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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I believe Vicki emphasizes Meghan's circumstances in the way she continually questions Meghan - to force her hand and make her look like a gold digger to the audience. Remember, most viewers don't discuss the housewives with others the way we do here on the boards. We read the HW articles and understand their true background, for instance, that Meghan has done Reality TV before and that her public timeline doesn't match her real life. By Vicki questioning the SAHM status of Meghan, but not Shannon, Heather, etc. it's done so that the audience might examine Meghan's choices beyond judging that specific decision. I think Vicki is commenting on that subject trying to tear down the fourth wall of an arranged marriage. Hint, Hint audience: Meghan is a fake SAHM to get on the show...
  2. Is Meghan auditioning for a crystal ball fortune teller? What's with these ladies wearing high heels to the beach? The Bible for dummies??!!! Good grief Tamrat.
  3. The premise that Heather is good friends with Allison came directly from Heather's mouth in her talking heads. If it is exaggerated in our discussions it is due to Heathers comments back on show 1 or 2 this season. Heather does like to talk everything up.
  4. Wow! What a gorgeous wedding party! Everyone in this video is simply stunning. The genetically blessed, starring in a very sweet love story. Absolutely agree with you 110%!!! One can only wish!
  5. Weren't Vicki & Tamra acting this way at a fancy restaurant Heather had chosen when they were on vacation celebrating Tamra's bachelorette party? I recall comments about the unrecognizable food and boring evening she had planned...gawd, they are idiots sometimes!
  6. No disrespect intended, but Geez, I assume you're just kidding around when you say you hope ? that David's partner in cheating is fun, young and beautiful...I realize Shannon is a wet blanket, but that's a bit rough sounding to me. Can you imagine how painful it is for Shannon ? Again, I get David hasn't had it easy, but that's no excuse for stepping out on your spouse ever.
  7. Meghan just can't help herself. She goes on a rant to her haters then she adds this gem at the end that backs up any theory she may have an eating disorder: Meghan continues, “I was born with skinny genes like my siblings @caitking7 @julie_king8 @rjking3 (do recon) and they eat like me (but I have to watch it more since my metabolism has slowed a bit).” So she does gorge and not gain weight OR now she says she has to watch it, huh. The other ladies aren't jealous, they simply think Meghan's fake and full of her self congratulatory self. I agreed with the comment comparing Meghan's need for Botox to someone skinny saying they are fat. It seems ridiculous for a 30 year old with a thin, taut forehead to say she needs Botox. Meghan thinks her family is the center of the universe and she acts like a clueless, mean spirited, narcissist wh thinks everyone's jealous of her. That's why many people don't like her...another words, it's not them it's just her! Speculation...I do wonder if she has a reproductive issue and that's why Jim having a Vasectomy was not a game changer for someone her age...maybe she found this out in marriage #1 that she couldn't have kids? I'm only saying this because we see her get upset about not having biological children.
  8. She ran out of friends to help her move because they are all fame whores who only used to say yes knowing they would be filming back then...now there's no reason to help
  9. That's a good pic. Promo pic? You have to see her on the show in action. She usually looked messy.
  10. You mean you may be "intimidated" or not "in awe of her sacrifice" and don't worry about proving yourself to "classy as F___" Meghan? You know "Shannon brought this all on herself" after Meghan's inquisition but shocker, she doesn't like it when Vicki takes a turn at her? On WWHL, we learn that super fan, St Louis Cardinals/Jimmy Edmonds asked me on a date, had no idea that K means a strike out in baseball. She's a fraud. I wonder if the plan is to use Meghan & Jimmy to move back to St Louis and spin off into Real Housewives of St Louis in a year or two... Yes, this was how she looked on Style Networks Resale Royalty. You can find episodes on YouTube. I think she found a new make up or hair stylist though because she looks rougher around the edges on Resale...
  11. Thanks for the info. I knew she was on that show but never saw that episode. Keep in mind, this is her second wedding. Typically people don't go as crazy spending after the first wedding. She didn't want to look bad is how I would explain her demeanor.
  12. Regardless, I believe Jac was trying to set Theresa up and gave inside information to Murro. It's clear he got inside information from all these harpies. I'm not saying Jac is the one responsible, I just believe she was no friend to Theresa. I don't think Jac is a criminal at that level, but her closets are far from empty of skeletons. I think because Jac seemed sweet and does at times display a sweet side, doesn't change my mind that she's an awful, jealous, narcissistic idiot. She tried to get information from Danielle, Melissa and anyone else to have something on Tree, but Jac is no innocent. We don't know at this time if she has any direct culpability in the wrongdoings in Chris' business, I doubt it, but just because she may not have been involved (which we don't know yet) doesn't mean her fingerprints are clean. I've really come to dislike ever single adult that was on RHONJ. Season 1 was fun but it was all far from real. I say trash this entire crew and start over, IF, NJ is renewed. No one in any shape or form attached to the past crew. The only positive last season was that we weren't subjected to Melissa Gorgas repulsive sisters. I preferred the patched up (faked?) relationship between the Gorgas and Guidicis strictly from the selfish perspective as a viewer who didn't want to see that bloodbath on my screen anymore. I actually like Theresa and Melissa on the same team.
