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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I disagree that there could be only 1 rational conclusion that she was talking about Nicole. The story about the incident did not come out the day of the game. I saw Shannon's tweet and after seeing the beginning of the reunion part 2 pile up on Vicki and what happened with those 2 in the finale, I assumed she was talking about Vicki. It never occurred to me it was Nicole. In fact, when I first read the tweet I didn't really think much about what she said at all. I was looking for tweets about the show.
  2. I didn't have much of an opinion about Meghan on that show. The ladies who owned/ran the consignment store seemed to like her. There was an episode where one of the owners had to discuss her skipping out of some promotional event at the last minute, with Meghan giving short notice that she wasn't going to be present when they needed most of the employees on deck. She was just the young salesgirl on the show. I thought it was odd that someone claiming to be employed as a profitable Pharma sales rep/background was in fact most recently employed by a consignment shop just prior to her gig on RHOC. It made me think by publicizing her guest shot on SYTTD and ignoring her role on another Reality show that it was done to make it seem like she didn't already have any designs to be a reality TV personality. Maybe it didn't seem she was authentic? That's the way I took it when she was suddenly cast on a show as a HW on OC when she barely lived there for a hot minute. The Style Network went off the air, along with it went Resale Royalty, Jerseylicious, Big Rich Texas, Tia and Tamara, Guiliana & Bill...
  3. This was a ridiculous incident. Shannon/David, friends have her version, Nicole/Reed have their side. I'm betting the truth is somewhere in between. There's never a darn unedited video to show us what actually took place at the game. The only thing that strikes me, is if people didn't do such stupid things, we wouldn't have any gossip for HW forum fodder.
  4. I don't think it was a big noteworthy incident and Shannon probably doesn't either. However, Reed and/or Nicole put out contradictory comments. Shannon was responding because she felt she was correcting the record. If she ignored it, most people would assume Shanon was the only aggressor and Nicole didn't react or reciprocate insults.
  5. Thanks Zoeysmom. I didn't quite catch the meaning of Nikki's comments about Cindy McMackin. I was just joking about Shannon. Yes, she's a bit nutty, perhaps somewhat eccentric. I like her quirkiness. I don't care what any of these ladies did before the show began. I did bring up Meghan's, ONLY because Bravo kept publicizing Meghan as already being on reality TV and mentioning Say Yes To The Dress, but Bravo and all other media were not mentioning she was on a full on reality show, Resale Royalty. It seemed as if they were trying to hide that job by mentioning her guest spot but not a whole season on a reality show. I thought that was odd.
  6. IslandGal, thanks for the laugh! I like the part about initiating a kickstarter fund. My original dream was that when we heard Jeana was coming on this season, was that she would be the spark that fired up the real retribution of Tamra Barney on screen. Jeana is just too nice to go that far, but I was hoping she had revealed some tidbit that would light the charge for someone else to carry out.
  7. Yes, they took advantage of what Vicki said, no doubt. I completely agree. I just think Vicki should have kept her mouth shut, plain and simple. She knows, she clearly doesn't want Brianna and Shannon talking about Brooks on camera. The majority of people know Tamra is her own worst enemy and is an idiot to have a sex party and wear next to nothing there. Vicki's comment about that, something we were ALL thinking, should have been kept to herself. When Vicki said Shannon deserved being cheated on, that really spoke volumes about her lack of feelings for anyone but number one. Look at how jealous she was when Laurie met George? Agree, Heather and Tamra are over dramatic.
  8. Absolutely! Tamra is a horrible human being. I truly hope she is sincere and has nothing but good intentions in her pursuit of Christianity. I want to cheer her on. Yes, another soldier for God. How can we not support that? It's just soooooo hard to believe given what she has shown us on our screens for 8 years. Her response to Alexis was not very warm to say the least. We shall see. With that said, and knowing the incredibly poor choices she makes, like the Sex party and her get up on TV, Vicki should not have said that on camera. We all know that Vicki feels strongly about not being filmed when it comes to touchy subjects. While clearly Vicki was stating the obvious about Tamra, a true friend would never have uttered those words on camera.
