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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I agree, on Tamra & Eddie's lunch. I think Tamra is starting (I've come a long way with my opinion on the woman formerly known as Tamrat, the Devil)...so I can't bring myself to give her too much credit, to appear almost human these days. While she is clearly stirring the pot, as usual, her heart seems to be firmly on the mend. I think her comments over the last 2 seasons regarding painful marriages making one a shrew is on point. Misery loves company and all that baggage... Personal issues are never an excuse for poor behavior, like the outbursts and lashing out at them (throwing wine at Jeanna, ripping on Alexis, naked wasted...) but it does help others gain incite into what is going on to make someone act like such a byotchhh. So, there's that! Eddie has been great for Tamra and it's nice to see a relationship that works. I think Eddie is goofy and those eating scenes are great humor during the tantrums. I also can see from the clips from her first season how Shannon's face has filled in with a little weight gain. I think she looks good with a bit of fat in her face. I know in real time she's on a diet/work out regime, but I bet she has a healthier attitude then she did before the affair. Just being honest about what she weighs is huge for a control freak like Shannon. No matter how often she gets wound up, she seems to be the most real of all these woman, thus her popularity.
  2. I was shocked by the mean spiritedness on display towards Gia by the "grown ups" that day. None of these women are Moms of the Year... Are the Guidici children spoiled? Yes. Should all kids get a trophy? Nooooo. Did Jac cross the line (and then Caroline too) in that scene? Absolutely.
  3. While I agree, the blame is on David, if he brings his mistress around to the family...it certainly is strange behavior, IMO. I'm betting, it's highly unusual for a mother in law to be open to such an unorthodox situation. That would certainly not fly in my family. Showcasing a mistress to your Fam just days into leaving your wife? Clearly, no loyalty considered to the mother of your grandchildren Donna. Beyond inappropriate...I'm channeling the Dubrow morality police here. Andddddd...as the other woman, who also is cheating on her spouse and children, is she not at all concerned with their feelings? If one of my brothers pulled that move?! My mother would side with the ex, under similar circumstances. In fact, when the first born of our family, the Prince of the house, the apple of mom's eye, when he left his wife, my mother made it clear that no female was welcome until the divorce was final. Even though it was a mutual, amicable split, my mother and father were strict and that was not an item for discussion. Vicky was gross reveling in that dirt. I bet this was news Shannon revealed to Vicky...is nothing sacred with the woman? I'm going to guess Heather heard that gossip from the mutual friends crew...the mistress runs in that circle.
  4. I think Jac is simply crazy. She was the one who brought Danielle Staub (or tried to) to the inner circle. She was the one who started yelling about Dina being a liar, after Caroline told the story about the book, so, she is claiming Dina and Caroline were liars. I think she is obsessed with Teresa and has been the common denominator stirring the pot and teeing up Kathy, Rosie, Richie, Melissa, Kim G, Kim D, Ashlee, even the twins that were on last year, when Jac made her appearances with Rosie, Kathy, Theresa & Nicole...Remember her Twitter rants, also Twitter rants from Jac's own mother. Her worst offense? The way she went over the top trying to "discipline" Gia. She was intimidating a little girl. After all all these years...no growth for this woman. Just as nuts as ever.
  5. I don't think Shannon was being classist, if anything, I thought Shannon pointed out the comment because what does a college degree have to do with being a prostitute? I think the opposite is the case...why just assume one would only "suck d***" for money if they didn't pursue a degree? Yes, not having a degree can clearly limit employment opportunity, but I'm betting there are lots of degrees that were earned by women who are call girls, prostitutes, women that "suck d***" for money...Perhaps it's classist to assume one with a degree would know better? My kids have college degrees and that means a lot to me and in my family but I don't think that applies as proof of classism in this particular situation with Shannon in my opinion. i just think that's a harsh assumption put on Shannon as well. If she was classist, she wouldn't give Tamra the time of day off the set. I'm reluctant to label someone unless there's a pattern. Do I side eye Shannon about a possible set up? The jury is out. Coincidence that Nina is Dr. Potter's (Megan's Doc) ex-wife? Producer shenanigans? Tamra was sure on point stirring the pot.
  6. Looks like cupping isn't all that whacky...Michael Phelps has at least tried it as evidenced by the cup marks on his body for this current Olympic competition. So, maybe Shannon is on to something, but I'm not going to try it...yet!??
