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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. So true, so true! I just don't get it though...why does Tamrat have such power on this show? Is it that she just makes them so miserable that they don't want to return, or that she isolates them so, in a way, they get voted off the OC island?? Tamra does seem to have too much power.
  2. I'm in the camp that Heather is only loyal to Tamra because she knows Tamra likes to take down anyone that gets in her way and likely, yes, Terry would push that alliance for the show. I do think Heather likes Tamra, but if she was not on this show, and she met Tamra someplace else, I doubt they would be friends. Tamra is so crass, there's no way those 2 would be tight if not for the show. I don't like Heather teamed with Tamra because that's when we see her nasty side. I was happy Heather came out strong for the SAHM crowd. I agree with the poster who said Ramona advises women to have their own income in a way that is less offensive than the Vicksters approach. Ironic, knowing how Ramona can be! I agree with Vicki only to the point that a spouse should have respect for the family income and not casually spend money with no regard for the budget. That is a form of disrespect. The problem with Vicki is that she makes broad assumptions. I think Heather did a great job at the reunion addressing those generalizations of Vicki. I do agree Vicki makes a good point that everyone should learn to be financially independent but she's such a b@tch about this subject that I don't blame anyone for wanting to shut her down when she blabbers on, incessantly...She's like a damn broken record. Yes, we get it Vicki. Now, stop. I'm still just blown away about her mom and the road rage story. Wow. It really explains it all, doesn't it? My dream show is to see Heather (the snotty but not mean version) & Shannon (only nice scenes with David, no relationship counseling that includes their children) and introduce some of their true/real life and wealthy friends next season. Not everyone is wealthy in appearance only, as the producers seem to seek out too many posers. I'm also torn about Tamra & Vicki. Early OC delusional Vicki was reality gold, but I don't know if we will ever see that person again. I want Tamra gone, but I do think she deserves her comeuppance...I never want to see Ryan Veith on my screen again.
  3. Yes! I believe Andy never liked Alexis. This is one of the reasons why I have been disappointed at times with Heather. The way Heather treated Alexis and Shannon, at times, made me give Heather the side eye from my couch. For some reason, Tamra just could not contain her hatred for Alexis. A baptized Tamra would have taken the high road, in response, absolutely. Both Heather and Tamra clearly wanted her out of their orbit and both Heather and Tamra can't seem to let go of their snark arrows for Jim and Alexis Bellino. I think the dinner at Cut Fitness when Heather & Tamra argued with Alexis and Tamrat dragged her out of the building was just so insane. I didn't always care for Alexis, but she didn't do anything at that dinner to justify such an OTT treatment. Was Alexis obnoxious and annoying at times? Absolutely. But...these women treated her like a war criminal instead of just ignoring her. Their treatment of Alexis kept Alexis relevant. Dummies. Their actions from that season are the reason so many people immediately sympathized with Shannon the next season. We had already been prepped by their past behavior as bullies and Tamra was the head gang leader. I don't blame Alexis for being hurt. I truly hope that Tamra is sincere in her quest to change and to have a renewed relationship with God. Tamra is street smart, witty and clearly capable of working hard to make things happen. She is certainly not lazy. If she could truly take time to self reflect, realize and acknowledge her culpability in all the negative situations around her, I do think she could be a positive force. It's just her need to be mean is similar to a drug addict who goes to rehab but just can't stay clean. Or...an abused junk yard dog. There's some dark force deep inside her that she can't seem to control. A relationship with Jesus is the relationship she needs to seek to get her over those negative tendencies.
  4. I know, right?!! Remember the stereotype of the all natural, Ivory girl, fun in the sun California Beach Boys surfer girls as the model for Malibu Barbie? The only part these ladies can relate to that is the plastic. If you have ever seen Jeana from the early 80s, she was just stunning. She looks so good with her weight loss, but the long hair, heavy bangs and dark clothes have to go. Strangely enough, she sported the shorter hairstyles in her younger years. Kara is her twin. They all cling to the too long hair they associate with youth. Tamra looks ridiculous except when dressed for the gym. She loves the Loni Anderson helmet hair of the 1980s. Tams, if you want to hold on to the past, go back to your 70s look. Think. Natural. Less. is. more. Vicki, Vicki, Vicky. I can barely look at her now. The thought of all those procedures and how she ruined her face is just crazy! The chin implant and whatever else she did ruined her looks. I do love her new haircut...so much better. I agree, her neck doesn't match her face. Can't you get a neck lift? Cracker Jacks from RHONJ did some kind of neck procedure. If you are going to lift your face, you need to match your neck...just like your make up foundation! Please cover up your girls. If not, do us a favor and get a new set. Sheesh. Heather has the best clothes, but not this reunion dress. Yikes. She looked like a satin jewelry pouch. Big disappointment...Like last years bad bangs. At least her eyebrows are back in place. Another lady who looks best with less make up. Shannon and Meghan had the best dresses. Great colors and styles. Shannon needs to ditch the harsh, heavy black make up. I like Meghan's hair dark. Perhaps if they planned to dress and wear make up as if they were going to lunch they would all look so much better? These are all pretty, attractive women but always overdo it and end up taking away from their looks with the heavy handed approach...Yes, less is more.
