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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. I might pay money to see Kim And Brandi living together, but then I worry about Brandi's kids because the dog would maul them.It is absolutely true that either Kathy or Kyle could buy a house for Kim to live in, even if they won't loan her the down payment. There is a reason they haven't done that, and it's not a good one for Kim. She is/has been too unstable for that. Kim doesn't seem to understand that she is getting the cameos due to being on RHOBH, not because of her childhood roles. It is stunt casting. Brandi as a 6 year old with a potty mouth -- during the argument about Dutch boy, at one point LisaV said Brandi was disgusting for her comments about the guy wanting/not wanting to have sex with Lisa. Brandi's immediate response was "you're disgusting." Say what?!? That is just stupid. God help me, while eating dinner I watched the repeat of the reunion. At first Brandi did deny saying/texting that LisaR was anorexic, it was only when confronted again that she tried to pass it off as joking. I think as I said before, she has no idea what comes out of her mouth. Finally, I did not take the "watch your back" to LisaV as being about LisaV's relationship with Kyle or any other friend, but that it was a direct threat about what Brandi would do to LisaV (and likely Ken).
  2. I don't think Brandi has a clue what she means. She is insane. She seems to hate herself so much that she lashes out at everyone for everything. Brandi - if you "need" a drink to be around your co-workers, you have a drinking problem, it's that simple. Too bad your "sober" friend Kim can't tell you that and take you to an AA meeting. In an odd way I felt sorry for Brandi tonight. Not that I'd spend one minute around her, but she really does seem to hate herself. I can't really explain it. She is a horrible person and I totally understand why no one wants to talk to her, but damn she is a mess of insecurity masquerading as a tough chick. She wasn't listening to anything. Whether she had sex with the Dutch guy or not, she has NO idea what the guy said to Lisa. He could have been lying to Lisa, Lisa could have been lying. Brandi wants to dispute it - the response is "we had sex" not "he didn't say that to you." I actually think she could have forgotten she called Kyle a (I never use that term) - she doesn't think before she talks and she calls people such horrible things so often she doesn't think it is anything. Wonderful that people didn't let it pass. I thought Andy was giving her rope at that point though I agree his 'viewer' questions were pro-Brandi. On other topics - what was up with Kyle's hair? It didn't look as full, and the color was off. There seemed to be some on the top that was significantly lighter. Kim is vile if she brings up Kyle's daughter. Pure speculation, I thought it was going to be something like Kyle got pregnant before the marriage. Why that is about the daughter I can't say- please don't make me get into Kim's head. Why is Brandi trying to make a big thing out of pot use? Or that a working actress is thin as a rail? [edited to correct wonky typing]
  3. JFK was born in 1917, so he would have been 66 in 1983. Only the youngest of the "greatest generation" would have been in their prime. I think we also need to remember that 50 used to be considered "older" - it is the boomer generation that has started the idea that being in your 50s is the prime of life. I was also troubled by the death though, because I wonder why they used no disguises and why just ignoring her wasn't an option. She may never have known they were there. The South African spy and his clumsy murder is just further evidence of why the Russians lost the Cold War. I don't buy Arkady plotting with Stan to save Nadia. I just don't know why he would do it. And Stan is crazy if he thinks the CIA will push to trade for her, though again this points out that The FBI would not have been running a foreign agent.
  4. Right. I think (in part based on personal experience) Cynthia ignored a lot of stuff that we all saw about Nene, when they were friends. She took Nene's side, she believed Nene's side. Then suddenly, out of (to her) nowhere, she's the one attacked. And I agree, Peter is no angel and I don't particularly like him, but he was completely on point and direct/polite about his criticism of Nene's behavior at the benefit. So you (Cynthia/me) then start to think back over the times when you believed your friend, took your friend's side, and you start to question the behavior in ways you didn't before. I had a friendship that blew up last year over something even more stupid and small than that happened between Cynthia and Nene. We haven't spoken since. Of course, though I now have a pretty long list of things that I question about my former friend, I'm not talking to/at her about them. :-)) But then again, we're not on a reality show.
