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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. That's a good point, there was probably a recent incident when this was filmed...we are definitely in the dark about some major issues going on in her life.
  2. We have to be missing something big here...I was stunned to see Erika's reaction, Wow, just a wee bit angry for the conversation that we see as viewers.
  3. Exactly. The only reason Dorit mentioned the possibility that Rinna was "induced" was because Eden came to see her (as well as LVP with the same story) and was explaining what Rinna said to her about Kim in order to defend herself. Dorit and Eden were both present and participating vocally during the pill display conversation at Eden's home....How is that such a stretch for Dorit to think of an explanation?
  4. Holy cow! I've never paid much attention, but I had no clue Julia Child was an American! Was she born here? Did she live elsewhere? Dorit sounds similar to how she sounds now, but without the "darlings" and PK influence!
  5. Good grief. I watch these housewives shows to laugh, see where they shop, beautiful homes/vacations... The last thing I want to hear about is the election. I agree, Charliesan, it's important, but I don't care what they think or feel about the election. I just checked Carole's recent Twitter feed and that's all she tweets about 24/7. Yikes.
  6. Same here, a New England girl. Don't mess with Tom Brady. Currently we live in the North and the South 50/50 time and vacation frequently in an another area that's filled with people from all over. I've been told I don't have an accent and I also have been told I have an obvious accent, so there's that! (Usually when I am excited or have had a couple drinks the accent returns) People are under the impression that I should speak like either a fisherman, Mark Wahlburg or a Kennedy... On one side of the family we are from England/France via Canada for 2 generations previously. My Canadian relatives do say 'eh' and add 'you know' to their sentences. They also say proh-gress not prawh-gress. It is likely a regional thing as well. We hail from Quebec City area/Montreal. It's so different than Toronto, Vancouver, etc. So there's that...The other side of the family I am second generation full on Italian. All grandparents spoke a foreign language as their native tongue. I'm all over the place. I say auhhhnt not ant, soda not pop, but may say ahhhvocahdo or avvv-ocahdo. I do say lovely or fancy because that's how my father would talk. He spoke slow and proper and my mother would speak a bit faster and with a tad more emotion, yet like a Yankee. Short and to the point, very different than an Italian from NY-NJ. Many Americans are a mash up. No one detects any accent from my husband who grew up in the same area as me, but his family was more Americana/baseball/apple pie/Chevrolet/WASP, (some of you will remember that commercial) and that makes a huge difference IMO. Dorit, and those who live in certain parts of Connecticut can sound like New Yorkers, closer to a Rhode Island or MA accent, calmer newscaster accents, or that Mid Atlantic - movie star voice. She favors certain words, and lives with 2 British guys, she lived in Europe for years. I think the exaggeration comes from her calm and slow talking style. She does talk a lot, but because she speaks so slowly and sometimes calmly, it accentuates her unique and also somewhat put on accent. Someone mentioned Heather Dubrow having a similar way of speaking, she is from New York State. Heather dominates with her words while Dorit is not sure of herself. Dorit likes to ask more questions and that is how she gets to know someone while Erika thinks you become friends through osmosis eventually...if you are worthy. Erika should talk...speaking of the way we talk...her vocal fry-ish/nasally/Bart Simpson combo can be off-putting. Yes, again Georgia has different accents, but it's obvious the Southern came out on her visit and directly from her mom. As a steady working actress for decades, Eileen IMO has the best voice. Calm, cool, collected and not much of an accent. She irritates by rehashing but that's another topic. Dorit thinks she needs to bring up the lack of panties or pill bags to bring it, they all understand that to a certain degree. She can be gossipy, as you don't bring up the pills and panties more than once if you are not... Rinna goes too far, just like Brandi used to, which makes them exhausting. I just don't think Dorit is mean spirited and deserved Erika's wrath.
  7. I dunno...I have my favorites and there are some housewives that drive me bananas (Brandi, although I used to feel sorry for her before I realized what a byotch she could be...). I like and dislike something about all of these ladies. I was really warming up to Erika, especially after showing her softer side to Kyle, but because she is so reserved, I see why people are not comfortable around her. She put me off as Yolanda's body guard when we all knew they weren't really BFFs. Remember Erika not admitting to being the fink last year? She wasn't "ready" to discuss her part as a sniper on the side but was quick to accuse others of such faults? I also think she was way too harsh towards Dorit this episode. It reminded me of Carlton disliking Kyle from day one without having a logical explanation for it other than the "bitch eating crackers" perception of Kyle. That's the way Erika looks at Dorit. Ditch the c-word necklaces and Mikey, pretty please!! With that said, she has a lot of good qualities. Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but don't you think it's odd that Rinna pulled out the pill baggy after she made such a big deal that Yolanda had a closet full of vitamins/meds?!! Yo got a lot of attention out of that and it makes me think that's where she got the idea for putting her xanax habit out there...then there's the fact that she was criticizing Kim for using and doesn't see how this makes her look somewhat hypocritical?! Rinna, like Tamra Judge on RHOC, thinks it's her job to manufacture drama.
