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Everything posted by IKnowRight

  1. I'm not sure, but the reports I read gave me the impression she was hiding in the bathroom to avoid arrest. She was camping out thinking they couldn't come in after her?
  2. Just read a report on this in US Magazine. What was interesting were the comments. Some lady named Tara is coming to her defense and blaming the show & the other women on the show for driving her to this! That didn't take long for someone to come out and blame some of the other housewives. Comments along the lines of being driven to drink & dragging this stuff out on camera which is what has caused her shame & humiliation...OMG the blaming of everyone but the alcoholic is just astounding to me. Wonder if "Tara" is a relative, best buddy or Brandi...we know Tara is not Kay or her dog trainer. Tara also comments that Kim had no other choice but to stay on the show for the income because she's a "life long" actress who has no other sources of income. When someone else said they heard she was doing real estate for Hilton, Tara's response is that she's not properly trained in sales & hasn't done much in sales...using that as an excuse for not being able to perform well...what denial-land with these people. Kim has a huge advantage that her connection/relations to established realtors in town & other connections from her celebrity that most other new INexperienced realtors would kill for...
  3. Can't re-watch, remembering George is torture enough. Yes, Carole was flirting, even though George was supposed to be set up with Sonja. Why? Just why.
  4. I don't have strong feelings for/against any of the NY housewives...they all have some great/good/annoying qualities. I like the larger cast because if one lady becomes annoying, there are others shown to break up the annoyance!What I didn't get about Carole was how awkward she was on the double date with the handsome, seemingly normal guy her age last season, but she gets all giddy over the young chef. She didn't give that date a chance. So, maybe she's not interested in an equal. Maybe she wants a fling, or short term relationships because she's still not emotionally ready? Maybe we will learn more...I never really get a deep sense of Carole the way you can about some of the other ladies. She's definitely more private.
  5. Gawd, Aviva and her disgusting father...just yuck. He was so over the line....he was one of the most embarrassing pieces of the housewives shows. Everything about George was gross. Is there a male name for Cougar besides dirty old man? I'm not sure about Bethanny, but anyone is better than Aviva.
  6. Thank you, and if that means I'm projecting, I do in all seriousness plead guilty. I sneer when older men check out my 19year old daughter! It's disgusting. She's done some modeling, catalog & events, and I wasn't happy for this very reason. I was so glad my son was a senior in high school when she was a freshman...he chased off the older boys from stalking the freshman prey that was his little sister. I guess I'm just old fashioned. But, I don't like prune juice or watching Jeopardy! So, maybe I'm not Maxine because I don't act like Brandi Glanville...and I'm not even going thru menopause yet and I don't like younger men like Brandi, or criminals like Vicki, or guys that look & remind me of guys like Juicy Joe or Richie, I'm talking to you Dorinda...
  7. Did I miss something? No husbands/boyfriends at this reunion? I feel like I'm just realizing this or maybe I'm forgetting seeing them?! Makes me feel crazy.
  8. I wanted to add, I never heard the term, MILF until I watched RHOC. That's what made me think skeevey. Maybe it's picturing Vicki with one of Michael's frat buddies?!!
  9. Hi LotusFlower: I don't care if it's the man or woman who is older, I don't see the attraction either way. I see pretty or handsome in all ages, but I personally am not attracted to any man younger than me by that much of a distance. I just don't see the attraction to being interested in someone of such an age difference. Perhaps if they were " old school" and were interested in the same politics, music, books, etc, but for the most part, a 20 something would never interest me because they think differently. Maybe because I'm old school? Yes, Scott Eastwood is attractive, but I only see him as Clint Eastwoods son. A good looking son, but he's a peer to my son, so it just doesn't work, FOR ME! My sister, now 64, was married to someone 10 years her junior. They divorced about 10 years ago. He was closer to my age. It skeeved me out. Maybe because her previous husband & father of her children was her age. Obviously, being the same age as her first husband didn't work out for her either! But, since husband #2 was closer to my age and she was in high school when I was born, it seems like an awkward attraction. Yes, Scott Eastwood is certainly cute, I can see that, so isn't Clint, but I prefer men my age, like my husband. Who is 2 years older and from my hometown. My 22 year old son is very handsome, a double for James Franco, but when I see my sons friends, I see them as children.
  10. Good point, maybe she was looking for an insulating distraction! These ladies are a handful. I like the way the "new set" kind of group of and comment on the "original set" of the RHONY. Carole, Heather & Kristen entertained themselves as viewers of the other ladies drama when they started on this show. I'm really interested in seeing the "teams" changing if the previews are any indication...it's a bit 4th wall-ish, like when Lydia would giver her observations on the other ladies on the OC.
