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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I most certainly agree with you that the conflict is not always organic. Rumors abound that there are manufactured situations, although I do wonder if the different production teams employ different filming methods. I have heard rumors that people have witnessed the ladies in NY re-doing scenes, one in particular was outside at a restaurant patio, so...maybe some production teams are more involved with pushing an idea or storyline than others? I have to say, when "You will all see the truth!!" was uttered by Shannon, that was raw and real. She was definitely being screwed over by some of the ladies and literally by David last season. That was way too real. I do think words that are quoted, like Heather's raw, real and disturbing say something about those specific situations. Heather is likely referring to those few times that it is actually real!
  2. Geesh, our armchair quarterbacking is becoming my new home occupation. Pre reality TV, there was no after show activities except reading TV guide or the critics. I had to go back and re-watch a clip from WWHL during Vickis last appearance, the one with Jeff Lewis. When was that filmed? Vicki was asked about defending Shannon, she said she did and Jeff said that Vicki needs to do it more! Tamra was in the audience. Does anyone remember all the things Vicki has said regarding Shannon besides that they had hit a bump? Does anyone remember what she said the visit before that?
  3. Zoeysmom, Thanks for pointing out that article, since they directly quote both Heather Dubrow and Lisa Vanderpump. I think direct quotes lend the credibility to some of these less than reliable rags. Lisa VP always disputes quotes attributed to her that are false. Heather uses the word disturbing. That speaks volumes to me. I think Brooks is telling whoppers. According to Heather: "There is no manufactured drama on the show. You don’t get to see everything, but what you are seeing is what happens. This season is raw, real and disturbing. The audience is smart. I think Brooks is going to be judged and tried by the court of public opinion. The response to this season is so good because it’s real. To say this season and situations were manufactured for drama is just not true.”
  4. I know, Right Talula?! Something is so off...the understatement of the year! It's the Ricky Santana thing to me as well. How can Ricky & Tamra not be friends anymore?! Does it have to do with what is going on with Brooks? Shannon was clear on WWHL that Ricky was the bad guy and Gretchen was insisting its Tamra. Just have to think, based on history, that Tamra is the ultimate pot stirrer, more so than even Meghan. Ricky was Tamras best man, he was standing next to her & Tamras mom when Tamra threw wine in Jeanas face. He's been also seen at Vickis side almost as often as Tamras. Is he no longer friends with Vicki either? Did we see him this season? He was at Tamras scary party and Hoe down but was he at the sex party? I thought I saw him there...why would Shannon stand by Tamra, not Vicki but Tamra and Vicki are still BFFs, or are they? Shannon was so steadfast, as you pointed out, Talula, that Ricky is the bad guy. I find that the hardest thing to believe. Is Ricky disposable because he knows all of Vicki & Tamras dirty laundry?? Is it because of Tamras new found faith? I'm wondering if he will be at the Baptism. Shannon was definitely not amused once Gretchen started with the Kool Aid line.
  5. You guys make great points. To get Vicki on your side you have to fill her friendship/giant ego tank to get cooperation. The luncheon was a disaster, but the bday dinner for Brooks...Vicki was blocking Shannon from the get go. I think it was WireWrap who said the thought is Tamra might have told Vicki Shannon was going to bring up the subject.
  6. Why is Vicki so adamant about not having conversations with Shannon about Brooks and freaks out...but when Heather or Tamra try to talk to her she actually participates in the conversation. She still might not be happy to discuss the cancer with anyone, but she has now freaked out on Shannon twice and blew up at Brianna in a way she did not with Heather or Tamra. It leads me to believe that someone is telling Vicki she has to refuse to talk to certain HWs, now it's Shannon. It doesn't make sense because supposedly V & S were much closer than V and anyone else at the time. I get why she flies off the handle with Meghan, but this is different.
  7. I think they have clips on BravoTV so you could probably see Shannon from the WWHL show there. There is a Bravo Instagram pic of Andy, Shannon & Gretchen. Yes, Shannon also looked great on WWHL when she had the red dress when she appeared with Dorinda. I agree, she seems to gel with those NYC ladies. I'm guessing when she went to see her physical trainer he also gave her a new diet or updated nutrition information. She seems more open to serving her family other foods that she was avoiding before. Whatever it is, she needs to keep vamping it up like that during filming!
