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Mrs peel

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Everything posted by Mrs peel

  1. I thought it was childish, and I am very sick of Ramona bellowing. Jeez, use your "indoor" voice sometimes! Carole did seem pissed at the table when Ramona wouldn't let it go.Tonight we saw desperate Sonja. Never mind don't walk into someone else's bedroom in your clingy robe, but you haven't even bothered to wrap it around you and tie it closed? Hmmm, I wonder if she waltzed into Ramona's bedroom like that when Mario was around?? And how much of an airhead are you to forget a dress? What about the many fashion interns? You do not appear to be teaching them anything. For someone with so many Christmas decorations, they fell flat to me. Can't say why exactly, it just seemed like a series of randomly placed stuff. Nothing seemed personal. Heather should have backed off, but you have a touchy-feely person verses a non touchy-feely person. That never works well. Carole did better at the store because she wasn't going to hug B and B didn't want that. Based on a few comments betw Heather and Dorinda, I can see where Heather was getting the co-host thing from. Dorinda did appear to consult with her on some stuff. The scene in downtown Great Barrington was high school embarrassing. I don't remember everything about the John dancing/grinding scene, but the clip didn't seem to show Kristin acting inappropriately (unlike Sonja! Jeez Dorinda if you want to claim someone made you look bad but continue to avoid properly placing the blame on your partner, look no further than Sonja). So I didn't get her going off on Kristin. If Bethenny is going to start crying about shellfish, she really does need serious therapy pronto. Work around the food - unless this is all producer driven you didn't tell the hostess you were coming -which is rude for a dinner party. The least you can do is roll with the punches on the food options. Heck, according to your own book you barely eat, so what's the problem?
  2. Maybe she should look at the next book as if she is writing a long email (TM Aviva). I have assumed, without knowing all the facts, that the non-custody part of Bethenny's divorce is ALL about whether the Skinnygirl deal money is covered by the pre-nup. And yes, any comments by her about how integral Jason was to getting the Jim Beam deal would be evidence that the deal money isn't covered by the pre-nup. Because let's face it, Skinnygirl is nothing without Jim Beam. Or perhaps more precisely, without Jim Beam the original Skinnygirl drink is everything the Jim Beam version is not, including very high-end tequila, ordered individually at a bar. I also guess that Jason can argue that, to the degree any other non-alcoholic Skinnygirl products are successful, that success is due at least in part to the "success" and marketing of the Skinnygirl brand by Jim Beam -- which a judge might then decide means they're not part of the pre-nup either. None of which means Jason would get half or anything approaching that (even if a Judge decides the brand isn't within the terms of the pre-nup); the fact is the idea for the drink and name were Bethenny's before she met him, and she's now the only one doing the work to continue the brand.
  3. The pointing out local sights didn't bother me because Heather also has a house in the Berkshires, so she is familiar with the sights. It's not like she was interrupting Dorinda's commentary on the sights. I didn't even notice the "let's choose bedrooms and have wine." I don't actually know if she said "choose" since Dorinda clearly had chosen the rooms in advance. But maybe I didn't notice because I'm the same way when I arrive somewhere, I want to put my bag down and get settled first, I don't have a lot of patience for people wandering around. Heck, at least she didn't seem to try to choose her own room in someone else's house. But I got nothing on the wine on the veranda part, that was up to Dorinda. :-)
  4. Ha! Sonja doesn't know the meaning of the word virgin? My favorite part was that the interviewer appeared to not know Sonja was/is planning a clothing line. Two questions where this is not known, including "have you ever considered doing a fashion,line?" And the person didn't know one of the photos was a dress from her line? AMAZING!! (TM Maurcio). And most of the photos were of other designers' dresses. Guess Sonja could only afford to have the one made. Ha! Sonja doesn't know the meaning of the word virgin? My favorite part was that the interviewer appeared to not know Sonja was/is planning a clothing line. Two questions where this is not known, including "have you ever considered doing a fashion,line?" And the person didn't know one of the photos was a dress from her line? AMAZING!! (TM Maurcio). And most of the photos were of other designers' dresses. Guess Sonja could only afford to have the one made.
  5. Well, Dorinda's not exactly old money, though I did appreciate her mentioning her family did not grow up wealthy.I wanted to like the house, but it looks too much like one of those "let's let every room be done by a different decorator" type things. No cohesion, and the purple couches and jarring room colors were a bit much for me. The views were gorgeous. What I really didn't like was the 2 different stories of how the house was bought. To the women she says Richard bought it for her, in the story of telling her father it was "I" bought it. But at least we now know where the rest of her $$ goes. I wonder what the taxes are on that property? I am also wondering how Beenny will spin the "I absolutely cannot go to the Berkshires. -- Hi, I'm here!" Edited because Texas and taxes are not the same. Damned Apple auto-correct!
