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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I haven’t seen the specific episode of MDLLA, but the adverts look like Dorit/PK are on the show...are they pretending to sell this home that is owned by Nazarian? Are they shown house hunting? Wasn’t their current residence remodeled? I’m missing something, do you know the full scoop KFB? Why would anyone believe Dorit about the dog when it’s obvious she’s a poser?!
  2. I know, right?! From what I googled in 5 minutes, I found the claim on unpaid loans for Beverly Beach, PK owed even more major cash years ago, claimed bankruptcy in the U.K., as well as over $2 million to the Bellagio. What else are you hiding Dorit? Accountability coach Teddi was on to Dorit last year, but now she’s going to think this is cool because of her anger with LVP? What I likeD about Teddi last season was her authenticity and not being like the others. So much for that!! Also Erika’s been in the news as her and her husband seem to owe big money as well. What’s going on there Mrs. Girardi? Yet we are to believe LVP being bitchy is THE problem for these ladies? Distraction much?!
  3. KFB I’ve seen a videoclip of a woman with an English accent yelling at Dorit to pay her friend back. She was with Rinna at the time. (Dosodog just posted it, I see!) The video was taken by a woman who claims she’s best friends with someone named Ryan who financed Beverly Beach by Dorit. You can find her on Twitter, @JasmineLennard, her moniker is Queen of the Damned. She claims the Kemsley’s never paid her friend back, it was either $200/$300,000. This is separate from any of the other debts. Didn't Dorit claim last season she had to change the name of her swimwear and mumbled away an explanation?
  4. Charming, you nailed it! It’s all a front and LVP has her number and Rinna knows it, therefore, she must freeze out LVP. You are spot on, she’s a textbook case of a hypocrite. She probably thought it was ‘empowering’ to watch those YouTube videos with Amelia, shoveling in pizza, and she wants you to be impressed when you know damn well she’s not eating any of those carbs! She made it clear she wanted out of chub chub town. Nothing wrong with moving on from the home town, achieving your dreams/goals but the shade was mean and strong.
  5. Absolutely sign on to your post! I love these “filler” episodes BTW as I prefer seeing their day to day and closet porn over dinner/gang up/arguments. I would watch just LVP doing her thing everyday. With one or two other rich bitches going shopping 24/7. What else is there to see in her closet? The drama is Andy/Bravo preferred behavior. SatanAndy lives for it. I think RHONY has the best balance of the individual and group outings and is more of a pleasure to watch these days.
  6. Here’s the thing though, if someone jabs at you in the guise of jokes and you never say that it hurts your feelings/stand up yourself and instead ignore it, you are giving that friend approval to continue the behavior. If LVP is hurting your feelings, address it immediately or take her aside for a private convo immediately after to nip it in the bud. If you don’t like it, say something or don’t and deal. i have a sibling that sometimes goes too far with anyone over everything. He’s very sarcastic and intelligent, often does not realize his comments are kind of mean if you don’t measure up or conform. When his friend says something he apologizes straight away. Often he talks over their head and doesn’t see it, he thinks they are on his level. Drives me crazy but he’s a genuinely good person with a kind heart deep inside that he protects. I see this in action with others and if anyone of my friends pulled the snide comments I would confront them head on, no BS. Dorit is the one who says in her confessional that you just brush things off in Beverly Hills, that’s the way it is there. Why? Is there some unwritten rule? If people behave that way and you stay in their company, didn’t you make a choice to accept that reality? LVP was definitely very obvious with her snark in this instance, is she losing her touch or is she too fed up over the dog situation to forgive Dorit? At a certain age, and given the personal issues/stress she’s under, LVP is not as crafty and no longer gives a F what Dorit or any of the other ladies think anymore. She’s over it. She’s becoming Maxine! If LVP returns next year, Andy should let her bring on a housewife that is a real, genuine friend to partner up with...Kyle is too needy and sensitive to be that person.
  7. I was being sarcastic, of course!! 😂😉😎 It’s Beverly Hills baby, Shi, shi, shi or whatever the party planner says! I would feel bad for their anxiety issues over appearance if they weren’t all there to make money off modeling/acting, ie appearance. The pressure they all complain about is self inflicted. Move to a cute little town on the ocean or a lake and age gracefully and without fear. (An image of Katherine Hepburn comes to mind) Leave it all behind ladies, enjoy your families and money and find your own Golden Pond.
  8. One thing I appreciated about the so called pastry party was all the ladies were actually dressed down...could have been mistaken for friends at my own pastry party. (Except Rinna, of course, in her hideous blouse) Once again we see Rinna enjoying any negativity in the direction of LVP. Ditto all the love for at least one of these ladies, Erika, eating some food. I prefer to eat, not drink, my calories! Unfortunately Mikey made an appearance this season, bringing all his fashion malpractice back to our screens. Why? Why? Ugh. I agree with Teddy, Nicolette left Hamlin for the Bolton ponytail? Another mystery...after seeing a photo of a young Dorit I’m amazed at how ladies in Beverly Hills all look better in middle age than their youth...where else on Earth does that happen, this reverse attractiveness and aging?!! The two that looked better young were the Lisa’s...LVP was naturally beautiful from the start. Rinna looked better before the signature haircut and duck lips. The rest? They all made deals with the Devil.
  9. This! He’s always disheveled. Here’s the thing...PK and Dorit seem like grifters to me. House of cards, they are both as fake as can be... How many times have they been sued for lack of payment? Who has the scoop in total since Dorit has been on the show?
