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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Absolutely, agreed, she likely was exaggerating, like she does about everything! Also, if bringing up the baby crying was being "misinterpreted" and confused with her being upset about the other ladies laughing at her, then why did she mention that Meghan was "a 35...38 year old giraffe" with such venom? That was said with Dis. Gust. She was clearly being mean spirited towards Meghan. Ferberizing works...and that's IF the baby was really even crying that long... This makes me laugh thinking of one of the funniest episodes of Modern Family. Cameron is having a hard time implementing the Ferber method on Lilly, which was Mitchell's idea...too funny! It made Cam sympathy cry...:)
  2. Right?! Duh! Can you imagine Peggy working for Jeff Lewis during Monroe's first year?! Now I wish Peggy was invited back to WWHL and paired with Jeff! Let his snarkfest on her be our reward for tolerating her this season...
  3. I hope Lydia/Peggy ease up and Vicki keeps her mouth shut when Shannon starts talking about the split. Clearly, Peggy/Lydia came in hot with the purpose of defending Vicki's honor and gaslighting Shannon. The constant harping on how Vicki/Tamra must repair their friendship as if the world will cease turning if they are not friends, why?! I am just repulsed by Vicki and how she seems to believe that Eddie and David's past must be revealed because they are on a reality show is BS. Anyone that focused on revenge/getting even because someone just doesn't want to remain friends is not a good person. What kind of strategy is it to threaten/reveal secrets in order to win over a friend? What amazes me even more is her fan club. The obsession with uniting Tamra/Vicki...why? Vicki needs to go, she's toxic. I can't imagine wanting to associate with that woman.
  4. Well, I can be juvenile when applicable, I like to call her Icky...another poster coined that a while back!
  5. Cary, Cary, Cary...Why am I not shocked to think there were shady moves on your part to snag your husband? (Mark? Ick. But whatever.) Here's some advice. If you play with a married man, and end up wife #3, don't irritate the gossips in town. Do whatever you can to avoid conflict! If she stayed cool, calm and collected and does have skeletons in her closet, your life would be easier. Don't throw shade, especially if you have something to hide. Is it right that Leeann (and their wierd, wealthy friend, Heidi? was that her name?) and whoever else in town gossips about you? Absolutely not. It's juvenile. This is not in Leeann or Brandy's defense, but geez, don't give anyone red meat. If Cary was his nanny, or his simply his nurse and Mark stepped out on his wife, there's going to be heat. If she lived in my town, I would have a hard time being buds with Cary. We all do dumb things and make mistakes, some big ones, so move on, keep your chin up and mind your own business. Eventually everyone will stay out of your business and maybe even like you!!
  6. Everything on a reality show may not be as it appears...who knows what the editing monkeys have done here, just like they mess around with timelines as well as with the audio so that it doesn't always match the video. With that said, I agree that Brandy's kids "appear" bratty. Maybe Bravo shows us their worst moments, I would not be surprised by that, but they do seem to have a lack of standard discipline. That's my impression as well. I am on the fence with Brandy. She can be really fun, and her impressions are pretty good. Sometimes Stephanie and her add comic relief. However, they often go too far and act like they have no boundaries. (Typically, people that lack boundaries have kids that act up because they are raised without them...but that's speculation on my part.) The antics are often juvenile and resemble those of 7 year olds, not 37 year olds. The dildo joke was silly and lighthearted, but then she pushed it too far and I can see why it bothered some of the ladies. I do think Brandi appears to be a good person but may be going through some depression as other posters have previously stated. Maybe from her marriage troubles or the sadness with her grandparents issues?
  7. ITA. I really liked Lydia back then, thinking she didn't know that agreeing to go on this show at that time was like an innocent Bambi walking into the lions den...until we saw her true colors turning her back on her friend Alexis. Tamra was so toxic (before her real??/fake baptism) and to watch Lydia dump Alexis to gain entry to the inner circle AKA Satans circle was so disappointing to me. Watching her spar with Heather showed a whole new side to Lydia. I still think she could be sweet and kind, because I think her mother is actually like that, but she went into this season knowing her job was to be on team Vicki. She was gaslighting Shannon from day one. The look on Lydia's face says it all. All in the name of promoting her magazine. Lydia, did you sell your soul to the Devil?!! I agree with most here, the flailing arms and the cutting the balls schtick is getting old.