  7. Good grief, why does this crowd love gaudy homes?! I can't believe Melissa & JoGo have moved back to their 1st season home. Didn't they just move there just in time to show it for their first show when Melissa became a HW? They have the absolute worst taste in house and decor known to man! Watching the table flip episode and Jacko is hosting her parents on their first visit to their house. She's making fun of how people in her new neighborhood/town do nothing but Botox and pampered chef parties...she makes fun of looking odd when her father warns her she is going to look like Goldie Hawn's character in the first wives club. Fast forward and here we are at the very first episode and Jac is talking about wanting yet another cosmetic face procedure...later on she & chris claim they don't need all this material stuff. Have ANY of these woman grown at all since season 1? She plays the ditz with her fake sweetness and helpless act yet is still obsessed with Teresa, gossip and plastic surgery. Like others have said, you have to feel sorry for Chris. Does he now regret dumping his ex for a pregnant whacko jacko?!!
  8. Ditto to all these points. It was startling just as a viewer to see such a change in Vicki's kitchen. While her kitchen needed an update, IMO, I agree that the choices didn't seem to fit. She needed a change from that faux Tuscan thing but she held onto that same style cabinet! I hope Jeff Lewis wasn't responsible because I thought she mentioned him helping her... Even he did work with her I would never believe he put those cabinets with that counter top! Vicki probably threatened not to pay him if he didn't go with her cabinet choice!! Beautiful counter top and appliances, but clash with the color of the cabinets. On that alone, Vicki should go away! I love Jeana too! I think it's because she is truly the OG and Vicki squeezed her out. Glad Jeana is looking and feeling better about herself, but I agree with those who mentioned she needs a new hairstyle.
  9. Beverly Hills housewives without LVP? It would be like a box of chocolates...yummy looking, attractive, shiny box with a bow, yet every time you pick one up to take a bite it's the one you want to spit it out. It just won't be the same.
  10. I can't edit for some reason. I meant *startling*. not starting! Ken's voice, autocorrect is so stupid!!
  11. This. WoYo just drove me crazy with her hypocrisy when it comes to what is okay in her world. What is acceptable in order to pass her friendship tests? It's as if she expects the other women to know that she is the master to them, they are the subjects of the kingdom, AKA circus clowns. The behavior expected of them from Yo can change from day to day as well. She is an exhausting person to be around, not because she is sick, but due to her demands of friends when friendships are supposed to be easy. I can't believe I'm now feeling sorry for her ex-King because I cannot imagine what a high maintenance wife she must have been! In real life, actual life, that is not filmed for television, yes, it would be rude to say someone looked terrible. However, what we do know is that when you film you wear make up even if you don't in real life. They are being filmed, WoYo always looked glamorous and was clearly wearing make up even when exercising on film. I think anyone would be surprised to see a friend show up to a birthday dinner, that normally looks glamorous, and a past model, without any make up. A logical thought would be to think that she must be ill. In real life it would be starting too. As we have seen, when someone commented that she looked great, she would be angry because that was not what you are supposed to say to WoYo. Who has time for someone like that in their lives? She's playing a game. Look at all her willing pawns...
  12. I am just dazzled and amazed by the energy WoYo has to be the peanut gallery-back up interrogator for Andy at the reunion. We see her side and snide talk with Erika about other women's comments/answers...She is not pleased with all of her minions in the kingdom. Yet, she suddenly wilts under the pressure when the subject of Munchies comes up. She is also clearly not having it when the other health issues are discussed such as depression, menopause, etc. She insists it is only Lyme and everything else has been ruled out. It has to be that way when you are writing a book about CLD. It couldn't possibly be that she has a compromised and weakened immune system from Lyme+depression+menopause+colon cleanses+supplements+alternative therapies+explant surgery. No. Just Lyme. Nothing else to see here folks. She is the arbiter of Hollywood friend justice and no one is allowed off the hook. Unless you are Erika or Eileen.
  13. Hi ButterQueen, I was just commenting that I thought this Dallas housewives show was of a similar nature to the Big Rich TX show, meaning this show is low rent, fake drama, not high society in the slightest! That show was on a channel that was bought out and most of their shows are no longer on the air. Wasn't it the Style network? Tidbit: I'm not sure if anyone here noticed that Leeann was a background player on Big Rich Texas? I think someone already mentioned her but I don't recall the post.
  14. Good grief. There's nothing funny about a 30 something acting like a 2 year boy. Brandi Redmond is one of those people that thinks she's hilarious but the joke is on her. She's too dim to figure that out however. Does she understand that when you are a mother you are also modeling for her children and the other children she is near? Poop, Jesus Juice? She is like Brandi Glanville from RHBH in that she thinks anyone that doesn't act like a 2 year old is a pearl clutcher. No, it just means that they matured beyond middle school hijinks. Brandi G is far more, dare I say, mature and sophisticated and I think Brandi G is hopeless...this is embarrassing and insulting to Dallas. Leeanne seems crazy. It's sad because it appears there is nothing likable about any of these women and I thought Potomac was horrible. This is just the 2015-16 version of Big Rich Texas.