  6. Again with the caveat that I am not familiar with NY law, it is pretty typical in this situation. Forget about Jason, consider the long term marriage where the wife never worked, husband controlled all the money, checkbook in his name, house in his name, etc. When they split, how does she get cash to hire an attorney? That is why they do it. I never handled high end divorces, but my gut says if the poorer spouse was going off the deep end with stupid shit the court wouldn't keep awarding fees. It is not an absolute right to have the wealthy spouse pay the other's legal fees. Basically, think about it from the other perspective - without cash the poorer spouse can get railroaded because they don't have an attorney or a good attorney.
  7. I am not going to claim to know the specifics of NY law, but it is highly unlikely that Jason can now petition to change custody. The courts generally promote stability for the child. In IL (where I practiced family law) for the first 2 years it is almost impossible to change a custody decision/agreement because you need to show a serious endangerment to the child's health. After 2 years the standard is a "substantial change in circumstances" - again not that easy. NY is not likely to be much different.Also, I didn't think Bethenny was paying Jason's legal bills. At least not all of them, I seem to recall hearing he had financial backers for his legal fees.
  8. I don't think it is an assumption that Bethenny "has" to pay Jason. She doesn't until and unless a judge orders her to do so. But she has spent considerable time whining that her divorce is not over, the stress is bad, it is hurting her child (directly the financial decisions don't affect the daughter but 2 parents under stress, one of them with no filter from her brain to her mouth will stress a child), etc. The simple fact is B has the money, J doesn't. So if she wants this over NOW, she is the one who has to compromise and pay him off. We haven't heard from him, but if he were whining the same could be said - give up on the claims in order to move on with your life. Is it what a judge would have decided - one or two years down the line when the case is finally decided - who knows. She would be paying to have it done rather than continuing to live with uncertainty. Frankly, Bethenny seems to love to whine about her life instead of deal with her life (See for example the fake therapy about her childhood), so I doubt she will short circuit the legal process by settling. That is, until either just before a trial (because just before trial is usually when people wake up to the fact that you don't really want to roll the dice at trial and/or your lawyers have a 'come to Jesus' meeting with you) or if Jason's financial backers back out or he decides he wants it over now.
  9. Sonja probably thinks Bloomindales is beneath her. Bergdorf Goodman, that's the store for her. (IIRC someone posted a depressing story a while back of Sonja taking up hours of a personal shopper's time there and ended by saying her boyfriend would be back to buy "everything." No pick up, no. Bergdorf purchases for her nowadays.) I hadn't thought anything about Dorinda's voice before reading this, but smoker! popped immediately into my head. I am now around so few smokers who knows if I am remembering correctly.
  10. .God, that is so true. Thanks GussieK. Makes sense, but with 30 units that’s not what happened here. And, again at least where I live, the new board usually meets immediately after to elect officers. So folks running for the board don’t leave. So again, probably fake. I agree this is all superficial, the “he doesn’t live in Manhattan” especially. I also think that the fact that he basically owns a dry cleaner, incredibly upscale though it may be, is part of the “problem.” Ramona doesn’t consider it a white collar job/career. Though of course Mario’s business selling cheap religious medals and finisher medals isn’t exactly a seat on the NY Stock Exchange either, but then again we don’t expect logic here. But using Dorinda for her money? The money she did/didn’t get from husband #2? Someone linked to the NY Times wedding story, which said Dorinda met him when she was his real estate agent, and she was quoted “well, if I knew I’d end up living in the place I would have pushed for the other townhouse.” A townhouse she clearly doesn’t have now. Hey, I get it, she’s trying to live within her means, but I don’t have the sense that she has oodles of excess wealth either. Yeah, she lives in the UES (but relatively isn’t the UES now cheaper than hipper neighborhoods?), buys expensive shoes/clothes. And the house in the Berkshires (which looks great). I know she had a cashmere business in London, but I wonder about her net worth (though I will always love the line “money talks, wealth whispers). I think she had tons of $$ with hubby #2, but he likely had children and didn’t leave it all to her. I go back and forth with Bethenny at this point. I do appreciate that she won’t go somewhere if she has her daughter with her, and considering the bad blood with Jason she can’t easily ask to switch time out. But she could solve that problem with $$. She thinks her daughter is hurting with the divorce? Then settle it. Would it require she pay out more than she thinks she should have to? Likely. But I gotta tell you, I did divorce law for years (nothing this high end though), and anytime a client complained their divorce was taking too long (or longer than their friend X), I would remind them if they agreed to everything the other side wanted now we could be done, finished. Never happened. And what’s going on in the divorce is nothing compared to what she claimed to have witnessed in her mother’s second marriage. Yeah, but Bethenny’s original “skinnygirl” margherita (sp?) had very expensive tequila, and the actual skinnygirl does not, so there’s that. However, I did think Kmart was a dig, but considering we won’t see the clothes anywhere anyway, didn’t care. I see what Heather is saying about strategies, etc., but Kmart was never in the plan for Sonja. Because she’s too stupid to realize the 99% still have to buy clothes, and so many people want to emulate anyone who is on TV, no matter how ridiculous they are. What’s the possibility Sonja hooked up with these folks just to get some free clothes and jewelry out of the deal?
