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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Yes, she has, I've seen it and her sister has chimed in. She used to comment on articles when she was on on the Resale Royalty Show on the Style network. I'm pretty sure she had family/college buddies commenting on the articles. This is why I didn't care for Meghan from day 1. I knew she had already decided her storyline and knew how to needle Shannon. That original phone call was a deliberate set up, IMO.
  2. Absolutely these off hours incidents can get you in big trouble in the military. Personal life is considered fair play. Even your spouse & family need to toe the line. You can be discharged based on behavior off the clock. Absolutely, bad checks, not paying alimony, will have an impact on your evaluations and can potentially get you kicked out. Yes, bad behavior on a reality show can and may be used against you! My husband went to college on a full ROTC scholarship back in the mid 1980s, he was an Officer upon college graduation. The army paid his tuition in full. He was a Lieutenant O1, O2 and Captain in the the Army, O3, and got out after 6 years active and was "on call" inactive for the next 4 years. His base was one of the few virtually untapped as the Gulf war began. He got out because he wanted to work in Business in his Major and we decided moving around every 2, 4 years wasn't for us. It was the best leadership experience he could have ever asked for at a young age. Where else can a 22 year old lead 30+ something year old, experienced Sargeants? Respect, working as a team, strong leadership skills learned in the military have carried him very far as an Executive business leader, currently in a Fortune 50 company. He got hired initially out of the Army in IT at a company that was number 2, Fortune 500. Everything he did in the military, including after hours mattered. I was encouraged to attend and mentor other wives, going to Balls and the Officers Club. Your personal behavior, including your spouse was a big deal! The stories I heard about misbehaving were noticed and all recorded. I witnessed men being kicked out just for having affairs. I don't know if this has softened up in the last few years...but in the 80/90s, It was still like the 1950s. At the time it seemed "segregated". But, not by culture or race, but by pure rank. It seemed so odd to us, as we didn't have much contact with the military growing up. We didn't grow up anywhere near a military town. My father was in WW2, 2 decades before I was born and my husbands dad was in Korea. As far as making friends, you hung around with mostly people of your rank, maybe a few up or down and people that got to the base when you did. Most of my husbands friends all graduated from college the same year and became LTs and started working on Post in the same time frame. So, I hung around with the LT or Captains girlfriends or wives at that time. We did everything together. A recruiter, if that's what Ryan does, is much more isolated. Commanding Officers liked leadership qualities and people who behaved calmly and exhibited confidence, not arrogance. Arrogance and hot headed attitudes get people killed. Bottom line, Ryan needs to display calm because any further televised outbursts will get him in trouble.
  3. Based on skimming some, probably unreliable, sources, it doesn't look good for the RHBH ladies! Taylor, the grifter, multiple aliases, no education beyond high school that I can find...will the real Taylor stand up?! Looks like Adrienne, Camille (AKA woman of misused big words, pernicious anyone?) and Joyce are all college graduates... Lisa VP went to some type of drama school, not sure of the specifics or age at the time. Most of the ladies took acting classes but I'm not seeing college education listed on their Bios... Marissa Zanuck has her Real Estate license but I can't find college info
  4. Ha Ha Sincerely Yours! I think there's a LHOTP in every situation! I also think there are Nelly Olsons in everyone's life!! Unfortunately, I've encountered a few. Damn, I always wanted to be Mary...until Laura married Almanzo. Dean Butler...
  5. I agree, that's not bad. I believe Gretchen went to Baylor. Unfortunately though, they often act like idiots. Think back on the earlier seasons...ladies like Lori, Lynn!!! I have a BA, it's not that big of a deal. I've taken graduate classes, still not that big of a deal to me. In fact, anyone that can pass high school can get their BA if money or drive wasn't a factor. I went to a competitive college and was amazed by some of the stupidity passing for brains from time to time! I'm thrilled my kids are college grads/in college. They are doing well and am proud of them no matter what...the engineering degrees impress me too. However, it's your brain and what you choose to do with it that to me is the true sign of someone who is educated. On this show, the idiots like Tamra appear to be the winners, because they are willing to get down and dirty in the mud. My understanding is Lizzie is well educated, but I'm not sure where she went to college. I wasn't referring to the men, I'm only pointing to the "real housewives" on these shows.
  6. Yes, common sense, I agree. However... Meghan believes her way is always the correct or right way. She's acting like a Know It All. Sorry, Meghan, leave that title to Bethenny or Heather on RHONY. Not everyone makes the same choices or decisions. Even physicians don't agree on the best treatment for every cancer patient. That's what the issue is with Meghan. She's the Nelly Olsen of RHOC. Who is she to question how someone decides to deal with their illness?!!