  8. Just checked out Ramona's (and other real housewives) Instagram posts... She posted a nice remembrance post on 9/11 as well as one for protection for FL from Irma. Every other comment from the peanut gallery is nitpicking and critical of something...It's exhausting. There's a lot of trolls out there just waiting to pounce and pick at everything. These women could post a picture of a flower and someone would comment that it shouldn't have be picked just so a selfish human can look at it...or why didn't you pick a different flower? Why pick roses, do you hate tulips? You are killing bees because you picked a flower... Yikes.
  9. Ricky and Gretchen are quite the tag team. Gretchen has been itching to take down Tamra forever. While I think Tamra was nasty to Gretchen, it doesn't excuse this crazy quest for revenge/vendetta that Gretchen has been waiting to seek on Tamra since Gretchen was released from RHOC. Do these people ever let anything go? (Disclaimer: I'm in no way defending any of the past, vile behavior, ever!) The last time I recall seeing Ricky with Tamra was perhaps her bridal shower, I think...? Or, was that Ava's baby shower?? I remember he was there, all those seasons hanging on in the background, then poof, gone. I'm wondering if their falling out came around the time of Tamra's baptism? Gretchen and Vicki were trying to get Gretchen back on the show. My thoughts are that Vicki thought a team of Kelly, Gretchen and Lizzie would be on the show and they would outnumber Tamra and Shannon. Ricky was also trying to get Shannon to turn on Tamra when he met her a couple of years ago. Looks like he was banking on a RHOC comeback for Gretchen so he could secure his old sidekick gig. Does anyone know why these women can't just grow up and move on? This is very high school. Vicki does like to emphasize her need to punish the women who are no longer her friends, so there's that...
  10. Bethenny could eradicate world hunger and people would be focused on how she only did it in order to look good, and ignore that she has a solution to ending world hunger! Who cares what her motives are if the work is getting done? Why do we always question one but don't investigate the other? I don't understand the Bethenny hate... I'm not a huge fan, I could take her or leave her...but I think the world is a better place, when more people, just like Bethenny, take the initiative to help others. How is this bad? Kudos to B.
  11. Oh. My. Gawd. Perfect assessment...What a blast from the past, The Barbara Mandrell Show! Brilliant. I agree, they looked the best, IMHO. Carole usually picks the strangest reunion looks, this was the first dress I've liked for her and she also has a better gown than most of them. Making up for the hideous dresses she used to subject us to, thank you Carole. :)
  12. I am still aggravated that Bravo asked Vicki to return. I'm convinced they did this because she's so easy to ridicule from the peanut gallery/couch. Her lack of of any true awareness as to why she lost Heather, Megan, Shannon and Tamra is so telling... Saying your sorry, when you were just saying it to move on, without truly comprehending or acknowledging why they are upset with her speaks volumes about her ability to self assess the situation. Then, to continually dismiss them, call them names, make fun of shannons weight, to repeat and pretend that she's concerned and worried for Shannon's safety, to say the Eddie talk is just repeating rumors, all while being recorded on national television, and talking about them the way she did behind their backs is just crazy. (Hello, Vicki, your weight was up a couple of seasons ago, you talked about and it looks like the weight you lost is coming back...and then her daughter...wonder how she feels about Vicki ridiculing weight gain) How she turns herself into the victim is beyond me. She says she's the popular girl, they need to apologize to her, and they need to be punished for not wanting to stay friends?!! Wow!! She sounded like a witch when she was sitting on the couch and said something like, "we will let it happen...(pause) naturally..." with the tone of voice of a Queen holding court, while raising her arms. She truly believes she's the OG/Queen and they should grovel. Tamra and Shannon not wanting to remain buds with Vicki is not anything like the situation with Jill on RHONY. T/S are not refusing to film with her, and they did not tell Peggy/Lydia/Megan to freeze Vicki out. Disclaimer: This post in no way is dismissing the part they ALL played to a certain extent in the fighting, I'm just addressing Vicki's delusions in this post.