  5. I kept thinking there was some other reason, because he didn't need any of that information to make a decision. I actually wondered if this was some FBI test of Lizzy and whether she could handle interrogation (FAIL!). But it was stupid. There is also the FISA Court, which specifically handles national security court matters. But it did bring up the insanity of the FBI handling national security, them going overseas, Lizzy the newbie being such a badass physically, etc. How do I get that hour (ok 42 minutes, I started in late so I could fast forward through commercials) back?? It reminded me, as others have said, I only watch for Spader. Any other actor and I would have left long ago.
  6. Nene is one of those people who start believing their own press. I seriously don’t think she realizes her acting gigs are dependent on still being a RHOA, and that they are stunt casting. I don’t believe for a minute that she’s turning down multiple acting gigs (perhaps she confuses having her manager send her scripts for her to audition = being offered the role?). Jeez, she took a one week gig in Vegas, she’s not turning down offers for long term employment unless she’s stupid (and I think Nene is uneducated, but not stupid). If she is being seriously considered for Fashion Police, then they’re changing the show to be totally scripted by writers. Because, while I didn’t like Joan Rivers much, she was a great comedian and a very hard worker. I don’t doubt she wrote all her lines(and probably her daughter’s) for Fashion Police. Nene won’t bother, and can’t write them anyway. She appears to be lazy and uninformed, with no inclination to change either behavior pattern. Then Fashion Police will have more “oops” moments like skeleton-girl ( Gianca ? Ranic, can’t remember her name) who stupidly read the lines given her without thinking of how they might be perceived. Maybe that’s what they want, in an “any publicity is good publicity” sort of way. But none of that makes Nene a real celebrity or actress. Serious question, since I have no idea how this works…when she was in Cinderella, would production have put her up in an apt at their cost, or did she need to pay for that? Because if the latter, after her 10% to the manager, other costs, etc, I can’t see how she’s really making much money. Presumably they didn’t pay for an apt in LA when she did Glee and the New Normal, again she’s spending a lot of money to make money. I can’t see her having much $$ at the end of the gravy train. I must have missed it, how did she make Broadway history?? <Lord, why am I asking?!?>
  7. Well, that's because, considering all the important things going on in the world right now, this is what she's focused on: "I love where my eyebrows are going right now.”
  8. I am watching this now, and am appalled that these people think their pets are so easily tossed aside. Take care of the animals you "chose" to take responsibility for before worrying about travel. Sell the darned house if it is too expensive, and save elsewhere before treating your pets like property. I also wonder about the utility set ups and especially the arrangemtns for bathroom waste. I can't imagine wanting to rent a 3 bedroom house where the entire backyard is the tiny home of your landlords.
  9. I also think it's a great way to highlight the return. I have a season pass for the show on my dvr so they just started showing up! I like that they aren't simply doing ads of the "highlights" but putting them in some context through Athelstan. Can't wait til Thursday!
  10. FYI - Yousef is part of Pakistan's intelligence service (ISI). Afghanistan never really had much of a government, and as their "neighbor next door" Pakistan has always had in interest in the country. Source: http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/americans-yousaf-204049 I put my hand up to cover the screen during the dentistry in the basement scene, and I agree with others that it's ridiculous that the KGB has a tame surgeon and multiple cars/drivers available on short notice but no tame dentist. They don't even need anyone committed to the cause, just someone willing to take a job for $$ without asking questions. Although, since Stan already knew Elizabeth was [what was it, in a car accident or mugged?], I'm not sure why her going to the dentist is a big danger anyway. Presumably someone changed out their Russian fillings for American ones when they came to the US, so safe there. If she shows up on the list of "people who went to the dentist," Stan probably won't think twice. Heck, to fake the mugging all she has to do is say she was in a deserted garage where there are no cameras (isn't there one of those conveniently located to the office they need to be at day and night?!] and doesn't recall what the guy looked like. Cops take the report, nothing can really be done. The CIA agent leaves his work out during an open house was lazy writing, something we don't normally see from this show. And the writers are beginning to act like the FBI/CIA are idiots, which is also lazy writing. But wouldn't John Boy get in some trouble for overriding the CIA? I must have missed him getting his job back anyway. SInce Afghanistan was such an unknown country back in 1982, I'm not sure the CIA has the option to dismiss the entire group; and I'm guessing the baby sitter is over 18 so if Phillip does seduce her it won't be as creepy as "baby sitter" makes us think. At least I hope so!