  7. Someone mentioned education level of these twits. I would put Shannon in the same category as Heather, they both are well educated. I agree the NY ladies are the most educated of them all. RHOC is just one step above the twits on RHONJ if you ask me. I will add that Heather is bitchy though, watching her chastise the ladies for not keeping up on her house tour was pretty obnoxious. "Girls! Keep up, stay with the tour!!" Heather, shut it, and keep the champagne coming.
  8. Ryan's personality is over the top, but it certainly is not representative of military personnel. I hear a lot of comments that are not so nice that stereotype the military, law enforcement, professional athletes, etc. Just like with priests, what percentage are really pedophiles?! Not any higher than school teachers, coaches... I can see 4 tours of duty dramatically changing his behavior - PTSD, but let's not blame his line of work for what his crappy, controlling personality. I think that was all there beforehand. I certainly don't think it was Lizzie that poo poo'd Colby for having Mexican heritage. She wasn't on the show back then and I don't think she knows Colby. However, Tamra has made comments about Eddies Mexican heritage on the show. She, deservedly so, was called out on it on social media. Clothing. Yes, Vicki wears her clothes too tight most of the time, but I think for the most part she's dresses fine. It's the tightness or wrong structure not her age that is the problem. She's not wearing micro minis or tummy baring tops, just the wrong size. I agree that Heather is well dressed. 95% of the time she is on point and has gorgeous clothes. For the most part I think Shannon looks great too. Yes, the blue dress at lunch with Heather was lovely. I also loved her gold shorts, cream top and wedges on their trip when she was pulled into the swimming pool. Her silk cranberry colored top in her talking heads is beautiful, that's not stuffy. Maybe she is noticing this now that she can see how youthful she looks when she's wearing certain outfits. I also love her home and decor. Yes, some of it is old fashioned, but it's classic and very tasteful. I like her style, but I also like modern, cottage, and traditional. I love episodes showing Shannon, Vicki and Heather's homes. I like house candy. I thought these houses were about the lives of those behind the gates that actually have real money. Hey, I don't care for Terry, but I loved their last house and look forward to seeing the next one come together. Meghan. Shut. Up.
  9. AnnA,I think it was posted somewhere back on this thread or on one of the episode threads when Shannon confided about David "double dipping" on her 50th birthday...ICK. YUCK. EWWWW. A few people used her full name, the alleged affair, and mods deleted some posts. I can't remember the exact location of the warnings though. It's only fair, until the name gets to some tabloids. Tamra said her first name, I believe, it was on a recent WWHL episode...
  10. What I find most interesting? The affair is BFFs with tennis pro Lindsay Davenport. And...I think affair does look similar to Shannon although Shannon, IMO, is trimmer and prettier. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the affair's in-laws house since they are well known, "society folk" in the OC. Now that's where the real reality drama is buried. Mods don't want us naming names, so pics posted would be crossing the rules here. Eventually, it will come out at some point. She does resemble Shannon, but she's about 10 years younger.
  11. Well, it's all in your perspective. There's sexy...someone like Carrie Underwood. She dresses in an alluring, attractive way, but doesn't look like a street walker. That's my opinion. Yes, most entertainers push the boundaries, but you don't need to look like a Hustler centerfold to look hot. You don't have to sell out and emulate the lowest common denominator. IMO it only makes you look like a cheap, twit and it may not be who you are...but it's the image you are putting out there. Gwen Stefani looks so much better all dolled up unlike her No Doubt days. She looks sexier to me with her glamour image then her dirty, barely there grunge look. Let's look at Eileen Davidson since you have her in your profile pic. Her Ashley Abbott clothes/wardrobe was very attractive. She loses me when she occasionally sports her bra as a top look. Same with Lisa VP. She usually dresses on point, unless we see a little too much Hustler underneath. Carlton? She's stunning in everyday clothes...whether it's work out wear or everyday wear. When she gets all vamped up, her & Brandi look like ladies of the night. Melissa Gorga stuns in designer clothes...until she puts on her "club wear" for her dance club auto tune career and it reminds us Mel worked at a strip club. It's unnecessary to dress like this to look hot. I've seen pics of Erika in her non club clothes and she looks stunning! Same with Camille Graham. These pics of her look like she hangs at the Playboy mansion. Erika...beautiful lady that looks beautiful in T shirt and jeans. Yolanda glammed up? Perfection. I hope we see her in her everyday clothes and get the house candy, no need for a Playboy bunny on a housewife show. Boy did the original format of these shows get lost. The sex party on RHOC...Gross.