  15. It's as if she were hired to defend Yo when Brandi & Kim were let go...:) Then, we see Yolanda perfectly capable of jumping on Kyle all by herself...no assistance from Erika necessary. This comment in no way is intended to support Kyle in her defense of Faye to Kathryn, for me.
  16. Now I'm curious if Andy or anyone is going to go in on Erika, the guard dogs role in assisting Yo in taking on LVP? I noticed when they played back the scene at Wally's of LVP asking WoYo if she was okay and Yo was weepy, this was yet another instance of her not responding in any way to Lisa. Keeping her at arms length. Yo said it was because she was aware that LVP was questioning her and was sensitive about her at that time. I wonder why she was aware? It was obvious at that point that WoYo and Erika were not receptive to LVP at all in this first reunion show from their words and their body language. It was a freeze. Yo said, "no, I was emotional about you...when I looked at you in that moment...I was like, I really want to believe you not having talked about my children..." This scene highlighted this wall in my mind. Brandi has plenty of time for Yolanda when Eddie has the kids! Is Erika going to admit she was feeding Yo her negative version as opposed to relaying to WoYo how the conversations went word for word, including all that was said about the kids having Lyme without her personal assessment of what she thinks happened? Remember, Erika never owned up to being the informant. She wants LVP exposed but Erika doesn't seem concerned about anyone else role in the subject.
  17. That's very true. What about it though when it comes to the show? Viewers of the show here and all over social media, sounded confused about Yo. If Yo doesn't attend many of their outings and leaves events early, how can you build on that for the shows purposes? They are all supposed to participate in each other lives at least to a certain level as a responsibility to their job. I'm not saying they each need to spill secrets if they don't wish to...only to at least appear present and participating while in group settings. To me, it seemed like Erika was acting as a guard as well when it came to Yo. They all end up on teams it seems, nothing new there but this year we had a new housewife, Erika, that seemed to act as a buffer on Yo's behalf. Perhaps if she clarified on the show, she could clear up any ignorance or misunderstandings that she herself puts out there in the universe. I think they all gossip and bitch behind each other's backs, but I felt Rinna was the one who crossed the line on almost every HW except for Eileen. She was enraged...others may all plot but Rinna's emotions took over in a way that we don't see with the other ladies this season. Last year, Rinna at the end of the season, along with Kim & Brandi were also over the top.
  18. That's a good way of trying to make sense of Yolanda's perspective. Good post.I'm in agreement that when you are genuine friends and you actually spend time with each other you don't need to ask so many questions. Proximity and a reciprocal friendship will give you those facts. That's why WoYo says they are Hollywood friends. I get it. I think it's runs deep and that Yo and LVP are trying to each snatch the Beverly Hills crown, another words, there's more to it. Also, it seems like with Yolanda and many of the other women that she feels "don't have her back," she also doesn't see her own part in why they don't get closer to her. It's complicated for all parties involved. For LVP, it's Mo, it's Yo's treatment of Ken and her cozy relationship with Brandi. With Kyle, it's also about Brandi and Yo being mad that Kyle was whispering about her at the table and who knows what else... Wait, wasn't Yo mad at Kyle for not bringing her a glass of water in the limo or was that someone else? I just think WoYo doesn't like some of the ladies. It happens, that's life. However, IMO, she tends to put the most of blame of their poor relationship status on them and what they haven't done for her, not thinking what they have offered or done is ever enough. Example? Saying it was selfish to pick chocolate as a flavor for the shake during the BH challenge/course. Selfish? That's a big word for such a small thing.
  19. I love this post, especially about the sales job. The shot of her medicine shelf and Rinna/Eileen's reactions to it, were one of the honest moments this season. I can only imagine the total cost of the supplements alone!! I bet David felt the housewives weren't the only sharks swimming around WoYo. Yes, when it comes to LVP, she could certainly be more genuine. I think her biggest problem is that she's a big joker and employs a great deal of sarcasm...I know, I'm just like that! I get what makes her tick. What I have realized, but I'm not being filmed for a reality show, is that not everyone picks up on the sarcasm or understands that you are actually joking. There's a time and place for that and LVP either doesn't see that OR she does see it and uses it to her advantage and possibly to hurt feelings. It certainly can be used as a dig. You never know with that one. With that said, it's also convenient to twists LVPs words after the fact...did she say like, there goes our storyline. A good example of bad timing was joking about Portia being the other woman. Clearly, a joke, but not a welcome one. I remember being at a soccer game (traveled 5 hours to get there for a regional tournament) sitting in the stands in pouring rain, it felt like a monsoon, all darn day, soaked to the bone. I was joking with other parents in the stands that it would be easier to watch the game in a wet suit. I got smiling nods and chuckles in agreement, except, one mom looked at me all seriously and said, "why bother to change now, when you are wet already" OMG what a dingbat. The sarcasm went right over her head when it couldn't have been anymore obvious.