  9. Zoeysmom, what's this tidbit about Reed's sister?!This is the issue for Reed and his children. His wife had an affair with someone who participates on a reality show. If Nicole stepped out with some other Joe Schmo, while it may still be fodder for the OC Register given their position in the community, there wouldn't be the pursuit of the rag mags. She knowingly had an affair with someone on reality TV. DUH. Of course, vultures will be hoping to scoop some drama. This is the aftermath. Just like Brandi and Leann as another poster already mentioned up thread. This happened to Gretchen's boyfriends Jeff's family as well. If Eddie, Terry or Jim had an affair does everyone here think that we would not hear anything about the other woman? Does anyone think Tamrat wouldn't go after the other woman? Does anyone think women like Tamrat or Vicki would not insult the other woman if given the opportunity? Is it "fair" that they are subjected to this? I don't know. I typically have no empathy for married people that lie and cheat. Nicole and David are to blame. Shannon may be unglued but again, that's a chance you take in this type of dalliance. David is just luckier because Reed is private, in a high profile business in the OC, he wants it all to disappear and is not the one on TV. We don't know the whole truth. Yes, Shannon doesn't always handle these situations well. Huge understatement!! How do we know Nicole isn't needling Shannon? Unless you are an eyewitness to each situation it's hard to judge who the instigator is here. Maybe we don't hear about Shannon's early adulthood because she was locked up in a mental institution.
  10. Agreed! NO empathy for a cheater, Nicole or David. Nicole KNEW David and Shannon were on a reality show in their hometown. The reason why it is tabloid fodder is because their children are teammates, David was coach to a child of Nicole, Shannon was a fellow local mom, Nicole has friends in common with Heather Dubrow. The text at the luncheon from Nicole's friend is why Heather & Tamra found out who the other women was and Shannon just so happens to be on a reality show that features Heather along with other women in their area. The OC Register often does stories on the show, and of course tabloids were interested in the story. It's like Jim said that he was told, they can't edit what you don't say. If he refrained from saying jerky things, he would have come off more likable. If Nicole wasn't interested in David, her family would not have been subjected to this circus.
  11. Here's the thing. I don't think any sane person disagrees with your comments here. Shannon is high strung and needs to learn how to control her impulses, for sure! I have never been in Shannon's shoes. If that happened to me, I can't say I would be able to stay in control and taken the high road when in the vicinity of the other woman. I think I would have and continue to be the mature person, I certainly hope so, but can't say for sure. Shannon needs to pursue or continue with individual counseling. She would gain more from focusing on her emotional healing and spending less time with Dr. Moon. What I do think, is that Shannon feels that Nicole is needling her by planning to be around her physically in spite of Nicole's husband's statements that they both just want to be left alone. I'm sure Reed wants it all to stop and the conflict to end. Of course. But Nicole? Maybe it's Shannon's imagination. Maybe not. Since Nicole chatted Shannon up at the basketball games while pretending to be friendly with Shannon and having an affair with David, I would not be surprised if Nicole is purposely going places that she knows Shannon and David will be.
  12. Yes, Brianna was often seen as the voice of reason, many seasons ago. Andy said it often way back when! Our impression of Brianna took a sharp turn for the worst when she hooked up with Ryan, agreed. Since then, her decisions and actions have been questionable. In the early seasons Brianna was viewed as independent and ready to move away from Vicky as she became an adult. (just like Michael). When Vicky & Donn separated, Vicks hooked up with Brooks and Brianna married Ryan, we began to see that we were wrong, the Apple did not fall very far from the tree as we initially believed!
  13. I agree with you on this, Shannon needs to control herself. Absolutely. I'm sure David was embarrassed.Unfortunately for Nicole's husband, his wife had an affair with someone married to a reality show personality in their hometown. The blame rests with Nicole and David. I sympathize with Reed but the responsibility for the aftermath rests with his wife not Shannon in this situation.
  14. I absolutely agree Shannon's behavior here is messy. I agree the situation is messed up.I just didn't believe that Nicole was all innocent in this incident according to the anonymous source in the first E online account. We also have the sister of Shannon's friend at the game tweeting her support for Shannon's version. Shannon stated she started it by admitting what she said and did at the game. The only person Shannon needs to focus on forgiving is her husband. She doesn't owe Nicole anything. I do believe Shannon needs to stop engaging her or just not reacting. She should just ignore her. I'm just speculating: The only thing I can think as to why Shannon says when she questions Nicole being at the games...perhaps Nicole didn't regularly attend USC football games but started to when she and David had the affair? Another words, Nicole didn't care to be there at that venue until she hooked up with David? I don't think she's saying they have no right to be there but she's insinuating that Nicole's interest coincided with her relationship with David began? We know Shannon and David go frequently from Shannon's Twitter/Instagram feeds. We know they took photos from USC games with Tamra and Heather MacDonald before Shannon was on RHOC. Shannon also mentions that the McMackins joined a sports club that she and David belong to...I don't know the truth, just saying what Shannon is claiming. Perhaps Shannon believes that Nicole shows up at places where she knows David will be? Who knows.
  15. Me too!! There are other posters here that have shared similar sentiments. It's those spontaneous moments in life that bring us joy. They are also fun to watch too. I just wish Bravo would cut less of them out of the episodes. I think this group of ladies have the potential to be seen this way but the powers that be prefer the nasty stuff. I LOVED season one of NJ, when the ladies were shown just having fun and laughing. Okay, fine, have a table flip. Does that mean we must be subjected to the aftermath forever after? I know they say the drama is good for ratings, but too much darkness is not entertaining, it adds to my stress level instead of taking it away. We need more of a balance.