  8. Did anyone mention Shannon's physical appearance on WWHL?! I saw it the next day. She looked gorgeous! Best I've ever seen her look. She was sitting next to Gretchen, the sex pot, and looked in her element. Beautiful dress, hair and make up. Gretchen looked very pretty, awesome dress and straight hair. I guess that's her new look. I know someone (or several posters) already mentioned the show, but I'm not sure where it was posted. Shannon was clear she was not speaking to Vicki. Gretchen was trying to counsel Shannon to not fall for the new, improved Tamra. Both David and Slade were in the audience. I was surprised the camera didn't pan to them. It was fun to see Sonja there. Did anyone see the After show?
  9. Last season, this very topic came up. When it seemed as if Heather was competing with Shannon, last year, motivated by having one less bathroom than the Beadors and not enough room in her house for unplanned baby Coco. ( can you hear my eyes rolling?! ) There was some discussion (in talking heads, can't remember specifically...) that while Shannon has the bigger home, it was not at the top of the hill in the neighborhood. I remember Heather saying they wanted to be up even higher, or something like that. While Shannon had more bathrooms her views weren't as generous... I'm not sure if Shannon and David are changing neighborhoods, were looking for a better view, were down/up sizing, were thinking of selling because of their marriage troubles? Who knows. My almost 23 year old son is dating a girl that went to his college who's family home is in Shannon's childhood neighborhood. He was there this spring. Not many details except, he's an Engineer, and not very talkative, so...but he said it was "unbelievable" house, trip, family, etc. I've met his girlfriend, she's really pretty, sweet and very nice actually. Her father owns a business. They have family in Shannon's current neighborhood and most of their family resides in Rancho Sante Fe. They did go to Del Mar. They played golf at her parents country club, but I'm not sure which one. I wish I had more details. Most of what I know was from their FB pictures! If it was one of my daughters, I would have name, rank, serial #, blood type, addresses, specific names of all stops, ha, ha. My brother had an engineering job for 12 years, worked at a large company and lived in La Jolla, San Diego, but moved out of the area 15 years ago. I always loved San Diego and areas of the OC better than Beverly Hills. We are East Coasters though, so I would take Newport, RI over Newport, CA any day. But, that's just me, it's that old world feel I like. She's a nice girlfriend, but they are just getting out of college, so time will tell. Of course, he uses "unbelievable" to describe a good ice cream, so who knows!!
  10. Thanks for the chuckle Humble Pie! Aren't these women just so ridiculous??! How I wish my issues would go away, but my problem has been with me since I was an adolescent and I'm 48 now. Brain surgery and Proton Beam saved my life, but destroyed my Thyroid and effected the function of my pituitary gland. I'm on medication for life, have had at least 30 MRIs, several CAT scans and a life sentenced to bi-annual Endocrinology visits. It's all good though, because I actually had a good case scenario, believe it or not!! Damn thing made me go into Menopause earlier than I should have...but I'm okay, healthy otherwise and have kept my weight in check. (Not easy) I truly feel for Brianna dealing with her thyroid. It is no walk in the park. I'm glad to hear Heather says we are certainly missing something...we had to be! But, will we actually find out?!
  11. There has to have been a revelation and a lot of information left on the cutting room floor between the lunch at Heathers new house/construction site and the lunch with Shannon. At the luncheon, you see all the ladies stunned by how far the screaming, anger we see between Meghan and Vicki. Lizzie tries to set Meghan straight. Tamra and Heather say Vicki is out of control more then ever. Shannon is also firmly standing by Vicki and repeatedly says that she would be livid if she was Vicki. The tide turns during the birthday dinner. We also see Tamra keep saying that no matter what, she told Vicki she would support her. Then we see all of the ladies now reflecting on the situation. At the lunch, Shannon is now directly questioning Vicki. I can't imagine after earlier stating she would be livid, multiple times, that we now see Shannon outright questioning the situation at the Aries party, then with David, then at the lunch. Remember, Shannon said, for the first time, Vicki was unfair by telling Jim their marriage was short lived, so this was the first time she didn't have Vickis back, so to speak. I have to think this switch in direction was a result of something being revealed to all the ladies. When Meghan was again telling the ladies in a group at the Aries party about a discrepancy, this time even Lizzie was eating it up. That's the opposite reaction Lizzie had a Heathers luncheon.