  11. I also agree with your comments as well. I was just trying to explain why myself & other posters have commented on the skeeve factor. I don't really care who Carole dates...I just think she appeared pathetic and was trying to explain why I feel that way. If it's not serious, I agree, who cares. If it is, that's their business, however, I'm just saying it seems odd to me and I don't see the attraction.
  12. Agree, some people, like Kim, should just not own a dog, or a goldfish... To help defuse the rant, I just had one too, have you seen the comedy Airplane? There's a scene where the lady of the house is acting like their "sweet" dog just needs to hear, "down boy...sweetie" while her dog is attacking the guest? This scene perfectly illustrates the mindset of the clueless dog owner. It's pretty funny.
  13. YES to this and all the comments that Kyle has the right to decide for herself whether she would eat the damn space cake. I rarely getting steaming mad about these issues, since this show is supposed to entertain me, not up my blood pressure, but hot damn, Brandi is such a stupid idiot!! She was totally projecting her frustrations onto Kyle. I don't care if Chelsea Handler or whoever "gets away with everything and I don't" crap of a line. If Kyle doesn't want to do it, good for her. If Kyle DID do it, who gives a flying F. It's not up to Brandi to decide what Kyle should or shouldn't do. If Kyle normally gets drunk on wine, does that mean she is a hypocrite if she doesn't drink any the next time she's with Brandi? Gawd, she has a right to do whatever she wants, and doesn't need an excuse to justify to Brandi why she decides to not participate on TV. Finding out Brandi didn't partake because it wouldn't look good makes BRANDI the hypocrite not Kyle. Actually, for ONCE Brandi was refraining, like a responsible adult, mom, and she's mad at Kyle? I don't care if Kyle normally does crack and is now clutching her pearls over weed. That's her right. She's a parent Brandi, get with the program that with parenthood, how you present yourself does matter. It's called modeling. Gawd she needs to be kicked off this show that she never belonged on in the first place. Life isn't fair. We all learned this when we were 8 years old. Growing up means you figured this out years ago. It's not Brandis job to point this out 24/7. If I was Adriene Maloof, I would never speak to Brandi again! I was on Brandis side once, until I figured out she was the villain not the victim.
  14. When it comes to dating much younger men, or much younger women for that matter, the issue for some is not necessarily a judgment, but more of an Ick factor. Example. Kim Richards poo pooing Brandi dating the moving guy or Max's friend. Kim has a son the same age, so in Kims (although we know it's rum soaked) mind, that's like dating a child, because Brandi is old enough to be the mother of a child/man college age. While it may not seem a big deal to someone else, NBD, it depends on your own personal mindset on the issue. That was the only time I agreed with Kim's point of view. Carole is about 50 I believe. Why date someone who's 20 years younger? So, just like it does with older men trolling young girls, it seems perverted to some, including me. It's because we are thinking about what's best for our sons that age. With age, comes wisdom. Just like other parenting issues, it might be a concern that his youth would be squandered on someone from another generation that in the future, would be a poor match. If my 22 year old son was dating a 45-50 year old, like myself, sorry, but I would be thinking WTF? At the same time, if my 23 year old daughter was dating someone my age, boy would that gross me out. Sorry, but that's how I feel. Of course, the difference between older women & men is that with an older woman, does that mean the younger man doesn't want kids? Of course, he may not, no big deal, but than again, he might change his mind and if he committed to someone beyond child bearing years or done with it, where does that leave him? The negative reaction comes from a parenting concern in some cases. Andy Cohen, Brandi, Carole, etc. can do whatever they want. Their boy or girl toys can do whatever they want. To each his own. I'm convinced that's why he loves Brandi...they share the same opinions on certain issues. They see no problem with it because of their opinion it's no big deal. Others have a right to comment it feels skeevey to them for their own reasons.
  15. Glad to see that tweet from LisaVP. I guess we will soon see for ourselves, but Brandi saying she would be vindicated is most likely the opposite of what we will see. Only in her demented mind. Both Brandi & Kim are in their own worlds. Kristin, Brandi's RHONY friend was right to call Sonja delusional and I just can't see Kristin & Brandi staying on good terms if they were both on the same franchise. Kristin's nutty like Brandi, but Brandi is 100% crazier than Sonja or Ramona.
  16. gBahahahahaha Love Kim's newest nickname. Thought rum raisin sounded familiar...sure enough...one of the lipsticks in my rotation is Revlon's RUM RAISIN! Grrrrrrr. Thankfully it's not my go to like it used to be, but now when I apply rum raisin I will giggle and think of you all!
  17. Agreed, and this certainly explains Vicki's attitude and actions on the OC. She thinks she is the Queen Mother. Kyle acts like a true hostess/welcome wagon while Vicki, who should act accordingly, acts as a doorman to the newbies. Vickie likes to haze the new girls first to see if they belong in "her" sorority. I think that's why many dislike Vicki. The only time we've seen Kyle behave more like Vicki is when Brandi was a friend of the HWs, season 2.