  12. Since when is skank wear the required uniform for pop stars?! Miley & Minaj are more like deviants, not the standard for pop stars. I hope Erika is not the new Carlton/Brandi for next season. Good grief. This is Beverly Hills not West Hollywood street walker housewives!
  13. I think people are forgetting that what we see is in the past. Knowing Leann Edmonds has passed away while these ladies are comparing their "pain" illustrates this loud and clear. I wonder if this is the bottom with David & Shannon and we are now going to start to see their relationship start to improve at some point soon. While I certainly agree what we are viewing is depressing, mainly because of witnessing the stress on their daughters, I truly hope the doom and gloom is going to start to fade. I hope so. If this was in real time, then yes, I would say there is no hope for Shannon and her marriage. If this is what we saw in another year, yes, they need to go their separate ways. I'm in the camp that they might still have a chance. They have a lot to lose if they choose to separate. If I was Shannon's friend I would still encourage her to stay at this point. As the counselor mentioned (although her methods were whacky IMO) it can typically take 2 years to begin to truly heal in this situation. Time will tell. I also believe that typically the mother is not perceived as the "fun one" in most families. No, most moms are not Debbie Downers like current Shannon, but again, the disciplinarian is never the most beloved parent in a child's life. David set her up for high expectations as Shannon claimed he said he was going to make sure she had a special birthday to make up for what happened on her 50th. Major fail. Honestly most of my birthdays are low key, nothing over the top, especially when our children were young...however my husband didn't step out on me. He never dishonored me the way David has, so I was never looking for that grand "make up" birthday celebration that was promised by a dishonest husband. David has some major damage to repair and this was a very lame effort, obvious to any guy, even Larry the Cable Guy. Maybe Terry D was right?! (Even though I think Terry is also a cad) David is really not much better, at this point in time, than Joe Guidicci. David's just a polished version of Joe until he redeems himself to Shannon.
  14. Yes, totally skeeved! Of course, Tamra would go with the sex tape theme, she's a pig. I thought I've seen it all, but bibles for dummies, all the fake "I'm a better Tamra," hiding financial info from my husband (isn't $7000 way over the $1000 limit of disclosure she mentioned?) the sex tape reveal party and she's going to be baptized? I hope she really is sincere deep down in her heart or she truly is as evil as I thinks she is...As far as Vicki wearing a white dress? Not sure if that was for attention, I'm sure it was calculated but if I had to go to a "sex party" for my Bravo gig I would just wear a normal outfit too.
  15. I think many people see it as Meghan not having any boundaries, the "balls" on that woman, and I'm speaking as someone that is in that same camp of people giving her the side eye on this issue. It's great that she is trying hard, and cares about them instead of plotting to send them all to boarding school...But...as someone else posted, it's reminiscent of LeAnn Rimes talking and tweeting about "my boys" when she's the stepmom, Brandi's the mother. I can't stand Brandi, but they are her bio children, not LeAnn's children. It feels like she wants to take over the role, not share the role while respecting their bio mother. I am SO GLAD I didn't have to deal with this situation. My kids are young adults and I'm still married, 26 years, to my husband, their dad and never had to deal with an ex or a new wife raising our kids. Our Kids were just talking about how most of their childhood friends parents are still together, and many of those parents are friends of mine too. I have to be honest and say that it has to be such a big person to accept a stranger into your children's lives, just because your ex marries someone else. You are bringing someone else inside the family, who will be involved in shaping their lives. That's huge. It's best to put your feelings aside for the kids, but Meghan's words are territorial. She acts like the bio mother is unnecessary. That's what is beyond the pale here. She can wish all she wants but she needs to know her place. Also, declaring Allison Edmonds is a very unhappy person will earn her no friends. I bet that comment endeared her to Allison even more! Not.
  16. Interesting the differences from state to state and town to town, eh? The only TP'ing in these parts happen on Halloween or usually to people's homes kids do NOT like...and sometimes that includes eggs. It's very rare here, and I'm glad for that. I would liken it to vandalism but agree with those who think it's more child's play then egging houses. It was pretty clear it was not considered acceptable by my parents or my husband and I, when our kids were young. There's a fine line between practical jokes and vandalism when toilet paper is concerned. We do play practical jokes on neighbors, like "planting" pink flamingos on front lawns from known neighbor to known neighbor, maybe TP'ing one bush qualifies in the game? I wouldn't do it but I would not be mad about it. If I need a ladder to get it down? I'd be mad. Not cool. I do think writing an apology note is a good plan and maybe have them offer to help them do yard work? Agree. Their ages and the fact they were out in the middle of the night unsupervised is the scary part.