  12. Exactly. If Brooks really is sick, the inquisition is what is sick! Why does anyone think they should dictate someone else's treatments?! I would lose my sh@t if anyone did this to me or a loved one. Which leads me to believe this was all done for a storyline. I really do think Brooks WAS sick and may still be, but believe this latest talk is being done just for the show. If Vicki was told Brooks had to be on the show, as was confirmed by Andy Cohen, then I have to believe this was the Bravo storyline. This just gives me flashbacks of: was Brooks with Vicki before, while still married to Donn? Was Brianna exaggerating about their relationship status behind Donns back? Was Slade a deadbeat dad? Was Gretchen dating behind Jeffs back? Why was Jeana supporting Simon not Tamra, while it seemed Eddie was Tamras side piece while still married to Simon? Did Vicki & Tamra really team up to freeze out Jeana? Who was telling the truth in the "Take the Beadors down" question last season? Why did all the ladies gang up on Alexis? I see one common theme on this show. Tamrat. Who's Tamras mini me? Meghan.
  13. Ha Ha, I think you think that because you "know" the character Vicki!! Who doesn't have that feeling? I think this statement is one that 95% of us posters here agree on. I just don't get it, is he really worth all this grief Vicki?
  14. I'm in the camp that medical issues are private and no one should be pumping you with questions. I have a major medical issue, somewhat similar to Brianna' s but my real issue is my pituitary gland. I have to take different medications, and my status has changed over recent years. It is very complicated to explain to people because it's not very common. I have to fight to keep my weight normal, where it is...dealing with a changed body after 3 kids, approaching menopause and a barely functioning endocrine system. While my medical issues have strained my body, I do appear perfectly healthy. While I lost a lot of hair, for instance, it was very thick before...When I need to explain I'm sick, it's a pain to explain. If anyone asked for my medical records they would only get them shoved up an oriface. I am doing well for what I'm dealing with, very thankful and I empathize with all of the other medical situations with my fellow posters. JennMominFL, you are an unbelievable inspiration on this board. To all posters that have mentioned their situations, thanks for sharing. The issue with the Vicki/Brooks cancer story, IMO, is not at all related to his health situation for me. I would never tell someone they are handling their disease incorrectly. I would never tell someone not doing chemo is wrong. If they go alternate therapy or a combo of conventional/alternate that is their choice. If it was an immediate family member I would weigh in more or if asked for my opinion, I would not mince words. It's so personal and Brooks may also change his mind over time. This is different though...what is strange is the consistently inconsistent statements from Brooks & Vicki. They also have contradicted each other more than once. While you might not remember all details, your story would still be consistent if you were always telling the truth. Someone pointed out a while back that Vicki's attitude towards Tamra is strangely unscathed in all of this...Is this another case of making it look like only Meghan and Shannon are questioning them behind their backs? As someone pointed out, Heather was quick to get out of Dodge at Shannon's party to ensure Vicki didn't see her in the mix of the other ladies when Vicki arrived. Meghan has gone way too far, Heather has shown Vicki "the other ladies" are not completely believing the cancer, Shannon is obviously now a doubter, Tamra is the only one besides Meghan who has gone OTT yet Vicki doesn't react towards Tamra the way she did in the past? That night Vicki, Brooks, Shannon & David went to dinner for Brooks bday and Vicki lost her cool towards Shannon? Brooks was like, let's just calm down but Vicki wanted to leave. She has been angry with Shannon but mostly calm with Tamra?!! Tamra told Vicki she's the one who discussed the subject with the Psychic. As many posters already mentioned, Tamra has been stirring the pot but Vicki is not angry with her. Hmmmmm. I think this could be Vickis way of forming a bond with the other ladies earlier in the season against Meghan, but now she's saying she never asked for Shannon's help, to make her look like a liar?? Now, it's Meghan & Shannon, but not Tamrat?! I think Shannon is upset because she felt Vicki was trying to tell Meghan Shannon was not truthful. A sore subject, the understatement of the year. It does seem like Shannon had lines she was supposed to employ in their conversation. I would be mad if someone asked me for help, I got Brooks in and then it appears he blows off a difficult to get appointment. No, he doesn't need Shannon's advice or doctors, but he should have said No thank you right away. I do agree after that, he and Vicki do not have an obligation to defend themselves to the other women.
