our kids cell phones until they were much older than their peers. Often, they would pick ours up and put it down once I gave them the side eye. My kids have eaten my secret stashes of goodies too. That doesn't mean they are bad or haven't learned boundaries, they are kids. Perhaps her daughter was just using his phone and the women texted when she was looking at it. On smart phones & Blackberries their name will pop up and a portion of the message is visible without opening the text. She's also old enough to have been curious to see if she could read conversations between her mother & father and discovered more than she bargained for...or maybe Shannon had her look, who knows.
  7. Yes, Tracey Gold, good catch. I still think she looks like a blonde version of Kristen Stewart. It's the mannerisms, her mouth area...
  8. Oh. My. Gawd. This is one if the funniest posts I have ever read here. While I'm a Shannon cheerleader, holy cow, this is so funny and spot on. Really, how many of these real housewives would we not want to kill? Love her or hate her, I gotta love Ramona for giving me my latest stand by words to use, "I can't, I can't, I CANNNNNT!" I plan to use that sweet line on a regular basis...unfortunately, I have plenty of opportunity lately...
  9. Trends. I'm not a fan. I like what I like, don't make me change because you tell me it's popular. I don't care. Yes, sea salt has been all the rage in recent years. However, I like sea salt. I like chocolate. But sometimes I want just straight up chocolate. I'm at this large candy shop looking for my semi annual hit of high quality chocolate caramels only to find they carry them only with sea salt. I asked for plain and the shop owner says they don't have plain but you must try the ones with sea salt because you will love them. Um, yah, don't tell me that i will want what I know I don't like, lady! Good Grief. Pretzel buns are everywhere now. Pomegranate juice. You know how it works...something gets good press by Martha Stewart or Emeril or Dr. Oz and suddenly it's mass marketed. Skinny Girl products are everywhere. They taste fake and too sweet. Obviously people drink it though so I'm in the minority. Woohoo! Thank you sweet baby Jesus, please be true! See you over there.
  10. Stay on MatildaMoody! You can still chat here with us. You can post on the positives! Be a cheerleader, nothing wrong with that.
  11. Yup. That's a good point too. Who the heck knows with these women! And what's with sea salt fad on everything?!! I can't even get a good piece of chocolate caramel that doesn't have sea salt stuck on it anymore! Keeps me on my diet though. :( Skinny Girl just did that because it's the flavor of the moment. Yet another example that not everyone is the same.
  12. Agreed. Maybe, her doorman is a sugarholic. Maybe he/she comments on the goodies seen coming into the building which tells Ramona that if Avery & friends aren't home to eat the sweets, the chocoholic doorman wound want them....it might just be that innocent. With that said, yes, sometimes Ramona acts like she has an Upper Eastside stick up her rear end. She can be such a snob. We all know that one person, neighbor, office co-worker that will eat the sweets when we are on a diet though. I decline for diet reasons and the ICK factor of not knowing if the person washed their hands before assembly!! Being a parent or around kids really emphasizes the visual of dirty hands touching ALL the individual pieces of candy in the candy bowl.
  13. ITA. I commented on this a while back, but I can't remember the topic. I suspected that connection might be related to how Bethenny approaches or interacts with Kristin. It's hard for me to believe Kristin & Brandi were buddies because their personalities, style of dress, manners are very different, but they were friends in their younger, modeling days. I would be apprehensive about having to work with a friend of Brandis! It's weird though because first episode Beth seemed to pursue friendship with the new girls and not Ramona, but circumstances have changed. I found sometimes the topic of discussions here get heated because some posters take the comments to heart? Sometimes they take offense because they take them personally?? Not sure. I remember saying I thought it was icky for 50 year old women to hit on 20 something's. (Example: Sonja & Derrick). I would feel the same about Mario if he hit on someone Averys age. I feel this way because I have 23, 22 and 19 year old kids. It's an Ick factor FOR ME that I voiced. It's just my OPINION. Feel free to discuss and disagree, that's why we are here. However, I felt some of the responses to my post were very mean spirited towards me as a person...a person you don't know. Like, how dare I say such things!! I disagree and may try to make a point as to why I disagree, but I think I have refrained from attacking others. Once, I got sarcastic in another thread, but that was after someone took issue with my opinion. I prefer to use my sarcasm snark ability on the housewives where it belongs, which is what I think makes this board really fun. Can't we all just get along?! Sarah Winchester reminds us, "Is this the kind of world we are living in?" You mentioned Bethennys hair mop. I happen to think it looks pretty. We have different opinions, what's the big deal. That was your opinion and its your right to make that comment whether I agreed with it or not. Plus, sometime I and we may change our mind. One minute I hate Bethenny and the next, I love her. Same with Ramona Coaster. I fear when Theresa Guidici comes back on NJ!
  14. This makes it very clear to the viewer how editing is off. Corona not Sunnyside. So, keep that in mind about everything we are shown once they air the episodes. Not to mention that Bravo has even edited episodes we have seen when they air as repeats. They are always messing with us! The best part about Park Side is the prices for such fab food. Yum, glad they made the side trip.