  20. Never assume how others form their opinions. I don't care how anyone formulates their opinions. I'm a long time poster from here and the good old defunct Bravo board and many here may remember that I've mentioned bits and pieces of my nasty, freak disease that is rare and very difficult to diagnose. Let's just say it was a mystery disease for years until it was finally diagnosed and I've been dealing with it for most of my life and now with menopause wreaking havoc mixed in, just for fun. One of my children (now healthy and 23) had a plethora of health issue that plagued him in high school while playing heavyduty sports and sometimes his issues got him down while trying to study and be a kid. I don't know how he managed it all and as an engineering major. Not an easy academic load, let's just say. Several doctor visits for both of us over the years, including surgery, MRIs by the dozens, neurosurgeons, endocrinology specialists...I could go on and on for days. Oh, and we had suspicions of Lyme for him as we come from an area of Lyme cases. I have three friends that have been directly affected by Lyme and children with Lyme. Yes, it goes undiagnosed and the medical community is still not on top of it, to make it simple. Two of those women work together and are very involved in advocacy of Lyme disease awareness. I get it, my family has lived it and I'm (and my understanding husband) are still living it. Ups and downs every day. I struggle like Yolanda with staying fit too. It sucks when you were a work out queen but your body doesn't support those wishes! ***It's not ignorance of health issues that is leading other posters to question WoYo's status.*** It's Yolanda's social media, actions, pictures, treatments, words, inconsistencies, exaggerations, attacking and dislike for fellow cast members that makes viewers scratch their heads. Let me be clear for myself, I have a disease that is not visible to people too, Just like Yolanda, I have good days and bad days, just like Yo. I've been told I don't look sick. I know that's why Yolanda ditches make up on film sometimes so she gets the message across that looking well doesn't equal feeling well. I get it, I feel and understand her "journey" very much. It sucks to put it mildly. Most people that question her get it.
  21. I know, right?! The ONE time it would be nice to have one of those 3 challenging the WoYo narrative. Of course Yolanda is sick but she does use it to elicit sympathy and distract from what she's up to...Erika is the only one who has given WoYo a free pass. You know Rinna wasn't the only one shocked by WoYo's medicine cabinet.
  22. I hear you, Yolanda is the mother and she can say whatever she wants...My point is just to follow on what RHjunkie just posted. LVP didn't expose the children and she clearly looked uncomfortable saying what little she did say. My position is that while none of these ladies have been the best support system to what Yolanda demands from friends with the exception of Erika, LVP did not do any more dirty work than Kyle or Rinna. Eileen didn't seem all that supportive either until she needed to expand her team. To say that LVP exposed the children based on answering a question while the others are off the hook because they grovel and fawn over WoYo is my point.
  23. I'm sure Mo is fine with LVP after figuring out what's really going on. However, If he's not fine, he must be not fine that WoYo was actually broadcasting their children's private health issues and willing to allow cameras to capture their medical records if LisaV agreed to take a peek that day. Remember how WoYo came into her lunch to meet Kyle & LVP without the envelope in sight? She was going for the gotcha by spotlighting their records on film. When you think about the fact that Rinna changed the script half way thru the season with Eileen's prompting and WoYo kept her divorce hidden the entire time of filming then why should we believe only LVP is the instigator or liar here? I think they are all playing the game but don't want to own their own sh@t. I expect Andy will never put Yolanda in the hot seat. We also know that Erika came on as if she was Yo's BFF but was never mentioned before. We also see WoYo continuing to keep company with Brandi but never challenges her and frequently mentions that it's not her place to do so. She likes to hold certain women accountable but never seems to hold most others accountable for anything. Convenient.
  24. Yes, trying to insinuate that Kyle was a bad parent, because Brand isn't happy with her circumstances and her own behavior as a parent. As a result, she likes to chip away at women like Kyle that seem to have it together...so Brandi can make herself feel better because she's busy proving that they are F ups just like her. If Kyle doesn't want to talk about whether she used to smoke pot or not because she still has teens to raise, that's her business. Brandi's goal in life, IMO, is to hurt others because she has been hurt herself. Misery likes company. Brandi's justification is revenge or calling anyone who doesn't co-sign with her parenting/dating/lifestyle decisions a hypocrite.
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