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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. This doesn't bother me about Juliet because, unless you are in the Midwest, most people have never heard of the specific suburbs. In London? This crowd of inbreds would be lucky to know of Chicago.Caroline S and Annabelle would hate the North Shore because the homes aren't from the 17h century or earlier. I can't get over that Caroline S appears to be so distant from both her children AND her business. Did I hear correctly that the company had been selling items which they learned, pretty late in the Christmas season, would not in fact be available for delivery before Christmas? What the heck?!? So clearly she is really a housewife who doess none of the traditional housewife work, and the money is hubby's. Query, how high up in British society can Caroline S be with a husband who isn't English? Julie should be happy she isn't invited more often to sad little "openings" like that. But she should cut out the "I can't walk in heels" mantra. Jeez, wear flats or practice!
  2. She probably styled Lindsey Lohan, which also explains a lot.
  3. Wow, that was horrible.Heck it's not even 5 different gowns, 3 of them were identical except the color. Anyone else notice the white shorts were see through? Sonja, that is why white needs to be eith lined or a heavy fabric! The poor model in the first black gown walked so slowly, I think she was afraid of tripping over the too long hem. Why were the photos of the clothes below the "story" all showing they were for pre-order?
  4. I was a bit disappointed by this episode. Hadn't even considered that the entire series could be a CMR hallucination - that better not happen! I get that missing her husband and son are huge reasons for Kiera to want to go back, but she surely knows by now that her world is not better than the present (or even tidier, what with the drug abuse and folks losing their lives because they have too much "life debt."). I would have appreciated some thought that she wanted to make changes in the future. Kiera and Garza as a team, I can get behind that in 2077! Kellogg didn't seem to know he was a leader in an alternate future, I can't remember if last season he was clued in. But the hologram seemed to be Kellogg, klan leader, so he will know now. Considering how much he loves his current comforts, what are the odds he pushes to avoid that future? Slightly off topic - I was watching Caprica last weekend and was pleasantly surprised to see multiple actors on both shows! Emily, police captain and Julian.
  5. Do we know that the infamous Thanksgiving dinners were going to be on the actual date? Because why in the world was Caroline hosting a cocktail on a seemingly random Wednesday night, in her "country" house (forgive me, I only watched intermittently, didn't she say the house was far from London?)? I'm guessing the competing dinners were on Saturday or Sunday.
  6. But do tell, what do they say about Jason?Zoeysmom, thanks for the link for the article. Interesting stuff, although again with the lies. She wasn't broke, I recall NO mention in season 1 of her writing a diet book - she was pushing vegan baking back then. Most annoyingly, she thinks it's funny to quip that her meeting with bloggers is "like an AA meeting, except with drinking"?!? Fuck you Bethenny. Not amusing at all. So in season 1 she says wanted to "marry Jason (1, not Hoppy, for those new to RHNY) with "one" child." I get she may have been saying she wanted a baby of her own, but Hmmmm, I thought he had custody of his own 3 children. That would have made Bethenny, Jason 1 and "4" children. And she says she likes just doing the franchising, because she doesn't need to have 200 employees, PR team and "folks stealing office supplies." Really, you immediately assume your employees would be stealing from you? Nice. She keeps talking about Costco moms buying her products, but her management specializes in selling to Walmart and Target. Either the apt we saw her working on is now totally different, or the author is delusional, because he called it "girly." NO.
  7. I watched the MSNBC replay of the live coverage yesterday. No plan to do so, but I couldn't stop once I started. I remember getting ready for work and hearing about the first plane (I was in Chicago but am a born and bred NYer) and thought of the small plane that hit the Empire State Building in the 40's, sad but it can happen. On the way to work I heard about the second plane and knew this was bad. In the elevator going to the office, which had that in elevator newscast thingie, they were showing the buildings burning. Talking with the other person in the elevator, he suggested if I wanted to see more coverage I go to his office as they had a TV in the lobby. We arrived minutes before the South Tower fell. It still seems unbelievable. By the time I left there, thinking I needed to tell coworkers about the tower falling, the office had closed and everyone else was gone. Going home, no one was talking on the bus, anyone with a radio was listening. Just south of my apt. there was a large Synagogue - there were multiple police cars parked in front, placed there because of the attack. I spent the day like everyone else, watching coverage and talking with family and friends. I know there has been some controversy about MSNBC doing the coverage every year, that it is ghoulish or just for ratings. But I think it is a good thing we don't forget how it unfolded (though in part it reminds us of the numerous rumors, at one point some newscast "reported" there were 10,000 injured). Watching last night, it was amazing to me how people thought - looking at the enormity of the damage to the North Tower - that it had been done by a small plane. But of course it was unimaginable that anyone would fly a jumbo jetliner into a building. If anyone is interested, I highly recommend the book 102 Minutes. Difficult at times as it talks about a number of people who died, but very informative and interesting. It talks about how the towers were built, the fire laws that allowed so few stairwells all placed near each other, how the 1993 bombing affected the towers, as well as how disputes between the NYPD and FDNY impacted how they dealt with the tragedy. The title comes from the timeline, 102 minutes from the time the North Tower was hit until it fell. The authors also traced the efforts of several people who helped others get out, but who never made it out of the buildings.