  5. Truth. And...while I'm no fan of Meghan...she certainly looks 100 times better with her brown hair we see in the previews of the reunion. Much better.
  6. The eternal question, for me, since Season 3... WHY does Tamra always come out standing? Is it because she is Satan's spawn?! Unscathed, once again... I guess the pasteurization kept her "safe" for one more season.
  7. Bahahaha one of the best lines of the season. Insult the person who insulted you to someone else, because the person you are insulting doesn't deserve your attention, they deserve your dismissal! Disclaimer: I'm almost 50, I'm not Shannon, I'm not neurotic, I pretty much never have nagged my husband of 26 years (and he hasn't cheated on me) I don't go to Dr Moon or do crystals...but for some reason, I truly relate to Shannon in a way I don't with 90% of the HWs across this franchise. Maybe because she seems too human? Over the years, I haven't had many issues with other women, except on the rare occasion...I can recall a specific incident where I had someone try to embarrass me in front of others. I reacted identically to the way Shannon did in this scene. I was so upset and angry, I turned on the person and said to my friend in front of everyone, "That bitch ______ blah, blah," and refused to ever speak to her again even though we ran in the same small circle. I knew I was the injured party and the nerve of this woman because I had done so much for her. She had been a friend to me, but she was not a true friend and I didn't know the depth of her lack of morals & fakeness towards me until a short time before "the incident." Once I realized this and she said the wrong thing at the wrong time, I couldn't contain myself any longer and then the blow up. You know, from then on, I would just look at her like she was invisible. I know I should have forgiven and moved on quicker but she really cut me by hurting my pride. Of course, this was at least a decade ago. I live in a different area now, but I'm back there frequently to my hometown. To this day, I can't say hello. I'm not mean, I just look at her as if I never met her before. I guess that was my preservation button and pride still ruling my mind. Thank you Shannon! Winning!!
  8. Love your post! 1) Yes, Tamra owes a real, sincere apology to Alexis. 2)Perfect comment on Brother Billy, same name and everything!! 3)How darn long does it take for Vicki to leave a party?? She was clearly waiting for Rhona Sue and Billy Bob to make it happen before her exit. Vicki could care less about Shannon, or Heather, or anyone but herself for that matter. Her comment about being nailed to the cross was just so OTT and narcissistic, but why does that shock me?! 4)The real reason why Vicki was working so hard to stick to the Brooks has cancer story...the Lenka, ClubDetox money maker for her retirement, yet again, get rich quick scheme. She has to save face not only for the endorsement deal but to insist she was duped when it comes out because of her insurance business that she never lets us forget about as viewers. I know Brianna is no prize but to continually throw her under the bus on TV? Nice mother.
  9. Exactly. This was Vicky's undoing. Had she actually listened to Heather and to Shannon at that birthday dinner for Brooks instead of freaking out, even Brooks told Vicki to calm down, she could have continued to solidify her defense with Shannon in her corner. When it became clear to Shannon there were inconsistencies while suddenly Vicky was turning away from her and going back to Tamra, Shannon realized she was being either scammed or set up again as the odd woman out. Hearing Vicki spilled the beans to others about the affair was crossing the line. I agree with the poster who said that Shannon was restrained by only calling Rhonda a bitch. We all know if this was RHONJ or Brandi/Faye, thus would have been an ugly brawl. If it happened to Tamra, wine would have been dumped on Rhonda's head. It's not that Shannon thought Vicki shouldn't be better friends with Tamra, it was that it seemed Shannon & Vicki became closer, and Tamra was more inclined to question Vicki in front of the other ladies. Then, Vicki refuses to talk to Shannon and only communicates with Tamra on the subject of Brooks. She sends Shannon a text telling her she's nasty. Shannon sensed a pact where she was kept on the outside.
  10. To me, that's irrelevant, it was just mean of her to say to someone in front of others...especially since Rhonda was making assumptions about Shannon from gossip. She was cruel. At least she had the decency to admit she was wrong later.
  11. Spot on. What Rhonda said was not only mean but she used an awkward analogy. She is yelling to someone about her husband having an affair, at a Baptism celebration in front of others? Classy stuff right there. It was not her place. The whole episode was strangely edited.
  12. Yes, she is very witty and it annoys me because she makes me laugh on occasion! I find it very difficult to believe that she has grown and changed, so...whatever! Time will tell, but I'm not holding my breath while we wait. It's her nastiness, bitterness and love of sex toys shown in EVERY season she's been on, etc. that is so gross...This woman who plotted to get Gretchen Naked Wasted, her over the top hatred for Alexis, her treatment of Shannon at Lizzie's beach house, she's the Devils star pupil.
