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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Excellent idea! Wait 4 months after filming and all episodes are aired, then fly them to a far away place with free booze, and it will be scary island?? Too good.Well, the very first OC reunion had no moderator, just 4 of the remaining 5 original OC ladies drinking & chatting in Jeana or Vickis backyard. (Can't remember which one).
  2. First look? At Meghan? I think someone bought some boobs.
  3. Not sure where to put this, but I was looking at some Twitter accounts after the reunion. Vicki posted a dinner pic from after the taping with no other HWs with her, but Brianna was in the pic, and 3 friends. Her comments sounded final. I've never read Twitter accounts that closely or quickly after reunions. Do they always make it sound so dramatic about it being over? She makes it sound like she's done with the show. In the pic, both Vicki & Brianna look slimmer.
  4. See, that's the thing. This is the real housewives, peek into their lives. Of course they have children, except the hangers on, or the occasional Gretchen type. For all the grief she got, Alexis kept her kids protected behind the scenes for the most part. Even then, Tamra brought up an incident of supposed child neglect that will forever be on film. (The stroller in the pool accident.) The early seasons the children seem to be expected on camera as part of the deal. Mostly train wreck viewing. So, the concept of this show, IMO, is the problem. But we watch!
  5. LOVE how this rag mag selected that upturned eyebrow, evil pic of Meghan with her bedazzled crystal ball reader headband! Perfect.
  6. Um, I think so...Eddie, cough, Bullsh@t, cough, cough...
  7. Ok, ok, off topic, but every time I see Grneyedldy I start singing, green eyed lady, ocean lady...every. time.
  8. I get what you are saying MotorCityMom. I have no idea what the truth is, that's for sure. I dunno. I think, like I said before, that we can make an argument that no one, unless sort of a wee bit crazy, would want to be on reality TV. I also think it's not good, for the most part, for any children. Thus, why so many truly well heeled, beautiful home HWs do not agree to participate in reality TV. Look at Theresa G in NJ. Every one on that series is bat sh@t crazy, out there, and their kids are taking the lumps. We see kids with some of the moms living like they are angling to be chosen by Heff to live in the Playboy mansion. The things we see the majority of these HWs kids dragged thru on these shows, would make any of their children embarrassed, humiliated, horrified, damaged, etc. so, isn't it a dumb decision for anyone even in the best of circumstances? Shannon & David dragged their kids thru their marital turmoil and mud, but would not returning to the show and hiding it from the public be any better? Probably. I just don't know. I've heard so many stories about sadness & shame of kids in families that had troubles but kept it all swept up in the closet. Secrets and whispers make you sick. Some of those people are miserable adults as a result. They make me so grateful for my Ozzie & Harriet like childhood. That's because we didn't hide things, we yelled when angry, we talked out our differences and kept no secrets. i would never go on a reality show (not that exciting anyway) but how many of us would if we could or were asked??
  9. We now know this happened before/during Shannon's tenure last year. We also know she was rated as the most popular housewife or something like that...Is it possible that the real reason Shannon decided to go public was because someone else was going to out this story? Did Vicki have anything to do with this? We are hearing Vicki does something unforgivable/betrayal. Bravo is now choosing to air David & Sharon's tell all right after one of the last episodes when that info starts to come out. The timing is all suspect to me. Shannon did keep it off the show last year. I think someone forced her hand for season 2. Yes, she could have chosen to not come back. We could make an argument that no HW should be on TV, but they all stay unless fired.
  10. So, the Affair woman tells Shannon that David was obsessed with her? Does that mean Nicole was thinking it would just be a fling of a few months and the end was wanted by her? She stepped out of her own marriage and family but she wasn't interested and David was? Wow. That's some crazy stuff. Is this how the Affair saves face?
  11. I am not sure if NBC/Universal/Bravo, what have you, and ClubDetox have any relationship at all. What we do know is ClubDetox is using RHOC photos on their website and some of the ladies, including Vicki, are promoting ClubDetox. What we have been shown: Lenka, at least over 3 episodes that I can remember, discussing forest showers, juicing, coffee enemas, standing on the grass and arranging a Doc appointment with Dr. Zermeno, who endorses ClubDetox as seen on the ClubDetox website as a testimonial. He does mention the importance of nutrition as part of the alternative therapy process to Brooks & Vicki. Lenka has been featured on more episodes than Jeana, Michael (Vickis son), and Katie. Maybe after Katie was cut, they shrunk Lizzie's airtime for Lenka!! We have also, earlier in the season, watched Brooks & Vicki eating where Vicki says no sugar, no white food, like bread. We also were treated to Heather & Tammy Sue at a juice bar. Bravo is sure lending some free advertising/storyline thru the editing process towards that style of nutrition on their show. The juice bar, the lunch with Vicki & Brooks could have been left on the cutting room floor. But...it fits with the Brooks cancer storyline. I still find it odd that Brooks was invited to Cut Fitness to have birthday cake.
  12. That many women yet they keep Vicki year after year?? I have never liked Vicki much, I liked Jeana much better, but she just wasn't mean enough to keep up with Vicki once Tammy Sue came on board. That many women and they had to import Meghan from St. Louis, really??
