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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. I can buy into that. I also look at it as both were so focused on B being pregnant and them wanting to be a "family" that they didn't stop to consider whether they were well matched in the first place. I didn't watch much of Bethenny Ever After so I don't know what either may have said during that.
  2. E gads!! Through the LinkedIn connections I apparently know people (and unlike so many LinkedIn connections I really DO know these people) who know people connected to the first 2 people (laura and AJ). I am a bit disgusted with my friends
  3. You seem to be mis-reading that FAQ. The section at the bottom about "waiving" child support is actually about having a separate agreement including child support, which may not be in accordance with the rather complicated child support calculations in the NY law And note the Court still needs to approve the terms. I practiced family law for many years, though not in NY. You cannot waive child support. Just can't. Can you not set an amount, or reserve the issue, usually because the non-custodial parent has no job? Sure. Can you effectively use that to not have the other parent ever pay support, because you never go back to court to ask support be set? Sure. But that is not an actual waiver.camille Is likely getting something, though for some people it is termed I allocated child support and alimony/maintenance. Maybe she has that, and people interpret it as no child support. Or, as his support, Kelsey is paying bills directly rather than giving Camille a check each month,. Or he set up a separate trust for the children's expenses, which he cannot raid for other purposes. That is still child support. For people with joint custody, especially if the child's time is split evenly, things are often different. Because then each parent is providing half the support already. But you can be sure if the child is in private school or has expensive hobbies, those costs and health insurance are being parceled out between the parents in some way that is based at least in part on the respective incomes.
  4. I don't think the decision shows Jason to be a "scheming liar." Let's face it, Bethenny had the lawyers, she had the $$. It was up to her to ask her attorneys about the terms of the trust. She failed to read it? Tough shit on her. She signed it without reading it? Tough shit on her. She failed to ask about all the options? Tough shit on her. It is in fact true that many people use trusts to buy property in order to shield the true ownership. It wasn't at all unusual that Bethenny would choose this method of purchasing. It would seem logical for Jason to be the trustee, because Bethenny and/or the daughter is/are the beneficiary of the trust. So B can't really be the trustee. But now that they are divorced, she can certainly change the trustee. I have no idea if a family member can't notarize a document. But let's remember that all a notary stamp does is provide proof that the person who showed up to sign the document is in fact the person who signed it, in that they had some form of ID with that name on it. I will tell you there are many, many notaries who fail to follow the letter of the law on notarizing documents. If they know the person, they don't demand ID. If they really, really know the person, they don't require it have been signed in front of them. I have had a notary ask me what date I wanted for the notarization - a cardinal sin for notaries. HIs mother was likely just trying to help out, but in point of fact it was the attorney's job to make sure that document was signed/notarized. The language that the notary is in NY is just a format thing, because I would bet the attorney expected Bethenny and Jason to sign at his office in NY. Now, if Bethenny never signed the document and the signature was forged? That's another ball of wax. But that doesn't seem to be what she's saying her (especially since the article indicates she is claiming to have only seen the signature page). But if she was at the closing for the purchase, she certainly knows the trust was established. It wasn't a secret.