  15. Gawd. I'm OCD with regards to germs. All I could think about when it was revealed that David was with Shannon & the other skank Ho on her bday was that he was double dipping...again...those scenes on Mad Men where Don was with yet another side piece then going home to Betty?!! Yikes. It came to me, a whole new level of double dipping your chip!! Eek.The only source that I'm aware of, besides the ladies on RHOC, was her name was mentioned in a comments section of blogs and rags when the affair was mentioned. The name was typed for all the world to see by some reader in a comment section. It could have been Shannon (not buying it) Tamrat, one of Shannon's friends OR anyone, like a neighbor, acquaintance/hater of the Affair woman, reporter, grocery store clerk, hotel maid, anyone that knew...and knew exactly who David was and that the lady was not Shannon. Maybe the Affair has stepped out before or has many detractors in her life. I saw the name in the comment section after someone mentioned someplace else that her name was printed there. It took all of 2 seconds to find it, google her name + Orange County and boom, there she was...listed by her company, Linked In, board of trustees, including pics. It doesn't matter whether Shannon was a good wife or not...cheating is cheating and Shannon and her children, husband and the affairs children are the victims. If you are not happy and can't work things out when you are married, you need to leave and lay it out on the table. If Shannon was a harpy, nag, cold fish, we all get why David was not happy. That doesn't justify bringing Shannon home STDs and telling her she's imagining things. I'm betting that Shannon became a nag for legitimate reasons in the first place...or she was born annoying. Who knows, either way there is no justification for this crap. I am really questioning the state of our culture and humanity if lots of people think this is acceptable in a marriage. If people really think Shannon's nagging or not cooking potato or not swinging from chandeliers with handcuffs in bed justifies David and the affairs actions, we are in serious trouble. Shannon never agreed to an "open marriage" and she's not agreeing to be like Jackie Kennedy and looking the other way. She is also allowed to expect respect. Maybe that was lacking and what turned Shannon into a shrew. When you are married, keep it in your pants or leave.
  16. I certainly agree that while Shannon didn't disclose the Affairs name, I think she likely wouldn't care if it was revealed by Tamra or anyone else...I was just commenting that we don't know for sure that it was Shannon that spilled the beans to Tamra. We can speculate that it was , but we also know that Tamra has no problem putting any info out there and has always been willing and able to get that information by digging around, just like Meghan does and like she has with Gretchen & Slade. Another words, it's not a given it was Shannon but of course it's certainly possible. As for David revealing details, telling Shannon everywhere he took the Affair was required by Shannon and the Therapist also advised David to do this. However, I don't think we should blame Shannon for David telling her that he saw his mistress on the evening of Shannon's birthday and OVERsharing the disgusting tidbits. I just don't get blaming Shannon for David's appalling lack of scruples and extreme poor judgment. Of course Shannon wants to know some of those things, but telling her that bday info was inhumane as another posted already noted. I just happen to think that the consequences of the Affair should be on David and the other woman not Shannon.
  17. Well, Shannon is back on WWHL tonight, with Gretchen! Given that Tamra just said Gretchen is the HW she never wants to see back on the RHOC...it will be nuts if someone or Andy actually dares to mention or ask about the Affair.
  18. Agreed Talula, it's hard to wrap the ol brain around that fact, that he would actually tell Shannon about last years "double dipping" on her 50th birthday of all milestones. Can you imagine being in Shannon's shoes? At least "Don Draper" had the decency to omit the nasty details to "Betty." When the Therapist told David to reveal all, did he really have to go that far?? Maybe someone spotted him later on the eve of Shannon's birthday so he had to come clean? (Or dirty) (talking about spilling the dirt!) OT, kudos to the serial philanderer Don Draper, Jon Hamm, for finally snagging the Emmy after 8 nods. I guess being a perfect cad does pay?! David Beador must have thought being seen as Hot gave him the same pass as Don. If David truly turns it around I will be shocked, but will still cross my fingers because that is what Shannon is hoping for...again, time will tell. Let's not forget, Heather most likely knew the Affairs name, remember her lunch and the e-mail? Also, Tamra claims she knew but Shannon didn't know she knew, so we don't know for sure that Shannon was the one to name names. Tamra is good at digging up the dirt. (Gretchens past)
  19. I agree Shannon needs to move on as best as she can at this point. I keep reminding myself this show was filmed months ago and it's not airing in real time! It would be interesting to me to see some of her true friends, we have seen a couple of them in the background on some episodes, have a chance to weigh in and be seen voicing and dispensing good advice to Shannon on this subject. We do know that from WWHL, her interviews, Instagram & Twitter, that the family appears to be participating in many fun activities and David is always there. He does appear to be smiling "for real" not just posing. If Shannon comes back for Season 3, I think we will see Shannon move on to the next chapter. Let's see gold shorts Shannon dancing to ringtones!