  8. As an experienced attorney Phaedra should have known to check more into the child support matter; clients often "forget" things. The money in the parking lot was for a criminal case. Though I don't practice in GA, where I am it's not unusual for criminal cases to be handled on a flat fee basis, with all (or most) of the money paid in advance of the attorney walking into Court. Cash, also not totally surprising, though she would need to be careful about taking large amounts.
  9. Not a big Kyle fan, but the white party isn't an attempt to put all the attention on her, so I don't see it in the same way. Kinda a "theme" party, so not much of a fan though....
  10. But Bethenny is not "friends" with these women and she isn't in her 20's. And of course she is hyper aware she is on TV and trying to be "edgy" or whatever. For myself, this is the kind of stuff I would only talk about with very close friends, but I am a far more private person than her.What is it with these HWs and psychics? They have an education, why do they fall for this shit? Do they have so much money and free time and don't know what to do with either? There are loads of charities that need volunteers and cash. Sonja seems to have moved up to claiming to be an expert in anything being discussed, so that she claims to be a psychic too wasn't that surprising, though cringe-worthy. Too bad she didn't warn herself she didn't have the $7M to invest, or that hubby would leave her. I'm on the other side about Kristin's party and the red dress. I am sick of hearing of hosts/brides declaring a detailed dress code (when not a theme party - and please don't think I am encouraging theme parties!!). It was an anniversary party for God's sake, not a state dinner! If she wanted to make sure no one wore white because she wore her wedding dress again (which she pretended to think she wasn't sure she would fit into anyway!?!), ok, Ask people not to wear white (though it you are going to wear your wedding dress to a cocktail party, it's not so special anymore). But to say every woman must wear black - get over yourself! the original point of a "dress code" was to signify the style of dress (business, black tie, the old white tie, casual), not to be that specific about details. Anyone else think the "I just received this email from my dead husband" thing was completely fake? Hate to point out the obvious to Doris, but his email accounts were shut down years ago, nothing being sent now. All this is starting to make me wonder why, after so many years and when she is supposedly in a happy relationship, she keeps talking publicly about him. Edited because "Sam" and "ask" are different words -damn Apple auto-correct!
  11. Bethenny being pissed she has to give a great tip when she gets freebies? FUCK her! Jesus, what the hell was that?? Oh, and 7 years ago when she was doing her baking, Bethenny's apartment was bought and paid for by her father, so stop the shit about how she was trying to make rent each month. Dorinda was a waitress for 13 years? Both explains her and I want to know more about how she met husband #1, and who he was.
  12. Do we know she has lots of real life friends? Ok, ~20 people showed up to be on TV and get a free lunch, but maybe they wanted to be on TV. Or her friends are as vapid and shallow as she appears to be.
  13. The thing is, she could have figured out some statement like she was supporting the couple in "this difficult time", she "supports them in whatever decisions they make." I agree saying he is "completely innocent" is not good. To say "this is exactly the kind of thing he would do" is WORSE! The guy is not 19 and living in a frat house. He's in his 40's; you don't sign up for the site, never mind go back to it time and time again, as a joke. And it seem to me at least that his profile isn't the type you would put in if it were a joke. It seemed pretty well thought out to me, though as usual he's thinking of himself first (putting "total respect to my situation and yours" -- shouldn't you mention the other person first?). Well, considering it now appears the vast majority of the women's profiles were fake, it may well be he wasn't speaking to anyone at all. And the site can't make money off the fake profiles "retrieving" the inquiries. I can actually believe he didn't have a physical affair off the website, since there were very few women on the site. But with multiple conversations, he was thinking about it. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he had other affairs, through the more traditional 'pick up someone at a bar' way.
  14. What an idiot! She was at a photoshoot but thought she was having a private conversation. And she was just repeating gossip. And she hasn't yet actually apologized to the people impacted - Kristin and Josh. Ok then. The comments are far better than the article.
  15. Sorry for the double post, but they are on different topics. Reading that article on Jill's "fundraiser" drove me nuts! First - if you need to specifically call it a "luxury luncheon" -- Houston we have a problem. Presumably people in the 1% assume luxury. And one of the beneficiaries was the "Eric Trump Foundation for St. Jude's Hospital"?!?!? STOP with the bullshit foundations named after yourself, especially when you are a nobody except being the son of a fame-whore. If you want to donate money to St. Jude Hospital, a very good idea, do it directly! So many of these "foundations" are just ways of sheltering money, getting reimbursed for personal expenses, and giving money (through salary and probably paid board positions) to family/friends. To give 2 of the worst examples - the Kardishians are reported to funnel money through their foundations, then attribute all the expenses of a vacation to the foundation if they do one little thing for the foundation's purpose? Two week vacay in Hawaii paid by the foundation because one of the girls shows up for a 5 minute photoshopped appearance at a not-for-profit. Second, Newt Gingrich apparently pushed his speaking fees money through a foundation and also spent the money, through the foundation, on personal expenses not otherwise deductible. Double benefit - no income added and personal expenses paid through a not-for-profit.
