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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Yes! She has great style! I liked her sweater at that dinner too. Anyone??
  2. That's true, you are right, MCM, there have been other topics that have touched us posters/viewers personally. For me, this speaks to what our personal preferences are as to what we see on these shows. I'm more of the old school housewives style of just being an observer behind the gates...House and travel porn, hijinks, the more fun side vs. picking teams, constantly arguing and getting into real stuff. This is why I like watching them doing silly things. Life gets too deep, and I don't want to take on their dark issues, just the fun stuff. Bring on more Frederick selling their posh pads and Hampton retreats, it's why I don't mind Bethenny's snark. I just want to be entertained.
  3. No, not literally, but to have conjured up that thought in her brain to joke about was ridiculous IMO. No, I don't think she wants Hannah to do that, but then stop getting all worked up over something that is not going to really happen. Dorinda gets nutty and goes on a rant every now and then and IMO this was yet another example. Looks like she's going to behave the same way with Sonja next... I actually like Dorinda, I think she can be fun and reasonable at times, but often she becomes unglued. yes, Aviva was ridiculous, but that doesn't absolve Carole of any of her nasty behavior. Carole can be so cool, and really funny, just like Dorinda, but again IMO sometimes is a snotty bitch.
  4. That's why I am not thrilled at all that we will see too much reality with regards to the election this episode, last episode and the next...We will have to once again experience real life chaos instead of manufactured or silly housewife chaos. I could feel the anxiety coming through the screen watching Ramona & Carole argue and Dorinda and Carole working themselves up. It was a very negative experience and it's coming back into our living rooms. Whether we agree with these ladies or not, it was a divisive real life experience. We the viewers have passively watched these people fight about superficial issues like horrible revolving boyfriends, competing products, stealing dresses and such frivolity over the years, not much that intersects with our real lives. This is different, it drags us into their squabbles. Once was enough. Thanks Carole.
  5. I mentioned not judging a few posts back, but I didn't explain my point very well. My apologies if I offended anyone. If we couldn't snark on here, then what's the point?! I like snark. I meant to just point out that sometimes I agree that we sometimes misjudge these people based on our own bias not on what is actually happening on the screen. Be it, very edited and crafted by producers to look one way even if that's not what happened in real time. I think we are all entitled to our humble opinions, judge away!!
  6. I understand she was using hyperbole, that's the point I was making, be it sloppy...I don't need hyperbole explained to me... Dorinda was being flip and in my opinion, she was all worked up, and that sounded irrational to me because I truly believe that she believes what she was saying even though she was being sarcastic. If Ramona was talking to Carole and using hyperbole about what would happen with Bill Clinton being back there in the WH, and sarcastically discussing how she would need to hide Avery, because God forbid Avery or her sorority sisters are assigned to aid the First Husband, Carole would be offended. She wouldn't like that joke at all. She likely would have had another talking head about how she can talk to Dorinda because she's so informed but just can't with Ramona and also bash Ramona for reading fake news. She doesn't open her mind to someone who doesn't agree with her on politics. IMHO it's irrational for Dorinda to joke about something like that just because she thought it was so outrageous for Clinton to lose to someone like Trump. It's Dorinda's right to say and think anything and feel anything but in comparison, that's ok, but when Ramona is asked about it and she mentions news articles and emails, Carole immediately became defensive. It's also my right to label her as bring irrational on the subject. Even Bethenny, her BFF on the show is telling Carole to ease up and calm it down. Bethenny has now mentioned this multiple times. And yes, Bethenny has a mean streak, but that doesn't mean she is wrong with her assessment on Carol's election fever. Carole can be an exclusive mean girl, we have seen it before, mainly towards Aviva. Ramona was also acting strange that night towards Bethenny. I do think she was trying to warn her but at the same time, she seem unglued at that dinner. Exactly what I saw, Dorinda was taking this personally, that was obvious to me.
  7. Valid point? She sounded crazy and Carole was nodding along to the hysteria. I listened to it more than once, she made it sound like her daughter should just give it up to any a@@hole. Considering how rude John has been, I am not so sure Dorinda has a choir boy for a boyfriend herself.
