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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. Truth! It was such a mean girl move, but clearly no one was laughing with Ms. Mathers. Instead, they were thinking, here's a woman at the gym working it and someone thinks it would be clever and funny to ridicule and troll her...which was the same as trolling someone's mother/aunt/sweet friend! Ugh! Cruel. Self hate issues, maybe? Something tells me Kelly Dodd would laugh along with Mathers, but would be out for blood if she was making fun of Kelly's mom at the gym. Like I said, there's no reason to be so mean, that's the crazy part but I'm glad Mathers apologized, hopefully it was sincere... We all know Vicki will be secretly loving it when she sees Shannon.
  2. A picture is worth a thousand words... google homes in West Palm Beach, then Palm Beach...such as Mar-a-lago...
  3. This was good timing, as it is coming off of this incident where a former 30 year old playboy playmate body shamed a 70 year old woman at the gym. Lots of trolls post similar rude comments on Shannon Beador's social media accounts. Lots of people apparently are raised with no manners or kindness in this world! http://www.oregonlive.com/today/index.ssf/2016/07/playboy_playmate_dani_mathers.html
  4. I'm saying this as a very slim 50 year old, that has had to stay extremely disciplined to keep myself from not gaining weight. I think women should give each other a break from weight shaming...She knows she blew it, it shows major cajones to show your worst body self on national television...and I think she's been an inspiration to women that it's okay...you can slip up, then reverse this and you can get healthy. You can lower your body fat to reduce your chances of health issues and it's never too late. I applaud her. Also, any man that can't tolerate a 40 lb weight gain in his wife is a jerk. Oh, and the mistress? She was overweight by about the same amount...So, theres that... What a shallow society we live in that being 40 lbs overweight equates pathetic and a nightmare.
  5. ITA Oakville! I didn't think this episode was boring, I prefer this style of showcasing the women's home lives and when they are out and about with one another shopping, among other activities. What I didn't like, AT ALL, was seeing the tired snatch tightening, and the trying to be goofy and cute with Vicki nonsense. Epic fail. What really grinds my gears (good old Peter Griffin style) is the redemption tour of Vicki. I'm annoyed but not surprised that Bravo/Satan Andy brought her back...It validates her delusional belief that it is "my show!!" Remember her screeching, if you don't like her, "Get off my show!!" at last seasons reunion?! If we are stuck with her, and the powers that be insisted on bringing psycho Kelly back, how about freeze them out together? Why make it easy for Vicki by pairing her with Kelly, Lydia and Peggy? After what she did, Vicki deserves to be frozen out, not treated as if she's "one of the popular girls?" Isn't that rewarding a cancer scammer? I was actually worried Bravo was going to also bring Gretchen & the other Briana Vicki knows, and create a team Vicki. Well, Bravo did with substitutes for them with Lydia & Peggy. Ugh.
  6. Well, it's already happening...from the looks of Shannon in real time, she looks so incredible and getting smaller by the minute. Even Kelly Dudd, far from someone in Shannon's corner, just last week on WWHL, mentioned that she saw Shannon recently and admitted that she looked great. I wish women would encourage each other, even Satan, I mean, evil Tamra has managed to improve the way she interacts with other women and CAN be supportive, when she wants to be, as she's aged. It's sad that even Tamra Judge is actually nicer than some other women on this planet. God help us!
  7. I agree, and to see Kelly followed Shannon & Tamra when they were heading back towards the bathroom/kitchen and she was cackling with glee like a witch in a The Wizard of Oz was quite telling. Why was she following them?! She's going in for the kill and Shannon couldn't control her reaction/emotions. Kelly is not a nice person, the understatement of the year!
  8. It's no biggie...I know, like I did here, people quote other posters, and it gets reposted again sometimes, so just wanted to be clear. I was responding and agreeing with Thefinalrose's post. No apology necessary! :)
  9. Just for the record, that quote you posted was from Thefinalrose, not from me, IKR, I had quoted and responded to her post below her comments.
  10. Lydia continues to disappoint... I questioned her motives and gave her the side eye when she easily turned on her "friend" Alexis when Tamra, Gretchen & Heather were dragging Alexis down. I recall thinking a good, Christian friend would have stuck by Alexis during Tamra's dinner at her gym, whether she agreed with how Alexis was handling herself, or not...Alexis brought Lydia to the event. I remember thinking Alexis wasn't doing anything wrong and was being set up. Overall, I liked her still at this point, she figured Heather out quickly! This go around, however, she knows what she's doing, it's not her first dance at Real Housewives anymore. To participate in this set up is not a good look Lydia. I know some people smile when they get nervous, but Lydia kept grinning from ear to ear in each scene with Shannon so far...that's not am innocent smile!!
  11. I will never understand why women or men are looked down upon if they don't go back to work outside the home. It's everyone's choice to either be a stay at home mom/dad or go back to work. It's up to each family to decide how their household functions. Clearly, David earns enough money that Shannon doesn't need to bring in the income. There are choices and each family makes those decisions themselves, daycare, no daycare, preschool, no preschool, how long you don't work if you intend to re-enter the workforce, etc. I think the bigger question for Shannon, is, maybe if she had a focus outside of David, would she be happier? It doesn't have to be work, although she does have a paying job, being on this show! In real life, she does truly hang out with Tamra, and like her friend off the show, Kristina (we've seen her on the show) and she does have a group of friends that I've seen regularly on Shannon's social media, that includes Kristina, for the years we've seen her on the show.