  5. I’ve just realized that much of what Sonja is bullshitting about are things that the other HWs actually have/had. JFK Jr., related to Carole. Second homes you can actually use? Ramona, Heather, Dorinda, and LuAnn. Modeling? Kristin and LuAnn. Diddy? Heather. Actual businesses? Ramona, Heather, Bethenny and to a degree LuAnn (putting her last as it seems she is just putting her name on someone else’s designs – not that this isn’t what many other folks have done). References to Europe? LuAnn. No idea how Madonna relates. Except she hasn’t been in PR all her life. First, she hasn’t held a job outside the home in at least a decade, probably much longer. And while she called the hostess at a restaurant job “PR”, that doesn’t make it so. She seated people at tables, she soothed ruffled feelings when the table wasn’t ready, and she flirted with the men. That may be being a good hostess, but it’s not a “public relations” job. And Sonja may say she “sold” the house in France, but that sale was actually forced by the bankruptcy court. Nor do I think the ex sues her every time she sells a property (of which I think she has sold ONE). They have an ongoing dispute about the alimony settlement, and the Colorado house. All these houses were bought with Morgan money in the first place. Finally, she has NO interest in paying off the $7m. That one is just my opinion. Oh, I think if Sonja could latch onto another wealthy man she would do it in a second! Someone to pay off her debts? Check. Someone to pay for shopping at Bergdorf’s? Check. Someone to whisk her away for weekends in Gstaad? Check. Unfortunately for her, most people in NYC who have money probably already know about her, and any wealthy guy, who is likely already divorced once or twice, will be reluctant to give her the checkbook/black card. Never mind she is very unlikely to ever have a marriage where she doesn’t have to sign a pre-nup, so she missed out on the real Morgan money and is ruing the day. I remember Sonja trying to open a bottle, then Dorinda getting involved but at some point the bottle changed. I thought Dorinda helped because if Sonja would only have passed out there would be peace and quiet. Or maybe she changed the bottle to something non-alcoholic. I don’t think that’s the way it happened, I don’t think she has regrets because she repeatedly claims the fault was others, and I think if she hadn’t gotten hit with the movie lawsuit she would have eventually gotten herself into some other stupid thing (like now, I realize B said Sonja didn’t have her own money in the clothing line, but who knows). I believe Sonja was still married when the movie deal came up, and she claimed to be good for the $7m because of the Morgan money/name. He refused to pony up the cash, and obviously she didn’t have it on her own. She appears to be living beyond her means with no thought to the future (when she won’t have any child support for the daughter who barely lives with her now). Unlike LuAnn who sold the large Hamptons house and bought smaller. [sonja/any HW voice] But, but that’s different. [end Sonja/any HW voice]   Me too! And glad of it. The other odd thing about the limo fight was there were shots of Sonja looking out the front window, as if she was watching the other HW outside. Unless there was editing involved… And while the limo may have been late and B was late (and who thinks there won’t be traffic from Tribeca to the UES?!?), Sonja was the LAST to arrive!
  6. I see what you're saying, but I saw it differently. No B fan here, but I thought she was mentioning her own life to get Sonja to not dismiss the advice because "you don't know what I'm going through." What I don't understand is why B is bothering to try to get through to Sonja. Unless it is about rehabilitating her image.Does Sonja not understand what a foyer is? Because it is not outside the house! She just says whatever pops into her head, regardless of how stupid. Because first it was Heather couldn't come inside because she could sit in the limo, then it was that she didn't know Heather was there...way what? And she can't open ther front door because she has dogs that could run out, but she herself went out the front door. So much for Somja not having a mean bone in her body - B is projecting and is less than Sonja because Sonja is close to her family, and the girls don't understand because they haven't lived "the life." I can't decide whether she is mean or just, again, saying the first thing that pops into her head. Dorinda had the best lines "John-John is dead" (and bullshit on Sonja since it is my understanding no one called him that as an adult), and "money talks, wealth whispers." Or something like that. Meanwhile, Carole wears bunny ears and a breast t-shirt. How many times can we say "trying too hard to seem effortless?" Edited because flyer and foyer are different words! Darned iPad auto-correct.
  7. She is also trying to make out there are more clothes by showing each color as a separate garment, even though they are the same dress. I counted only 3 actual dresses, for example. And how is it she can't manage actual sizes? A $1,200 dress that is small, medium, large?? Not well fitted.I am also trying to figure out how she avoids providing any actual information about the "diamonds." Maybe cut, color, clarity details? Note everything seems to be "total carat weight" because very few of the pieces seem to be one diamond (most amusingly the description of the "pear shaped" necklace refers to a round diamond. The errors in grammar are classic housewives garbage.