  16. The thing I noted about her description of the theft was the need to note that she had them in a "Black Dog" bag. Which is a Nantucket restaurant that, IIRC, started selling shirts back in the 1980's. Now they sell everything, likely make far more money off merchandise than the food.so unless that bag was bought in the 1980,s, who cares? Very preppy back in the day, but I suspect are now owned 95% by people who have never been to Nantucket never mind the restaurant. Great last photo! Though Ranona's Pinot gut is also cringe-worthy.
  17. I don't think Bethenny ever really "produced" a product on her own. She hadn't done that much with Skinnygirl margarita before the sale to Jim Beam, other than prefer her version (with a very high end tequila not used in the mass produced version) at bars while being on TV. I don't think she ever had a deal with Skye vodka, her initial partner used to work for them.
  18. I understand what you are saying, but I was trying to make a slightly different point. Sonja doesn't appear to view her "brand" as 'I named the clothing line Sonja Morgan NY." She thinks she IS the brand, selling a lifestyle, not just clothes. In a similar way, Ralph Lauren means something to people above and beyond the name of the brand. RL is also clearly selling a lifestyle (think the incredibly annoying - to me - commercials for the brand before each episode of Downton Abbey). He is just far more successful at it. Well, of course anyone can be more successful than Sonja, as it hasn't been proven that she has sold any clothes (other than pity buys by other HWs).
  19. Plus the obvious "don't poke the crazy." They have tried to talk with her, give her advice, ask intelligent questions. And they got no logical answers, just accusations they are not supportive. Congratulate her on the fashion show and the webpage and call it a day!I disagree that Heather was not supportive, she did try to give advice and did a lot on the toaster oven. But ultimately, when Sonja has no answers for anything, you can't really help. Bethenny did less, but she too tried to ask intelligent questions and got nothing in return. Heck, both of them went to a meeting they thought was to view the clothes, only to learn it was about hiring models. We can say it was producer interference, but if I were in Sonja's position, I would have given them a heads up regardless. Instead, she couldn't explain what kind of model she wanted. As to the others, I am not sure why anyone should help her. LuAnn has a fashion line, Ramona is developing products, heck Kristin has her nail polish. Why should they give Sonja - who has a history of not following through with business ideas - the names of potential investors they could use themselves??
  20. Sonja isn't a local/national/international BRAND of anything until and unless her name sells the product, lots of it. Ralph Lauren is a "brand;" based on the quality of his clothes people are now willing to buy his bed and bath collections, as well as whatever else he is peddling. But Sonja is NOT a brand - outside of the RH world no one has ever heard of her.
  21. She does seem to have abandoned a couple of the businesses. I wonder if she closed the clothing re-sale business because she thought she could do better as a RH. That doesn't make sense to me, but it seemed like a real business that required actual work (looking at you Sonja, see, a successful business requires work, work each week). If the TruRenewal was so popular, I'm surprised she killed that one, I thought cosmetics/skin care was a "low cost, high profit" kind of business. That article about Ramona's partnership in the bar/restaurant has a funny quote: "I’m single, and spend a lot of time alone now. I’m not going on JDate and Match" Ramona is Catholic, JDate is for Jews to meet other Jews..... This should not be a surprise to anyone living in NYC.
  22. I doubt Heather was pleased with spending a ton of time on Sonja's project and getting yelled at as the end result. But if the entire "Heather helps with the toaster oven box" was a RH plot-line, then Sonja has no logical reason to think Heather would be her financial backer in real life. So Teresa stole Caroline's idea? Klassy, but not surprising.
  23. I agree with your analysis, except that I can't pity her for the social faux pas. Maybe when she was young, but she has been doing the same shit for decades now - it's time to learn from experience. I don't know that she's particularly savvy, her first business required her to buy low and sell for a bit more. She didn't make any product, she didn't market any product. She bought overruns of clothes and re-sold to shops like Marshalls. Now it certainly required her to know prices, but not much more. Not brain surgery.
  24. Sonja is so full of shit. She just wanted her name to be in the paper for reasons other than being drunk and delusional. I can't figure out Ramona's comment, it's not like she really knows Kristin or Josh that well to be opining on their marriage. I do wonder what Heather thinks, but I suspect we won't hear. Edited because I can't type and Apple auto-correct is stupid!
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