  16. Interesting, basically it is another E online story that's a rehash of the last anonymous source from the last E online article. So now we know that it was one of the McMackins because some of the quotes are the same. Yet, the accusatory quotes about Shannon being the aggressor are not included this time. So far, we have heard from Shannon and Reed. There is also a women Nikki Nysven on Twitter who says her brother was in Shannon's Instagram photo and her sister in law was texting Nikki during the game. She claims the original off the record source was not telling the truth and that the original report was false. (I may have to believe her because I read way back on her Twitter feed to look for clues and was surprised to discover she knows a friend of mine from the East coast, as more than just a Twitter friend. My friend is a well known TV personality/reporter.) I empathize with Reed McMackin and his family. Unfortunately for them, his wife chose to step out for a long term affair with the spouse of a reality tv participant and David was also featured on that show. Not only does that make Nicole a cheater with a lack of morals, but it shows her poor choices because obviously if the affair was discovered it was going to be fodder for the tabloids. It sounds like people are blaming Shannon for being on reality TV but Shannon wasn't the one that put a gun to Nicole's head to sleep with David. Nicole did continue to talk to Shannon at this time when Shannon was the aggrieved party. The blame of the ugly aftermath is the result of the consequences of having an affair not Shannon's TV job. The victims are Reed and Shannon. I have no, none, nada sympathy for David or Nicole. These are the consequences of their actions.
  17. Maybe that got that wrong too?? I thought David went to Michigan for his undergraduate degree but went to USC for graduate school?
  18. As usual, a whole lot of gossip and no video to show us who is telling the truth. Sounds like real housewives stories that were left on the cutting room floor! I did notice in the E article the reporter mentions David Beador and Nicole McMackin's husband were USC grads but leaves out that Shannon is a USC grad as well. They didn't use Reed's name either, Probably because he wasn't involved in the affair as the other innocent victim. It is strange they would quote him but just refer to him as the husband. My favorite is when they get the names or the different housewives confused. Regardless, I'm looking forward to the reunion episode tonight.
  19. Sorry, I rarely harp on a subject, but I have lived, years ago, and visited family for many years in Salem, MA. It is the location of several witch trials in the 17th century. Halloween is the worst time of year, to me, because a resident is inundated with lots of "interesting" visitors. It's like the circus coming to town. IMO, just mine. I'm a student of history and member of Phi Alpha Theta. Timely topic! When Tamra was discussing being dunked, the very first thing that came to my mind is the witch test. It tells us that if they have special powers they would float. The Witch trials water test process: The person was often bound by a rope or weighed down with rocks. If the person could float, they were pronounced a witch. If they sank, they were considered innocent. They were then supposed to pull the innocent from the water, but in most cases, because of the weight of the rocks, or if the rope was tied so they couldn't swim, they would drown. That's why it was lose/lose test. It was common for the innocent to drown because the officials didn't always rescue the person before it was too late. I was convinced Tamra would float but with the "Pasteur" there to hold her up the experiment was blown! I am in the camp that Tamra needs her orange retired and felt that way since her first season.
  20. That's a good illustration of a Do and a Don't! Mamie is Tamra! That Pamela Sue needs to tone it down. Good grief. Helen Mirren does it well. She looks spectacular. I'm going to use Tamra's screaming voice, "That's just my opinion!!" It's about these housewives and their bad judgment. I don't take other posters opinions personally and I hope others don't take mine personally. It's about intension. Just because we have different opinions doesn't make anyone here wrong. We are just discussing improving your look, thus the success of What Not To Wear. I do have a relative who disliked that show because she felt it took away the personalities of the participants and made them look like conformists. I happen to feel otherwise. No big deal. Vicki just needs to wear her size. Tamra looks like a tart way too often. It's too bad because she looks great when she sports her real estate agent look or in her work out gear. IMO, Vickii's reunion dress was just such a mistake. Hey, For the most part, Lisa VP, Kyle, Kim, Yo, Eileen, look so good as opposed to Carlton, Brandi, Kyle in moo moos. Remember how much better Yo looked when she changed her hairstyle?? I wanted to add, check out the RHONY. They are "Do's" almost all the time. They are spot on.