  20. Great analysis MCM65! Hmmm...and as usual, with all these Bravo HWs show, we believe as Shannon yelled, "you will all see the truth!!" but often the case is, the next season comes and goes and the whole truth was never revealed. I remember someone commenting that we won't know the truth about so many of these storylines until the Real Housewives experiments are defunct like most soap operas! We already know that Tamra is laughing her way to the bank, with her OTT antics, knowing she would never have that salary in her real life job. I'm starting to think soaps were much more fun because nobody was being harmed in real life and we know for sure it was all scripted, fake drama. The problem with these shows is that if they are not scripted why are they so despicable?!
  21. It's so sad that it has come to this...Kim is extremely fortunate to have a large family to help her out. Hollywood life can be glamorous but it can also be your destruction. Talking about buyer beware... It's nice to see that she is still accepting Kyle back and her kids after being angry with them with their attempts at interventions. Too often, once this happens the "patient" won't allow access back into their lives. The worst thing that happened to her though is the very fact that some of those close to her are enabling her narcissism. Catch 22. Even the best therapists/counselors disagree on the answers. I truly feel bad for her kids.
  22. Just wow, what a sad excuse for a human being. This is crazy times a million. I didn't realize the Foo Fighters would cheer this kind of person on...I know they were protesting the Westboro church group, the people who harass families of fallen soldiers, which I thought was cool of them to do. I'm sorry to hear about people doing such things.
  23. I agree, it's not typical. However, maybe it's because Shannon's kids didn't have cell phones at the time, you know how Shannon feels about them, she mentioned it on the show. Perhaps she saw the message as it was coming up on the screen and that's how the first message caught her attention. You can see the first few words and the name of the person sending a message on a "locked" phone!
  24. The reason why I weighed in here about not caring about the Affairs identity, is because some people are saying that Shannon should not have agreed to her second season on RHOC. I am not sure whether it's a good idea to put her children in the middle of her marriage issues (leaning towards feeling it's a very bad idea) but I don't think it's fair, IMO, to think Shannon has an obligation to stay off TV to help shield anyone's identity. Shannon has a right to keep this job and whether that decision makes it easier for the Affair to stay under the radar is not her problem. We all have a right to post, comment, reflect, analyze and joke about people on this show. If the Daily Mail and other rags out the Affairs identity, then the info is now public info. I get protecting information on the kids schools, they are defenseless minors, although, often the reality participants tweet, Instagram & Facebook those tidbits willingly. Often, we discuss whether it's wise for the HW to reveal so much about their lives on national TV. If I want to comment that I don't care about some Ho's distress because she slept with a married man, knowing his wife was filming a reality show, was BFFs with a famous tennis player and snagged a spot for her kid on her affairs bball team and befriended her cheating partner's wife to ply his wife for personal information, then I'm going to call a Ho a Ho. Feel free to disagree, but I don't think it's ok to chastise me or any other poster for bitching and not feeling sorry for her, or David! Again, the only people responsible for the wreckage are THE home wreckers, not the victims.
  25. Well, well, well. Fuck you "source" and Fuck Nicole. She was perfectly willing to Fuck David, you get what you give. Nicole has a career, Shannon does not, so let Shannon be employed by Bravo. It's not her fault she was asked to be on the RHOC while her husband snuck around to have an affair. This is not Shannon's problem, it's Nicole's problem. I was thinking the same thing! Nicole may have been one of the other parent chaperones and perhaps that factored in to why David went on the trip, not Shannon
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