  17. This. Spot on. "My" kids...really Meghan? You expose her flaws, chastise any criticism and claim her as "yours" all at the same time? My favorite part were her comments that bio moms don't understand...well, in your case Meghan, Allison and the rest of the bio moms on RHOC don't care. Do you really blame them?
  18. I've wondered the same things about Meghan's supposed responsibility for Hayley. There are other relatives including a stepdad. This is why Vicki is questioning Meghans circumstances... As far as Andy is concerned? He's a pimp, plain and simple, he's a user! He feels it's his job to find a Stepford wife with major flaws so he can get the HWs to demonstrate his theory that all women are shallow/hypocrites and will do anything for fame...money...jewelry...After all, the average American female HW would be boring to watch and also wouldn't make Satan Andys case. He stirs the pot and yet he is the quickest to judge their actions by their reactions to what is stirred up like a self fulfilling prophesy. He is in the drivers seat whispering to each lady and then after the damage feigns surprise to witness such cray, cray scenes. Oh, yes, he's definitely living out his fantasy of revenge for all those who have "wronged" him in high school or college. In the very least, making a political statement by exposing what's really happening behind the gates as if he is doing as a public service...
  19. Yup. Don't feel bad for any of the customers who's names are released...
  20. Yes, it has not been confirmed and I have seen her name in print but have refrained from typing her last name until it's out there. Frankly, I don't care if anyone calls it shaming. If someone, in this case, both cheaters, blow up families, I have no, nada, zero sympathy. They are not the victims, they are the perpetrators. Sorry, but when you live in a small town or have a circle of friends that is aware of your immoral actions, I don't care if it hurts your feelings. No, it wasn't a major topic of conversation at social gatherings if that's what you are concerned with...But people heard and chose to be loyal to the innocent parties in this situation.
  21. ITA, that's such a nasty habit. This is why you can't eat anything from a bowl at a party...you never know... Watching this scene makes my OCD kick in to overdrive! Yuck. It doesn't matter that he's a jerk, his marriage is making things happen for her and until he is no longer useful they will be together.
  22. Hmm...Looks like you and I were of the same mind on this issue a few weeks/months back!! It's how it all felt to me, and since I like Shannon, I was hoping I was wrong about what was going on, but sadly this is as screwed up as can be... Totally f'd up that she looks so much like Shannon, and a few years younger...David felt alive again reliving the way they were?!! Pretending she was the original, carefree, fun Shannon?? In My hometown there is a very attractive woman, she was 3 years behind me in high school, that has a similar background to "Nicole," a professional, attractive, and successful in all appearances...married, younger children...and she has an affair with my friends husband, who also went to my high school but was 5 years older than me, therefore had 8 years on his new side piece. His wife, my friend, is his age, she's also very insecure about her appearance and I blamed him and his comments...Both cheaters left their marriages, everyone knows what happened in our circles. My poor friend was humiliated and devastated, but a few years of being away from him, she is now happier without him. The side piece had a very handsome, wealthy husband, 3 pretty children. The other older guy, the perp, my friends husband, I would describe as a schlep, low brow, yet thinks he's high brow, unattractive, but he thinks he's attractive because look who's attention he caught?! The whole sordid affair left all those involved hurt, my friends children were so sad and barely speak to their father. We, those looking on, are all scratching our heads...the whole scene is just a mess and defies all of our sound minds! The only good news, is I know the affairs husband has basically cut off all of the luxury that he provided for her and everyone knows who the bad guys were in this small, country club town where, IMO, that's a good thing because the guilty parties are the ones being shunned. Loyalty and trust do not seem to be of any value to many people in this world anymore.
  23. As we touched on already in this thread, some of us know Meghan was on Resale Reality on Style Network. (Jerseylicious, Big Rich Texas, Tia and Tamara) Don't you find it interesting that some rags and Bravo are just now discussing her reality background, Say Yes to the Dress, YET, they only mention she was on A show not a few reality shows. Again, I think this is Bravo taking the lead on trying to shape Meghan's background/resume to fit her narrative that she just was on these shows because of her marriage to Jim...not that her and her siblings have other extensive reality and contact with other celebrities completely separate and before Meghan met Jim. Fakery??
  24. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Love her or hate her, gotta admit, that was a great line! She had a few...Thanks for the laugh!
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