  13. The phone calls are more likely being placed by rag mags/reality show bloggers like MrRealHousewife so they have "breaking news" for the world...Add in Meghan. O'Toole. King. Edmonds., Brianna Culberson, Gretchen Rossi, Slade Smiley, Jeana Keough, Simon Barney, Tamra Judge and ever other woman scammed by Crooks and their lawyers, Andy Cohen, Tom Murro and Voila! You have several phone calls to Newport Imaging.
  14. We are about to be treated to some friend of Vicki's playing the role of Faye Resnick, seemingly confronting Shannon in defense of Vicki and starting RHOC World War over the honor of Crooksie...while running her mouth about Shannon's marriage. Here come the fireworks.
  15. OMG, one of the funniest moments, to me, in this whole series. At this time, we didn't know much about Heather, but she appeared to be Miss Know It All, Miss Fancy Pants..."I assumed since this was Glamping we would have the proper wine accoutrements..." (Or whatever Heather said about the proper wine glasses for red, not white...) We have the always spaced out, drunk Sarah Winchester, of Cake-Gate fame, drunk at the bowling outing and now defiling Heathers bow! The eternal question of, Is/Isn't she an heir to the Winchester rifle fortune? What this show has been missing the last few seasons is those background characters, hangers on, etc. I like it better when we have at least 6 full time HWs and other minor, part timers in the scenes. At Heathers lunch we see the other blonde that resembles Katie Hamilton, she was filmed on more than one occasion...Of course, I can't stand Faye Resnick, so it can be a bad thing, but other background characters add some spice to these shows. For the last 3 seasons we have been stuck with Brooks & Ryan to fill those roles.
  16. Totally, Cherry Slushie. So much like Dyan Cannon I kept rubbing my eyes when she was first introduced as Judy! A sister, a cousin, a relative? Wow. Both very beautiful women. Although I doubt Dyan is into Fairy Dust.
  17. Bahahaha! I was actually thinking...I can't even imagine the places where Eddie's hands have been!!
  18. I just wish Vicki to be off this show. She wore out her welcome as far as I'm concerned at least a few seasons ago... Spin off? Cool. I won't watch.
  19. Because that would be stooping as low as the Vickster and she set a very low bar! Vicki doesn't fight fair that's true but it makes you just as bad to exercise the same obnoxious behavior. Slades "comedy" routine was ridiculous. I don't particularly like her or Slade but calling her Miss Piggy? How would Slade like it if someone ridiculed the looks of his mother or brother?
  20. Compared to Lauries, Lynn's, Tammy K, kids, Jeanas kids were at least not insane. Spoiled, yes, but are not sleazy or starring in Porn flicks.
  21. Slade was brutal. I understand his justified anger towards Vicki & Tamra, but a bigger man, NOT Slade, would fight a fair battle and not knock a woman's looks. She looked great in the family van days!! Reality TV must make these ladies super sensitive with so many in the peanut gallery.
  22. Not having a thyroid makes it much, much more difficult to lose weight. It's very hard. I have a damaged pituitary gland and malfunctioning thyroid because of the procedures on my pituitary gland. It's doable. I'm of normal weight, but struggle to keep it that way. Of course, it helps I have always been on the thinner side my whole life. At 48, with my problems, 3 children and now early menopause I am like Shannon. I have to obsess and indulge only on occasion and exercise daily. I don't gain in my stomach, it stays flat even after pregnancy but I would kill for Shannon's thin legs!!I mentioned in a couple different posts that Brianna HAS lost weight since this episode. Vicki has posted Instagram photos of Bri recently and she looks great to me. She looks like she has lost at least 20 lbs. I really feel for her, it is not fun and you feel bad about yourself. Add in unsolicited comments she gets on Instagram and other social media and that's adding insult to injury. Remember, anorexic people feel fat, it's emotional. Her mother is enough of a train wreck to make me eat to forget If I had to deal with her! Good grief. Vicki looked slimmer in the reunion shots too. I always felt for Jeana for this very reason. I agree with the poster that mentioned if she was willing we could maybe do a story on it. Jeana did talk about it and was on Thintervention on Bravo. I can't imagine being on a reality show and having people discussing my appearance. I just read an opinion piece on RHOC focusing too much on plastic surgery and how it's a bad role model. Please, can you blame them?! I've never done it but I'm not going to fault anyone for doing it. But...I will say I think it's too bad that some feel bad because I do think Vicki was beat up on her looks. I truly think she ruined her face. Yes, she hated her nostrils but the chin implant made her look plastic. She became obsessed and looks worse instead of better. A little intervention if you want it goes a long way. Unfortunately I think what happens is some people can't stop.
  23. Seeing the pics on Instagram of Brianna from this recent reunion taping appears to show that she has lost weight since they filmed this season. I thought she looked good in the pics and Vicki was a bit slimmer in her mid section.
  24. Bravo reveals seating chart from the reunion. Tamra was next to Shannon while Vicki was opposite couch next to Heather. Meghan was on the other side of Tamrat.
  25. There's already rumors that Vicki is quitting out there in the rag mags I've seen online.
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