  21. Ok, not wanting to get into it here...Just my opinion.I'm 48. I have my own rules. We all should follow our own rules. But...I think we should all follow *some* of the standard fashion guidelines as the the years creep up. Clinton & Stacy of What Not To Wear have helped make America a better place, IMO!! I have an almost 24 year old & 20 year old daughters and the older one is my clone. Same face, same body type. It's obvious to me how aging changes you because I see my 24 year old self, side by side, I can see the differences, even if they are subtle. I'm slender, look younger than my age, evidenced by all the comments I get when revealing my age. My family is blessed with whatever genes make you look young longer, I never smoked and rarely drink alcohol, so that helps. With that said...I had long hair most of my life, but now keep it shoulder length and trim it frequently. Everyone should update regardless, to avoid dating yourself. My fashion is most similar to Bethenny/Heather Dubrow when it comes to housewives, but truly closest to Clair on Modern Family for my typical everyday look. Yes, there are 50-60 somethings that can pull of Gloria/Sofia Vergara. Ramona looks unbelievable, great body. Carole has a tush most women would kill for! Overall, these ladies look great. Yes, Christie Brinkley can pull off longer hair because it is still healthy, gorgeous looking. I always thought of Jackie Kennedy Onassis as a great fashion role model and Kate Middleton is the Jackie O of today. So, of course, there is room for personality. But...I do agree that certain clothes look ridiculous on women who are trying too hard to look young or think dressing young is going to fool anyone. Vicki just needs a stylist, bottom line. I think most of us here have probably all noticed this with her. Aside from Vickis cosmetic surgery, which, IMO, is not good, she needs to go up in size on her clothes. Did anyone else notice she seems to favor white? Aside from the Baptism, she wears it frequently. That's a common fashion tip. Black is slimming, white, is not. It has its time and place but I would love to see her limit white at least for her bottom half. Her clothes are always strained across her middle, stomach and chest. Vicki can look good, I think she has an average figure so she easily could look fantastic if she had a strong willed stylist. Tamra and her insistence on cut outs, tacky. Vicki is delusional about everything. She's delusional about her wealth, her brain power, her love tank gauge. I put her in the criminal delusional category for Fashion: style, cut, color, cosmetic surgery, how good her breasts look, etc. Hey, these ladies are on TV and showcase Do's and Don'ts. I make lots of mental notes on the Don'ts!
  22. Remember, if the person floats, they are determined to be a witch. If the person sinks, they are deemed innocent. It was definitely a lose-lose test!!
  23. Tamra changed the dynamic and has ruined this show since her first day. I put her and Brandi in the same category, they don't belong on their shows. I know Bravo likes to have a nasty HW for the drama. IMO these women are not necessary. I don't mind if some of the ladies quarrel, but the idea that one HW is roasted each season is a real turn off. I also watch Ladies of London and when arguments break out, so far, it has been resolved soon or individuals are not frozen out. That show is plenty interesting, again, when the producers focus on highlighting their lives independently.
  24. I wanted to comment on some of the posts addressing social media and some of the "research" some of us have done in regards to the housewives. It sounded like the details, facts, HWs interviews, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram posts or rumors/gossip in comments sections may muddle our conversations here on this board. This is why I am here on this board. For some unknown reason, I like reading everyone's thoughts on what we think is real, or possibly manufactured for this show. I guess Real Housewives is an indoor interest/hobby for me just like my book group, reading biographies, catching up on the news. My curiousity started on the Bravo website. These HWs franchises and Bravo are the only "reality" shows I have watched. I never went to any type of message boards before I discovered Bravos message board. I became interested when I began to wonder if these shows were actually real at all, because the change in alliances of housewives seem to change per season. Who has alliances and changes "teams" like this in real life?? It was starting to become laughingly predictable. You can see some set ups coming from a mile away! I thought I was watching because of the original concept of getting a glimpse in the lives of stay at home moms and their families and friends. As the years went by, we see how divorces, the economy and other events in their lives have changed their day to day lives. Bravo.com would give us a behind the scenes glimpse, from off the show. When I started to feel the wool was being pulled over my eyes, and wondered if we were watching storylines/soaps, I became more interested in hearing from other posters what they could find out about HWs in "real" life. I take what I read with a grain of salt, depending on the new source, but I certainly will believe what I read on a HWs Facebook post, for example, more than what we are shown on film. Of course, we have to assume these people are speaking the truth when they use media! But...we can pick up on their inconsistencies or comments that validate what we were shown on our screens. The editing often aggravates me because I can't be sure we are actually seeing the truth because Bravo producers love to heavily edit to keep us guessing or in the dark about the truth. What kind of reality is that?? If these were actually reality shows, we would see the unedited footage. We understand they can only air minutes from hours of footage, but they shouldn't be representing themselves as real if the footage is edited. Anyways, that's my opinion on whether we should bring outside links and "word on the street" information to this board. I know I can always ignore a link if I'm not interested in it! I do want to say I truly appreciate all who take the time to look around for the clues and post them here for our convenience and to hear everyone's point of view!
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