  11. I could have lived without the CB2 ad in the middle of the show, because none of us think Beth or Carole would really shop there?!? And Carole is more comfortable with this guy she has known a minute than the 3 year relationship? That's why they call it the honeymoon period, you don't know enough about him to be annoyed, and you are both still trying to impress each other. The entire Carole runs for the board was fake, right? Maybe they do things differently in NYC, but where I live condo/co-op boards are elected at the unit owner annual meeting. You don't sit around your apt waiting for a call. Ramona starting shit at her dear friend's birthday party? Not much changes, including deflecting her own negative feelings onto others. Why was Sonja on the cover of that magazine? I was just checking her website, still nothing immediately available. Then I compared the diamond prices to BlueNile.com, something is off. Her prices are too good - I did find where she says all the diamonds are G-H color and VS2-s2 quality. She doesn't mention the quality of the cut, but the prices just seem too good.
  12. It looks like most of the partners went to University of South Carolina, which isn't a bad idea if you want to practice there. Her brother went to John Marshall in Chicago. Not highly ranked at all but locally considered to produce good trial lawyers, and he worked at the premier local PI firm, Corboy & Dimetrio. Not too shabby if you want that kind of practice. It looks like some of the associates went to Charleston Law, which I believe is a for profit school, possibly not ranked at all. That is a terrible school!
  13. Wow, that looks terrible. It's called a flat iron Bethenny, or a good hairbrush, something to make the hair look ok. Or maybe her hair is just ruined from I don't know what - she doesn't bleach it (thank God, looking at you again Dorinda!) or seem to use a lot of extensions.
  14. There aren't enough thumbs up for this post, for me. I was very put off by her saying the divorce was worse than her childhood. NO, just no. I was also bugged by her saying she was broke 6 years ago (and seemingly implying her step-father should have done something about that). You were NOT broke, you were living alone in a very nice one bedroom apt on the UES in NYC, an apt owned by your father (this one or bio Dad? I'm not sure) for which I don't think you paid rent. You were able to take trips, take private cars around town, you had a friend who let you stay in her Hamptons home. You chose not to have a full time job but to pursue starting a business (Bethenny bakes at that point, and tv). You had a nice life, and if you had chosen to have a full time job you would have likely had more $$. Your choice, but don't act like you lived off ramen noodles and tuna fish. Similarly, I was totally bugged by Sonja saying how her life is so difficult she has trouble some days getting out of bed. You receive a huge child support check each month for a child who lives elsewhere most of the year, you live in a multi-million dollar home on the UES in NYC. Get a fucking life Sonja! You know who has trouble getting out of bed some mornings - people who are ill, people who have to take 3 buses to a minimum wage job so they can feed their children; people who are taking care of their aged parents, etc. NOT YOU Sonja. But the “raised by wolves” line comes from long before her daughter was born. I can agree if her life was as bad as it sounds (did her mother really try to commit suicide in front of her?), but she’s bright enough to know she needs serious – not tv – therapy. Why she hasn’t gotten it is a mystery. Or maybe it hasn’t helped and she’ll always be like this. I understand Europeans are more comfortable with nudity. Sorry Ghoulina, but George, ignore her, get your ass in gear and finish the next book. You are killing us! Oh, and tell HBO to stop changing things. Not being a writer, professional or otherwise, I don’t know that I would take it that far. But it does seem to me that Carole is not so much a “writer” as someone who “writes.” She doesn’t have a set focus, she hasn’t written that much, and I think we all know she doesn’t rely on her book/article money to live on. So she bugs me when she does the “I’m a writer” stuff, especially since she's apparently comfortable with having people know she hasn't even come close to meeting her deadline. Luann would never wear that hat, or at least not at that occasion. She is always dressed for the occasion. Nice touch by Luann’s daughter to thank Bethenny for coming to her art show. That was sweet. The only person making money off the abundance candles Sonja sues are the guys who sold them to her. Seriously, she lives in her own little world.