  8. Nope, not for an attorney, especially one who has handled criminal defense work.
  9. Except that last year Nene and MJ were laughing it up together.
  10. Persnickety - way to take one for the team to find this so quickly!! I can't believe I blanked and forgot this was on today. And I was working from home today!! That damned Kyle, it is all her fault . Extra emojis in Kim's "honor." [edited because my emojis don't show - they were funny and a lot to them!!] I will likely need to do this in groups of posts as I am on my iPad. I am struck by a couple of things right off the bar: 1. She actually said only that she hadn't had a drink "on camera," not that she wasn't drinking during times in the season when she wasn't being filmed. Also this doesn't mean she wasn't taking pills. 2. She seems to have been at home she she had the vodka? She said she had left the first daughter's house and went to the airport to pick up another daughter (who was flying in from Dubai - I don't want to think about that one). WHY does an admitted alcoholic have alcohol in her house? And she has been an alcoholic so long she doesn't realize that "pour" she mimicked was enough to get anyone drunk! I can't imagine the volume of liquor she pours down that throat. 3. She was sober for 3 years or 3 1/2 years, depending on - well nothing since none of us believe that. 4. She went over to the first daughter's house because the daughter was having a tough time yet she somehow managed to relapse from that. Nice focusing on your child Kim. That is all for now, now back to the show! PS - the beginning when she blamed everyone else for her being late reminded me of a friend whose fiancé made them late to their own rehearsal - the bride blamed my friend (the groom) although the maid of honor had arrived before them and loudly told everyone the bride wasn't ready.
  11. No big surprise - you do not lose a law license just because people around you are criminals. And of course she does/did criminal defense (does she really practice law anymore?). And to be fair, the man pled guilty in 1999 and was arrested in 2012. It doesn't say he pled or was found guilty in 2012. One conviction 16 years ago shouldn't follow him around for life. If being around criminals were enough, she would lose her license over Apollo, not this guy. edited because "are" and "you" are in fact different words!
  12. And more that that, Kenya’s abandonment apparently happened when she was a young child – it had NOTHING to do with her, it’s all about her mother’s issues. So the 2 things are NOT comparable, IMO. And while Porsha won’t apologize to Kenya, believe me, in Court her lawyer is going to suggest an apology of sorts. Showing remorse is one of the things the Judge will look for. While normally it’s no one else’s business, Phaedra made the decision to put her life, and the lives of her children, front and center. She’ compounding this by stating she is not divorcing her husband, so technically – unless she obtains a legal separation – he has every right to move back in upon parole. And Kandi has made it clear that she has personal reasons for disagreeing with Phaedra. If they are really good friends, she should be able to have a different opinion here. IMO Kandi is not obligated to support Phaedra; she’s doing the best she can by not talking about it constantly. She stated her opinion during the show and seems to have stayed out of it since. I did some internet research, and apparently GA law was changed in 2013 to eliminate the privilege, as to all crimes. It was geared to domestic violence cases, but affected everything. And of course it doesn’t exist in domestic relations cases anyway. So that doesn’t explain her actions. And Phaedra – stop with the insanely long fake eyelashes. Especially when they start and stop ¼ inch away from the corners of your eyes! It’s stupid looking! Why do none of these women realize the fakeness is so obvious? From the wigs of hair colors that don't exist in nature, Nene's blindingly white teeth, the fake eyelashes, etc. Heck, even the "diamonds" that are so large we all KNOW they are fake, because none of these women have that kind of money (well, except Kandi, but she doesn't seem to care about that stuff). I just don't understand the desire to show your breasts so much, less is more "ladies!" And Porsha especially needed some help - tape/strapless bra - because that left breast wanted to get the heck out of Dodge. Not that I can blame it!
  13. It's odd because the "event" was clearly about Bravo and not B's birthday, if we want to believe B has friends who don't work for her, are contractually obligated to interact with her, or just fame whores. Because when did Fredrik and husband become great friends of hers?
  14. Good catch, I hadn't thought about that. So partial apologies - though 1,000 sq ft is still a decent size place. It is definitely larger than my middle-class childhood home.
  15. Kim: BECAUSE.....There is no logic, Kim just thinks everything is someone else's fault. Has anyone mentioned borderline personality disorder? Some of it sounds like Kim - flip on a dime, "intense" friendships that blow up, irresponsible and impulsive. Was this the episode with the Yolanda going back to her childhood home? Yolanda - get a grip!! Loads of people grew up sharing one bathroom for the entire family! And that house (and it was a 2 story house, not a small apt) was NOT 300 square feet total. She has had money for so long she has forgotten how most people live. I am on the fence about the Kyle takes Portia to the speech therapist scene. Part of me dozen't like it because she is a young kid . Yet though no one here has done it, I can imagine there are people out there complaining that Kyle isn't taking care of her child by getting this help. Just as there are people, again not here, thinking Kyle is exploiting Portia for sympathy. Kyle can't win in that one. Edited because dense and fence are in fact different. God I hate apple spellcheck - both incredibly aggressive and wrong so much of the time!!