  11. We've seen the living room/family room and the backyard too (can't recall exactly, there might have been a pool). IMO Phaedra isn't hiding any damage, her failure to go off on Apollo in the past I put down to her trying to salvage the "southern belle" image (which itself seems fake, but that's another story).
  12. Except Mary had nothing but contempt for Edith long before that. They were shown even in the first episode arguing - over whether Mary should be in mourning for her fiancé.
  13. Thanks for the photos! The first one is Carole dressing at her worst, except I do like the boots, especially that she doesn't feel the need to always wear insanely high heels - and YES, I am looking at you Betheny with the high, high heels with jeans (though the outfit itself I kinda liked). Now Carole could have had the boots shined?! On the second photo - if you manage to wear shoes without socks/hose, no gloves and a short light coat that might not even be fastened closed, I don't think you really need the (hopefully fake) fur hat.
  14. Probably because they are all attention-whores, and possibly only "friends" because one of them is on TV. No RHBH, no Cal/whoever else was there. I completely forgot the show was on last night, I guess except for reading the fantastic commentary here, I'm done with the show. ThIs is FAR more fun than actually watching.
  15. I can’t unsee that, unfortunately. Glad we didn’t see him from the back. I don’t recall her bending the rules, but I thought it interesting that, when Boyd said something about getting this all worked out and he’d be fine, her response was “you think that’s how it will work out” (or something like that)? Rachel seems to think Raylan won’t get out in one piece. And she’s a bright woman.
  16. One one level, probably because, as we saw in Season 1, his wife was reminding him to not be suspicious of everyone (right after they moved to DC when he completed his undercover work). And I think it's typical - these are his friends who he knows own a travel agency (one he and friends have used). I don't think anyone would immediately be suspicious that she was involved. Was her face noticeably battered in that scene? I remember her with ice on the shoulder but didn't notice her face at the time (I do realize it was battered as they showed her covering the bruise). And I want to know how they cover those bruises so well without looking like they have caked-on makeup!
  17. I seriously doubt Bethenny has ever really had a "skinnygirl" drink - what she called the skinny girl margarita in Season 1 was just a shot of tequila with a lime IIRC.. And 90% advertisements. I love my LuLu, but please...
  18. Which is then just more of Nene using a word when she doesn't know the meaning of it.
  19. Others have answered the wig question, but my complaint about that scene was, unless they were already watching the CIA woman, how did they get to the restaurant so fast? She calls CIA, they get in touch with the FBI - this all takes time. Never mind that I wonder if the CIA would call the FBI at all, v. going there themselves (and yes, I know the CIA is not supposed to take action within the US). She said last season she was moving in the guy she met in EST. Didn’t EST start on the west coast? I can see conservative DC being slow to embrace it. I can see where they are going with the “leftist” church, which Elizabeth hated so much in the beginning. Add more about the Contras, the Iran Contra scandal coming up (at a crucial time for Paige as she’ll likely be in college), and if she’s anti-government she might take the bait if she knows her parents are actually Russian. Many of the British spies of the 1960’s were recruited in the 1930/40’s, when the Nazis were taking power and before the worst of Stalin’s reign was known. The British were starting to lose control of their third world colonies as people wanted the freedom offered in Britain itself. I don’t know if the comparison to Vietnam, Iran Contra and other US activities (the Shah of Iran, I forget his name but the Phillipines dictator, etc) is strong enough, but it’s there to be made. Stan is the other side of that though, he had a number of reasons to turn over the information (save his job in the immediate future, save Nina), but he wouldn’t turn traitor. My problem with the grooming of Paige is that for any job requiring a high security clearance, I question how she would pass it. Paige Jennings is who she is, actual US birth certificate, etc. But her parents’ documents are fake, we know they aren’t even really married, obviously any relatives are fake. Wouldn’t a serious investigation of her background bring this up? Elizabeth didn’t recruit Lucia, she came in to help when Lucia ran into difficulty with the cocaine using boyfriend. I’m struggling to understand why a radical left-wing white South African would be in the US with the KGB. Maybe he’s just an American. But also, why would Elizabeth be involved at all? Her existence is supposed to be highly secret; it seemed odd she would be training him. I thought the Afganistan scene in the Soviet Embassy was going to reveal that Oleg’s brother (the army captain) had died there. It would explain his attitude, though presumably he is also gaining information from daddy.