  13. I know, right? I feel like I'm on a message board called Punked.
  14. As opposed to trendy, tacky or fugly, like the outfit Vicki was fawning over and purchased for Aspen.
  15. What a blast from the past! This reminds me of the tacky clothes that they favored in the earlier seasons...Heather brought real fashion to the OC, which helped! I agree with someone that recently posted that Tamra looks best in more relaxed outfits like her gym clothes.
  16. I know there's no love lost between Tamra & Gretchen, but after all these years, why is she getting involved by posting on Sidney Barney's Facebook page? Her Twitter page is full of Gretchen snarking and her fans piping in? It's kind of crazy. Tamra responded to her, and now Gretchen and her fans are yapping away...It reminds me of the nasty fights they used to have where they were equally guilty, but why out of the blue is she getting involved? This is in no way a post defending Tamra, just not sure what Gretchen is doing getting into a social media brawl at this point?
  17. I agree. At first glance, Vicki seemed harmless, but she was such a ridiculous person she WAS fun to watch. Her mean side was not pleasant and it was brought out front and center when she partnered up with Tamra. She was also mean to Lynn when she was the new girl. She started ripping on the other ladies behind their backs, Laurie, then Jeanna and when she was awful to Jeanna who was her friend, we saw the true Vicki G colors come out. Jeanna made the mistake of being friends with Simon and Vicki was still mad at her over a real estate deal. She was nasty toward Don, and she could also be rude to her own mother. We had to endure the Vicki/Tamra team vs Gretchen/Slade fights. She couldn't stand Alexis, until she started to feel iced out by Tamra/Heather. Next, was picking on Lizzie. Her relationship with Megan didn't go too well either. Her selection of Brooks as a boyfriend and her unwillingness to leave him over time, knowing he was not who she thought she was, tells me a great deal about Vicki. She had no choice but to be nice to Kelly and new Peggy if she wanted any screen time. Let's not forget her frequent snarking about how she works, damn it...therefore you are a sad excuse for a woman if you don't work outside the home...(but I secretly wish I had a wealthy sugar daddy so I could live a life of leisure!)
  18. I'm stunned...not surprised they would split, but just blown away by how quick it was!!! Well, another lesson learned: Sometimes (just like with Beth assuming people are jealous) people are actually trying to be good friends when they warn you about your fiancé tomcatting around on you. They tried hard to warn Lu and she blew them all off, with her delusional thought that they just wanted what she had with Tom. Most of those ladies saw the red flags but Lu ignored them and buried her head in the sand to get married in Palm Beach... Hope she treads very carefully the next time. IMO, Ramona, Bethenny, Dorinda, Carole, and kind of Sonja (I think she was just annoyed that Lu was getting married and she wasn't) were actually being genuine with their warnings, although I know most of you may not agree with that statement.
  19. Sorry! I wrote my comments before I saw your post!
  20. I'm stunned...not surprised they would split, but just blown away by how quick it was!!! Well, another lesson learned: Sometimes (just like with Beth assuming people are jealous) people are actually trying to be good friends when they warn you about your fiancé tomcatting around on you. They tried hard to warn Lu and she blew them all off, with her delusional thought that they just wanted what she had with Tom. Most of those ladies saw the red flags but Lu ignored them and buried her head in the sand to get married in Palm Beach... Hope she treads very carefully the next time.
  21. No worries! It's just odd because it never happened to me before and twice in one week...;(
  22. Yikes, I was misquoted again, just to clarify.... Second time this week, but the other time wasn't you! FYI, I never made that comment! I know the difference between the two! xo
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