  18. Let us not forget Alexia is also a college student. This incident would also have kept her out of class for at least a week and limited the use of her hand while attempting to take notes and/or write papers when she returns. That's stressful for a diligent student. I have to give Kyle & Mo huge applause for their immediate family rallying together and smilingly supporting their daughter during this BS. I'd be apesh#t angry and wanting to haunt Kim. It does appear they know what truly matters.
  19. Andy/Bravo are as delusional as Brandi & Kim about who is disliked on these shows. I swear the producers must all be drunken skanks that resemble the SUR waitstaff, with the way they think. They thnk we like trash. Evidence: Brandi, Kim, Pam/Dana (even the thought of a trial run as a HW) Tamrat, Lynne Curtain, Danielle, etc. Evidence: Andys dumb games on WWHL, like, who's crotch is that? Geez.
  20. Does anyone here have the timeline on Kingsley and his victims?? Who was bit first, Kay or Alexia? Is the anger because the Instagram pic made the bite public and backs up the case against Kay? Sorry, just want to be clear on the sequence of events. What a f'ing bitch! Any loving aunt would be apologizing, visiting at the hospital and not blaming the victim. Wouldn't Kims insurance take care of things? If so, why does she want this hidden? Oh, and holy sh#t, I can't imagine what Mauricio wanted to do to Kim...boy, can you imagine dealing with such dysfunction with Alexia at risk for losing her finger?
  21. ...and boy did Joyce pay the price for not getting with the program, as conceived by Brandi & Yo. I would like to see a repeat of each season without Brandi and see how different the feel would be without the evil B.
  22. ITA Interesting, as I'm reminded of Kim & Brandi's behavior watching repeats of the RHOBH reunions... We saw Kim & Brandi gravitate towards each other last season. It was Lisa VP's turn on the hot seat and notice how Kim was in Kyles ear when accusations were made about the magazines from Brandi? Those 2 were in cahoots starting half way thru last season when Yo & Brandi & eventually Kim teamed up together and used magazine gate and Lisa's comment about selling a house to drive a wedge between Kyle & LisaVP. Kyle's finally seeing the truth with Kim now that she's BFFs with Brandi, and Eileen & Rinna called her & Brandi out on their manufactured drama. Kyle has seen bits & pieces, but now that Kim has crossed the line with Eileen, LisaR, and Kingsley biting Alexia, Kyle has figured out that Kim was also stirring the pot last season. Brandi has been a "peach" since day one. Some of the ladies have seen her softer side, but she's too self centered, like Kim, to get out of her own way. Let's not forget, Brandi was also awful to others, Taylor, Joyce and her family. It wasn't just her dad, Brandi has issues with her brother & sister. Bottom line, the problems are centered with Brandi & Kim, two of a kind.
  23. I get this feeling that Dorinda is the new Sonja. A bit out there, moving on from the death of a wealthy man....but she hasn't tried gimmicks like Sonja to live on in NYC. Sonja thinks she's financially solvent in her delusional world while Dorinda seems more in touch with her life and knows what she has to do to move forward on her own.
  24. For me, I was referring to Dorinda not Edie Falco. I don't care where Edie lives, she's not on this show. Dorinda seems out of place, to me.
  25. This reunion has sealed my impression, that Brandi has taken this show down to the ground. Kim is evil, but without Brandi as a sidekick, Kim's participation on the show would have been in limited form just as it has been in the past...limited until she became empowered by BFF Brandi's support. Only Andy would cast a low life like Brandi onto a Beverly Hills franchise. He loves the down & dirty, not the lifestyles of the rich & famous. Somehow, the original concept of taking a peek behind the iron gates of OC, BH & NYC moms turned into Jersey Shore for the over 30 crowd. Brandi needs to go. I know some think it would be boring without the conflict of Brandi, or Tamra, but save that kind of conflict for the under 30 Jerry Springer crowd. Not every show appeals to every demographic. Bravo has plenty of other shows to appeal to others. This concept was supposed to be about rich, over 30 year old housewives & their families. Fighting with each other is unnecessary and over the top. How many people fight like this in real life? Remember, when RHONJ took off, suddenly it blew up over the Danielle conflict. Bravo had a choice. Danielle was axed, but than they sought out Melissa & the fighting cousin. Why? Why not unrelated ladies that weren't known to be fighting with Teresa? Let's see LVP, Kyle, Eileen, LisaR, Yo and Shiva? Denise Richards? Aren't there other fun ladies from BH, that are friends with some of these ladies that are true friends? Imagine how Joyce would have mingled if it wasn't for Catlton & Brandi? Or Carlton without Brandi?
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