  16. As he's not Catholic I think he could easily tell someone; heck most conversations with Catholic Priests aren't confessions anyway. As I watched (and I somehow missed that Paige didn't say they were spies) I envisioned Pastor Tim coming to talk to Phillip and Elizabeth about what Paige said, and everyone deciding Paige is crazy. So Pastor Tim is safe (relatively) but they put Paige in a psych unit. I don't see how they keep Paige around and kill Pastor Tim; her next step if anything happens to him is Stan. Heck, your own local FBI counter-intelligence neighbor across the street! I hadn't even considered whether Martha was alive, but if she is, she'll be devastated by the suicide/murder of her co-worker. I thought Stan wasn't going to be investigated for the bug or the unsanctioned communications with Oleg because he proved the defector was actually a KGB plant. So who planted the bug is still an issue until the suicide is found. Stan was an idiot for ever thinking the CIA would spring NIna. I don't think Nina's cellmate is the "CIA asset", she didn't seem to do that much as she was describing how she got arrested. The Phillip and Sandra (that's her name, right) EST encounter was very well done.
  17. I agree with this. Plus Heather has a supportive (wealthy) husband and isn't it 2 kids? I think Heather bothers her in a way that Ramona (the other successful business woman; I don't know the numbers but she did have that clothing industry business for years) doesn't due to the disparate ages. I saw a lot of jealousy in B during the lunch with Heather and Luann; B is never going to be asked to be on a shark tank like show as an expert - anyone who ever saw her would think she would never shut up or give good advice. Nor does she really have the history of building a successful business to even talk about. Heather has been in a clothing line since she worked for the rapper; B has tried and dropped multiple ideas (Bethenny Bakes, the vegan stuff). Except for the skinnygirl margarita, I would bet most of her stuff is tacking her name onto a generic product (or in the case of the alcohol, Jim Beam does the work). She didn't design a bullet juicer or whatever that thing was, the sodastream juices are pretty standard, etc. I didn't think it was bad for Luann to tell Ramona about the dating sites; the we all knew Mario was cheating I thought was referring to the rest of the HWs. Maybe Ramona knew, maybe Ramona refused to know, that's not surprising or unusual. The idea of the Luann runs into Kelly as producer driven makes so much more sense; but I thought B did over-react. No, it wasn't required that Luann give her a heads up about the guest list, is this a requirement for every event B condescends to attend? Never mind that she swears, up and down, that she doesn't care about Kelly and it's all such old stuff she can't even remember it. Sure, you don't get that upset if you're "over it." But put on your big girl pants and show up and do your job B, you signed up for this. My problem with B's house wasn't necessarily the Skinnygirl all over the place inside (though jeez that was over the top), but the bright red door AND red Adirondack chairs. In the exact shade of red for the brand. Either this was done for the show (which, bright move but own it), or she is seriously such a sad person that she wants everyone in Long Island to know it's her house. Sad to hear on WWHL that Heather and Luann are on the outs; I don't know why Heather would bother to claim she was offered the coat, nor why Luann would offer in the first place or why deny it later. Lord knows what actually happened. I think Heather and Kristin may be aligned both due to history and they are now the only 2 married women on the show. It's a different dynamic. Neither would want to be seen at that pick up bar, etc.
  18. I thought Bethenny was doing a couple of things there -- Look at me, I am SO busy I even need to work in the car! Look at me, I have a personal driver! Look at me -- my not yet ex is still in MY house and I have nowhere to work! Look at me -- I have money!Jeez, rent a damned office, lots of NYers are busy, busy, busy, and lots in fact have personal drivers, no one thinks you are homeless.
  19. I would guess that the reasoning is to start the process of grooming her background for adult work. So what should she focus on in school, what college, what political/lifestyle background should she adopt "now" so it looks normal years later? The 1960's British KGB spies developed years of Tory/conservative/glorious England background before/during their work as spies.
  20. Lu made the choice to put her personal things up for the house sale, I don't have any sympathy. She shouldn't have been there, although maybe the "quasi-celebrity" factor thing was a draw. I shouldn't be surprised that the new owner is tearing down the house, but how sad. It is a lovely house!
