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Everything posted by theredhead77

  1. I loved Martha later and she's just fantastic with Jack. To be fair, I wasn't over Rose and had no patience for Martha's unrequited love and jealousy. She was behaving like a whiny freshman / teenage girl not a grown ass woman / medical student and she just needed to get!the!frell!over!it! I wanted to throw copies of He's Just Not That Into You at her. If they hadn't written the that angle in to her arc I would have been a lot more receptive to her.
  2. I'm having a really bad day (so, you know, a CoE discussion should cheer me right up). That is the most adorable thing ever. JB is frelling fantastic.
  3. Despite my first venture in to Doctor Who was with Eccleson / nine, Ten is and always will be *my* Doctor. I started watching so far in to the reboot that I was able to marathon and that may have something to do with my feelings. I also love dark, angsty characters. I do get the ten hate, I really do. I am a ten and Rose forever!fangirl and hated Martha. I hated her so much that a friend I was re-watching with (his first time) watched the Martha arc alone because he got sick of me yelling at her. Loved Donna and DoctorDonna. I think the end of her arc was the first time I cried in the series.
  4. I liked how they handled it. Sosa wasn't falling all over herself to be with Face or falling under his charm. There seemed to be a very adult once had a relationship still have a spark but not gonna happen vibe to it which may have been the actors instead of the actual intent. The position Sosa was in wasn't a stereotypical female position or one that she could have slept her way to. It never felt like she was the token woman. I have no doubt if the show was launched today we'd see Face with a new flavor of the week to chase and seeing that promiscuity celebrated instead of shamed (while you know, the woman would be shamed for jumping in to bed with Face because double standards or something). I don't think they could get away with sticking a token woman in as something like a reporter; she'd have to be in on the action (though she'd probably be be a butch lesbian stereotype) . I'd love to see a woman be the next Lynch. Since Lynch seems to be the new Dread Pirate Roberts.
  5. My love for Harmon started at Reasonable Doubts. It's also the show that got me interested in ASL. Well the show or my age-inappropriate crush on Harmon. The man can have chemistry with a brick wall. I really enjoyed Gibb's past with Jenny (the rest of the arc was questionable) and was pleasantly surprised when I found out there was only a 12 year gap between Harmon and Lauren Holly. The show-runners seem to cast "age appropriate" interests* for Gibbs and I wonder if any of that has to do with Harmon's input (because I don't have that much faith in Hollywood casting). *Even though Abby behaves like she's 25, Perrette and Harmon are just 18 years apart which isn't awful in the grand scheme of things (if you ship that way). Though I think they tried to close that door when she begged him to tell her she's been like a daughter to him and opened the door wider when Gibbs didn't reply.
  6. Ben Browder is in Bad Kids Go To Hell. I tried to watch it on Hulu Plus, I really, really tried because my love for BB really knows no end. But it had bugs in it and I hate bugs. I guess that's where my love for BB loses. From the little I saw he did the best he could with some terrible material.
  7. Obviously I was so enraged by her shit-eating grin that I missed his line. I don't even mind shows that make me angry, if I know why I'm angry and get some sort of resolution. I am a HUGE BSG and Farscape fan. There were numerous dark, no hope, enrage me episodes. The GR needs to disappear themselves.
  8. If they don' show, or tell me what the GR is and why the head GR lady had a shit eating grin on her face I'm out. I don't mind dark, depressing, no hope shows. I mind not knowing why I want to kick the shit out of someone. The GR are antagonists just to be like that. If the town ignored them would they go away? Are they part of the reason people disappeared? Do they know why people disappeared? In the previews I thought they were the people who disappeared.
  9. Sig said whenever she gets off the boat she swears more than him (or as much as him?). Her name was on the wall too. I'm thinking the whole thing is something to appease his wife. He has to be super uncomfortable with the guys being raunchy around her, in front of him. There are some things I'm sure my parents don't ever want to know about me, just like I never ever need to know that they watch True Blood or other shows with nudity in them (yes, the stork did bring me, why do you ask?)
  10. Four of us. Maybe it's with Behrooz. Part of me thought 24 would actually go there and have Jack eat his pistol. When Chloe was rushing back to the car I was hoping it was to take cover and Jack would Bourne Identity his way out of the helicopter so he and Chloe could drive off into the sunset. What can I say, I like my endings tied up nice and pretty. I thought my sound cut out but the article posted above reminded me. Silent clock as he flew off.
  11. I would just like to talk about Sam's magical hair. It goes from kinda long to long and puffy to super short. Did anyone ever figure out how long a season is spread out over? And when did she have time to get a hair cut? I also think this is the season Sam's tattooed on lipstick and waterproof make-up of awesome starts. That stuff never moves.