  13. She says she gave up her career. Too funny. She didn't have a real career! Remember, she supposedly modeled, and then was on Style Networks Resale Royalty as a salesgirl in 2013. How long could she have been selling medical equipment before quitting, 6 months? A year tops?
  14. Boy, wouldn't you all want to know what wife #2 Allison Edmonds is thinking while watching Meghan in action on this show?
  15. Yup. I just can't stand Meghan. She's an awful person. She's making me an awful person for actually siding with Vicki giving her grief. Do you know how wrong that is? Siding with Vicki?! Who does that? Me. I'm rolling my eyes at myself and hanging my head in shame.
  16. Seriously, Botox at 30? For wrinkles not headaches? I've got some serious side eye, judging eyes on you Meghan. And, why does she always start crap with Shannon?
  17. Well of course she's going to say WWHL was already scheduled...and the pink hair was to let loose from all the stress.
  18. Yah, nice game night decor Meghan. My kids birthday parties looked just like that, when they were toddlers! Wow, rainbow party gift bags ($1 each) and jars of candy. I think she thought game night was for kids when I watched her and Hayley decorating. No, no sympathy for Meghan from me. You agreed to this marriage...sold your soul to get on the show. Now you get to clean and babysit. Apparently she never watched the Sound of Music. The Baroness knew if she tied the knot they could afford boarding school. This discussion reminds me of the movie Honeymoon in Vegas. Nick Cage on the phone looking for a house where his girlfriend, SJP, is, in Hawaii. He can't pronounce any of the towns or streets. He finally gives up and says just tell me how to get to Jack Lord or Don Ho's neighborhood...it must be a nice one...
  19. Yup, pretty close to unwatchable which is irritating given how fun Season 1 and sort of Season 2 was in comparison. I watched OC and NY. My friend, who's from NJ, but a Country Club girl, is the one who told me I HAD to watch NJ. She said it was hilarious, a funny Real HWs show where they don't seem too serious. My friend, like I said, is from that other New Jersey, you know where people have the real money, and dress like the NY ladies but talk with no discernible accent. Another words, she thinks the RHONJ is an adult version of Jersey Shore families and made for a good laugh. I watched, chuckled, but still preferred the other two and quickly embraced Beverly Hills, which became and still is my favorite. But, but, but...both RHONJ and BH were taken down by adding some people that didn't fit in in the first place. Brandi, Carlton...and the new characters on the last season of NJ. The darkness from the fighting between the Guidici's, Gorga's and Wakiles, throw in those days with Kim G and Melissa's sisters? Good grief, it went from fun and light hearted to a bloodbath seemingly overnight. Of course, by that point we were invested in the fate of the characters like on any other TV show and you couldn't walk away. I wonder if they will try to go back to the original families, as it sounds like they are waiting for Theresa to return and script it as a do over? It would be interesting to see Theresa, Jac, Caroline and Dina pretending to get along again united against some other interloper in their midst. Ok. I would prefer a do over though, with all newbies...
  20. Hahahaha sorry Stewed Squash, you can't quit me... Hey, I plead innocent, I was just trying to figure out how to change up RHONY and it 'twas somebody else (Sasha :) ) who planted the Claudia picture seed... Ok, Kenya...
  21. Hmmmmm I haven't seen the reunion yet. I tend to watch RHOA as an after thought. i guess on reruns I will be able to judge! I think Cynthia and Claudia both would fit in on RHONY. Maybe it's their modeling/spokesperson background? I don't know how long again Cynthia lived there. Maybe if Claudias out she can go to RHONY? Wonder if there will be another big change on NY next season?
  22. Oh yes, different tastes, so our world is much more interesting, of course! Agreed on Cynthia, that lady looks so beautiful with every look. We should try to figure out how many hairstyles she has had since she has been on the show. IMO her worst look is better than Nene's best look!
  23. Yah, my original post on bikinis was in NY, or at least I thought it was...no wonder I was confused... Definitely there are limits! There's nothing worse than someone wearing an ultra mini or, yikes, tube tops at a certain point. I absolutely agree. Typically what I think looks the worst is something that's trendy.
  24. I would normally agree, but this lady looks better than most 25 year olds! Plus, she's been clinging to the one piece since she has had kids. At 40 she could have rocked it but did not want to... The issue is not the bikini looking too young on her but I see what you are saying about some of these ladies. The problem with say Ramona is, is that she ruins the look accessorizing with old lady shoes, jewelry, hats...if she wore a sportier looking bikini, or more glamourous style, she would look appropriate. Ramona and Sonja often still look 1980s and that is what makes them look silly. Something tells me Ramona would never wear a Heather sporty looking bikini. More Northface or Ralph Lauren and less jordache? Or whatever 80s style Ramona clings too. Yes, a 50 year old wearing a teen style looks awful but if your 50 year old body is in better shape than most 25 year old, why not wear a sophisticated, age appropriate bikini? I'm not talking g string and teeny weeny kind of bikini. It's not that hard to look younger without looking like an idiot or that you are trying too hard.
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