  15. Isn't it strange?!! Absolutely, Bravo leaves a LOT of the good stuff out of the episodes. It was so clear on the lost footage on Bev Hills last season. It's usually the "house beautiful" scenes and individual HW family moments. We like those too! I don't want to just see fighting. That's why so many have commented that the dinner in Queens was a great segment. It was fun, and more relatable to "housewives" or the target demographic then the Jersey Shore esque crap they think we want to see. Just look at the 2 newest shows, Mother Funders and Secrets and Wives...I hope they tank or I have some serious concerns about the human race! Especially those of us who have watched the housewives since day one, I think I speak for those who liked the original format which was individual narratives, then occasional mingling of housewives and a trip eventually. I love the Million Dollar listing shows because it's a hybrid of HGTV House Hunters but in the best of the best neighborhoods with some manufactured, but fun drama amongst the realtors. It's fun to see Mauricio featured on the CA version on occasion. I think we here at PTV need to edit these shows!! :)
  16. When I'm dragged in there with my daughters, just looking at the clothes makes me itch. Carole needs to ditch F21 or wear the teeny bopper clothes around the house. She tries too hard to look young. She has a fabulous figure, she can wear anything...lucky girl, wear gorgeous clothes if you can, not itchy polyester crap made in Taiwan. They actually sell some normal stuff, but that's not what she picks!One can see people in Luann's age group wearing her clothing line?!! Yikes, they were designed for the Golden Girls! Maybe one or two pieces looked cute but that's about it. She is pushing 50 not 80. So, they show us Carole wearing teenage clothes and Luann pushing the Jacklyn Smith by KMart collection when we know most of the time they wear their good stuff on a date! Bethenny is an interesting character, sometimes I love her...sometimes I hate her, but I think she is by far, the best dressed on this show. She always looks fab. Ramona is improving. Dorinda has nice taste, when she's not trying to look 1980s like her, Sonja & Mona do on occasion. Dorinda sometimes looks unkempt but when she tries she looks great. Loved her dress in Atlantic City when she told Sonja John John was dead and can't party with Sonja & Madonna anymore.
  17. Hey, is Luann wearing a small, dainty necklace??! Loved her white blouse! Someone was tweeting on the rerun it looked like her sleeves were made from straw wrappers! Ok.
  18. Has anyone read the blogs? Meghan's is very, very interesting in regards to Brooks and cancer. I know we see previews of her questioning if he really has cancer during filming but she wrote a paragraph in her blog basically ridiculing the diagnosis in real time. When Vicki reads Meghan's blog she is going to freak out. She must be fairly certain to make such statements.
  19. That's very odd! At least squeeze some lemon on it?! My husbands sister eats dry salad too. I know no one else who does that...even worse, she eats cereal dry! Not out of the package as a snack, but actually pours it in a bowl, and uses a spoon to eat it dry. My kids snacked on dry cereal in the car as a snack, when they were toddlers... Organic turkey for Thanksgiving once...it was dry as all out. I think it would only work if fried...Worst Tday meal I ever made. I can't imagine Shannon's dinners. David should just eat something on the way home from work just in case it's one of those dinners.
  20. Something about her hair is off. Does she have extensions on? It looks like she has a long bob and hair underneath sticking out. And why would she think people would be nervous to meet her? Who thinks like that?!
  21. I was wondering too...but she did get started on her weight loss journey on Thintervention and that lady, Jackie Warner is very big on non processed foods, no sugar, etc. What I'm saying is that she was trained well to eat healthier foods and exercise so I bet she lost her weight the right way. I LOVE Jeana and that is why I couldn't stand Tamra from day one because it was clear she was going to knock Jeana out of her spot eventually. It's too bad Jeana hadn't been able to tackle her weight back then because it probably would have given her the confidence to stand up to "the hottest HW in Orange County"...Cough, Cough...Tamra. Jeana was emotionally beaten down by Matt and at times her sons...Shane & Colton have said recently they were mean to her and regret most of what they said to her, which gives me hope for their future wives! Jeana just looked radiant. I agree with the earlier comment though that she needs a new haircut.
  22. Check out the Preview. Tamra lives up to her reputation as the Devils spawn once again. It seems Meghan has a fondness for Tamras activities....I'm sure Meghan's parents will be proud that she's following in Tamrat's footsteps!
  23. You have a gift Persnickety!! Tasmanian Tamra. Every nickname for her gets better & better. She was right about one thing. A few seasons ago, Tamra said she feels she is really a boy in a girls body. I agree. Specifically a little boy not a man...since she is the first one to point out an elephants "package" in Bali, loves to meet the ladies in "toy" shops and can't stop playing with her boobs. She brings up bodily gas for a TV show?! Really Tamra! I don't want to know about how much flatulence is emitted from Eddie, Brooks or anyone else...Gawd she's weird. She's so gutter. I wonder what it would be like for Tamra & Brandi Glanville to be on the same show, they are both so gross.
  24. Maybe I'm the only one, but Meghan reminds me of a cross between Kristen Stewart (Bella, Twilight) and Ally Sheedy...because of the way she talks, moves her mouth, chin & lips...I think Meghan is more attractive but that's who she reminds me of. Ugh, the over annunciation thing is annoying.
  25. Yes, Shannon was a nag. I agree she made a federal case out of eating chips & salsa, among other things, what's her deal? What she was doing to David was emasculating him, IMO. With that said, I just don't know why anyone bothers to get married if marriage has no meaning anymore. It's for better or worse and if it goes sour, work on fixing it first before throwing in the towel. Communication might be helpful. David has a responsibility to voice his needs to her. Part of your responsibility is to voice to your spouse what hurts you as a result of their actions. Maybe it won't get better, but they are both saying (not sure if they mean it) they want to try at this point in time. That's what you do when you value your marriage. They both have now voiced their concerns, if they take their responsibility seriously, it can improve. Having a ditzy, whacky spouse doesn't justify affairs. Unless you're a jerk. Verbal and physical abuse are a whole different story. I'm routing for them. Apparently marriages in the OC don't stand much of a chance, I am not sure why. Shallow people?
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