  8. This is actually why I like this show with both Bethenny & Ramona. There are lots of people in the world that say things that show both kindness or rudeness to others, and at the same time, we are surprised when they agree with each other...I felt the same way about Brandi and Tamra Barney. They both have some evil intent coursing through their veins, but no one is all bad. (With few exceptions...Okay, Satan...) People can contradict our preconceived notions. R and B are both often rude, but I do agree with you and I think that Bethenny has some of the best jokes and one liners on this show, regardless of her evilness. Just because I don't always like her, or her character 24/7, doesn't mean everything she says/does gets on my nerves. Same with the Ramona coaster. She's clearly unfiltered, but I agree with previous posters who says that Ramona usually nails the truth in those situations. Carole annoys the heck out of me with her snobbiness but she's made me laugh several times over the years and sometimes I like some of the things she says, when she's interesting on occasion! Most people in real life and the people on these shows are not one dimensional and I don't think it's right to put most people in a box. I like Carole most of the time, but she is the must presumptuous of them all. She's had some great thoughts as well as one liners. However, She puts people that are not on the same side of the aisle in a box, closes the box and wraps it up...and gives no consideration for them to not fit her stereotype of them. In her own words, "I'm inclusive, my election party is bipartisan, everyone is invited...sort of..." wink, wink. But really only if you agree with her thoughts on politics because you are obviously not informed if you don't. Dorinda is fun too, but really, what she said to Carole about telling Hannah to just strip if Clinton loses?! What in holy hell was she thinking? I bet Carole thinks Dorinda is informed even though she sounded irrational at that table. That doesn't mean I will never listen to anything Carole says in the future with an open mind but I do have no use for people that are so stuck on certain subjects. It's like a child that isn't worldly enough to understand anything he/she hasn't experienced yet beyond their home, is still possible. Honestly, I think that's what this show (all housewives shows) does...it helps you see both sides of the stories from each ladies point of view. Since we don't them personally, you can be fairly objective...If you can't, you might want to examine how you judge others...
  9. I don't remember on the shoes, but I believe Rinna's dress is Victoria Beckham...she's worn her dress before...I think an off white reunion dress. I do like the way Rinna dresses, but I don't like her own fashion line!
  10. And...let's not forget about Rinna prepping by the bar at Kyle's house and joking with Erika about giving Kim the bunny. Rinna, if she wants to get into intent, didn't appear to be all that sincere before she made her move and the token bunny gesture with Kim on the patio. Rinna's expressions later that evening betrayed her pretend good intentions IMHO. part 2 was just a scream fest of accusations and deflections from the left couch, all talking over each other to defend each other against the dastardly Kemsleys & Vanderpump. Andy sitting back and giggling from the sideline...speaking of a sniper from the sidelines. I felt like they were on a roll with the real intention of driving LVP & friends off the show.
  11. OMG thank you Charming, I feel validated now blaming Brandi for this mess! I knew it. Bahahaha! Seriously, that's exactly what would happen, one or two treated special, given the victimization-benefit of the doubt treatment with Andy while going hard on the minor infractions of the other ladies. Grrrrrrrr.
  12. I'm still aggravated by this whole couch vs couch set up. It's so not Beverly Hills or New York...and too much like the RHOC or real housewives franchise formula. I blame Brandi...just because... I definitely feel a carry over from Erika-Eileen-Yolanda into this season of Erika-Eileen-Rinna vs everyone else. I like how Erika opened up a bit and warmed up to Kyle and got along with LVP, but still insists on some distance, so she will never relax and just be one of the girls. Erika's lack of humor is also to blame, she takes herself too seriously for this show. I too am annoyed that some of the hijinks, like Eileen & Rinna's escaping reunion accountability while the hot seat has been reserved for the Kemsleys. It was a gang up in Hong Kong and the left couch only blame Dorit & PK. The blame of bad behavior should be assigned to each of these participants yet somehow some (our left couch) are skating away from any ownership of their part in the pot stirring all season. It does appear to be an effort to take out the right couch. Erika is embarrassed, and Erika, Eileen & Rinna have gone scorched Earth. I think Erika would be a cool girl, not as Erika Jayne and her sidekicks, but ironically IMO if she would focus on us getting to know the real Erika Girardi.
  13. I could be wrong, but I thought someone said midtown before. I've definitely walked by that block before and realized it was her place, but I'm only in NYC a few times a year to visit, I've never lived there permanently.
  14. Yes, she does resemble Dina Lohan, good comparison KFB.
  15. Great points MCM. You are right, they do talk about lots of things we don't want to hear! I just can't take any more politics...and I don't care about carefully crafted storylines either...I want some fun and cattiness, gossip, house and travel porn, and shopping trips. When they go in too deep, you are going to aggravate and alienate people. Just like when they get hit too hard and mean, it's not fun to watch. I agree, the first seasons were so much more genuine and real life-ish. Season 1 of NY & OC were good.