  10. Denise was a Bond girl! Perhaps not the most memorable Bond girl, but that’s pretty cool. 😎
  11. You’ve got that right, that bulb is dim... I think Gina is terrible out of place in the OC. Ugh. I want fancy pants or some other OC rich bitch in charge to give Tammy Sue a run for her money. Emily is on to something, but I don’t think she has what it takes to dethrone Tamra. I loved Kelly saying in an interview that she wanted Heather back because “I can’t stand her” therefore she would be good for the show. Excellent observation Kelly, you are growing on me!
  12. I liked this back in November and just reread this post BUT I just had to bring it back from the past! Marvelous post Mu Shu! You nailed Tammy Sue like you could even be a notch on her bed post! Spot on.
  13. I’m terrible at posting/copying/pasting/links...or I would add the video...Lisa Rinna never stops trying to be the center of attention. If you watched any of the Instagram stories there were a few ladies on the tables dancing but Rinna took it to a whole different level. It’s a baby shower not a Vegas bachelorette party! She is next level embarrassing IMO. I think she has ruined RHOBH. I’ll take LVP with her snark and shade any day over Rinna. Ugh. The video posted above of her is tame, you don’t see any of her special “moves” that I’m referring to...
  14. Thank you ZM, I thought I had lost all my memory (or my mind!) with some posters saying that an afro is not a representation Diana Ross. I thought I remembered her changing up her look often, but I know she did wear her hair that way. I think of her supremes look and then the 80s Diana. I don’t remember, but I recall Mahogany was around that time, that’s what I associate with her look at the time. (Or that time frame...) Many famous entertainers/actors have changed their looks over the years. I still think of early Elton John, understated, then his whacky outfits...younger people may only know him in his track outfits/oversized jackets/leisure wear style of recent years. It’s a Halloween costume, not a period piece or Broadway costume. I can’t identify most people’s attempts of looking like someone else on Halloween, because you usually need an SNL costume designer to rescue you (ahem Dorinda) to create a costume that actually resembles someone famous, that accomplishes the look you are going for... I do agree with the poster who said she would have made a better Cher.
  15. She didn’t call anyONE a weirdo or an oddball. She was saying IT felt weird. She wasn’t insulting a person, she was just using a word to describe the situation in exasperation.
  16. It’s funny watching them let their hair down once the “work day” was over. While the wedgy pulling is not my cup of tea, they were just being silly and it was nice to see them relaxed and enjoying themselves for a moment. I’m one of the few viewers that prefer the “boring” filming that just reveals a glimpse into their real life, not concocted storylines. I see people comment about a housewife show being boring, when the ladies are getting along and I don’t get it. I prefer to see them laughing not sniping. Who wants to watch the negative, made up cat fights? I figure if you want cat fights, watch a show on MTV or watch Jerry Springer.
  17. I am not sure how the use of the word weird is offensive. I think it’s commonly used in a similar way to using the word odd. Teddi meant weird as in an odd situation. She wasn’t over analyzing what happened in that moment. Words are interchangeable and have multiple meanings. Weird, to me, is often used to replace odd/strange. People use the words sick and nasty, for example, in a positive way, even though they were words reserved in a negative connotation before the 21st century.
  18. I am sooooo tired of Mikey. Does she not have any other assistants or friends to take his place? His advice is terrible and his fashion sense is atrocious.
  19. Which is it Siggy? I thought you hated being an Israeli and that’s why you left your parents (and were “abandoned”) to come back to the States and did not serve in the Israeli military?!! I thought Siggy preferred representing Jersey?!
  20. It’s a beautiful home, before, before and hopefully the latest after, it has good bones! The yard is gorgeous. It will be fun to see Kyle’s updates...although she mentions she wanted Faye to help her...:(
  21. It's hard to believe that's the same woman! I know people change as they age and she had the nose job...but even after the surgery she barely resembles the Peggy we see on RHOC. She's redone!
  22. I may have missed it if another poster has already pointed this out, when Andy asked Vicki if she & Shannon could ever be friends again, did you notice how she answered?! "I mean, if Shannon wants to hang out in OUR circle, I would hope that we could move on..." Our circle? What circle? What is she talking about?
  23. Exactly. That's my idea of what these shows are about...a peek inside their lives...behind the gates. What will we find? Alexis was perfect for this show. Beautiful, materialistic, shallow, but not mean spirited...kind of like the reformed Camille Grammar, with less cash. I have to wonder if both Alexis and Heather feel some level of validation that Lydia was outed as a Faux friend whisperer this season? They both had her number in season 8. I've always looked at Lydia with a side eye since Tamra's gym opening dinner. Lydia dumped Alexis to hang with the "cool (cough) girls" Vicki & Tamra. I want fun snark, not nasty snark. Yes, Shannon was a downer. Instead of taking the time to help, Lydia treated Shannon like unwanted baggage. RHNYC went through a slump, yet last year NY was so much fun. I don't think OC is done yet...they can turn it around with a couple of new women. I wouldn't mind Heather back if they brought on one of her snobby friends!
  24. Lydia keeps digging in on the Shannon is off her rocker narrative. In the preview we see her tell Peggy that she's lying about the David/Diko cancer conversation. What is Lydia's deal with Shannon? She shows no compassion for a Christian...
  25. It's public again! She must have been getting some nasty comments. If that's true, Andy really is Satan Andy!
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