  8. I'm so tired of Andy's fascination with all things Brandi G. He is the one that continues to give her reality show life. If he stopped paying attention to her after her last season we wouldn't be subjected to her anymore. I DVR'd WWHL because I like Sophie and all things about the Ladies of London. I was so disappointed to see Brandi & Dean paired with Sophie.
  9. I agree with your style critiques of the ladies! Don't they have piles of money and access to the best beauty advice?!! Yikes. I agree with those who have said LVP needs an make-under. She is so beautiful and looks her best when she's at home in jeans IMO. First season...yes I know that was a few years ago, but she was stunning. I think when she started messing with her lower lip it took away from her instead of enhancing her beauty. A simpler, slightly shorter hairstyle would make a world of difference. Eileen is another beautiful woman with no style at all. She is out of place outside of Malibu. What is the couture version of J.Crew?! That is what Eileen needs and to stay away from her Gunsmoke/Saloon and biker/80s cutesy girl or Dynasty-esque mashup attire of choice. Her style choices just baffle me and bring out my OCD. Erika is always over the top and more like her alter ego than a sophisticated wife of high profile power attorney. Another woman that looks so pretty when she keeps it simple. Kyle and Dorit both look silly, like maidens at a renaissance festival for former beauty queens. Dorit seems familiar...she reminds me, looks wise, of a cross of Alicia Silverstone-Heather Graham, or someone else... Lisa Rinna's dress is pretty but yes an odd length for her. If it hit just below the knee or just above would be perfect. I like her more simple style. Out of all these shows, I think the New York ladies tend to look the best.
  10. No. When Jeana was introduced on the show, she was heavy on day one. Same with Quinn. Vicki has had some thick seasons as well. Ridiculous. It's a combination of menopause, drinking alcohol and bringing starchy foods like potatoes back into her life. Shannon was very particular and controlled about food in the beginning but she seems to have relaxed in order to focus on her relationships...another words, trying to not be as OCDish as she was in the past which was creating tension with David. I think through therapy she realized she was not embracing the fun side of life and is learning to loosen up with food and other distractions beyond just drinking. As far as Vicki revealing this "secret" of Shannon's? It was just embarrassing to Shannon as it demonstrates that she was in such a dark place and made terrible decisions. Vicki was dropping a bomb on both David and Shannon out of spite. Of course she is going to react angrily and shrill...she doesn't want her daughters to think they can go on benders when they are teens! I've said this before and I'll say it again, outing someone's secrets that have no bearing on your life, or any argument, is just beyond low. Vicki can criticize Shannon for many things, such as the Brooks-cancergate...but this info that Vicki keeps feeding others is just disgusting. Just like when she fed info to her brother Billy's GF. Vicki is just icky, always has been, always will be...
  11. What's wrong with him? He looks kind of creepy to me...he's giving me the same vibe that Carlton's husband, David Gebbia gives off. I could be far off, just going by appearances. Although, now that they are divorcing, maybe he's the sane one in the couple. Brandy, will never change and grow up.
  12. Hypocrisy alert. Yes, Gigi's first big gig and she "was joking" as she was making fun imitating Melania Trump imitating her foreign accent at an awards show. Hmmmmmm..... Isn't Gigi's mom a foreign born model, that mangles English?! Oh, and isn't Gigi's dad a controversial real estate developer with questionable business practices? Glass houses and stones and all.........Not being political, I just find it rich that a pampered model is behaving as such a sanctimonious biotchhh.
  13. ITA Zoeysmom. There's the truth/reality and then there's Vicki's version of her world. You know, she's a legend in her own mind!
  14. THIS! ITA. She's unique, that's for sure. I just watched the WWHL episode with Megadud. Wow, that girl has a brain like no other...She misunderstood practically every question Andy and the viewers asked her and she had a meltdown over the tic tac toe game! I think the Frank callers sent her over the edge. Confused much, Kelly? Please, be one and done.