  16. Yessssss! Jeff Lewis! Thank you. Can you imagine? Can you imagine working for Jeff Lewis?! As a moderator, that would be must see tv. My only beef with Jeff is that he might not be tough enough on Vicki G. He seems to give her too much slack. I would love to see Jeff moderate RHOA, NY and NJ.
  17. Do you really want to see actual policy debates on the real housewives shows? I watch Bravo to escape reality, and I sure as heck don't give a damn what any of these ladies think about politics, or what luxury car gets the best gas mileage or which grocery store carries the finest organic goji berry supplements in Manhattan. Aviva was annoying enough with her preachy anti Diet Coke, you will die if you drink that, persona, in one of her first appearances on this show. It's about as much fun as a wet blanket. There's a time and a place but in the last decade or so, social decorum has gone the way of the Dodo bird because of social media and lack of boundaries day to day. I don't give a flying fig if Carole is more in tune than Ramona on the election. She brought it up at least twice now and Bethenny and Ramona told her to drop it. What's next, a debate on religion? Should the next episode be a debate on the best affordable health care design? Bravo and HGTV keeps me sane after reading and watching the news the majority of the time. We all know that Carole thinks highly of herself and now she's proving it once and for all, that she's a sanctimonious b@tch to seal the deal. Yes, we know, Carole smart, Ramona dumb.
  18. See, that's the thing, Rinna shot off an eye roll or a dirty look that Kim did catch. I'll have to rewatch, I do remember a look, but if she didn't make a face in the first place, she wouldn't have reacted...I'm not saying the reaction was necessary, but the problem with Rinna is sh can't help herself but to do those things. That was crazy town! But...Theresa & Danielle were both out of their minds...Andy probably enjoyed it though, right?!! Maybe we need Wendy Williams or Dr Phil?
  19. How many times at the reunions for all these real housewives shows have we all wanted to shake Andy Cohen?! For some crazy reason, I like Andy, well...I have a love/hate thing for him, but he's a terrible moderator. Grrrrr. We should have a contest to come up with the best reunion moderator for Bravo to fill in for Andy on occasion. Too sad for us, it won't be Joan Rivers, but how about the snarky blogger from Trash Talk tv? Now, no one would be snoozing!! Kenya? Tamra? Bethenny? Someone to cut to the chase?
  20. True, good points. I love Ashley Abbott on The Young and the Restless, I used to watch her during the 80s soap glory days and so looked forward to her and Vincent being on this show. I'm so disappointed in the way she blindly supports Rinna. She was also easy on Erika but quick to turn on the others. I wish we would see more of her and her soap/Malibu/Burbank friends, beyond Erika's role, although that part was fun to watch. It is clearly Team Davidson/Girardi/Rinna, ride or die with Lisa Rinna. Rinna is a mean girl for the storyline/drama just like Brandi, but smoother around the edges than Brandi. Let's see more Harry and less Rinna!! Come on Kim, inquiring minds want the scoop...
  21. Bethenny can hire anybody she wants...not sure why anyone thinks it's their business to criticize her...for the most part she's hired women. What would be fair game is if she mistreats her employees on this show, then we can trash talk. I think she had some arrows slung at her in the earlier days of skinny girl. They were employees, personal assistants, dog walkers and therapists all rolled into one! Was it her wedding coordinator or skinny girl employee that helped her tinkle on her wedding day?! See, she and Sonja do have some things in common, but at least Bethenny pays better than Sonja.
  22. It did seem to be a couch vs couch on reunion episode 1. Beverly Hills has not typically been split down the middle like this, which has been more common on some of the other shows, especially RHOC. I don't know why, but usually there's not an obvious dividing line of revolving teams on Bev Hills. Yes, they have had pairs and rotating alliances over the years, but this seems to out in the open us vs. them. Rinna & Davidson have been a team for 3 seasons and now they brought in Erika to replace Yolanda. It feels like they are going all Tamra Barney-ish, determined to take out Dorit and/or LVP. Eden was used and is just collateral damage...