  12. I'm reacting to the fact that regardless of whether it's a wrong number or not, mature women, as defined by me as over 21, talking it about it like they are just looking at some guys profile pic or chest/rear end. There is no decency when that seems like no big deal, IMHO. And...yah...when it comes to Sonja, you are spot on, she didn't inquire right then and there?!! I know they are train wrecks and that's part of why we watch, but sometimes I think I accidentally put some teen MTV reality show on, instead of a housewives show!
  13. The only thing I can think of is maybe Ramona actually thought she really wasn't going to Mexico?! The trip was confirmed to her last minute in spite of her insistence earlier that they are all included whether she was invited by Bethenny or not...You are right, she's a "regular" so she would know you are supposed to avoid the sun, etc.
  14. This is the one time this season I can think of Sonja being prudent...this is why she didn't want a room with lots of stairs...if she knows they may drink too much... So, if you know you're going to drink like an irresponsible, stereotypical frat boy, it's probably a good idea to avoid stairs!
  15. Ramona is acting terribly, to put it mildly, just like every poster has pointed out. However, dick picks?!! Really? This is one of those things that make me question how far our society has fallen when dick picks are talked about like they are talking about something mundane like someone's outfit in a picture. Grow up Sonja, please!
  16. I'm not sure. When Lydia was on Watch What Happens Live with Vicki recently a caller asked Lydia something about Shannon being mean to the new girls...I wasn't paying close attention. Does anyone else recall? I thought it was odd given that I thought Vicki was the Queen of hazing the new girls...except Kelly because she had no HW posse left at that point in time! Shannon usually reacts to the new girls comments but I don't think she goes into meeting them with the intent of being mean, that is Vicki's job!
  17. ITA What I think, besides already posting previously that Shannon is very easy to wind up, is that Shannon began to immediately suspect that Lydia went into this conversation to represent Vicki and possibly team up with Vicki. After it happening to her in the past every season she has been on, she probably quickly became cynical towards Lydia with those experiences in mind. I already mentioned and agree with posters that Shannon completely overreacted, and seemed crazy, however, I bet Shannon thought she was going to be a target...just like she was for Heather, Megan & Kelly. Shannon is going to be suspicious and perhaps felt Lydia was setting her up??! Her trust factor is at zero.
  18. I also watched the clip where she is "meeting Phil Donahue" on his show, and wow, her voice & mannerisms actually reminded me of Tinsley! I miss that show!
  19. As another poster already mentioned, Shannon is an easy target...I agree that she has been traumatized and she just doesn't know how to properly channel her emotions when reacting to negative situations in her world or the other HW banshees on this show! She reminds me of how quickly some people react to trolls on news articles on social media. Trolls love to stir the pot by going to an opinion piece of their opposite politics/viewpoints websites, just so they can get a rush and a rise out of upsetting people. Shannon is that person that is easy to troll. I hate trolls, they are lower than dirt, and in real situations some people that we have to interact with love to troll others. It creates drama! The other ladies quickly figure out that sparks will fly if they needle Shannon, so they can be in the middle of the dirt. Shannon needs to figure out she's an easy mark. People know just what to say to light her up and she falls for it every time.
  20. Great comment Vedapierce! So true, it's quite comical to watch it unfold before a national audience!
  21. Your posts never fail to make me laugh, thank you! This is too funny and spot on: "Megan needs to keep that precious baby away from Tamra and Vicki, who will suck her soul."
  22. I agree, religion is a part of everyday life for a large majority of the people in this country. To me, it's just like watching them go to doctors appointments, going to the gym, shopping, etc., a glimpse into what they are doing behind the gate! At least it's not discussing polarizing politics like on NYC where differing opinions can create angst between the ladies. We see it in the context of improving themselves, making an effort to affect behaviors...For once, we are seeing them (at least trying) attempting toward the positivity within themselves instead of screaming at each other in these type of scenes. Trying to improve themselves, and not acting like fighting banshees is always welcome in my book. There are several posts discussing their abhorrent behavior and attitudes as a turn off (several from me too) and this, to me, is a real way for these ladies to make a positive change. We have already been subjected to psychics, counseling, spas, Bali...and it didn't take! Hmmm...how can it hurt?!! While I did question Tamra's new found faith, thinking she was using it as a storyline 2 seasons ago, I was hoping it would help her change her path for the better in spite of the perceived negative intentions. Well, she certainly seems a tad nicer then she was in the past.
  23. I can't believe Heather was cast off and we still have Vicky & Kelly. Those two are so sad and pathetic that it takes away the true snark & fun that I thought these shows were all about...It's like I need to shower after listening to these two harpies go on about being the popular ones...for realzzz? It's such bazaar behavior for supposed grown ups...as Ramona says, "I can't..."
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