  15. This confirms my opinion that Kelly Megadud is behind the rumors that the Beadors (they needed to downsize) and the Dubrows couldn't afford their lot BS. After looking at the Dodd's financials and knowing Kelly went back to Michael, I think it was because she figured out her settlement would not get her too far. First, Michael's salary and complete compensation is not even close to what I would have guessed someone that is "well off" in the OC would be pulling in as a top IT exec...chump change in comparison, just saying. Kelly is the type that accuses others of what is actually her truth. If she is so focused and obsessed with the financial bottom line and potential money trouble, then the Beadors or the Dubrows must be having money trouble, etc. Typically people that obsess over others are that way because that is what they themselves focus on. IMO, that explains everything about Vicki as well. I'm betting Kelly is just mad because he retired instead of grabbing the next opportunity as a consultant to other companies to add to their nest egg. An affair with a vendor? Does the sun rise every morning?! That's actually the most believable tidbit I have read in all of these articles.
  16. Could the source have been Vicki's brother Billy and his obnoxious wife? We know she had a lot to say to Shannon at Tamra's baptism? We all know Shannon's behavior was unhinged at that time, isn't that around the time she went to Heathers house to ask her about the email and Tamra talk get about her behind her back?
  17. IMO, I think so! Jeanna's family was the center of the show. There was the other HW that left the show and moved to Chicago, Laurie took a job from Vicki but didn't take Vicki seriously and there was Jo & Slade with Slade pretending he was all that... Vicki's narrative was that she was the hard working, successful goofy fun bus, which is what she wanted us to think but I never saw her as typical of upper class OC for such a show. She was always criticizing the other ladies for being just "housewives" even though the show was named "Real Housewives" and the concept was to feature well heeled OC wives, a glimpse behind the gate!
  18. The things you learn on this forum!! That is odd, isn't Brianna's last name Wolfsmith?
  19. ITA Granimal! Great points. Shannon did talk about this publicly, most viewers are aware of the DV. Vicki relishing in sharing her dish to hurt Shannon is despicable. I don't know much about the legality of a DV but it's clear that what is defined as DV is a wide range. If she claimed it was minor and Vicki is telling people "he beat the shit out of Shannon" that is character assassination! We don't know but can only go by what the victim, Shannon, tells us. Just because she is on a reality show does not mean she can't complain when others exaggerate or make up stories about what actually happened between them. Vicki enjoying herself while outing this exaggeration says something about Vicki, not S & D. I hope for Shannon's sake her public version is the truth. Oh and Vicki wants the show to star herself, of course, it's her show after all, with Kelly, Lizzie, Gretchen and Peggy Tanous? OMG. What happened to her loyalty to Alexis?!! Will we be treated to Danielle as a friend on the show again with Lizzie back?! Will we be stuck with Slade yet again? Yuck. (I'm making the Vicki disgusted face!) I would rather see Heather finally bring in a couple of her fancy pants friends and a friend of Shannon's.. The dynamic would change back to Tammy Sue being the odd man out as she would then be the only non fancy pants housewife in the bunch.
  20. Thank you! What am I missing here? Why is the emphasis on Shannon ordering the doubles for FOUR people, not just Kelly, when all of the ladies strongly encourage drinking? Yes, I gave Shannon the side eye when Kelly said she didn't want a drink and Shannon ignored her and told the waiter to bring four drinks, including one for Kelly. Remember, Shannon ridiculed Kelly for over serving herself at the 70s party. I took note. However, Vicki insisted to Kelly, during the pub crawl, I think, that she needed to drink with her after Kelly said she didn't want to drink. (Or drink too much?). Vicki was not only pushing drinks on Tamara, who is not supposed to eat or drink too much before the competition, she was practically force feeding shots down Tamra's throat. Who does that after college?! That was taking it much, much further than Shannon insisting on ordering drinks for the table. With Shannon, the drink was sitting on the table and Shannon was not putting the glass to Kelly's lips like Vicki...When Heather had her flask at the picnic, all the ladies were drinking champagne as well. I could have sworn we saw a flashback showing Vicki wanting Kelly to drink with her there too, once again. I don't drink much. I'm frequently surrounded by people on the weekend who like to have drinks and order for me all the time. My husband tells me to just grab soda with lime to fend people off who insist I drink, but really, I am often aggravated that people insist on getting me a drink just because they are getting one (or two or ten!) Do I really need to pretend I'm drinking too to get others to back off? This happens at neighbor parties and restaurants, not just pubs. I'm rarely at bars/pubs. It happens on occasion at ladies lunches. "Don't you want a glass?!" So, yes, I get the pressure of social drinking, in fact, I wonder why people feel the need