  21. I initially read this as bullshit on Bethenny and the international brand, it works for both. I suspect Sonja does not have that cash to pay the judgment, she seemed to be house rich and cash poor after the divorce. Anyone else notice Bethenny claimed to own 100% of the Skinnygirl brand? Certainly not as to the lousy cocktails that may be making some money. I do wonder how much actual cash she has, I haven't read the money stuff about the divorce. I think Ramona was right about a lot of the money being incentives, but unless the stuff tastes good (and what I tried was vile), how do they sustain the brand after she is off TV? I haven't seen a commercial for the stuff in a long time (will have to check grocery store to see if it's still on sale).
  22. i saw it differently, I thought Ramona was using the "walk a mile in your shoes" as the entre into the apology. Since Ramona apologizes so rarely, I thought it was sincere. Luanne is right that her actions need to back up the apology, but I thought my Lu could have been more gracious. Of course Ramona, "sympathy" is being nice to someone during their troubles even though you have never been in their situation. The editing monkeys did a good job of showing Ramona's cluelessness back in the day (almost mimicking the cluelessness of Sonja's one-upping of divorce trouble in a backward way).If Ramona's house is so big, why would she need to switch out Sonja at all? Either she is being catty or producer interference. On Carole being a writer, I wonder if she is just not good at fiction? Basically she wrote a book about her husband and famous family, while at ABC she would have written at best some short lines for stories, she did short pieces of lunch interviews for the magazine. None of that is anything like composing a fictional world that is internally consistent, makes sense and is interesting. (and yeah, more writers need to learn those things are important in fiction ) Earth to all RH - wear a seatbelt in the backseat. You are setting a horrible example and can get yourself killed in an accident! <off soapbox now>
  23. Somewhere on "the Google" I saw that they bought the house when their daughter was a baby. Both homes are marital property.
  24. People do change when they are going through a divorce, I have always thought you lose years of adulthood and revert to being a teenager (former divorce lawyer here). My beef has always been people who act like assholes in order to then claim that the 2 parents cannot co-parent (assuming the asshole is the more likely sole custodial parent of course).On Luanne's Hamptons homes, I thought you mean "even" re location. I always liked Luann's former home more than Ramona's, it just seemed more casual and beachy without being "here are shells! And bad paintings of the sea! And ships! And whale stuff". Ramona's place didn't seem brachytherapy at all, more old laddish like her UES place. But Ramona's place is nicer than that very bland front shows. Edited because "be any" and "beachy" are not the same thing! Darned iPad spellcheck.
  25. Yes, no, I agree :-)) Bethenny's child is small enough that she's likely not in even preschool, so she could stay at the Hamptons house (seriously, "I'm homeless, so I had to buy a house in the Hamptons for the summer!?!") during the week and just come into town when she has a business meeting. But she doesn't want to be out of NYC, so she cries a river. If she "has" to be in NYC, then get a corporate apt for a couple of months, dragging a child around from hotel to hotel is stupid. I suspect she's trying to expense the hotels as part of her "business," which may well get her into tax trouble in the future. Was her search with what's his name for a place to work or a place to live? I remember her mentioning need for her *2* interns to have space, but if this is an office she has no need for it to be an apt. Just rent actual office space! Luanne's Sag Harbor might be similar location-wise to Bridgehampton, but I believe the house is a lot smaller. The one shot of the living room showed that. But heck, that's just proof she's trying to live within her means. Sonja - the delusion continues. She's a really lousy friend. In addition to the stupidity of comparing years together when Ramona was talking about the end of her marriage, let's face it, Ramona's marriage was real and Sonja's was an "arrangement." And of course, just let Ramona talk for once! (Lord, I don't think I've ever thought that before). I look forward to the Ramona-Luanne divorce conversation - unless the editing monkeys are tricking us,,at least the NY housewives can actually apologize for bad behavior. Carole can claim all she wants that she didn't inherit $$, but this year apparently she's trying to prove she doesn't really have much of a writing "career" and doesn't need to work to live. But honey, we already knew that. Stoner indeed, watch out for the floating steps. If the new girl inherited a lot of money from hubby #1, she didn't put it into the apt, that kitchen was tiny and there is no entryway/foyer. I know NYC real estate is insane, but what was that? I hate apts where you just walk right into the living room. Bored with Kristin, am depressed I need to hear "Holla" for another season.
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