  12. My fandoms are crossing but I am hopeful Asgard beaming technology picked up President Hayes Heller right before the drone strike. Devane as PotUS is super distracting to me. I think Margot will stick to her word but TerrorSon 2.0 will take over, perhaps kill her to run the drones. I am digging this much shorter season, I have no idea when or how they will do the time jump and hope to remain unspoiled. I am super glad this isn't taking place in LA so I don't have to yell about it being impossible to go from point A to B in the time they do. I'm all for suspending reality but the rules of LA rush hour traffic are rules of the universe. Even Jack Bauer can't control them.
  13. The NID would torture their Nana's if they thought she had intel.
  14. That was their first encounter with the Tok'ra; up until then all those pet head snakes were evil G'ould. Would Sam have even believed Jolinar's intentions were good if she had been told the truth from the start? Even after Jolinar came clean no one in the SGC believed her.
  15. I really hope they follow-up on Morello's temporary escape and continued stalking and breaking / entering. I too thought she was going to commit suicide in the veil and tub. I know a few women who have cutsey bears and pillows on their bed. They are all in their early 20s, playing house and so very immature.
  16. MacGyver does not hold up, at all. Not just the effects but it's so cut and dry: bad guy bad, good guy good. I love Richard Dean Anderson in Stargate: SG1 but man, MacGyver is a show better left in the 80s. Same with Airwolf. I think The A-Team held up really well and watching it as an adult brings a completely different perspective to the show than I had as a kid. Man, Murdoc was really really fucked up. Seriously, and DJ always got the shaft. I've been watching some of the early episodes (don't ask) and damn Uncle Jesse had the most character growth. Womanizing man whore who thought nothing of wanting a lady friend spending the night to married man and father.
  17. Take this for what it's worth (read on the internet) it's supposed to go along with the movie story-line in an AU, so the shows and new movies can all take place. Lord knows they have enough mythos to easily go that way, and I hope they do.
  18. I feel like I've read this before but this seems to be official, with a budget
  19. Comtrya sunspot! The more the merrier! Just wait until seasons 9 and 10, there will be an additional pretty to add to your conundrum. Please post your thoughts, if you have in the season threads.
  20. Comtrya! (Welcome) Goldmoon! Please don't be intimidated by the speed of the seasons. The thought behind a thread for each season is so people can watch at their own pace. Please post your thoughts in the season threads, regardless of how old or inactive they seem. New posts tend to spark new conversation. I came in to SG1 10 years after the fact, in to a TVWoP thread that was nearly 900 pages long, read most of the thread and sparked new conversation from my first-timer experience. These fine folks taught me everything I need to know. Check out the lexicon thread too, it's got all sorts of great info.
  21. Worst!commercial!ever! Who randomly talks about pantyliners, pads or tampons to strangers while waiting for a play? On that note how often do you have a discussion with your friends about feminine products? Maybe I'm a poor example since TV has taught me I'm a shitty woman but the most I've ever discussed feminine products with my friends consists of asking if they have one since I need it, or stopping in the aisle to buy what I need if we are at Target together.
  22. I thought she was sedated and woke up on the ride down the elevator. I distinctly recall Sam saying "Oh God, she's awake".
  23. Perhaps, or maybe the writers know something we don't (or more likely I can't phrase my thoughts correctly) I think she said it to make Jack feel better and make her actions seem less reckless. Singularity was before we met the Tok'ra, before Jolinar. Sam just "knowing" was a gut feeling which probably wouldn't have been looked upon as a reason to justify such reckless behavior and "more importantly" defying orders (I believe).
  24. I think if we encountered an advanced race we'd (humans) would think they are condescending jerks since we (humans) already tend to think we are the smartest beings around. The Tollan and their condescending ways didn't bother me much. They were consistent about not sharing technology with "lesser" races and it wasn't just humans they withheld from. Humans weren't the smartest people in many of the galaxies or universes SG teams traveled to and it was pretty frelling presumptious of us (humans) to assume that all races would just be open to giving us technology we may not understand or treat with respect; even if it meant death.
  25. I always felt The Nox was a bit of commentary on American politics."The very young do not always do as they are told". Even though Season one was predominately dark episodes Singularity hammered home how dark this show could go. The whole series was always pretty dark and I never understood the not your daddy's Stargate SG:U was being pimped out with. A bomb in a child, a rapey G'ould, memory wipes, Teal'c holding Kalalsky's head so the gate could basically scalp and kill him, it goes on and on. In season 1!
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