for everyone around them to have a drink. I'm not going to pretend to be an alcoholic to get people to back off! However, if you do know someone is an alcoholic, especially if their name is Kim Richards, it's not nice to put a drink in front of them...but these ladies don't think or know that a Kelly is an alcoholic. I'm not against drinking, but when my kids were teens we didn't keep ANY alcohol in the house, just to avoid issues. It's just that I look awful the next day because it messes with my sleep, even with only one drink. I just don't care to drink and would rather eat my calories. I drank in college and no longer care to. It's common in my family to drink a glass of red wine with meals. It's just not my thing. I don't care if other adults drink a few drinks or even drink themselves into oblivion. I don't care, but for some reason, many people feel uncomfortable or judged by the non drinkers at the party. It's silly. These ladies are always in groups and alcohol is served in these settings. We know Kelly has a bar on every floor of her house and she's the one who claimed she puts the A in "part-A!" Yet, we are to believe Shannon was the big, bad wolf and Kelly was her victim?! I hope people see that many people are guilty of this, and culprit number one of pushing drinks on this show has always been Icky Vicki. Of course Vicky brings up naked wasted. One thing is for sure, Vicky is the queen of casting blame on others...on anyone but herself for anything. No, Vicki, this isn't your show. I've watched since Day one and always thought she was put on for the audience to laugh at...and not in a fun bus way. Vicki & Tamra were always the pushers, in Ireland it was Vicki, Heather and Shannon.
  21. There are just some things you keep to yourself, regardless of whether you are friends or no longer friends with someone with whom you shared private information in trust. I despise someone, for very good reason, someone that has hurt many people...however, several years later when that person hurts someone else, yet again, that is not a reason for me to reveal that dirt to them just to "get back" at someone. What about the collateral damage? I could easily stoop low and sink that person out of revenge, as this person was cruel to my child and many other people...but that just isn't right. This is why I can't stand Vicki...well...one of several reasons. She is just a horrible person, period. Vicki should not have revealed whatever Shannon has shared with her, and she was just being cruel spreading gossip about Eddie. Just wrong.
  22. What we hear/shown this episode in regards to Heather's lot: Kelly says, "I swear to God on JC, she told me she gave her her first loan, that's what I told you." After denying she, herself, directly investigated the finances. She's denying the digging but is certainly dishing info to Tamra. Flashback of what the editors show us: Tamra states Heather has plenty of money from acting. Kelly says, "really and my friend did the loan for her." (With a smirk on her face) We don't see how the convo started, but it seems to me that Tamra was responding that Heather has plenty of cash. Yes, it sounds a bit more innocent on behalf of Kelly at this point, but still questionable to say while filming. As usual, we wonder what production is leaving out. Talking Head Kelly states months later: "I have a Realtor friend that knows the Dubrows and she told me that they couldn't afford the lot and they had to get a loan though..." Clearly, Kelly is telling us this info is coming from her realtor friend second hand, to illustrate that she wasn't the one with the shovel investigating the Dubrows. However, she just threw the realtor (and therefore that agency) under the bus for divulging confidential info. Explaining herself is not helping her case.
  23. Glad to hear that, but Heather did confirm the SIL was friendly with the affair. Now I'm wondering if Shannon or any of Shannon's friends saw the other chick with Shannon's SIL...like at a USC football game or Shannon's favorite restaurant...
  24. OMG it's so crazy! I certainly understand why Shannon was so out of her mind now. As if the affair wasn't horrendous enough, but the level of backstabbing/lack of loyalty to Shannon by the MIL and SIL was just hard to imagine. She also felt the other housewives were not good people, because Tamra betrayed her confidence, heather socialized with the women who were friends with the affair. Her only support was her family and girls. What a mind F*%#!
  25. IMO, this was all about PR for icky Vicky. She knows she truly crossed the line with the viewers last season and this is why she hates Shannon so much. Shannon holds the past out there on her and Shannon is one of the fan favorites. Hey, Vicky knows all too well she tried to (and was successful with Jeanna) oust other housewives regardless of how much they needed the income. She showed her true colors when she was clearly annoyed and envious when Laurie snagged her newest sugar daddy. Laurie was no longer holding onto the orange out of desperation and Vicks lost her power over her as the boss. It's easy to understand why other HWs found Vicky unforgivable over the years. She has a lot of nerve demanding complete redemption, very ballsy. She has treated every housewife like the scum of the Earth until she had no one left and Kelly Dodd came into the picture. Disclaimer: I'm no fan of Laurie!
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