  23. I find a bit of truth in what you said, and also agree to Zoeymom's comments as well...I go back and forth on Kim all the time. While she can be nutty, Rinna is not sincere IMHO, with her intentions towards Kim or she would just stop making comments. It was Rinna that egged her on at Kyle's house that first night. On the other hand, it's true, people that support Kim, or support Kyle by keeping their lips zipped around Kim, do appear to be walking on eggshells. Remember Kyle telling LVP to pick a lane long after LVP and Kim have repaired their friendship? That scene seemed odd and jarring, I was thinking editing may be the explanation for Kyle being quick to shut LVP down...
  24. Right, most people would not say something like that regarding political talk...because they know better. Ramona says stupid things out loud, all the time, but again that doesn't mean she is victim to fake news. It doesn't mean she doesn't check out multiple sources of news. Stop assuming. Carole is just like far too many trolls out there that make assumptions based on snippets of what someone says...is she psychic? Do we know that Carole reads anything outside of ABC news and HuffPo anymore than the others? Sh@t, what happened to housewives being an escape from reality?!! Ugh. The issue with Carole, is she is assuming that's what Ramona has done. How does Carole know what Ramona knows? I bet Ramona is socially connected to people involved in politics in NYC, she's lived in the UES and the Hamptons for decades. I've mentioned in another post, I'm in politics very deep...worked for a national committee, state committee, governors, with individual Senate & Congressional candidates and worked at the policy wonk level. I've been invited and participated in several events at the White House. I don't discuss this with anyone beyond my political peers, husband, family and BFF for years. In mixed company?! Hell no, No way! I also have a background not involving politics so if someone asked me what I do, I mention my other career path. I try to stay neutral but in a crowd. When I'm at book club, a party, especially a daytime tea party, I'm not going there. So, the people that don't know me as well may think I'm ignorant on the subject, but does that make it so? If someone questions me and I don't want to argue, I change the subject just the way Ramona did at Sonja's. Carole didn't always get the right information either, because she was dead wrong regarding the ultimate outcome. Another words, in my book that makes her no more savvy than the Ramonacoaster. Her statements are now going to leave her with egg on her face. There were lots of people misled, of all political stripes, in this last election. You know, another poster mentioned tact, and learning how to read a room. Carole is not any better at this skill than any of these ladies! In fact, she's worse because she constantly points out their flaws and critiques the ladies for being ridiculous, yet she is one of the worst offenders on her social media accounts. Yikes, I've checked her Twitter and Instagram on occasion and it's worse than the majority of ALL the housewives across the entire franchise. I used to think Carole was laid back and cool, therefore with more polish than Ramona and Sonja, but she overexposed her real self this last year. Now I'm soured to her, wished I hadn't looked at her Twitter feed. You will be far more successful in life if you learn to not attack people that don't think like you 24/7. I like chocolate, you can prefer strawberry ice cream, I prefer the suburbs and you may prefer the city life, I like jazz and you love hip hop, am I stupid or ignorant, in your opinion, because we can't agree on our reasons for our different preferences? Does it always have to be a fight of who is right/informed or wrong/ignorant? Why do we always have to justify our opinions to the satisfaction of others? As Tamrat of RHOC yelled out, "Because that's my opinion!" F@@@ you if you don't like it. "Be cool, don't be like, all uncool." The Countess.
  25. Thank you! Carole is above all and makes far too many assumptions about everyone who doesn't think just like her...All she managed to accomplish was to aggravate and alienate other people in the room. There are lots of people who act like dingbats, Ramona, Sonja and Kelly B, for example, but do we really know what they are aware of and understand about what is going on in the world? Kelly acts like a raving lunatic yet graduated from Trinity, Columbia and is still working on an MBA. Being ditzy or eccentric doesn't automatically mean you are an idiot. Ramona worked hard for many years and has done well for herself pre and post Mario. To assume it's okay for Carole to walk over anyone with her truth because she believes the others are stupid to get it is just an a@@hole attitude and bitchy. So, she assumes Ramona is uninformed because her sources are fake news websites just because Ramona talks about men too much?! Ramona is old school and probably doesn't routinely talk politics in public. In fact, as many posters have pointed out, Carole is on a reality show herself, posting a@@ photos on Instagram. She's cashing in up high from her personal peanut gallery and she still thinks she knows everything because some of her buddies work in the journalism field? I've worked deep in politics for years and I never ASSume that because others have a different political philosophy that it's because they are ditzy, silly or uninformed, that would just mean I was a b@tch. You know, like the way Carole was behaving and even Bethenny of all people felt the need to tell her to stop. I could have cared less what any of these ladies thought of the candidates, and now Carole is behaving just like someone she dislikes, a snob, Aviva.
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