  20. Yeah, except truth is an absolute defense.
  21. I think they implicitly are putting that down to the drugs – though…hmmm, was the psych ward giving her the drugs laced with whatever Mommy dearest laced them with? Louise – there’s another way to make a buck, sue them! I think the problem with explaining the FBI agent working for Black is that they have to explain Emily is really Amanda to explain why she was targeted. And she hasn’t decided to out herself as the real Amanda Clark. If you are talking about the tan chair with the French writing, it was Victoria’s. It was in the family/living room of Grayson Manor. I have a vague recollection there was some odd backstory of her taking it from someone else, but who knows. I’ve generally liked Jack as a character, but can’t feel sorry for him that Emily is smooching with someone else. Why Ben? Lord knows. Perfect, he would manage the club!
  22. I also thought the first 55 minutes were a great last episode, and I don’t give a darn about Margaux’ faux-revenge. Daniel was an idiot, an alcoholic who severely injured his former girlfriend, an idiot who knew his parents framed David Clark and did nothing, etc. He was a lightweight who wanted to live a life of luxury. Sad he died, but nothing to get all revengy about. Well, there is the journalist Emily convinced to plead guilty to killing (I forget who he supposedly killed). She promised that, when she had cleared her father’s name, she would turn herself in, he would get out of jail and get the exclusive to write her story. And she has killed a number of people. I agree with those that Emily hasn’t committed identify fraud. The girls agreed to switch names. People can change their names, formally or informally. She didn’t do it to chase out on any debts or avoid prosecution for crimes under her former name. Whatever she did to hide that appears to have been very well done. We have to assume Conrad and others tried to check her out and didn’t catch on. IIRC, the only thing “threatened” was that Daniel wouldn’t live a life of luxury because the family would be ruined if the truth came out. Maybe Conrad also threatened to take the child away from Victoria, I don’t recall exactly. Bec, how about ‘faux-Frank?’ Because this one is not likely at bright as Frank. Jlina – I didn’t think he ever really “got” the account, but that louise was calling him because she was trying to get close to Victoria. Whatever happened with that sub-plot, or do we put it down to the crazy drugs? Culturevulture73 – I think that was the actor’s real Scottish accent. Or he was playing Chibbs on Sons of Anarchy for so long, trying to turn it into a Belfast accent, that his accent is all messed up 
  23. I can't possibly defend Claudia for all of the links quoted above, but that video is clearly at a comedy club. She appears to be onstage. I don't think it's funny, and her delivery is terrible, but it looks (IMO) that she's trying to do a comedy routine. Comics say stupid/offensive stuff all the time. We may all have opinions on whether a member of one ethnic/religious group should be making nasty/negative comments about members of their own group (and I recognize that there seems to be a question of what "group" Claudia belongs to), but it happens all the time. Otherwise, I cannot for the life of me understand how someone can stand in front of a microphone/camera/other people/the mirror and say this kind of garbage.
  24. I agree with what others have said here. But in addition, saying "whore" is also a specific reference to being a prostitute, having sex in direct exchange for money. That's why the term being thrown around so loosely bothers me so much. "Slut" doesn't necessarily imply prostitution, though again it tends to be a term used only against women - though there are lots of men who have sex with multiple women. It never seems to be held against the man. It's bad enough when men "slut-shame" women, but it's horrible (IMO) when women do it to each other.
  25. lunastartron, on 18 Jan 2015 - 7:58 PM, said: Except, only a few of them actually have any accolades. Kandi has won at least one Grammy and probably has other music awards; Phaedra has her recent National Bar Association award (how/why did they give that to her?); Kenya was Miss USA (which I get some might not consider an accolade, but it fits the definition for me). I don't see that any of the others have "accolades." Nene hasn't won any Emmys that I've heard of, I don't really recall much in the way of positive reviews of her performances beyond a few "look, she's not horrible." I have no idea what Porsha, Claudia, etc. have done that would qualify. So since Nene seemed to be attempting to use it to claim she had actual accolades (IMO), she didn't really use it correctly. Another instance where she doesn't seem to know the meaning of a word (or how to pronounce it).
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