  15. [As archer1267 said, why does anyone need to babysit Sonja? Maybe if she woke up after passing out on the floor she would make better decisions with her drinking/behavior! I suspect That has happened to Sonja many times in the past, and it hasn't been a wale-up call so far.
  16. They may not be making up the quotes, but the quotes probably look worse to non-attorneys than they do to attorneys. Believe me, if the judge wanted to say the document was fraudulent, he would have. Really, the language is formal but not indicating any shadiness on anyone's part, necessarily. Re-reading it just made me wonder if the lawyer who "witnessed" nothing was actually just a partner of whoever wrote it, so again not as bad as it sounds. Were they in someone else's office for the signing? At their apt? Not being physically present in an attorney's office to sign something isn't that horrible. And it looks like this is a combination of judge's ruling and Bethenny's pleadings - the "papers claim" language is very likely the latter and not any ruling by the Court. The beginning would also imply that there is another trustee: "Bethenny, Jason, nor the trustee" is 3 people. Hmmm...
  17. Oooh, subset, celebrities in bathrooms. I was once in a bathroom with Madonna (in the 80s, before she lost her cool). /1 /1 Never actually saw her, the restaurant had multiple individual bathrooms within the women's room. First I knew she was in the restaurant was when I came back to the table and my friend asked me, all excitedly, did you talk to Madonna? Sigh.....
  18. Hopefully she remembered that JFK Jr. is dead, but I think we mostly doubt she ever partied "with" him in the first place. Being in the same bar at the same (or different) time is not the same., well to anyone not named Sonja Tremont Morgan.
  19. Just FYI, there didn't have to be anything "shady" for the Judge to declare the document invalid. It does happen, even with the best of intentions on all sides. Not saying that there wasn't anything shady here (though I don't personally believe that his mother being the notary is evidence of shady behavior, nor do I see him being trustee as shady), but it isn't that unusual for a court to declare a document invalid. And though I don't know all the particulars, as someone else mentioned, it is unlikely that Jason was allowed to stay in the apt just because he is the trustee. Trustees have a fiduciary duty to the beneficiaries, and must act in their best interests, not the best interests of the trustee. If, as we all suspect, Brynn is at least one of the beneficiaries (with Bethenny being the other likely one), then there is a legitimate argument to be made that it is in Brynn's best interests to stay in the home she has come to know.
  20. Tamra being baptized in a swimming pool in someone's backyard? Guess even the minister realized there was a danger of the Church falling down if done there. Vicki comparing her life to Jesus on the cross? Check for delusion. Meaghan saying she would never marry an older guy and pro athlete? Jeez, he was born in 1970, he's not on social security! And honey, you are the third wife of a former pro athlete, you need to get over yourself right now. Shannon, was she there?! Vicki telling Heather that if she were a man working and her stay at home wife spent money? What the heck? Totally understand it's Vicki's insanity about money, but just once could she think like a normal person? Brooks lying? Check. THEY'RE BACK!!
  21. I think maintaining a good blog requires more work than many of the HWs are willing to do.
  22. Jo? That does make me feel better Lola16, thanks for taking one for the team.
  23. B and her "therapy." She wants Brynn to have family on "her" side, even if they are a negative influence? That is very messed up, and speaks to that she is still not dealing with the fact that her sometime to be ex has an actual, honest to God, nice, normal family! Who wishes negative family members onto their young child?!? She claims she is broken due to her family, but wants the same for her daughter?? Though she was rude as usual, B wasn't wrong about the cookie cutter look of the women at that party. Maybe it is that I come from an Irish and Italian background and grew up with a lot of Jews, but i don't think I knew that many blondes during my entire childhood - in NY! Of course, the vast majority are bottle blondes, but it is sad so many women think they MUST be blonde. (And yes, I am also looking at you Dorinda, the worst of the bottle blondes on the show). Does Carole never dress appropriately for an occasion? Or had she just gotten out of bed and hadn't had time to wash her hair? The swami and healing candles - no wonder Sonja wanted to be in California, she would fit in with that crowd. I just see that as so "not NYC" I can't get over it.
  24. $100 million in a year? Not at $45 for a 10 piece set of towels! It looks like they caved, if they were not willing to come back to the U.S. for depositions at some point the Court would have shut them down eventually.I googled, they allegedly had sheets and towels but a Groupon went so badly they refunded everyone and delivered nothing.
  25. You only notarized a signature, not initials on every page (even assuming all pages were initialed).
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