  13. Yeeeeeees! Those two are so good. Great work and some awesome snark. I already posted my undying love for Jeff Lewis. I'm not sure why, but he's just so damn funny. The only time he went too far, IMO, was an outburst at Jenny's wedding. Uncool. Joke gone too far or flat? Not a good look. Buuuuuuut. He's so darn entertaining. What was that show with Mary, Martin and other designers? I liked that show. It would be like Lisa Vanderpumps event planner. We are missing that type of fun on the OC.
  14. I appreciate the sleuthing skills, no worries. Knowledge is always good. No doubt, there will be a percentage of patients not happy, is there a way to compare % of complaints from plastic surgeon to plastic surgeon? I have no idea. What I do know, assuming lots of it is for dramatics, is that the botched type especially clients that we have seen on that show, are likely the most dramatic, sensitive and/or unrealistic clients out there. Another words, very difficult to please. Think of Janice Dickinson who ignored all of Paul & Terry's advice. The guy who keeps getting implants to look like he lives in the gym but was a very stick thin male. These are people that have their nose redone several times, are left with minimal tissue and expect perfection. Think of Michael Jackson. He was sooooooooo handsome before any plastic surgery. Maybe, one nose job was ok, but he didn't stop and ruined his looks. I know Terry works with typical patients too, but I think he attracts the over the top, extreme low self esteem, seeking perfection type.
  15. I'm not a fan of Terry personally. He's not very likable. I also think if he wants to eat onion rings, let him Heather! BUT. It is pretty difficult to pull off Botched if you are not a top plastic surgeon. Does Paul do all the heavy lifting? I doubt it. Think about the fact that he is correcting some major medical screw ups. Unless a high percentage of people think he's a poor surgeon, which we would likely have heard by now, I just don't believe he isn't highly qualified in his field. I don't know him, don't know any of his real patients ( at least that I'm aware of ) but he's legit. Does he have a history of malpractice suits?
  16. Exactly, Bravo wasn't interested, but many of us were interested in a balance, not just cancer ridden fake drama. I'm with the poster who said they would have preferred watching Heather working on their new house. In fact, there are multiple home repair/DIY/design/real estate shows & channels out there that get good ratings. I would bet using more air time going on a trip to shop for marble, granite, chandeliers, etc with Heather would be more interesting than resale shopping with a reluctant Jim Edmonds. Look at BH, and how they featured Yo's house including her glass fridge. If Shannon & David are hoping to move, are they looking at lots? Is Shannon working with designers for a potential new home? Anything, but cancer please! I get it, it's a real part of all of our lives, too much for too many. But, when it takes over a whole season? Ridiculous. It's depressing.
  17. YES, Jeff Lewis. Hard hitting, shows no mercy and would have us laughing the whole time. Andy has his favorites, asks questions with a slant, and is inconsistent. It's annoying. I assume he's the only host of the HWs show for that very reason. They never reveal all to keep us tuned it, like a cliff hanger of a TV series/sitcom at a season finale! Reunions just rip off the scabs, sometimes we see band aids going on, but healing & reconcilation? Rare.
  18. That's why I was wondering if anyone remembered the timing of Heather & Tamra'sget together at an organic juice bar. Was it one of or associated with the Club Detox bars? Was that episode 1? Or last season. The photo in the advertising was last seasons photos, before Meghan, so that might be the reason. They used that photo because it was the only one available when the deals were made? I just remember that scene seemed like yet another product placement but at the time figured the juice bar was associated with Tamra's gym, Cut Fitness.
  19. Yet, we are stuck with Brook's interview input & likely a Brianna appearance. It would be nice to have Lizzie weigh in on some of the questions. Although, It would be tough as she has been out of the loop a few times. We see her ask the other ladies questions on more than one occasion because she was missing for some activities. At both Shannon's Aries party & at the Evine viewing party we see that she was in the dark at times.
  20. Remember Heather & Tamra meeting at an organic juice bar? When was that? Wondering if it was at one of the 2 juice bars associated with ClubDetox too...
  21. That is very true!! :) I think what struck me though, is this was WWHL, 2-3 days before reunion filming...months after, emotions calmed. All I know this time is...I want to, for once, see a situation resolved at the reunion, even if it's in the last 2 minutes of a 3 part reunion!!
  22. But that's the thing. Heather doesn't usually act this openly snarky unless she is willing to take the heat. Her interview was telling to me. Normally, I would have reacted like Annabelle did from such comments, but it was Heather, not the other HWs. I feel like she knows something that is giving her reason to say what she's willing to say, although she did withhold for the reunion. Heather doesn't like to "look" wrong IMO. Another poster mentioned in Vickis thread that Brooks was interviewed by SatanAndy yesterday...
  23. Bahahahahahahaha! Now that's funny! Who says you are the cranky one? Talula, where is your "I love this post" pic?!
  24. . Very true! Well Tamrat is not educated, but she's certainly clever. In fact, she dangerous because she combines nastiness with strategy and 9 times out of 10 comes out on top. Last season was the first time she truly was taken to task, for a short period of time, near the end of the season. She has 9 lives, that's for sure. Maybe it's her evil eye! ;)
  25. Yes, it's definitely complicated! How do we explain Heathers friendship with Tamrat? That has puzzled me from day one...except that she wanted an alliance with the meanest HW. Her joining in the attacks against Alexis irritated me. It's not that I liked Alexis all that much, I find it comical that Heather, often fakity fake, accused Alexis of being fake. I really thought Heather would buddy up with Shannon sooner, so who knows. I was of the belief Heather might be friends or a friend of a friend with the Affair women.
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